The radical Islamic state of Iran is leading a global movement calling for a second Holocaust — the elimination of Israel from the face of the earth. The Islamic terrorist organizations Hizbollah and Hamas are calling on Muslims to destroy the Jewish state and kill the Jews in those exact words. And on campuses across the United States, radical professors and student groups are lining up to support the genocide.
The day Israeli troops left Gaza – a territory that has been used as a launching pad for three aggressive wars against the Jewish state – Hamas terrorists began a three-year campaign of rocket attacks on Israel that was only halted by an Israeli counter attack, which began in December 2008. As Israel was defending itself from these Hamas attacks, University of California Sociology professor William Robinson assembled pictures university administrators described as “lurid” of Nazis persecuting Jews and emailed them to all the students in his course on globalization along with a diatribe about how the Israeli soldiers fighting Hamas terrorists were no different from fascist troops in World War II destroying the city of Warsaw.
Robinson’s propaganda message had no educational context, was unrelated to the subject of the course, and allowed for no alternative viewpoints. It had nothing to do with education. It was purely an act of aggression, part of an intensifying war against the Jews that has broken out on many fronts across American higher education:
The campus war against Israel and the Jews, with its ominous overtones of the 1930s, is both a reflection of the Middle East conflict and something much more: an effort by radical groups to stigmatize America and the west by stigmatizing Israel. This campus conflict has been building for several years, as radical professors and student groups have targeted Israel and the Jewish students who defend it. But in the aftermath of 9⁄11, as Israel became a front line state in the war on terror, this campus war has intensified. Students, particularly Jews, who refuse to join the attack on Israel are not only criticized; they are subjected to hatred and intimidation.
At one level it is a war of symbols: campuses are adorned with banners in which the Star of David is joined to the swastika by an equal sign; as Israel is the only Jewish state and was created against the backdrop of the Nazi Holocaust, this is a hate crime in itself; student governments and academic senates push measures for disinvestment based on the blood libel that Israel – the only democratic state in the Middle East — is morally equivalent to the racist apartheid regime of South Africa; in a cynical reversal of the Biblical story, the genocide inciting Islamic world, enabled becomes David and tiny and outnumbered Israel becomes Goliath.
The conflict increasingly features the threat of real, as opposed to merely rhetorical violence. Pro-jihad groups such as the Muslim Students Association, an organization that supports Hamas and is part of the Muslim Brotherhood network which now has hundred of campus chapters and regularly sponsors fundamentalist Islamic prophets of hate, have dropped the pretense that it is only Israel and not Jews that are in their gun sights. In demonstrations at UCLA, its members showed that there is no such distinction as they chanted “Death to Israel!” in almost the same breath as “Death to the Jews!” At a pro Palestinian demonstration at UC Irvine, MSA members threaten Jewish students with violence and chase them off campus.
Stopping the Campus War Against Israel and the Jews
Until now, the unholy campus alliance of Muslim supporters of the Islamic jihad and secular radicals at war with America, have been winning these battles. In large part this is because of the support they receive from faculty members who use their classrooms to reinforce the virulent anti-Israel and anti-American messages of the jihad. They are abetted by administrators, who otherwise rigorously punish even the suspicion of “hate speech” but are so cowed by the campus left that they refuse to apply similar standards to the Jew-haters on their faculties and among their campus organizations. But the real problem is that this campus war has been going on for so long now and has been so one-sided that it has created a culture of stigma for Israel and the Jewish students who support it or who criticize the genocidal ambitions of Hamas and other Islamo Fascist groups involved in the Palestinian cause.
During the week of October 12-16, 2009 the David Horowitz Freedom Center is organizing a nationwide protest whose theme will be “Stop the Campus War Against Israel the Jews.” We intends to attack the culture of stigma that has placed a target on the back of every Jew attending a college and to support students who are standing up to the hate and fighting back. We will do this in several ways:
The centerpiece of the Freedom Center’s campaign to “Stop the Campus War Against Israel and the Jews” will be a week-long series of demonstrations . Based on the Center’s successful “Islamo Fascism Awareness Weeks,” these teach ins will feature films, lectures, and panel discussions with figures such as Nonie Darwish, Yossi Ohlmert, Robert Spencer, Daniel Pipes, and myself. By revealing the irrational hatred of the left’s attack on Israel, and documenting its anti Semitic overtones and its support for terrorist groups, this week of demonstrations will win space for an honest discussion of Israel and the Middle East conflict and of the objectives of the campus left in our universities.
For more information, go to” By revealing the irrational hatred of the left’s attack on Israel, and documenting its anti Semitic overtones and its support for terrorist groups, this week of demonstrations will win space for an honest discussion of Israel and the Middle East conflict and of the objectives of the campus left in our universities.
How to Participate:
There are numerous ways in which you can participate in our fall campaign. The centerpiece of our campaign will be a weeklong series of speakers, demonstrations and teach-ins during the week of October 12-16 which we have called “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week IV: Stop the Campus War Against Israel and the Jews,” but even if you can’t participate during these dates because of other commitments, there are many other ways in which you can assist our efforts and join the campaign.
Participation in the Stop the Campus War Against Israel and the Jews campaign can include:
Some student organizers will be eager to host several of these suggested events on campus, combining them into a week-long teach-in program. Others may feel that their time only permits one or two activities. Whatever your schedule, we encourage you to participate in the Stop the Campus War Against Israel and the Jews campaign to the extent that you are able. Even hosting a film screening can go a long way towards waking up a campus to the scary truth of campus anti-Semitism.
We have assembled a list of excellent speakers that you may want to invite to your campus. They are available during the week of October 12th and are prepared to deliver dynamic presentations on Islamo-Fascism, Israel, and the campus war against the Jews. Click on each of the speaker names to see a short bio. Please contact our campus director, Jeff Wienir, for assistance with invitations, scheduling, honorarium information, and ideas for other suggested speakers. This is a suggested list, and by no means are you limited to inviting just these people. If you have someone in mind that you would like to invite that is not on this list, contact us and we’ll help you invite them and set up an event.
One of the simplest ways to take part in the Stop the Campus War Against the Jews campaign is to screen a film about anti-Semitism on your campus. The David Horowitz Freedom Center and its Terrorism Awareness Project (TAP) will provide several films which can be screened on your campus during Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week and will also provide you with sample posters advertising the screening and talking points on each film. We encourage you to show more than one of these films on your campus during the Week. We will provide organizers with a DVD copy of each movie that you plan to screen free of charge.
The Case for _Israel_: Democracy’s Outpost
The Path to 9⁄11
Islam: What the West Needs to Know
Among the materials we have provided for this fall’s campaign is a Petition to Oppose Campus Anti-Semitism which documents the Islamo-fascists’ plans to destroy the state of Israel and exterminate the Jews. It also highlights recent anti-Semitic incidents on American campuses and calls on all campus political, cultural, ethnic and religious groups to repudiate these genocidal threats and to oppose all forms of religious supremacism, violence and intimidation of Jews and other ethnic and religious groups on campus.
We encourage you to make a specific effort to bring this statement to your student government and to campus cultural and political groups and to ask the individuals belonging to these groups to sign it. This should be done in the weeks leading up to Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week. If they refuse, ask them why they would refuse to sign a statement acknowledging the abuse of the Jews and the state of Israel and supporting students’ right to freedom of conscience. Keep a record of the responses that you get and consider publicizing them during the Week.
A signature drive is an excellent protest tactic for several reasons. First, it is a very easy and cost-effective way to draw attention to the issues at hand. Second, the petition can serve as an advertisement for other events, such as film screenings and panel discussions (when you ask students to sign the Petition, hand them a flyer about the other activities you have planned throughout the week). Perhaps most importantly, the Petition forces students and faculty to declare their allegiances: either to fighting our terrorist adversaries or failing to take action to stop our enemies.
The text of the Petition is available both as an appendix to this Guide and at our website at
We’ve published and compiled a series of pamphlets for you to distribute on campus during the week, at speaking engagements, and at film screenings. These pamphlets are also good to have as ammunition when there are pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel events being held on campus by other groups. We’d like to thank Stand With Us, a great pro-Israel advocacy organization, for providing us with copies of two of their excellent pamphlets.
To obtain a packet with a copy of each pamphlet, email us at [email protected] with your mailing address, and we’ll send it to you immediately. Here are the pamphlets we’ll include:
David Horowitz Freedom Center Pamphlets:
Stand With Us Pamphlets:
To advertise Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, we have created a flyer picturing students looking at an “Apartheid Wall” at UC Irvine. These walls, which have been displayed on campuses across Amerca, are striking symbols of the campus war against Israel and the Jews. We recommend that you paper the campus with these flyers several times over the course of the fall semester and particularly during the week of October 12-16. The flyer can be downloaded from our website, You may decide to create your own fliers for particular events, and if so, please send us a copy so we can see what you’ve come up with.
You can download the flyer HERE
Media Exposure and Funding:
To ensure that your activism gets the greatest media exposure and attention possible, we strongly encourage you to appoint a communications director/press secretary whose job it will be to attract campus and local media attention. Communications directors will also work directly with our office to promote these events. Current information on the Stop the Campus War Against Israel and the Jews campaign will be posted at
It is important for each student group to request funds from Student Activities funds to support the Stop the Campus War Against Israel and the Jews campaign. Even if the request is denied, the battle over these funds will focus attention on the political message of the protests and will generate publicity for the events themselves. If your organization does not have funds to bring in a keynote speaker, please remember that there are many low or no-cost ways to participate in the campaign including hosting a film screening, distributing literature on campus, or conducting a petition drive to oppose campus anti-Semitism.
Whereas the radical Islamic state of Iran is leading a global movement calling for a second Holocaust – the elimination of Israel from the face of the earth;
Whereas a new genocide of the Jews is being prepared by Islamo-fascists in the Arab Middle East;
Whereas the Islamic terrorist organizations Hizbollah and Hamas are calling on Muslims to destroy the Jewish state and kill the Jews;
Whereas Islamic sacred texts call for the genocide of the Jews, and Islamist Imams echo these proclamations ;
Whereas radical professors and student groups on campuses across the United States have pledged their support to organizations and leaders that seek the extermination of the Jewish people;
Whereas these same campuses frequently host individuals and organizations that demonize the Jewish people and the state of Israel while only rarely showcasing speakers who defend Israel and the Jews;
Whereas recent campus incidents have demonstrated the contempt of faculty members and radical student organizations for Jewish students and the state of Israel;
These incidents include:
At the University of California-Santa Barbara, sociology professor William Robinson assembled over 40 lurid photographs of Nazis persecuting Jews and Israeli soldiers fighting Hamas terrorists and emailed them to all the students in his globalization course along with a diatribe about how the Israeli soldiers fighting Hamas terrorists were no different from fascist troops in World War II destroying the city of Warsaw.
At the University of Rochester, protesters held a sit-in during Israel’s defensive war in Gaza and succeeded in intimidating school administrators into backing a demand for the university to divest from companies doing business with “the Israeli war machine.”
In November of 2008, a concert organized by the Zionist Freedom Alliance at UC-Berkeley as part of Israel Liberation Week turned violent, when members of the Students for Justice in Palestine draped flags of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) from a banner directly over the stage. When a Jewish member of the Freedom Alliance tried to remove the flags he was assaulted and punched in the head by a member of Students for Justice in Palestine. Witnesses to the incident reported that the SJP members shouted anti-Semitic curses and death threats during the incident, calling the Jewish students Nazis and dogs, and threatening their lives.
At University of California Irvine graduation ceremonies, members of the Muslim Students Union wear green stoles mimicking those of suicide bombers with the Arabic word shahada (“martyr”) printed on them.
Columbia professor Joseph Massad has declared that “The Jews are not a nation…The Jewish state is a racist state that does not have a right to exist”
Whereas professors and lecturers at campuses across America teach that Israel is the aggressor and Palestine the victim in the Middle East and refuse to allow their students to dissent from this position.
We hereby affirm:
The right of all people to live in freedom and dignity
Our support for law-abiding citizens of Israel in the face of a violent and undeserved terrorist threat
The right of all students to freedom of conscience in deciding where their sympathies lie in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict
The right of all Jewish students, regardless of their position on the Middle East conflict, to express their beliefs without fear of threat or violence.
We call upon all campus political, cultural, ethnic and religious groups to stand with us in opposing all forms of religious supremacism, violence and intimidation of Jews and other ethnic and religious groups.
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