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There is no doubt about it: these are strange times, and getting stranger. Men are pretending to be women and everyone having to fall into line and hail their femininity. There is a thoroughly mendacious kleptocrat in the throes of severe dementia who is pretending to be president of the United States. As the clouds of war gather, our military brass is learning about why white people are evil and why men who pretend to be women must be humored at all costs. And the strangeness isn’t even limited to the human world. It is affecting animals as well, as the extraordinarily strange deaths of some cattle in Texas remind us anew.
The Madison County Sheriff’s Office in Texas published a notice on Facebook Wednesday about this bizarre case. Local ranchers notified the sheriff’s office when they discovered “a 6-year-old longhorn-cross cow” that “had been found lying on her side, deceased, and mutilated on their ranch.” The mutilation was not what you might expect if it had been done by, say, fanatical Leftist anti-meat activists who wanted to deter people from eating beef, although such people could conceivably have been behind this.
The mutilation, in fact, was quite simply unworldly: “A straight, clean cut, with apparent precision, had been made to remove the hide around the cow’s mouth on one side, leaving the meat under the removed hide untouched. The tongue was also completely removed from the body with no blood spill.” How does one remove the hide around the cow’s mouth and take out its tongue without shedding any blood? And the story just gets weirder from there.
The sheriff’s office continued: “It was noted there were no signs of struggle and the grass around the cow was undisturbed.” On top of that, “no footprints or tire tracks were noted in the area.” And the area scavengers, who ordinarily would have feasted on a dead cow, were not interested in this one: “Ranchers also reported that no predators or birds would scavenge the remains of the cow, leaving it to decay untouched for several weeks.”
As bizarre as all this was, it wasn’t even a singular incident: “While looking into the longhorn-cross’ death, five other similar occurrences involving four adult cows and one yearling were reported along the area of OSR [a Texas state highway] running into Brazos County as well as Robertson County. Each incident occurred in different locations, pastures, and herds.” All of these were mutilated in the same way: “The other cows were found in the same condition, lying on one side with the exposed side of their face cut along the jaw line and the tongue, once again, completely removed.”
On two of these five cows, however, there was more: “a circular cut was made removing the anus and the external genitalia. This circular cut was made with the same precision as the cuts noted around the jaw lines of each cow. Just like the first, there were no signs of struggle or disturbance in the grass, no blood spill, and no noticeable tracks. No predators or birds would scavenge the remains for several weeks after death.” Even stranger, the Madison County Sheriff’s Office notes that “multiple similar incidents have been reported across the United States and we are actively coordinating with other agencies to find answers.”
No answers have been forthcoming so far. And the facts of the case are relentlessly strange that it is easy to look for dramatic and unverifiable explanations. Satan worshippers? Demons? Space aliens?
Whatever the real explanation may be, it is noteworthy that these mutilated cows are being found at a time when there have been several mass deaths of cattle. In mid-April, according to CBS News, a fire broke out on a family farm in west Texas, “killing about 18,000 cows that were worth millions of dollars and injuring one worker….Castro County Sheriff Salvador Rivera said the explosion and fire were likely caused by overheated equipment.”
That followed the mysterious deaths of thousands of cattle in Kansas in June 2022. Their deaths were blamed on the heat, but it was not an unusually hot month, and numerous people with farming experience were skeptical of the official explanation.
Meanwhile, Leftist environmentalists insist we should all eat bugs because cows are destroying the environment. Are they destroying the cows in Madison County and elsewhere? But if so, why the strange ritualistic mutilation? Add this one to the many strange stories of our weird age.
Apart from the self obsessed vegans and vegetarians, the main opposition to cows is the methane emissions.
The amount of methane is 0.00017% of the atmosphere and cows produce a tiny percentage of that minuscule percentage.
Ask an environmentalist to explain how a tiny fraction of 0.00017% can cause global warming?
Vegans and vegetarians are not anti-cow. They’re pro-cow, and against slaughtering them.
They would be happier to have no cows at all because they are not “natural”
Not all vegans are smelly and obnoxious, cattle are vegan and they are quite pleasant and delicious.
Vegans emit more methane than meat eaters too.
Specially when they blow hot air about climate change.
So have some cows come live in your house, you weirdo.
The same way .4 % of general populace who can’t figure out their God-given biological plumbing demand to be taken seriously.
This has been going on for a long time. It is not related to climate change, illegal aliens, or any of the ideas on this forum. Even the OP seems to have failed to research this. Please search out articles by Linda Moulton Howe in order to come up to speed.
I heard about this story on Newsmax and Real America’s Voice. The details sound like bullshit to me. I don’t believe them and I notice no videos or photos have been featured anywhere. And if cows really are being mutilated in Texas I GUARANTEE it’s an illegal alien responsible.
If I tell you we had a similar thing happening over here in France, over a period of time, done to horses, not cows, but bearing the signs of ritualistic mutilations.. Eyes gouched out, etc.., no need to go into detail.. would this still sound like b-s to you? Who ever the perpetrators are, human or superhuman, these incidents are real.
I am 68 years old. This was going on in Colorado when I was in high school in 1970’s. We lost two head off our own ranch to this. Very strange. There were about 22 head of cows total in the county that were found with udders, ears, sometimes genitalia removed with surgical precision. Later in the eighties, this was happening in parts of Wyoming and Montana. I recently read an article about it going in in Australia as well. An article in the Fort Morgan Colorado times from 2018 documents some of this. Another from “Pacific Northwest” does as well, dated 2021.
Did you see any videos or photos?
Of course, you said it happened on your ranch, so my question about videos or photos is asinine. Sorry.
I still have trouble to believe this shit, though.
I don’t know about that French stuff.
I’m a born skeptic who knows most people are liars.
There’s no way the details of this cow mutilation story are true. And why isn’t there any video or photos? Pure bullshit, no pun intended.
Tucker Carlson shows photos and video in a long form story he did on the topic recently. You can find the video online.
I’ll look for that.
There were mysterious cattle deaths and mutilations years ago, and then they seemed to stop until now.
Illegal aliens are not to blame. The precision of the mutilations is what seems “otherworldly.”
And the emphasis upon mouth, anus and genitalia. Perverted and disordered sex is an ancient feature of demon possession and worship.
I don’t believe that anus stuff. How do you cut out a hole?
The details of this story are obvious bullshit and that’s why they haven’t bee substantiated.
Jeff, it IS weird and has outlandish features about it. You are right and sane to be skeptical. If it IS happening, it is very evil.
And everyone has a phone camera. If I came upon something like that, I would definitely take pictures.
Why aren’t the usual scavengers eating the remains? Why are there no footprints or tire tracks?
Because the stories are fake.
An illegal alien with surgical skill, huh?
Many wetbacks work in slaughter houses, dipshit. Most every employee in the Omaha stockyards is a wetter. I used to live there and I know. And why believe conspiracy theories about surgical precision and space aliens?
When the facts sound too far fetched to be true then that is because the facts are not true. Someone is embellishing.
Yeah, as another commenter noted, these sort of mutilations are not new. They’ve been going on at least since the 1980s in various places. Many involve other animals, even domestic ones such as cats. And they’ve always been just as strange. Why haven’t you heard about them before now? Like so many other things like UFOs, spirit communications, etc, that don’t fit the approved mainstream narrative, these incidents are not widely reported outside of local areas. But people, such have Linda Moulton Howe, have been investigating them for years. And not more is known about the cause now than 40 years ago. The world is much stranger than we have been led to believe.
UFOs. Allrighty. Shit. ET phone home.
So now these self proclaimed members of a cult of Animal worshiping freaks are once again trying to force us all into a total vegan diets Yes PETA/ALF goes mainstream
My younger brother was an experienced helicopter pilot (Vietnam Vet of 18 months) who more than 35 years ago flew a civil helicopter with ‘Investigators’ to remote areas on ranche(s) in Colorado
– The investigators he flew to those sites ‘researched’ several similar incidents – but (if my memory is correct) – it was both the sensory and sexual organs of the male and female cows that were removed
– With no traces of resistance by the cattle
– With no physical indications of blood loss
– With surgical precision that was not available in any known hospital in the world
– And with no physical indications of any vehicle or humans in the area
That was what we experienced as well.
Sounds like bullshit to me.
after 10 replays , we know it now : you do not believe it. So please shut up now ,pleaaase !
I’m no expert, but cattle mutilations with these exact same injuries have been happening all over the world for some considerable time – decades at least. No explanation of culprits have ever been found though.
Dr. Hugh Ross has a credible theory that these things have now been documented to be closely associated with regions where occult activity is prevalent.
That makes sense.
This is not the first time that this EXACT SAME sampling of cattle tissues has been done over several decades AND over the major cattle producing states.
The MO is precisely the same. Someone is collecting samples that check how these animals are absorbing what they are eating & if that substance, or its products, show up in their genitalia.
It could be checking the effectiveness of feeding a test substance to these animals by spraying their pasture to see if it migrates to their genitals & affects their reproductive capacity.
There was one report of a black helicopter being sighted over the affected area.
Someone is doing secret trials.
Remember the MYSTERIOUS cattle deaths last summer when entire herds dropped dead? Could they have been injected with a test dose of mRNA? Something is going on that involves our food production & we need to discover what it is while we are able.
Hello? parts of children are also being removed in hospitals around the nation. That also seems related to a kind of “occult activity” to me.
Well, at least ” cult activity”; that much is certain.
As strange as it may sound, it’s not aliens in flying saucers doing the mutilation but most likely mentally disturbed Earthlinga!
Yeah, right. 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
Prove it! Oh wait….. you can’t.
I remember reading some years back that our own alphabet agencies were testing experimental radiation and the like, using wildlife and livestock on or near military bases (where these incidents always seem to take place). They collect their samples for testing in such a way that all the alien theorists types will jump on the stories, so as to keep the common public from even paying attention. Having known ranchers near a particular military base who’ve lost cattle this way, this is the most plausible explanation I’ve heard. I’ll dive into Linda Moulton Howe’s research to see what she’s come up with, but until she (or someone) offers proof of something else, that’s the most credible answer. (I’m probably more terrified of our shadow government than I am of “aliens” anyway.)
Radiation affects soft tissues and sex organs/gentalia so those parts would make the best samples, plus the radiation theory also answers why the local carrion scavengers won’t touch the carcasses.