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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
33 people were shot over the weekend in Chicago. Urban gangland violence like that is what real “mass shootings” look like and finally a Journal of the American Medical Association paper addressed the problem by shifting the blame to something it calls “structural racism”.
The JAMA paper, which was quickly picked up by CNN as “Structural Racism may Contribute to Mass Shootings” and by Bloomberg as “Mass Shootings Disproportionately Victimize Black Americans”, acknowledged what conservatives have been saying about gun violence.
“There was no discernible association noted in this study between gun laws and MSEs [mass shootings] with other studies showing similar findings,” it noted.
The issue wasn’t gun laws, it was race. “The study found that in areas with higher black populations, mass shootings are likelier to occur compared to communities with higher white populations,” CNN reported. “The findings disrupt the nation’s image of mass shootings, which has been shaped by tragedies like the Las Vegas festival shooting and Sandy Hook in which most of the victims were not black,” Bloomberg added.
Faced with an immovable statistical object and the unstoppable force of equity, the JAMA paper blames the whole thing on structural racism. The study correlates urban areas and neighborhoods with high concentrations of single-parent households” to mass shootings. It then demonstrates that “structural racism” must be at fault because of “the percentage of the population that is black.” Black people in the study are interchangeable with racism.
Such is the state of woke medical science which tries to fix racism with more racism. The study never comes up with any plausible explanation of how structural racism causes people to shoot each other. At one point it claims that “racial residential segregation practices are predictive of various types of shootings” in a country where segregation had been abolished since 1964.
The study’s definition of segregation is so senseless that it lists majority black cities like Detroit, a 77% black city, as being 73% segregated, and Baltimore, a 62% black city, as being 64% segregated. A city with a strong black majority and black leaders is racially segregated and its people are suffering from “structural racism”. That’s why there are so many mass shootings.
But if segregation is the issue then why does Atlanta, which had actual segregation, have only 18 mass shootings, while Chicago has 141? Southern cities show up as less segregated and less violent in the paper’s data. A history of segregation is clearly not the issue. This isn’t about the past, whether it’s the historical revisionism of the 1619 Project, or any other.
If segregation were the issue, crime would have been far higher during segregation than after it.
Murders actually shot up after the end of segregation. So did most other kinds of crime. (That’s not to suggest that the end of segregation was responsible. After cratering in the fifties, crime was rising sharply even before the end of segregation along with general social breakdowns in which divorce rates rose sharply as did single parent families, Protestant religious denominations declined, so did various forms of institutional allegiance and public confidence.)
Crime did not turn the corner until the middle of the nineties when, by most accounts, gentrification actually pushed black people out of some neighborhoods resulting in what leftists misleadingly described as “resegregation”. It rose sharply again in response to pro-crime policies such as the elimination of bail, the mass release of criminals from prison during the pandemic, and the end of public safety due to the Black Lives Matter movement.
Segregation, real or fictional, has nothing to do with crime rates which track more closely with pro-crime policies, whether those of the Warren Court, that began with inventing the right to a lawyer and concluded with banning the death penalty, and with its modern counterparts.
The JAMA study however sticks to the central premise of anti-racism which is that any black statistical outlers represent systemic racism in action. Higher black crime statistics can only be interpreted as the consequence of white racism even if it means describing Baltimore, a black city with a black mayor and majority black city council, as a segregated city.
Who is segregating Baltimore and Detroit, or for that matter Atlanta and Chicago? Almost all of the cities that the JAMA study lists as the most segregated, including New York City, Buffalo, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, and San Francisco, have black mayors.
What magical “structural racism” is forcing black Democrats to “segregate” their own cities and how does that cause gangs to shoot each other in the street? The JAMA study can’t do much except wave its arms toward generic ideas. “Future research is needed to develop more specific and sensitive markers of structural racism,” it claims. Unable to even define any kind of causative factor between what it deems to be structural racism and violence, it concludes, as every study does, that more research is needed to explain its inexplicable premise.
Every time the study bumps into a statistic that contradicts its premise, it shrugs awkwardly. Despite repeatedly blaming poverty, it observes that the “higher firearm injury rate persists even after correcting for income levels. In fact, the rate of gun violence among the highest income levels in Philadelphia was 15.8 times higher for black residents than white.”
Why are wealthier black people more prone to shooting and being shot? Structural racism.
“A potential explanation may be related to housing policies, as a long history of redlining has resulted in a higher density of black residents in certain neighborhoods,” the paper claims.
Today, what’s holding back any black person in the “highest income levels” from living anywhere he wants in Philly? Like Rittenhouse Square. Why could Stephen Smith, born a slave who bought his own freedom, started a lumber business and became the wealthiest black man in America in an era of actual slavery, live without fear of crime or anything except racist mobs?
The lies of anti-racism lies don’t help black people or anyone else. Gun laws don’t work. Blaming racism doesn’t work. The only thing that works is personal responsibility.
The cult of anti-racism insists, as the study does, that everything can be explained by waving at the “normalized and legitimized range of policies, practices, and attitudes that routinely produce cumulative and chronic adverse outcomes for people of color.” Rather than the adverse outcomes being the result of choices from within the community, critical race theory chooses to render black people powerless victims by claiming that their problems all come from outside.
Structural racism, like guns, doesn’t kill people. Poverty isn’t generational, it’s personal. History doesn’t hold us back, to paraphrase Obama, we are the ones holding ourselves back.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Daniel! That first thing that occurs to me is that the term “structural racism” is nonsensical, in our case at least. Racism is based on perception, like “birds of a feather flock together”. How does a bird know whether another bird is friend or enemy? If a bird of the same feather at least he knows more or less what to expect. When it comes to conflict people are likely to side with people who look the same.
Cat says
Agree. Theres no real definition of structural racism. – except maybe that racism is that which we all need to have a hysterical reaction to because it is horrid and is only ever done by White people. White people are the owners of something called structure. This structure is owned by newborn babies, poverty stricken people, persecuted people alike, if skin tone is light.
There us no escaping that the concept itself is racist.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Cat, very much!
Kynarion Hellenis says
Exactly right. Structural racism must be destroyed. The structure is western civilization created by Protestant Americans of European descent. That “structure” and those people must be destroyed before non-westernkind can live free and be happy.
Viet Vet says
A communist steps forward!
David Ray says
(She was being sarcastic.)
Kynarion Hellenis says
David Ray is correct. My attempt at sarcasm was a failure, obviously!
Gz7 says
So, you didn’t even read the article, huh?
Rudy Stachel says
Agreed. Civilization, culture, humanity are unknown to Islam and the denizens of the dark continent. What other religion has rules for sex with animals? What other culture has no written language, no architecture, no science, but claims Viking Queens were black? And we all know where blacks go Detroit follows, and Newark, St. Louis, Flint, Jackson, Chicago.
But hey who doesn’t long for the paradise of Haiti?
Who doesn’t want to live in North Korea, China, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, South Africa, Zaire, Venezuela, Cuba, Columbia, Russia?
All hail Antifa and BLM. Civilization was nice while it lasted. I do love Dhimmierat voters.
World@70 says
Is it coincidence that the Black Lives Matter movement coincides with the rise in crime?
Standing on the outside looking in may not be the better way of viewing this, (i.e. white male conservative old man) but here goes. BLM may have started out to be a tool to bring awareness of a problem to the forefront, but quickly turned into a war cry, rather than a plea, and that stirred peoples’ emotions and the original intent was lost. Once lost, it gained momentum resulting in riots and destruction rather than peaceful demonstration and discussion. And the ball kept rolling, resulting in more violence that naturally turned toward guns.
Daniel Greenfield says
BLM was a radicalizing tool. It built up its campaigns under Obama, forced the implementation of soft-on-crime policies and ushered in a crime wave that required more enforcement, thus more protests, until we got here.
David Ray says
BLM is a sham bullshit organization from it’s conception.
It was started by three avowed communists.
They extorted on a scale to make shakedown artist Jesse Jackson look like an amateur.
Patrisse Cullors (one of the founders) fleeced the till to buy several million dollar mansions, one in Bel Air.
Naturally, when this grift came to light, the communist low-lifes accused it on “racism!”.
BLSinSC says
In the words of the GREAT PRESIDENT REAGAN “there you go again”!! How DARE YOU??? You actually are stating FACTS about the SOURCE of GUN VIOLENCE!! You’ve stepped on the rake called “black gun violence” and it’s going to jump up and whack you on the head! Any libers reading this will automatically denounce this article as RACIST!!! BUT, when you use FACTS – WELL KNOWN FACTS – to discuss the issue then the RACE of the PARTICIPANTS is REQUIRED! But NO, the libers will denounce you because EVERYONE KNOWS that the REAL reason why black people shoot other black people is because of the white devil!! The ONLY REASON that these cities are so dangerous is BECAUSE of RACISM! The RACISTS in charge look the other way, hire incompetent people, don’t really CARE, and in general are OK with all the carnage because they are getting paid! SICKENING as it is – it IS what it IS!!
Daniel Greenfield says
Yes, we all know crime is caused by racism and if we just got rid of racism, crime would go away.
CharlieSeattle says
Not entirely but losing 13% of the US population will cut the crime rate in half easily!
Reparations …..Now!
One way tickets to Africa!
roberta says
Black kids escaped Planned Parenthood, only to finish the job themselves.
If the shoe fits, kill the other black guy and take his shoes. All cultures are equal. yep
Kasandra says
These nonsensical explanations are just a continuation of the Left’s infantilization of black people who, for over half a century, they have refused to hold responsibile for their own behaviors. Everything is the fault of whites and systemic white racism – never poor upbringing in chaotic single parent households, poor socialization, poor impulse control, poor values, emphasis of instant gratification, etc. There was a survey a few years ago in which 38% of Democrats said they believed it was racist simply to disagree with a black person. I can only imagine the percent who thought it racist to criticize a black person. And they aren’t about to do so and run the risk of alienating any members of a voting block that regularly votes 90+% for Dem candidates. So I don’t look for any change in this anytime soon.
Lightbringer says
There you have it — the infantilization of black people. It’s all part of the Democrat effort to keep their slaves on the plantation. True, the contemporary plantation does not grow cotton or much else, but don’t be deceived by the lack of greenery. The inner city is very much the new plantation, with quite willing slaves lining up to take massa’s money and do nothing for it, just as they are ordered to.
Kasandra says
Do nothing for it except turn out and vote Dem at election time.
Sir Peter says
And riot when told to
Kynarion Hellenis says
You have, once again, spoken the ugly truth. Thank you.
richard johnston says
How does “structural racism” explain the majority of black children growing up without the positive impact of a loving father?
When Patrick Moynihan wrote about the breakdown of the black family back in the mid-60s, the out-of-wedlock birthrate was 25% rather than today’s 70%. (Maybe structural racism has gotten much worse. Yep, that’s the ticket!) The rate for whites is not slightly above 25%. “Maybe kids don’t benefit from having a positively-involved father” said no one ever.
Time to re-read candidate Obama’s Father’s Day Speech.. Hope “Reverend” Jesse Jackson hasn’t cut Obama’s (&^% off yet. Fathers matter!
Algorithmic Analyst says
Jesse isn’t always wrong 🙂
Jeff Bargholz says
Like when he said that when he hears footsteps behind him at night and turns around and sees a white person, he’ relieved.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Streetwise Jesse 🙂
Evil Incarnate says
Single parent families are at the root of these problems. It’s a factor few people talk about. This article doesn’t mention it. Republican elected officials don’t mention it. Neither do Democrats. Barack Obama talked about the importance of fathers one time- when he was embroiled in the Jeremiah Wright controversy. He had never talked about it before, and after that blew over, he never mentioned it again.
Old Fogey says
Not race. Culture. There is nothing inherent in having African ancestors that makes boys and girls more susceptible to leftist lies than children of immigrants from other places. The culture of the black neighborhoods in Chicago is one fostered by “the soft bigotry of low expectations,” normal tribal influences on any group of similar children, social programs that yielded fatherless households, politicians that exploit grievances to gain power and control of public spending, and charlatans whose evil motivations inspire jealousy, greed, and violence.
Want proof? MS-13
Kynarion Hellenis says
Have you notice how races tend to produce their own, unique cultures? And some races and their cultures never assimilate? How ethnic diversity tends to produce social distrust and unrest?
Old Fogey says
Culture is the interaction of tradition with experience. Race is much more difficult to define.
Dark-skinned people from Goa and Ethiopians have virtually nothing in common but the reflectivity of their skin.
Hispanic is a meaningless term. The Spaniards were fair-haired, blue-eyed Visigoths, and this genetic type remains the principal one in Chile, where intermarriage with the pre-Columbian population was rare, but not in Mexico and Central American, where intermarriage was common.
While North African Berbers now speak Arabic and have many Arabic behaviors, they have no genetic commonality with the tribes that conquered their lands in the 7th Century.
The English, Scots, Irish, and Welsh are a true melting pot of Northern European tribes so complex as to defy description, yet they are all lumped together as white.
Bantu v. Hutu makes the notion of Sub-Saharan racial homogeneity utterly fatuous.
It is cultural affinity that leads people of similar heritage to aggregate after emigrating, not race *per se.*
Kynarion Hellenis says
I agree, but where you say “culture is the interaction of tradition with experience” I would say tradition, experience and race (in peculiar locations) produce culture. Race is a factor in the production of culture because races vary not only in appearance, but also in other ways that can be observed and measured. None of these things diminishes the humanity or dignity of any race. Equality is not sameness.
Race is not difficult in origin or conception. We all come from the three sons of Noah: Shem, Ham and Japheth. The complexity is found when these three sons disperse widely and settle in separate communities far from their brothers and produce their unique cultural and genetic variations. There is also much intermarrying within these separated tribes due to migration (voluntary or otherwise). People still prefer their own, and intermarriage is much less popular than is portrayed in movies and television.
The Jews have been largely dispersed from Israel for a long time. They have intermarried heavily with the sons of Japheth and many of these carry the phenotype of the Germanic tribes (Ashkenazi). The Bible predicted this in Genesis 9:27. These people are still Jews because they are very careful to guard and preserve their traditions and culture. They correctly claim Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as their progenitors, where I cannot do so.
The English, Scots, Irish and Welsh are, indeed, a melting pot – but they are genetically, linguistically, and culturally closer due to their heritage in Japheth. They do not have a connection with Shem or Ham (excepting the diaspora Jews who have largely and heavily intermarried into the northern European peoples).
David Elstrom says
If you got the Chicago stats from city officials they are lowball. For example, CPD stats only count homicides (all homicides are murders, but not all murders are homicides), and they exclude shooting on expressways even though these are inside city limits (expressways are patrolled by the IL State Police).
Algorithmic Analyst says
None of the crime stats from big Democrat cities are reliable any more. Besides officials twisting the stats for political reasons, a lot of people have given up reporting crimes.
Mark Luhman says
It been stated and it is correct, “race disappears from crime statistics when you take in the martial status of the mother.” The problem is not race it unwed mothers, shame of JAMA they know exactly what going on and find another excuse for farther less boys of a certain race behaving badly, when they know race has nothing to do with it. Leftist can never admit that daddy government does a poor job..
Kynarion Hellenis says
There is also a strong correlation between race and unwed mothers. As our culture becomes less Christian, unwed motherhood is increasing in Americans of European descent, but unwed motherhood has always been and still is much greater in African communities here and abroad.
Sub-Saharan African blacks have crime rates exponentially higher in every western country where they live. – not just the United States. Their crime rates are always hugely disproportionate than their share of the population.
Fatherlessness is a terrible problem, but it features prominently in Africans. Marriage of one man with one woman is western thing, practiced by westernkind.
It would probably surprise Jessie Jackson who headed the failed Guns Out Jobs In campaign to know that some of the first Gun Control laws was passed to prevent the newly freed slaves form obtaining firearm’s and was passed by the Democrats who also founded the KKK
KuhnKat says
Didn’t see mention of the Socialist/Marxist/Communist penetration of the black communities mentioned. The fifties expansion fits this perfectly.
Angel Jacob says
Savages will always be savages.
Kynarion Hellenis says
However noble they be?
John Byrum says
If there were no guns blacks would be killing each other with hammers, knives and clubs.
And who is forcing segregation? No one is forcing blacks to live anywhere. They can live anywhere they can afford to. Same thing with White people. They can live where they can afford to and if they don’t want any to live near blacks they move they don’t force blacks to move. Thanks to black crime I have to carry a gun everywhere I go like it or not.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Only whites cannot live in their own communities. When they do, they are attacked for being “not diverse enough.”
“Diversity” will finally be achieved when there is a uniform lack of white people in the land of their ancestors, and everyone is non-diversely dark skinned, eyed and haired.
“Diversity” happens when we are all finally the same.
Barbara says
Thomas Sowell blames Southern redneck culture with its emphasis on violence if a man felt disrespected, promiscuity, gaudy displays of wealth and drunkenness. Poor blacks have adopted old fashioned Southern redneck culture in attitudes, religion and social structure. The original successful blacks who were already free before the Civil War developed their own culture that had nothing to do with Southern redneck culture. Read “Black Rednecks and White Liberals ” by Sowell. The audio book is on YouTube.
Tex the Mockingbird says
Some pinhead wrote a book claiming that the 2nd Amendment was written to protect Slavery but Slave is not mentoined in the 2nd Amendment or anywhere in the U.S. Constitution but the persons last name happens to be Bogus which fits this evedince this egghead comes up with
Semaphore says
Desegregation was a mixed blessing for the African community. Under segregation, black communities consisted of all kinds of people – the professionals, the educators, business owners, preachers, skilled tradesmen. With desegration, those who could afford to relocate to more desirable areas left. And they took with them the roll modeling that inspired their kids. Coupled with the government welfare check, which eliminated the need for a bread-winning father, you had a formula for societal failure. The unintended consequence here was that two generations of black sons have grown up without male guidance. It’s not racism so much as character and self-control that is the problem. JAMA is wrong here.
TRex says
It appears LBJ’s “Great Society” isn’t so Great, after all.
Bird of Paradise says
And LBJ used the N word
Kynarion Hellenis says
Self-control (and ability to defer gratification) is a measurable trait in which Asians and Europeans score substantially higher.
Westernkind blacks usually leave their own people and do not help them do better. Only whites tend to give that kind of care and effort to blacks (and animals, orphans, third-world populations, etc.).
When blacks leave their own and choose to live as westernkind, this is what you get:
Most of these people have phenotypically European features, I notice.
tij says
this all started with that fraud Boas and the idea that there are no racial differences, just socio-economic factors.
DNA analysis proves without a doubt that races, or sub-species of humans are real and have vast genetic differences that do affect behavior.
Kynarion Hellenis says
This should not be an ugly truth, but it is. It is ugly only because it is unpopular and carries great risk for the one who dares to say it.
Jan VI says
Blah, blah, blah. Blacks criminally shoot people way out of proportion to blacks’ percentage of the population. Until black criminals are held responsible by both blacks and whites, the mayhem will continue.
ORRN31 says
JAMA, go f**k yourselves. You proved your worth during the plandemic.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Exactly. And we should never forget or forgive it.
ed says
Black make up 13% of the population but 70+% of the prison population
That is telling
Jay Dee says
Something that few realize is that the violent crime rate from intact families, Black or white are about the same. I have a hypothesis.
Let’s be frank. Lyndon Johnson was a Klinsmann as was Sam Rayburn and many other members of Congress. The War On Poverty was designed to plunder the taxpayers while destroying Black families under guise of “helping” poor people.
Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger belonged to the Klan and was a fierce supporter of eugenics. Planned Parenthood clinics were sited in Black communities to kill Black babies.
Federal intervention into education undercut the education of Black children and derail the achievements of talented Black people.
People say that there is systemic racism and there is. It is embedded in the Deep State; embedded in hundreds of thousands of laws, rules and processes. The only way to root this out is to defund and disorganize the Deep State. Today’s bureaucrats have no idea where the programs they manage originated.
Is this true? I don’t know but it makes sense.
NAVY ET1 says
All I can figure is that the American Medical Association is looking for an additional infusion of capital in the form of taxpayer money from the federal government. It’s the only cause/effect from their paper that makes any sense here. It’s also in keeping with this now nefarious group’s perpetual push of the clot shot. I wonder if they realize the large percentage of Americans who have completely lost all faith in their “association”.
If folks were having a hard time understanding Obama’s “fundamentally transform America” comment, in the words of Bill Engvall, “Here’s your sign”.
Degüello says
Pointing out the obvious, the crux of the problem is that one American sub-culture inculcates deadly anti-social and criminal behavior. What caused that development or how to change it can be argued, but the results can’t.
Math is a harsh mistress.
Chief says
There is no such thing as racism. We are all of the Human Race. Human beings are like roses. Roses have many colors, red, pink, black, white, yellow–look it up; yet they are all–roses.
jcr says
In my city of 100K, I grew up attending the most intregated schools in my city. I was a tall white kid.
In groups, backs picked on me constantly. “Lets make JR cry.”
One day, 6th grade, had enough, I was again attacked, and I knocked one of these ferals down on a BB court.
Who was the problem? Disciplined?
The school selected Me.
Unless blacks share my work and ethic values. I stay away from them.
Middle school was no better. High school? They were diluted.
Segregation? It is the only value I share with FJB.
Kynarion Hellenis says
The one whom you cannot criticize, who can criticize and hurt you without penalty is the one who rules you.
Your awful experience is a very common one.
Hanna says
So would it be fair to say that diversity is not a strenght (per se)?