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How badly are proposals for California’s race reparations being received? There’s a remarkable unity among races.
Here’s the pro-column.
Strong support is in the single digits among every race except one. But to be fair, if they ran a poll on whether everyone who is half-Danish and half-Greek should receive a $1M check, there’d be generally negative responses with a small bubble of very positive ones from the half-Danes and Greeks crowd.
Even the somewhat favorable responses are in the teens.
What about the antis? Here’s the B side. If it doesn’t display properly, the opposition is pretty solid.
Majorities of almost all races oppose these payments. White people hate them the most (65%), but Latinos (59%) and Asians (59% are not far behind.
And what the bigger picture shows in other questions is that, contrary to the state’s official wokeness, no one really cares.
Most Californians have actually moved on.
NAVY ET1 says
The only people that reparations matter to are slothful black Americans and Democrat carrot danglers, neither of which suffered under slavery. Since the Biden administration obviously has the printing presses running 24/7, with $110 Billion in aid to Ukraine and counting, they could easily print off several billion more…but they won’t. Like it or not, black Americans are Americans and, if we’ve learned anything from this administration it’s that Americans need to suffer financially to “fall in line” with global edicts.
The next time you’re on Rumble and want to see what conservative black America thinks of reparations, search for “Hodge Twins reparations” and find out.
Algorithmic Analyst says
It’s quite natural for certain groups to want free money, based on East African history. The climate was so good there that they didn’t have to work, they evolved to being unwilling to work. What screwed things up were Arab slavers, who paid huge prices for African slaves. That set the African tribes warring against each other, so they could capture enemy tribespeople, and sell them to the Arab slavers. There were 2 main kinds of tribal war in East Africa, one to steal cattle, the other to capture slaves.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Reparations is the natural demand of blacks’ most successful narrative in western countries: the sacred victim of whites, whose sacredness must be acknowledged with submission and obedience (special rights and privileges).
Almost every statue representing blacks in the U.S. testifies, directly or indirectly, to this narrative. No other ethnic group does this, even though they, also, have experienced slavery, discrimination and hardship.
This narrative has given untold access to power and wealth to those whose natural attributes and character would never achieve much. Ugly truth.
Mickorn says
If anybody bothers to click on the link that Mr. Greenfield has so helpfully provided, they will see that the tile of the report is “Majority of voters believe Black Californians continue to be affected by the legacy of slavery, yet cash reparations face headwinds.”
So yes, most Californians oppose cash reparations. But no, most Californians have not “actually moved on.”
The disdain you show for your own readers is truly astonishing.
Kit_Jefferson says
It’s always been my opinion that all those who are legitimate descendants of slaves should get down on their knees and thank Divine Providence for their being here. If slavery had not existed then neither would they.
Kasandra says
After his 1974 “Rumble in the Jungle” fight in Zaire, Africa, Mohammad Ali allegedly said “Thank God my granddaddy got on that boat,” or similar.
World@70 says
Thanks K you reminded me of something I heard on MAX early this AM. Some time back when Trump was being chastised for his “so called” Muslim bans, one of Joe Biden’s future nominees for head of the ATF sent out a Tweet, that Mohammad Ali was one of our greatest boxing champion and a great American who, under Trump’s ban would not have been allowed to enter the US.
Mohammad Ali, then Cassius Clay, was born in Louisville KY.
Beez says
Race isn’t the important thing. It’s the ONLY thing. This is what happens when we elect a racial arsonist as president, which is what we did on Nov. 4, 2008. He’s still there, in his 3rd term.
David Mu says
This will only divide, and even still whether any receive money. As someone who was the working minority (both racial and gender), I can report there is nothing more disgusting than knowing that special someone is getting rewarded for unearned purpose.
And this with a dead ancestor killed in the last battle before the Siege of Vicksburg. And – he was killed fighting for the Union. Another, was shot and survived. If we were both a alive, I would have a 1st cousin who survived that hell-hole Andersonville Prison in Georgia.
Don’t tell me what I owe in slave reparations. Slavery was ended in an ocean of blood, and regardless – every slave master or slave has been dead for many years. It’s over.
The real ones who need Repartions a re those who lost their place of Business to all those mobs of violent criminals Looting and Burning and the riot Instigators owe the biggest amount