A middle school teacher in Pennsylvania provoked outrage and charges of indoctrination after she assigned her students to time themselves for ten minutes as they packed a bag in imitation of refugees forced to leave America by President Donald Trump.
“President Trump is trying to take control of the United States!” read the deliberately inflammatory assignment, portraying America’s legitimate president as a dictator enacting a coup. “There are fights in the streets! You have to pretend that you are a refugee being forced to leave your home, never to return.”
The assignment then instructs students to spend only ten minutes packing a bag in preparation to leave their homes forever. “Please have a parent to [sic] time them for 10 minutes while they packed a bag. When the time was up they were to take a picture of the contents of their backpack and then email it to me,” the ungrammatical assignment continues. “If no picture, then draw it. You will have to present to us why you chose these items. This is due on Thursday. Worth 10 points.”
The teacher is an educator at Penn Cambria Middle School in Cambria County, Pennsylvania. When parents became upset about the assignment, School District Superintendent William Marshall claims that the teacher realized that the assignment was a “huge error” and called the parents of each student in the class to apologize.
“As a parent of a student in this very school [I] am ashamed,” one mother commented on Facebook. “All this did was scare my child… This is not acceptable in any school or towards any leader. I don’t care if you like the president or not this is unacceptable!”
Superintendent Marshall also claimed that the teacher now realizes that she should not use the classroom to promote her political views. He did not reveal whether the teacher has been disciplined for the horrifying and politically insidious assignment.
To learn more about the Freedom Center’s campaign to halt indoctrination in K-12 schools, please visit www.stopk12indoctrination.org. To read the K-12 Code of Ethics CLICK HERE. To order the Freedom Center’s new pamphlet, “Leftist Indoctrination in Our K-12 Public Schools,” CLICK HERE. To donate to the Stop K-12 Indoctrination campaign, CLICK HERE.
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