400 years ago it might have been witches. Today it’s systemic racism.
Regular discrimination can certainly take a toll on your relationships, job prospects, and mental health, and growing evidence suggests that it also has implications for your physical health. In fact, a recent study found that individuals who report high rates of discrimination tend to have higher levels of some inflammatory markers in their blood as well as higher levels of specific bacteria in their microbiome. These differences, in turn, might put them at higher risk for inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, among others.
The efforts to medicalize racism are medically unserious, but politically quite serious. Along with the false declarations that “racism is a public health crisis”, the endgame here is to seize vast amounts of regulatory power and end freedom of speech. The gameplan there has been clear ever since the New York Times began running op-eds arguing that freedom of speech is a threat to public health. Pre-pandemic this sounded like a crazy conspiracy theory to a lot of people. Post-pandemic it seems par for the course.
Anyway, in this particular study, a group in Los Angeles that claimed to have been discrimated against, had medical tests.
“White, black, Hispanic/Latinx, and Asian-American people were included in the study. A significant number from each group landed in the high discrimination category; for white participants, high discrimination was usually due to age or gender discrimination, rather than race.”
“The blood tests, however, revealed some important differences. Black participants in the high discrimination group had the highest levels of PTGS1, an enzyme, and Hispanic participants had the highest levels of IL-1B, an inflammatory protein. PTGS1 plays a role in creating more prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that the body produces “in response to injury or infection and are major drivers of inflammation,” the authors explained. “Similarly, IL-1B is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that has been implicated in pain, inflammation, and autoimmune conditions.”
Meanwhile, the microbiome analyses revealed that levels of a bacterium called P. copri were highest in Black and Hispanic/Latinx individuals who had faced high levels of discrimination. “P. copri is considered highly inflammatory and has been found in rheumatoid arthritis and hepatic fibrosis,” the researched noted.
The authors concluded that their findings “suggest that discrimination may lead to a chronic state of inflammation, especially in Black individuals and Hispanics” and that this data, though preliminary, provides “a framework for understanding how unfair treatment is perceived and processed in the brain, and how these are in turn related to inflammation, gut microbiome, and psychological symptoms.”
Spectacular work.
So the study concludes that black and Hispanic people who face discrimination have high levels of a particular bacteria, but not white people who are discriminated against.
A scientifically rigorous approach would then be to determine the biological and medical causes of this rather than assuming that discrimination magically affects politically correct minorities more.
But the whole study was set up to produce this particular result which contends that somehow shouting racial slurs at a black person produces different gut bacteria than in a white person.
The witchcraft tests were more rigorous than this.
There are levels and levels of correlation here, but the researchers know what they’re after and what will get them attention and funding. That’s been the case for a while which is why we’ve been swimming in worthless studies that wasted a lot of time and money. Now we’ve got racism studies that further divide our society.
This is junk science 101
aka, scientism..
Here’s the list of all things that are racist in BLM types minds:
All words in all dictionaries.
Everything that a non-black person does or says.
All works of art.
All inventions.
All science.
Most objects.
All history.
I think the types of activity and exercise one engages in are key factors.
Yes, I’ve found that to be true.
So if you are white, over 60, and don’t have arthritis, you were never discriminated against: that is racist.
Racism is the new religion.
Racism explains everything. Who needs a higher power when you have systemic racism.
I agree with you! I saw it’s time for a “final solution” to all this cultural Marxism!!
So, then, “racism” creates bacteria. Have they done a study on how dirt creates mice yet?
Are the bacteria themselves racist?
Of course they are!
Only if they are “white” bacteria.
They’re making Lysneko seem rigorous.
That guy should’ve been working for the Biden administration. Fake science.
wouldn’t surprise me if there were federal grant money
Lysenko? That would depend on how long the mice’s tails are.
Given the consequences of Leftist economic policy, the single most significant aspect of racial distinction is taste.
We may very soon be forced to accept cannibalism as normal.
The most delectable race may meet the same fate as the Passenger Pigeon. Two centuries ago their overflights darkened the skies. The last one died in a zoo in 1913. We ate them into extinction.
I ate a pigeon once. It tasted like shit. And looking at those little legs grossed me out.
I have arthritis but it comes from 50 years of construction work, I didn’t have any time for any of the so called junk science they invest in today. I even saved a black guys life one icy morning when we were working under a crane transferring forms from one slab to another for resetting. Something like that might be considered raycisim in today’s world, back then he thanked me and we got on with the job we were doing.
Thank you for that story. That is how people get on in the real world. And it’s what the Left wants to destroy.
It is shameful that people are wasting time on promoting this racism everywhere they can. There is so much that could be done for the betterment of mankind but the leaders of today want to just push hate. I’m done with listening to this nonsense. I refuse to be led down that path but want to look at what can be done to better all of society, around the world.
Good on you.
They don’t want to better mankind, they want to play on our worst selves to bring us down so they can raise themselves up.
That’s a key point that a lot of people don’t realize about politics.
I don’t think they care about raising themselves up. This is the standard approach without we don’t know what to think.
*without which*
The “systemic racism” conspiracy theory was debunked years ago.
Are you quite certain, Mr. Heisenberg?
Good on you…………….. 🙂
Riddle me this.. Were all the people studying this ”science” white straight males or would that be a racist sexist question?
The other day I was watching some documentary on Cambodia/Whatever/Killing fields. You know, the only thing I’m wondering is why only the murderers have a voice? Maybe that’s that’s because everybody else is dead? All we we get are the murderers
Apparently, there are remnants of destroyed cities in central Asia, presumably raized by the Mongols, with no history associated to the long dead inhabitants. They have erased from history. All we have, it seems, is the rubble.
Yup. Best historical example of Nomadic Warriors vs City Dwellers, where the Nomads won.
*have been erased*