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Tucker Carlson is neither down nor out; he is going to come back bigger and badder than ever. All you goofy virgins who love “Star Wars” will recall that when Darth Vader sliced Obi-Wan Kenobi in two – or at least his moth-eaten cloak – Ben stopped existing in this dimension and became a superbeing who popped in for a chat whenever Luke was in trouble. Tucker’s pretty much going to do that for the movement. Though Tucker may have been tossed off his perch at Fox (or jumped – we will eventually get the details on how this denouement went down), he will land on his feet and crush the libs beneath his preppy Topsiders.
Fox, on the other hand, will face some challenges (Full Disclosure: I occasionally guest on Fox shows and I have done hits with Tucker). It does not absolutely own the conservatives today, if it ever did. The regime media and the leftists do not understand that a lot of conservatives have been annoyed with Fox for quite a while – these cons think Fox is soft. But that misunderstands what Fox is, or at least what it strives to be. Fox, for its part, has to both be the network that welcomes the 50% of Americans the regime media rejects and also maintain old school journalistic standards. The problem is that the Fox audience has little patience for old school journalistic standards in an age where the rest of the media slanders it as a bunch of racist, sexist monsters who think that only women can get pregnant. The audience wants a cheerleader network, and not just in the primetime opinion shows, and that creates a significant tension regarding Fox’s identity.
Tucker, the network’s flagship opinion host, is gone, as are a lot of people will go with him wherever he lands. They did not consider themselves “Fox viewers” – they considered themselves “Tucker viewers.” The GOP will face a similar dilemma as the 2024 race heats up – there are a lot of people who consider themselves “Trump voters” and not “Republican voters.” Tucker has a lot of love; we will see how much love Fox has.
Now, Fox obviously believes that letting Tucker go is less bad than keeping him, and remember that Fox cut Bill O’Reilly loose at the height of his powers and barely missed a step. In fact, Tucker followed that firing and Tucker became…Tucker. It is possible that Fox can find a new Tucker, either already at the network or outside. But that assumes it wants a new Tucker – a no-holds-barred populist who challenges the establishment on everything from wokeness to Ukraine and thereby brings in huge ratings from viewers who cannot get that anywhere else. It is possible that Fox execs think he creates legal exposure, or that he creates more trouble than he is worth, or that they simply got tired of explaining to their fellow country club members why they let Tucker go unmuzzled. Whatever the reason, now they have to look for a new 8 p.m. Eastern show, and a new star. Hopefully, whatever comes next will not be some puddle of establishment-friendly goo – perhaps “Managed Decline” with hosts Paul Ryan and Jeb! Bush, or maybe “French Lessons” where, each night, the NYT’s own Ichabod Lame explains to the audience why they suck and how they disappoint Jesus.
Whatever is going on, it appears that Tucker is now free, but free to do what? He has limitless options. The question is whether he starts a new company – he already founded “The Daily Caller” – or whether he does something on his own, like a podcast. Move over, Joe Rogan – a daily Tucker podcast would be epic, but why stop there? He has the following and the ability to build his own internet network (his exec producer bailed too), and he could get the cash to do it – how about “Musk TV” available on Twitter?
A daily Tucker interwebs show is not nuts. Who needs a network? Most of us used his cable show like it was an online program anyway. I used to record it daily on the cable box, then play it back later, speeding up through segments I was not interested in. If he was on Roku instead of basic cable, how would I know the difference? And for $5 a month, great – a lot of viewers could dump their $120+ cable bill.
The thing about Tucker is that he might end up being the transitional figure in the movement of conservatives away from network brand identification to individual brand identification. If Tucker chooses to go indy, you will not need to access Fox News or any other organization to get your daily Tucker fix. Podcasts are already spurring this on, but soon the transition away from leaving the radio dial set to 990AM KCON or the cable box set to Fox on Channel 643 all day will be complete. Instead, you will curate your listening and viewing, getting a show from here and then another show from there, and essentially making your own daily line-up. Someone will come up with the platform to do that easily and smoothly on whichever devices we choose for those of us who are not tech savvy. When it happens, the old media orgs will stop being networks as we once knew them and become simply another bunch of content steamtables in the content cafeteria.
So, advantage Tucker. He is not unemployed; he is unleashed. Fox may not think it needs Tucker – and that will remain to be seen – but Tucker certainly does not need Fox. Tucker is a conservative giant, with only Rush Limbaugh at all comparable in his standing within the conservative movement. The answer to the question “What will Tucker do now” is the same answer as the answer to the question about what the 800-pound gorilla will do: “Anything he wants.”
” All you goofy virgins who love “Star Wars” will recall that when Darth Vader sliced Obi-Wan Kenobi in two – or at least his moth-eaten cloak – Ben stopped existing in this dimension and became a superbeing who popped in for a chat whenever Luke was in trouble.”
Am I the only person that has a dislikes the using of a scene in a fiction movies to make a point?
If it is for humor/sarcasm, that’s fine, but outside of that I have no use for it.
So was this written by Captain Obvious?
Good, good, let the hate flow through you…
Picky, picky. Not so nice try.
Tucker wasn’t fired, he was removed from the air. He has not been liberated, he has been silenced.
Fox has him under contract, and therefore, he risks getting wiped out in a lawsuit if he attempts to compete with Fox. So he isn’t going to be weighing in on the election. He isn’t going to whisper “use the tariffs Luke” in Donald Trump’s ear from another dimension.
This isn’t Star Wars and the good guys don’t always win. R
There are legal ways to void a contract. But negotiations for severance pay would also be voided.
You mean the bad guys don’t spray a machine gun and always miss or all bullets hit a railing or a wood desk is an effective shield for the good guys? I’ve never questioned anything before.
Non compete clauses are generally pretty easy to get around so that was smart keeping him hired.
Tucker Carson was kicked out of FOX News because he spoke the truth.
To put this in another way, Tucker was kicked out of Fox News because that network caved in to the pressure on it by the leftist s in power objected to Tucker spoke the truth.
George Washington had, very wisely, declared, “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led like sheep to the slaughter.”
He spoke the truth like Trump spoke the truth….about half of the time. The other half he told outrageous lies. Like Jan 6 was an FBI operation.
. And he lent credence to an assortment of nutters whom he allowed air time on his program.
Good riddance Carlson.
We all know what a troll is.
50 intel officals say your right
Many months ago , in a Fox Nation ep 82 Tucker Carlson interviewed in investigative journalist Julie Kelly about the so called “insurrection” which occurred on January 6th 2021.
In this interview she explained that ”The Biden regime is turn against Americans on the political right.
Those pro-Trump American patriots in Washington DC that day had been ruthlessly denied their basic decent human rights and their US Constitutional rights
Even to the most vicious malicious murderous extremes possible.
As one young woman, Ashli Babbitt , was shot through a closed door and her was unarmed and non –violent. The other young woman Rosanne Boyland, was beaten by them and chased in a nearby tunnel by them and murder by them. This is North Korea or America. ?
For some people vicious actions of the Capital “police” by how they harmed Rosanne Boyland so terrible that she because unconscious and they attempted to revive her but the Capital police stopped them “ Are they that Capital police of America ? This wicked murderous behavior is more fitting for the Capital police of Communist China.
Kelly speculated that the awful abuse against peaceful American citizens on “January 6th was an excuse to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights. “ Sadly she might be right, after all, there is an old saying that “Evil is always looking for an excuse.”
Ashli Babbitt was in front of an angry mob trying to break into a room full of Congress critters. The mob obviously meant to do the pols harm.
She was warned by the cop who shot her to stop trying to get into the room. She didn’t obey his command and got herself shot. Because she believe that fantastic liar Trump’s lie about a stolen election. Trump basically got her killed.
Stop trying to obfuscate the facts.
Carlson got fired for numerous transgressions including lying about every other thing he said.
His “documentary” Patriot Purge was an assemblage of outright lies and half truths.
If you believe Carlson is some sort of truth teller, you’ll believe anything.
Sorry fella, up isn’t down, in isn’t out, black isn’t white and lies aren’t the truth. Just like gravity, truth always works. It is sure to work against you, relentlessly.
Boyland got crushed to death because she was in the middle of a mob of Trump’s thugs assaulting the police.
Seems to me the problem has been exhaustively described. Isn’t it time to start describing possible solutions. Maybe tips for how we all, each in his/her own way can begin to take the quote marks off of “elections.” Once the majority of American citizens, the citizens who love their country, can actually have their legal votes counted without exception “elections” will once again be elections.
Tucker is Putin s poodle.
Tucker has already had several offers to join other media outlets, but declined. He is going to have something. better in the future despite Fox News’ Slander, and globalists who are trashing of him. The general mainstream media does NOT have a future, they are dead to most people who are tired of the same old propaganda, spin, and lies.