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Much of the efforts behind DEI and the like are pushed by guilt-ridden white liberals. They are doing the black community no favors.
In the last generation, new ideas and concepts have been thrown around to supposedly help disadvantaged groups finally get ahead. Some common terms:
*White privilege
*White Guilt/White Fragility/White Rage
*No Cash Bail
One cannot and should not deny the horror of slavery or the intense bigotry of previous generations. The problem is that the US is a different and better country today, and most Americans hold no hatred in their hearts. Reverse bigotry disguised as “anti-racism” or “equity” will not fix any social problem and only makes society less cohesive.
The basic premise on the left is that whites have had unfair structural advantages in society that have prevented “people of color” and other newer groups like trans from succeeding in a white-favored world. That there are very poor whites in Appalachia or very wealthy blacks in Hollywood does not enter into promoters’ generalizations and concepts. Much of the effort behind these misguided and bigoted (against whites, Jews and some other disfavored groups) efforts is driven by white and often quite wealthy liberals. People like George Soros have poured fortunes into “equity” programs or in support of DAs who either do not charge and/or release criminals for the purpose of supposedly addressing historical wrongs. Leaders like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, both extremely wealthy, have spearheaded funding and programs to supposedly finally fix the failures in black and other minority communities. Remember that Joe Biden said that “equity” and not equality would be the foundational principle of his administration. Equality means that everyone is treated the same; equity means that certain groups are “more equal than others” and get advantages based on specious external considerations like race that have no relationship to required performance. In DEI, we all lose—including those who supposedly benefit from being given a leg up when they find out that they are not ready for their future tasks.
I do my best not to think about Claudine Gay, the deposed former president of my alma mater, Harvard. But let’s just think about her for a moment. Harvard has the resources, connections and prestige to get pretty much anyone on the globe to serve as its president. The president of Harvard in the past was considered unofficially the de facto leader on educational issues in the US. He or she spoke, and The New York Times reported. Claudine Gay had 11 academic papers of questionable quality and no books when she was elevated from dean to president. She was accused of plagiarism by peers who claimed that she lifted their ideas. She let antisemitism run rampant on the Harvard campus and had a hard time condemning it as the actions of the students mirrored the victim/victimizer ideology that she and others supported at Harvard. Should the protesters have been directing their hatred and threats towards blacks, illegal aliens, trans, or gays, she would have shut down the protests and shown participating students the door.
So thinking about Claudine Gay for just one moment, one has to ask: is this the best that DEI could produce? Fine, they needed to conjure up a liberal president. But in all of the world and certainly in all of American academia, the best that the DEI anti-white, anti-Jewish bigotry machine could come up with was a black woman with a handful of questionable academic papers? The same could be asked of Kamala Harris. If one listens to one of her famous word salads in which she repeats the same words over and over again and says nothing of consequence, he will again ask: this is vice-presidential material? There are clearly far more articulate and thoughtful black women (as that was the default requirement to be Joe Biden’s running mate) than a woman who could cackle during a funeral. Why does DEI produce such lousy candidates if its goal is supposedly to advance deserving people who have been denied opportunities because of structural obstacles directed against their race, sex, sexual orientation or color?
The goal of DEI and the other terms previously listed is control and not improving anyone’s lot. How many millions did Black Lives Matter receive from corporate and personal donations? $90 million in 2020 alone. Can you list tangible improvements they made to the lives of blacks in America? It is alleged that one executive took $10 million for himself, while another bought several homes for herself. And what of the criminals released or those whose bail was set to zero by Soros DAs and go back to commit more crime? They often terrorize minority communities more than any other group. Students let into Harvard and other schools due to reduced expectations and standards will simply have to face the music later in their careers when some employer or situation does not care about their color but only results and performance. United wants a diverse pilot fleet; its passengers in the back only want to get to their destinations safely. If United’s goal does not fit with its passengers’ wishes, then they better learn how to haul freight only.
If you truly want to help black and other historically “disadvantaged” groups, then hold them to the same standards as everybody else. Yes, fewer will get into Harvard or become pilots, but the ones who succeed will go far and hopefully encourage others to reach the highest levels of performance. Lowering standards, enforcing DEI diktats, releasing criminals based on race: none of these actions have made black lives better or societies more cohesive and successful. It may make liberals’ consciences feel better but it has not led to more black wealth, safer cities, or truly improved performance of minorities. Just as the $20 minimum wage in the food industry in California has led to 10,000 fewer food workers, DEI leads to worse overall outcomes for the people and societies it pretends to help.
While using the same standards for all might be called discriminatory because ultimately fewer minority candidates will make the cut for a position at Harvard or a job afterwards, in the end the numbers will grow without sacrificing standards or risking passengers or patients. DEI, white guilt, etc. are not designed for making minority lives better; they exist to allow liberals to go to sleep at night because they feel less guilty about their own success and wealth. If they truly want blacks and other minority groups to succeed, then they should hold all to one standard—equality—and support charter schools and other vehicles that help better prepare students for truly succeeding and not just getting by via reduced expectations. There is much that needs fixing in the black community, including most children being born out of wedlock and many fathers in jail. DEI at the end of the process will not fix that which is broken from the beginning. Americans want their fellow citizens to succeed—on a level and fair playing field.
Lethal says
Similar situation in Australia. Blacks can enter University with lower scores than whites have to achieve. Surely if a black person is capable of studying medicine for example, they will do so, so why are they given an easier ride to University than whites? They may start to study medicine but drop-out when they find it too hard. That means that they have stopped a capable white person from studying medicine because there are limited places in uni to study medicine. A friend who is part-Aboriginal is a QANTAS captain who got there by his own capability, not by being given an easy ride into the job. As is pointed out , the day they start lowering standards for pilots will be the day I stop flying.
It is not fair that capable white people are pushed aside to allow an incapable black an opportunity. neither is it fair to put unachievable expectations on a black person.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Yes, meritocracy is needed in order to really progress. If a society uses aa, it is not natural and actually hinders societal progress.
The day United Airlines announced a couple years ago they were going to start using skin color as a prerequisite for newbie pilots, we decided to stop flying commercially before those newbie pilots were granted pilot seat. Selecting by skin color is dumb at so many levels.
Madame DeFarge says
Why is it necessary to say in one form or another”slavery was terrible but” at the beginning of every article about blacks in the media? Is it supposed to provide coverage from the “evil racist” attempted slur? 160 years has passed, move on!
Rob A says
Slavery in the United States still exists except nowadays it’s no longer call it slavery. In Modern day America, slavery exists under the guise (ruse) of welfare, affirmative action, public housing, DEI, etc., etc.
Think about it. If democrats didn’t maintain a population of “willing” slaves, who would vote for them? Moreover, now that their traditional population of slaves (blacks) are starting to wise up and are leaving the democrat party, what are the democrats doing about it? Importing a new population of “slaves” from all over the world and handing them welfare checks and signing them up to vote for democrats.
And just to be clear, the most insidious form of slavery is volunteer slavery. Proof? What would you call a person who’s on the government dole and living in public housing? Mind you, America is a first world country and slavery is against the law.
Volunteer slavery can also be framed as mental slavery. An addiction to a welfare check is a self imposed state of mind. That is to say, “mental slavery” is a voluntary addiction in the same way as any other addiction.
Democrats are the purveyors (pushers) of welfare and all the other government “goodies” that entices people to volunteer to become, per the above description, “slaves.” And guess who gets the “privilege” of paying for it? Do I have to ask?
ResearcherMO says
You have it backwards, the real slaves are the taxpayers footing the bill for the welfare people.
Steve Chavez says
At the University of NM, there is now a class on Whiteness Studies. In their class description, it says that it is not an attack on Whites and then later, reading between the lines, that’s what it’s all about!
Transgender Studies too?
SAVE BILLIONS by getting rid of all classes and degrees that have STUDIES in the title! They’re now to recruit protesters and Democrats…. and to ruin DREAMS since the student was going to major in Engineering and is then recruited and now changing majors to Women’s Studies thinking they are going to change the world. Dreams, their parent’s Dreams, now a SCREAMING PSYCHOTIC with purple and green hair, tattoos, piercings, and siding with Communists and terrorists!
Greg says
Stop blaming whites for the sorry state of race relations? That’ll happen when Subaru-driving white women named Karen (or Megan or Becky) stop fetishizing black “disadvantage” as a substitute for their battery-operated sex toys.
Kasandra says
If I may suggest a correction, the column states: “Leaders like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, both extremely wealthy, have spearheaded funding and programs to supposedly finally fix the failures in black and other minority communities.”. Shouldn’t that read: “Leaders like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, both extremely wealthy, have spearheaded funding and programs to supposedly finally fix the failures in black and other minority communities with other people’s money.”? Also, I doubt that Leftists believe that without lowering standards the number of minorities in prestigious positions will naturally grow. If they did, they would not continue to push for ever more programs of racial preferences after half a century of them.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
A mere sidebar: Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi indeed are “extremely” wealthy brings a chuckle.
Each of these individuals has spent 99.8% of their adult lives working in not highly compensated government positions; nothing really special until Joe took the presidency. Yet, despite their somewhat middle-class incomes, they managed to become ‘extremely’ wealthy.
We now have documented evidence on how Joe got his ‘extreme’ wealth and Nance merely gave hubby some insider information. Martha Stewart must have seriously offended someone to have been punished for her small offense.
Intrepid says
“There is much that needs fixing in the black community,
That statement alone is what is wrong with the “help the blacks get ahead” mindset.
We have been at this since the 1960s……since the Civil Rights act was passed. And then blacks figured out how to turn it into a grift. And then came affirmative action. And welfare and now DEI. And a whole host of virtue signaling holidays, like Juneteenth. And a bunch of unqualified black judges and prosecutors practicing lawfare.
So has anything changed? Obviously not. It’s so bad now that blacks and virtue signaling whites pinned their hopes on the ultimate grifter….Barack Obama. Did he help blacks get ahead. Race relations are worse than ever.
Shelby Steele has written that Blacks must learn to live in a free society, because they have been free since the Civil War.
The Great Society grift must end
Kasandra says
These programs are how the Democrats keep blacks on the plantation. And unfortunately, it largely works.
Intrepid says
The Shelby Steele quote bears repeating.
Mike says
People who were not slaves demanding money from people who were not slave owners.
What could possibly go wrong?
Jackson and Sharpton need to stop looking for Scapegoats and started looking at themselves and their own behavior the same for Farrakhan to and Spike Lee needs to stop trying to whip up violence as well
Kasandra says
Don’t expect that. They have a lucrative grift going.
Snowfrog says
Here is the reality. Mostly whites, Asians and Latinos have housed and fed millions of irresponsible blacks ( welfare assistance mothers who continue to have babies that the state supports). Then, the blacks blame whites for not giving them the opportunities that they deserve. Blacks invent ways to manipulate whites by suckering them by “white guilt”.
Lilly white liberals fall for it and you get Joe Biden who exploits this irrational scenario.
Why don’t blacks thank the taxpayers by being responsible caretakers of what they have been given? If they can’t take care of their own communities whose fault is it? The Affirmative action programs are in the trillions of dollars and have made no contribution to improving the quality of life.
If Americans weren’t so pathetically gullible this would have ended years ago. The plantation was created and maintained by Democrats but the blacks totally ignore this less they lose their government benefits.
Only courage will right this catastrophe which is terribly lacking in the minds of most Americans. There is no honor for sheep, but the spoils will go to the courageous.
Alex Gofen says
“Guilt-ridden white leftists are doing the black community no favors?!”
It’s long overdue already to think about the self-preservation of the WHITE community – !
Robert L. Kahlcke says
She/He whatever, was WHELPED from a SWINE (pig)..
Walter Sieruk says
One thing is for sure the very idea of paying reparations to the descendants of former slaves from old South is absurd nonsense.
Just look at the facts that the Southern slaveholders are all long dead and buried. Likewise, the slaves they held are all dead and buried.
The fact is that Black people living in American in this century and in last century had never been slaves, unlike some of the grandfathers had been
It’s wrong as some to blame all White people for the sins of a few did in the past or the present.
In the old South when slavery was legal, very few Whites had enough money to buy slaves; many Whites in Old South were poor. Of course, hat only a few on that many South Whites actually had slaves by comparison, that did not make the practice of slavery in America right. Still the entire story need to be made clear to keep things in perspective.
Once during the civil war one feudal solider asked a Confederate soldier “Since you come from very poor family and doesn’t own any slaves, then why are you fighting for the Confederacy ?’ To that question the Confederate soldier replied because you’re down here.”
As for the North, it was legal and common practice of wealthy Americans who had been drafted to pay a poor White man to take in place in the Union army. As my great grandfather had done.
In the passing of time through that, war many of the soldiers on both sides of that “War between the States” had become bitter and complained that this awful violent deadly conflict was “A rich man’s war but a poor man’s fight.”
Walter Sieruk says
All that wasted time that some Black people do complaining about not getting any reparations for something they didn’t suffer but some of their grandfathers who had been slaves had suffered. Come on to far too late for their grandparents to get reparations, they were the ones who deserved some money payback. Not their grandchildren.
What all those modern complainers need to do and should do is look to many of the modern Chinese Americans who also had their grandfathers terribly mistreated and abused by given the worse and most dangerous jobs with little pay in the construction of the Pacific Railroad.
Likewise, their grandfathers had been given the very worse difficult backbreaking dangerous jobs in the mines of the Western States. In the city of San, Francisco during much of the 1800’s the Chinese hand been limited to life, or exist, in the ghettos of that city.
The point is that no one hears the Chinese alive today complaining about the awful treatment of the grandparents. .One of the. Reasons for this is that they are too busy in working to establish or have now established an entrepreneurship of a business. For just complaining about long past wrongs is a complete waste of time and effort the can be put in and investment in a business.
The Black people may look to the Chinese of America and a role model for how to get ahead in life.
Kasandra says
Looking to the Chinese or other Asians in America just infuriates blacks. People used to tell blacks that discrimination wasn’t what was holding them back and would hold up the Jews as an example of a people that overcame discrimination. Black would respond that Jewish achievement was due to them being white and people couldn’t tell who the Jews were so it wasn’t a fair comparison. Well, okay, suppose that is the case. But you certainly can tell who is Asian and they are largely successful. So that gives the lie to the argument that the society is racist and that blacks haven’t achieved more because of white racism. They hate that.
Andrew Blackadder says
When I heard this white American Lesbian mention that black folks in America are still oppressed today I had to mention to her that perhaps black folks in America today should learn that success is the best revenge and she quickly came back with black folks not having that choice to make…
Ya ant fix that kind of racist pandering bullshit.
At least she aint black… LOL.
Andrew Blackadder says
Reparations to ALL Negroes in America have already been paid though they are called Affirmative Action Programs, Welfare, and Section 8 Housing..
Any questions ?.
Beez says
11 plagiarized journal articles. This enrages me.