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The David Horowitz Freedom Center was one of the first organizations to call Students for Justice in Palestine a terror group and to keep saying it over and over again. After all the denunciations and condemnations of the Center, it’s become undeniable.
After Oct 7, SJP and its campus chapters overtly endorsed and celebrated the atrocities.
And after a year of campus terror, the few campus crackdowns have yielded evidence of terror ties.
A group of student radicals defaced George Mason’s student center in August, spray painting messages that warned of a “student intifada.” In its coverage of the incident, the Washington Post wrote that “activists spray-painted words on Wilkins Plaza outside the university’s Johnson Center.”
Those activists caused thousands of dollars in damage, a felony in the state of Virginia, and police suspect the SJP leaders, sisters Jena and Noor Chanaa, led the group of vandals. Weeks after the incident, in November, a county judge granted a warrant—which is under seal until February, according to a Fairfax County court representative—allowing police to seize electronics from the Chanaa family home.
When officers entered the Chanaa family home, they found firearms—modern weapons, not antiques—as well as scores of ammunition and foreign passports, all of which sat in plain view, according to court documents obtained by the Free Beacon and sources familiar with the investigation.
They also found pro-terror materials, including Hamas and Hezbollah flags and signs that read “death to America” and “death to Jews,” according to court documents and sources familiar.
Now imagine if other states got serious about actually arresting the pro-terror mobs for their crimes instead of handing them desk appearance tickets. Just imagine what they would be likely to find.
All the police had to do was look around the place and they found not only weapons but terror flags and calls to kill Jews.
Not to mention the traditional standby “Death to America”.
The vast majority of colleges, cities, and states have let the terror mobs get away with terrorizing communities and cities. They haven’t laid a finger on them. If they had, this is what they would find.
Spurwing Plover says
Time to root out and deport all those Violent Hate Monger out of America and we start with the worst of them all the United Nations
Larry says
SJP was founded as the American wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has been a terrorist organisation for the entire 100 years of its existence.
Of course they are a terrorist organisation, just like their cousins of HAMAS, another Muslim Brotherhood terror wing.
mj says
Just to be clear:
SJP=We’re for the murder of Jews and the eradication of Israel; and destroying America from within America will help us do that.
Used to be, you “learned” in school, and could participate in benign “extra curricular activities”.
Now, actual “learning” is the optional extra curricular activity, and instilling hatred of America, Israel and Jews is the required course curriculum.
People in charge have allowed this and promoted this because the people in charge want this. And why do students still choose to go to these schools? Why do parents choose to send their children to these schools? Pick a reason………
Like the ‘Democratic’ Party, Institutions of higher ‘learning’ have been invaded, hijacked and transformed into stew pots, or rather, cesspools, of hatred and destruction. Perhaps they are beyond repair, beyond redemption.
There should be calls for a new political entity to replace the Democratic Party and new Institutions of True Learning that will strengthen all that is good in Americans and America, heart and soul.
Condor says
“There should be calls for a new political entity to replace the Democratic Party …” BINGO. I have been advocating this for some time. Today’s Progressive Democrat Party is an organized crime enterprise masquerading as a political party (much like Hezbollah), with ties to foreign sources of dark money as well as various anti-U.S. actors (including terrorist-affiliated/supporting organizations. This “party” should be treated the same as the Nazi party (NSDAP) at the close of WWII. It must be decertified and dismembered, and its principal actors and allies must be prosecuted for treason, sedition, and a host of other crimes that have been well documented. What is missing is the will to act on these clear threats to the Republic. Political parties come and go, and it is well past time for this one to be dumped on the ash heap of history.
BLSinSC says
There should be consequences for “biting the hand that feeds you”! If those two sisters are “immigrants” then they should be on the next plane back to whence they came!! We simply should just revoke passports, visas, and even CITIZENSHIP of people who conspire against Our Nation! Now I know that would mean about a third of Congress would be shipped somewhere, but if we don’t START we’ll never get there!!
Condor says
For these terrorist “students”, first ejection from the university, then prison, then deportation. Maybe with a secure border and sane immigration policies at some point in the future they will not be returning to the U.S.
Angel Jacob says
Domestic terrorists must be in prison.
danknight says
“eradicate America as we know it”
So they’re just moderate Democrats?
Condor says
In today’s Progressive Democrat Party, YES. In the current political and media arena, anyone to the right of Mao or Stalin is labeled “far right”. And Hitler is in that group of socialists anchoring the left as well. One of the Big Lies of the left from the 20th Century onward has been associating Hitler with the “right”. The Progressive Democrat Party uses the NSDAP policies and tactics from 1930’s Germany (including their alliance with Islamists) as a playbook rather than a cautionary tale.
Gordon says
I believe they mean mostly peaceful to Jews.
Johnny Dammitson says
As I’ve written before, they’re not even hiding it anymore; look no further than groups like Columbia University’s “Apartheid Divest” organization, with its most recent Substack newsletter from November 21 publishing such “highlights” as:
You almost expect it to be some elaborate SNL sketch, and yet these psychopaths are serious. We are in serious trouble if this is what college students are marinating themselves in.
Jeff Bargholz says
“Death to Jews” flags? That’s a real thing? America has gone jihad psycho.
I don’t think I would tolerate seeing something like that I person.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Treason and its death penalty needs to be brought back for such a time as this.