Why not just call it a $569 billion payoff to the Democrat voting base? From “student loan forgiveness” to San Francisco’s “guaranteed income” for the 72 genders to all the environmental consulting gigs, isn’t that what 90% of the political program of Democrat officials now comes down to?
A California task force studying the long-term effects of slavery and systemic racism on black residents in the state has estimated a whopping $569 billion in reparations is owed to the descendants of enslaved people, according to a report.
California never had slavery. So they’re defaulting to…
The nine-member panel concluded that black Californians whose ancestors were in the US in the 19th century are due $223,200 each due to housing discrimination practices utilized from 1933 to 1977, the New York Times reported.
Somehow we’ve gone from slavery to housing discrimination during the 1930s. Historically, California discriminated against Asians more than anyone else. And yet as a high-income group, they’re going to be stuck with much of the bill. As will Latinos. For that matter the majority of California residents were never even here back then, either they or their ancestors, yet they’re stuck with a $569 billion bill.
“We are looking at reparations on a scale that is the largest since Reconstruction,” Jovan Scott Lewis, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, who is one of the nine members, told the Times
Is Jovan expecting to get $223,200? Isn’t that a conflict of interest?
Meanwhile, this is going on.
The infant son of a California tech honcho overdosed on fentanyl he found while crawling around a playground in an upscale San Francisco neighborhood, according to his frightened father and nanny.
The 10-month-old twin, Sena, was playing with his brother at George Moscone Park in the Marina District on Tuesday afternoon when he began struggling to breathe and turned blue, his nanny Wendy Marroqui said.
Who’s going to be paying reparations for that one?
Probably they will have something like digital money accounts, where they can only draw a certain amount each month, with limits on what they can spend it on.
That facilitates the leftist objective of turning them into government slaves (the real objective of replacing cash with digital money).
To be more clear, blacks nationwide will be given a reparations account, maybe something like a foodstamps account, with a certain amount of money being put in each month, depending on what the nation can afford.
Say there are 40 million blacks in USA that qualify. $100 a month = $4 billion a month (is that right?) Probably the nation can pay that much.
Not that I advocate such, just trying to warn y’all how they will do it.
Let Newsome, and not the Taxpayers foot the bill.
The most racist people in American today are black-colored Americans.
Lived it, observed it, experienced it directly in 6 different cities over 6 decades.
Only the white descendants of the white soldiers who fought for freedom deserve reparations considerations – and that time has long passed.
We do not have a race problem in this country, we have a problem race. The truth is not racist.
My Great grandfather was a sergeant in the Union Army, he received something like $16 a month for a pension. My Grandmother always said what a horrible life he had after the civil war. Reparation is just a vote purchase by the Democratic leadership.
And by the way he lived about 30 yrs.so he collected approximately $5,760.00 dollars for fighting in the civil war that freed the slaves and held America together as a country.
Can we start with checking with slave holder Kamala “Heels Up” Harris? According to her father, Professor Donald Harris, JoJo’s whore owned over 200 slave on 5 plantations. Shouldn’t she be first in line to pony up?
John, you are 100% correct. Blacks are the most racist people walking around the US. All the data backs that claim up. Interracial crime is 85-90% black on white. It’s not just the crime against white victims. Blacks commit crime against all groups disproportionate to their numbers: gays, Hispanics, Asians, women, etc. This is all backed up by FBI statistics, DOJ, CDC, Bureau of Crime Statistics, Crime Victimization Survey, The Washington Post Crime Data Base.
Look over the past year all the attacks on Chinese, or Asian people in NYC. Every attack was by someone black. Chinese being knocked out cold by a sucker punch, pushed onto the subway rails, etc. The media ignored the color of the suspects. Biden portrayed the attacks as if it had something to do with white supremacy.
Blacks get away with it and come across as the victims. You know who I blame? These pathetic white liberals who’ve allowed it to happen by looking the other way. The same white liberals who will show their faux outrage at a fake hate crime against blacks. When a real hate crime is perpetrated by a black suspect the white liberal/media is nowhere to be found. Hollywood, Academia, Social Media, etc, have all played a role in making blacks out to be victims.
Slavery is extinct in the US and has been for well over 150 yrs. How long does it take a group of people to get their act together? Interesting that Asians and Jews, who’ve had a long history of being discriminated against (particularly Jews) are some of the most successful people. Asians and Indian folks have the highest median income in the US. Whites fall in the middle.
Yet, blacks, as a group, can’t make it, even when every government program is to their benefit.
Note: Of course I’m not referring to all blacks. Many are wonderful people and are not racist, but as a group, their pathology’s are long.
Government aid programs harm everyone. The harm done by government aid affects all racial groups, but blacks are peculiarly and disproportionately susceptible to it. This is a damning fact — an ugly truth with which we must deal.
Another ugly truth — crime and drugs create parallel economies in which black representation is disproportionate. We can destroy this parallel economy by eliminating all forms of government aid and re-establishing the rule of law to include effective borders to prevent criminal invasion and its attendant drug and sex trafficking. This would benefit everyone and help with inter-cultural and racial relations.
What I am proposing is distinctively western and Christian. It is American as originally intended in its founding. Although anyone can thrive in such an environment, it works only when it vigorously believes in itself and defends its right to exist. It does not tolerate foreign invasion or hostile beliefs (such as Islam).
All of us, including blacks, are living on the fumes of our heritage and are very lucky to do so. The time has come to develop a will to live and defend ourselves against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
After paying reparations is the slavery issue resolved to the point that it really didn’t matter? In other words, can money really fix everything and make it all go away? Is that what they are trying to decide?
It’s just another grift. It’s not supposed to make anything “right.” And it won’t be enough. It will never be enough. Pigford 1, wasn’t enough. Pigford 2 wadn’t enough. And Pigford 3 wouldn’t be enough even though Pigford 1 alone gave $50,000 to more than every black farmer in America.
It’s never enough. Even noted in ancient scriptures, it is so obvious. They get a short term high from it, but the high wears off and then they want more. It never ends.
No. The point is to destroy white people and western civilization whose accomplishments arouse envy and hatred.
If money is paid, more will be demanded. It is never enough.
The only former slaves in California are those that were enslaved by Islamofascists and Chinese, but the how are the servants going to get their masters to pony up those dollars for people that were never slaves in the first place
The thieves and criminals are in charge now.
If I identify and truly believe deep down in my heart that I am a descendant of slaves and adversely effected by dissemination, can I get a check too?
But wait! There’s more! They’re just getting started. with this reparations idea.
Apparently they’re also due reparations for “Mass incarceration, unjust property seizures, devaluation of black businesses, and health care.” Sounds expensive, lol. Ironically mass incarceration has actually happened there (Real mass incarceration with no trial, not individuals getting tried and incarcerated for committing crimes.), just not to them. Same with unjust property seizures, because the Japanese had to sell it or lose it before they were incarcerated, not because they failed to make their payments. They’re exploring novel ways to make further payouts. Free college, and apparently free health care and sweetheart business loans, at the least, to go with the $230K for their free house.
I can’t wait to see the documentation requirements and screening process to establish a claim, if there even is one. Questioning a claim could be just deemed more white supremacist systemic racism. I wouldn’t be surprised if many of the slave descendants have foreign accents. And since the $230K payout is only the beginning, I foresee a substantial influx of ‘descendants of slaves’ migrating into California.
Gavin is welcome to them, lol, and this should be entertaining to watch, from across the continent. The only downside is that when California goes T.U. from the debt, the federal government will bail them out.
Regarding the accompanying image of Maxine, I always hear two things when I see her. First I hear Aunt Esther saying, “Fish-eyed fool,” and Rodney Dangerfield saying, “The last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it!”
If you look at any FBI crime stat on any year, out of 30 violent crime categories by race, blacks lead in crime in only 3-4 on any given year. When the Lamestream society lets their cable service tell them how to think, who to vote for, how to see, touch, hear, smell, taste they will spread falsehoods, myths, lies etc for decades and will argue up down left and right that what their brainless selves hear and see on their 100 inch screens is the be all end all truth.
Can i get some reparations for the way my Irish ancestors were treated?
Father Guido Harrigan? Sounds like a bit of blarney to me.
“That phase of the takeover was started in 2008 by President Barack Obama. Throughout his eight years in office, Obama practiced divisiveness and hammered away at the Second Amendment while pouring gallons of fuel on the fire of the “Black Lives Matter” lie. His administration was rampant with corruption, pushing the envelope with every new scandal.” RICK HAYES
New York BLACK Man Who Brutally Attacked 67-Year-Old Asian Woman Sentenced 17 Years in Jail
A New York man who brutally attacked a 67-year-old Asian woman — punching her more than 125 times — was sentenced to 17 years and a half years in state prison on Tuesday.
In addition to his sentence, Tammel Esco, 42, will also be subject to five years of post-release supervision for his role in the March attack in Yonkers, New York. He pled guilty to first-degree assault as a hate crime in September.
“That phase of the takeover was started in 2008 by President Barack Obama. Throughout his eight years in office, Obama practiced divisiveness and hammered away at the Second Amendment while pouring gallons of fuel on the fire of the “Black Lives Matter” lie. His administration was rampant with corruption, pushing the envelope with every new scandal.” RICK HAYES
It is frightening how well the illogical, unsupported & scientifically unfounded justifications for so many harmful politically driven actions are accepted by the majority of people. The argument for these scams are weaker than those used by most wheedling 8 year olds.
People cannot be bothered to learn the basis of science, which is pretty simple. It is science, if, & ONLY if, it follows scientific method, & that does not include consensus. People allow politicians to mandate what medical care their physicians are allowed to give them & to take the licenses of scientifically backed physicians who disagree with the political agenda that is dangerous to their patients.
People are allowing illogical & unscientific claims to drive very dangerous & harmful decisions that affect all of us. We certainly need better standards for choosing those entitled to vote.
I am a stickler for modesty.
Every peckerwood ofay is to be issued one appropriately sized wooden barrel with suspenders.
Everything else, and I mean every material possession, is appropriated for distribution to the historically marginalized community.
Its simply justice.
The election of Barak Obama to be our president was supposed to settle the matter, and be proof prima facie that we are NOT a racist country or society. It didn’t take much time for Barak to turn that on its head.; They ignited a firestorm with the Ferguson, MO incident of the policeman defending himself from the “gentle giant,” that has only been exacerbated.
Reparations? How about Repatriation instead? Make Africa Great Again.
The proposal for reparations does not even have the rationale used for illegal immigration, which is they do jobs Americans won’t do. In fact, the government and civilians both engage in plunder. which is what this reparations plan entails. People of all colors are coming to America for merely a fair deal expecting freedom, opportunity, and the rule of law. This proposal goes against them as well as other residents. The idea is divisive and deliberately so to use human sacrifice for personal political gain. The plan calls for violence because reparations and civil war are one and inseparable. Prospective taxpayers and reparations recipients are to be set against one another. Determining which is which is complex and bound to be corrupt. Imagine a check being delivered to the billionaire Obamas having to get through the Secret Service.
What many people do not KNOW is history. Remember the slave holders both Caucasian and Negro, kept detailed records of their slaves, birth date, children man and wife. Those records are present today.Before the Civil war, LISTED in these journals, by Count, were 400,000 NEGRO salves and 600,000 CAUCASIAN Slaves. Why so many Caucasian Slaves? Negro Slaves who were sold to the slave buyers were Negros in Africa or Moslem. The slave traders paid cash for the slaves and thus had a money invested in their chattel. They costed to transport, and to make a profit was upper most in their minds” On the other hand, ENGLAND supplied the slave trade at only the cost of transportation. England emptied their jails, kidnapped people off the street (the poor who could not defend themselves) Irish captives and Scottish captives. They did this to BETTER the English society of the undesirables, the great UNWASHED. So if you are a Caucasian, most likely YOU TOO might have ancestors who were slaves and you are owed that money also. Source: WHITE SLAVERY IN AMERICA :https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=WHTE+SLAVERY+IN+AMERICA+&ia=web Lets us bankrupt stupidfornia with more than they can handle. That will teach the bolsheviks (democrats) a lesson. Pass this on to as many people as you desire, but FIRST read the links and you will be amaze of what is NOT taught in public or private schools. Present this to school boards and allow they to poop and go blind.
Seems to me from this point moving forward, any time one commits a crime, the only solution left is to kill them.
Nothing else will work, or is ‘legal’ anymore. They won’t keep them in cages where they belong anyways, so feeding the daisies is the next best answer.
I want to put old Maxi Pads, Beatlejuice, AOC and the Squad, Farrakhan and a few others to work on my farm as I walk around is a white linen suit broad white rim hat and smoke a patella cigar as I hear the cracks from my foreman driven them hard. At the end of the day clean up AOC and send her up for night duty.
One more way to keep the blacks under control by the dems and guarantee their vote
They coud always go and live in Afreeka. Oh that’s right, Afreeka is run by blecks so it is a major shithole. You know, just like all the US cities run by blecks.