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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
It wouldn’t be a speech by Old Joe Biden if it didn’t contain a lie, but this was a particularly egregious one even for the conscienceless kleptocrat who currently occupies the Oval Office. On Monday, the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 jihad attacks, Old Joe stood in Alaska, the length of a continent away from where the attacks took place and claimed to have been on the scene of the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York City on Sept. 12, 2001, the day after nearly three thousand people were killed there. There is just one problem: there is abundant evidence that Biden was in Washington on that day.
We can’t interview Corn Pop or the people who populate his innumerable other lies, but there is no doubt this time: the man who claims to be president was pulling the wool over the eyes of the American people and claiming that he carried out an act of courage and decency that he did not actually carry out. Either Biden’s dementia has rendered him so befogged that he can no longer distinguish reality from fantasy, or he is so dishonest, down to the very core of his being, that lying comes as naturally to him as breathing.
The second possibility is more likely, considering that Biden has had only a glancing relationship with the truth going all the way back to 1968, when he admitted plagiarizing a paper he wrote as a first-year law student, and has assembled a shocking long record of lying ever since then. On Monday, the unrepentant liar nevertheless tried to affect a tone of outraged righteousness as he intoned weakly: “To renew our sacred vow: never forget. Never forget. Never forget. Each of us. Each of those precious lives stolen too soon, when evil attacked.”
There he goes again. “Evil” did indeed attack on 9/11, but evil itself never actually makes an appearance, wearing archvillain tights with “EVIL” written across the chest so you know with whom you’re dealing. Evil comes instead in multiple forms, many claiming the mantle of the good, and 9/11 was no exception: on that day, the people who struck us were Islamic jihadists. They believed they were doing the work of the supreme being and would gain a place in paradise by committing mass murder on that day.
Old Joe and his regime, however, are deeply committed to the proposition that no such people exist and that the religion that animated the hijackers on that day is entirely benign, and people who adhere to it are valued members of their governing coalition. Thus he didn’t dare name the motivating ideology of the perpetrators. That would have gotten him charges of “Islamophobia.”
Biden followed up his dissimulation with his big lie of the day. “Ground Zero New York,” he continued. He paused for a moment, as if he were wondering whether he should really take the plunge and tell this whopper. In any case, he went ahead: “And I remember standing there the next day, and looking at the building. I felt like I was looking through the gates of hell, it looked so devastated, because the way you could s—, from where you could stand.” Yeah, Joe, we all saw those images on TV, just as you did, because you were in Washington on that day.
Called out on this lie, the White House Cleanup On Aisle Biden team provided evidence that Biden was part of a senate delegation that went to Ground Zero on Sept. 20, 2001, nine days after the attacks but didn’t address Old Joe’s claim that he was there on the day after. On Sept. 12, 2001, C-SPAN captured video of Biden speaking on the Senate floor about the attacks at the time he now claims to have been on the scene of those attacks.
This is unlikely to get any more attention from the establishment media than Biden’s other lies. Many will dismiss it as an honest mistake, since he was there on Sept. 20. But given the alleged president’s lengthy history of lying and the cloud that hangs over him due to unanswered questions about influence-peddling with his son, this should not be passed over in silence or cavalierly dismissed. Old Joe Biden is clearly a deeply dishonest man. The implications of that for the nation and the world are far-reaching. They should not be ignored.
WhiteHunter says
If Joseph Robinette Biden hasn’t committed Perjury every time he’s raised his right hand with his left hand on The Bible and sworn to “Preserve, Protect, and Defend the Constitution of the United States”–from the first, as a young Senator decades ago, through his Vice Presidency and now Presidency, I’d like to hear his loyal defenders. tell us exactly what that single, “anecdotal” exception was.
I can’t think of even a single exception: Not ONE where he’s spoken the Truth, acted consistently in compliance with his duties and obligations, nor even a single case where he has put our own national sovereignty, or even the security of our country and the wellbeing of our own citizens, above his own corrupt graft, bribery, and grifting, and the orders he obeys from our own most dangerous, hostile enemies, and the bribes that they wire-transfer to him and his Family (now confirmed beyond any possible dispute by the Comer Committee) from in exchange for his his Masters’ orders.
How can anyone seriously deny, or dispute, these now thoroughly proved, documented, Facts?
Bank statements, wire-transfer confirmations of tens of millions of dollars, changes of U..S. foreign-policy positions and funding with “aid,” aren’t just “evidence” to be argued and disputed in court; they are absolute PROOF.
Theil need a extra large room in his Presidential Library for all his Pinocchio’s
The March Hare says
“lying comes as naturally to him as breathing.”
Truer words were never written!
Mo de Profit says
If he had been there the day after he, and his cronies, would have gotten in the way of the real brave individuals who worked tirelessly to save lives.
Politicians are *#*$#¥$*
Onzeur Trante says
Is it only me, or are the Biden & Co. lies coming fast and furious now?
Kit_Jefferson says
In Old Joe’s fantasy world he is the world’s greatest authority on everything and has done and seen everything there is to see and do. In the real world he’s nothing but a senile old thief and braggart.
Kasandra says
“It wouldn’t be a speech by Old Joe Biden if it didn’t contain a lie….” Let me suggest a correction. “It wouldn’t be a speech by Old Joe Biden if it didn’t contain many lies….” There, fixed it for you. BTW, not only did he lie in that speech, he once again plagiarized. The “gates of Hell” line was cribbed by Joe from a 2021 statement by Hillary Clinton who described what she saw during a helicopter tour of Ground Zero as being like looking into the gates of Hell. You can’t teach a dumb, dishonest, lying, plagiarizing, corrupt dog new tricks.
Wallace says
Was this before he beat up Cornpop? worked as a professor of Poli_Sci at Uni of Penn? asking for a friend
ed says
Is Biden incapable of knowing the difference between reality and fantasy?
Jo says
No comment. Just want to receive Front Page Newsletters
Patricia says
Biden is a life long sociopath I believe jr does know he lies but he enjoys it like Obama he believes he is above the word and meaning of “lie”
Most malignant narcissist do.
Roark says
Dirty Joe is the Psychopath-in-Chief. Lying is like breathing to him.
AF-22 says
Lying is the way of life for Joe Biden. The problem with his lying now on the world stage is it reflects badly on our Country. The whole world knows that our selected president is a lying incompetent old fool that is not in full control of the United States presidency. These are dangerous times. Those that put him in office, keep him in office, operate behind the scenes, and those that fail to do their jobs as “journalists”have a lot to account for in their lives! They too have sold out America with everyone of their lies, including lies of omission. The whole world is watching this train wreck known as the Biden Administration! The trust and faith of at least half of the country in the US government is broken, not soon to heal! America’s recovery as a trusted government for her citizens and dependable ally around the world will be long and difficult!
Tim Stolzer says
If it is not clear by now, let me pull the curtain back. To the Left, there is no difference between a lie and the truth…they are both just a tool used to achieve whatever results that best serves their agenda. There is not any moral or ethical connection to ither….just another tool !
NAVY ET1 says
Biden bold-faced lying each time he speaks is how many of us know he’s still alive and not a stunt double. When the bastion of liberal lunacy (CNN) does a five minute piece on all of his lies, you know that the fact checkers have given up and his political days are numbered. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the attempt is made to use dementia as a “get out of jail free” card for grandpa.
RS says
Times and laws are being changed by Executive order. The Congress is not making or passing passing any of these new edicts to live by. Totally out of control now.
Look at the edict that was issued against the Jewish people in Esther’s day. It seems History repeats itself. Haman launched psychological weapons against the Jews, and we find ourselves in the situation in the hands of the enemy who is trying to get back at God by attacking His people. This is not the government people voted for.