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🚨VIDEO: A REAL interview we had at NYU:
QUESTION: “Why are you protesting?”
PROTESTER #1: “I don’t know. I’m pretty sure there’s something about Israel [turns to other person] Why are we protesting?”
PROTESTER #2: “I wish I was more educated.”
PROTESTER #1: “I’m not either.”
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) April 24, 2024
Just as many have suspected, not all of those impassioned student protesters know what they are protesting. Some of them have just let slip, as they were being interviewed by journalists from the New York Post, that they haven’t the faintest idea what they are supposed to be opposing. Robert Spencer wrote about this briefly here, and more on this comical confusion can be found here: “Anti-Israel protesters at NYU admit they have no idea what they’re protesting: ‘I wish I was more educated,’” by Emily Crane, New York Post, April 25, 2024:
Two Columbia University students who rushed to join NYU’s violent anti-Israel rally are going viral after admitting they had no idea what the protest was about — and wished they were “more educated.”
The unidentified students rattled off their clueless rationale on the steps of the NYU campus in downtown Manhattan as a slew of NYPD cops clad in riot gear stood in the background, as seen in footage viewed more than 3 million times since being shared by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani late Wednesday.
“I think the main goal is just showing our support for Palestine and demanding that NYU stop … I honestly don’t know all of what NYU is doing,” one admitted when asked about the protest’s purpose.
“Support for Palestine”? Sounds innocuous, but what the chants are really calling for? “From the river to the sea/Palestine will be free” means the eradication of the Jewish state, the expulsion or killing of all of its Jewish inhabitants, and the replacement of Israel by a twenty-third Arab state. Do these protesters understand the meaning of what they have been taught to mindlessly repeat? And what about the other chants, such as “End Genocide Now,” which falsely accuses Israel of the gravest of crimes? Do they even know what the word “genocide” means? And when these student protesters praise Hamas for its “resistance,” do they know that they are praising a terror group whose operatives on October 7 raped, tortured, mutilated, and murdered 1,200 Israelis, and kidnapped another 260? When 3,000 Hamas members swooped into Israel in cars, on motorbikes, on paragliders, to engage in their orgy of killings, was that an act of “resistance”?
An unnamed Columbia University student gave her bizarre rationale when she was being interviewed on the steps of the NYU campus.
A slew of NYPD cops clad in riot gear stood in the background.
Asked if there was “something NYU is doing,” the student meekly replied: “I really don’t know, I’m pretty sure they are…”
Yes, of course. NYU must be doing “something” objectionable — that’s why there are students now objecting — but she “really doesn’t know” what it is. But if other people think there should be a protest on the NYU campus, she’s “pretty sure they are” doing it for a good reason. Hers not to reason why, hers but to scream and cry. And I suspect a great many other students now making life so unpleasant on campuses across America are equally clueless, and equally determined, despite their ignorance, to shout their slogans, flaunt their keffiyehs, and wave their Palestinian flags.
Those Columbia students, with their vague and bland little souls, just knew they should be joining the NYU students. That’s what protesters are supposed to do — support one another. They weren’t sure what exactly was the gravamen of the charges against the NYU administration, but were sure it must have been important: “something to do with Israel.” What, exactly? Oh, gosh, you know, we’re not exactly sure. But it is very important that we join the crowd to show just where we stand, even if we don’t quite know what it’s all about. Some one will let us know.
Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds.
Nothing more need be said.
They are simply NPC drones.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer gave this phenomenon some deep thought and came to the conclusion that stupidity was the greatest cause of what we now might call mass formation psychosis. Stupidity is a characteristic unto itself, has nothing to do with level of intelligence or education, and is most dangerous because it cannot be reasoned with. The best example is during Covid, where we were treated with the spectacle of doctors and nurses, who had years of rigorous medical training, education and experience, wearing two masks and safety goggles to stop sub one-micron airborne virus particles(laughably absurd) and dancing around like complete buffoons(retard response to letting your brain get destroyed by cognitive dissonance) while they withheld treatments from their patients, who were dying from protocols that they knew were killing them(willing to harm others to protect their stupidity). Just as a side note, stupidity comes with a total lack of self-awareness and false sense of superiority.
“stupidity comes with a total lack of self-awareness and false sense of superiority.”
Let’s drill down into this. The lack of self awareness comes from their marxist rejection of a creator who has defined guardrails called laws which we are called to respect. Marxism also has the additional prohibition of never allowing aparachiks to consult any higher source of wisdom other than human and scientific knowledge.
And why doesn’t this generation have that gift? Because organized religion has been a failure in America. No one reads, let alone understands the guardrails of ancient Scripture. Instead organized religion attempts to please everyone.
Ironically, in this age of mass communication, we are facing the end times for humanity. It’s every man for himself now.
It seems like these young people are intensely focused on the self. This girl talks as if the person asking her questions agrees with the protest goals, so I’m not sure she lacks self awareness. Seems like her self is the only thing she is aware of.
From the African Americans who vote Democrat (or otherwise they “ain’t black”) to liberal Jews voting for Hamas to Queers for Palestine, to these “student’s” (rather call them pupils… students implies the ability to study something) … who show up for a riot on behalf who knows what. Solidarity forever.
Zell Miller was a Democrat who supported Republican policies so much he even was willing to speak at the Republican National Convention. The one thing he would not do was become a Republican. He said being a Democrat las like a “birthmark” impossible to remove. In similar fashion it took decades of conservative sympathies and warm relations with the right for Alan Dershowitz to declare he was no longer a Democrat.
A liberal is someone who signs petitions he doesn’t agree with, who would rather side with someone a mile to his left rather than anyone an inch to his right.
But voting is not a birthmark, nor is it a personal identity or even a brand loyalty. It is a choice we make for our country hoping that it will be the correct choice.
Anything less is a betrayal of our friends and neighbors and fellow citizens.
Stupid and gullible doesn’t begin to describe these useful idiots; willing ignorant tools of evil.
They’re zombies.
Doesn’t let them off the hook. Support evil…go down with it! They deserve just as much pity as Gaza “civilians” who elected a terrorist organization to run their cesspool and who cheered as Israeli hostages (alive and dead) were paraded before them to jeer and spit on. That would be ZERO pity.
Many cloud not find Israel and Palestine on a map.
One of the different reasons why so many campus “students are so very viciously anti-Israel is because they are both brainwashed and ignorant.
One example of this ignorance was revealed by a .Newsmax reporter walked over to one of those “student protesters” who was holding a sign that read “From the River to the Sea” and asked her “What river ?” and she replied “I don’t know.” Then the reporter asked her “Which sea ?” To that question, she answered “I don’t know.”
True, for sure.
Pampered, spoiled rotten, and so full of themselves with stupid arrogance, they have no idea what they do not know. Nevertheless, sophomores as they all are, their obvious ignorance would be comical were the issue less important.
I’ve found that the most arrogant people are usually the most ignorant.
Yes, that is right , those NYC misinformed and Brainwashed NYC “ students” Protesters “haven’t the faintest idea of what they are doing.” Likewise, they haven’t the slightest concept that there is no genuine ethic group or race who are the “Palestinians.”
In addition Little do those poor non- Muslim young people on Campus throughout the United States who are against Israel and hold up signs that read “Free Palestine: know or understand that history reveals that the ancient Philistines recorded in the Bible and history came from the Greek Islands and some parts of the mainland Greece. They have no connection, at all, the to the Arab /Muslim of modern times who called themselves the “Palestinians.”
From those ancient people, the Philistines, the word “Palestine” .came into being.
Early in the last century a anyone living in that land, Arab or Jew, who lived in that land was called a ”Palestinian.”
Only after 1964 did the Arab/Muslims start to refer to themselves , exclusively , by the word “Palestinian.”
The reason for that is that they felt that by giving themselves that title they would appear to have some kind of valid claim on that land.
Indeed , there never was a “Palestinian state.”
The KGB encouraged them in calling themselves “Palestinians.” At one time, they were just Egyptians, Jordanians, etc.
Indeed, those anti- Israel, pro-Hamas protesters ‘haven’t the faintest idea of what they are doing.” This is the extent that it’s very sad and even tragic that those naïve and brainwashed young college and university students non–Muslims Americans, who are taking part in this Red/Green alliance, throughout the United States, who are protesting against the State of Israel and who likewise greatly favor Hamas are people who are ,rightly , described ,as the “useful idiots” of the leaders of Hamas and their jihadist members who are dedicated to the cause of conquest for the cause of Islam.
Those Americans who aren’t Muslims the stooges of those Hamas chefs and the other Muslim terrorist, For those of Hamas view all people who are not Muslims as inferior creatures to them and refer to them .
Behind their backs as , “Kafirs,” which is the Islamic derogatory term for “disbelievers”
It’s tragic that those non-Muslims pro-Hamas America protesters against Israel are so very deluded by Hamas that this Islamic terror / murder organization so easily manipulates and uses them as their tools.
Those poor young people are ,truly, their useful idiots.
“Those poor young people are, truly, their useful idiots.’
As are our current political representatives in our WH and Congress as shown by their recent gift to Gaza, Hamas, and Iran.
This is the current Useful Idiot Generation on Parade and does that silly wee lassie have snot coming out of her nose?.
HEY DAVID! … Dig the irony of these comments on being YOUR webspace of all places. ~
If Abbie were still in the land of the living, would he author “Counter-Revolution For The Hell Of It” ? 😉
Yes, I think he would….