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The British Extinction Rebelling eco-vandals are making their way to this country. After their more aggressive cousins showed up, ‘Tyre Extinction’, a band of courageous planeteers who fought global warming by punching holes in people’s tires so that they have to use even more energy getting new ones, is courageously operating in Beacon Hill.
A group of climate change activists who deflated the tires of 43 gas guzzling SUVs in Boston’s Beacon Hill neighborhood last Wednesday night told Yahoo News that they think their aggressive action is necessary to draw attention to carbon emissions.
Way to take the fight to MAGA territory. I’d like to see them hit up a biker rally next.
“We’ve generated media coverage in the 17 countries we’ve been active in, as well as other countries we haven’t been active in yet,” a spokesperson for the Tyre Extinguishers, a grassroots organization operating in several countries, told Yahoo News in an email. “We’ve been featured in newspapers, radio, TV — we have generated quite a lot more media attention than quite a lot of formal climate groups.”
This paragraph perfectly encapsulates the fact that environmentalists are obnoxious toddlers who throw tantrums to get attention while screaming that the planet will die unless everyone listens to them and gives them money.
Following on a spate of incidents in which activists in Europe defaced the plastic cases of famous paintings in museums and blocked roads to stop traffic, the survey asked more than 1,000 Americans what they think of those tactics. The result? Forty-six percent said the activism reduced their support for measures to address climate change, while only 13% reported increasing support and 40% said it had no effect on their views.
Michael Mann, one of the world’s leading climate change experts and the Penn professor who oversaw the research project, told Yahoo News in an email that this likely means the public reaction to deflating tires would be similar.
No kidding. Vandalizing people’s cars might not bring them around to your side.
One segment of the public is certainly unlikely to look on climate activism more favorably due to tires being deflated: the owners of the SUVs. “You know, I’m all for taking action to save the environment, but I just don’t know that destroying people’s personal property or damaging people’s personal property is the way to go about doing it,” the daughter of one couple whose tires were deflated told a local Boston TV news channel.
The Tyre Extinguishers, however, puts the blame squarely on the consumers who have bought those vehicles.
“Ultimately, politely asking and protesting for these things has failed. It’s time for action, so there is little point in calming down SUV owners,” the spokesperson added. “They cannot be reasoned with. They know the climate science, yet they continue to own SUVs. The only thing that we can do is make it impossible or extremely inconvenient to own one.”
Faster, please.
They say a conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged. And perhaps had the tires on his luxury EV SUV subsidized with taxpayer-funded credits slashed.
Tire Extinction can reach liberals with their message that the movement they’re part of is deranged and wants to take their stuff in ways no conservatives could.
Makes me think of an admittedly less-dramatic form of unintended consequences: Newport Beach, California has a long-loved (since 1919) Balboa Island Ferry, two boats that float a few cars at a time and pedestrians across a narrow gap of Newport Harbor from Balboa Island to the Balboa Peninsula. This short cut cuts out miles of travel cars would otherwise have to drive without the Ferry. But new state emissions standards will now require the boats to have their fossil-fuel motors replaced with electric motors. The boats’ owners says that’ll be too expensive, so he’ll have to pull the boats altogether.
Now those cars—that will certainly include fossil-fuel burning cars—will have to drive miles further and the verboten emissions will certainly increase over all!
“New in depth study determines criminals do not obey laws and commit all crimes. Expert’s and Politician’s baffled.”
“I’d like to see them hit up a biker rally next.”
Oh, yeah. The bikers are likely to beat them to a pulp 🙂
That would be entertaining to watch.
I’m fairly certain they won’t show up in states like Texas where it’s legal to shoot someone illegally trespassing and vandalizing your property.
Even in poorer urban areas, thugs are getting killed trying to steal cars and catalytic converters
There is a reason they’re doing this selectively to wealthy liberals who won’t fight back
Catalytic converters? What do they want those for? Their bicycles?
“Thieves can make around $200 for the precious metals in each catalytic converter.”
Well, that explains it. It’s Like stealing copper tubing from abandoned buildings.
Some people will steal anything. I learned that years ago. There are plenty of weird scumbags out there. .
Yeah. “Gun free zones”, liberal homes. Right?
Gotta luv it whenever I hear that someone like Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe has been duping the far-left by talking them into buying “Gun Free Zone” signs to post in front of their own houses!
I no longer argue with climate activists. I simply ask them why it is warm in summer and cold in winter. More often than not they will answer that the earth is closer to the sun in summer. Then I point out that when it is summer in the northern hemisphere it is winter in the southern hemisphere. At that point they realize that they do not understand basic climate science and break off the conversation.
Wow. That’s actually a pretty good trick. It never occurred to me that they were that dumb.
“A group of climate change activists who deflated the tires of 43 gas guzzling SUVs in Boston’s Beacon Hill neighborhood last Wednesday night told Yahoo News that they think their aggressive action is necessary…” This is why when I drive my pick up truck into any large city where these enviro-terrorist cretins are likely to hang out, I always carry my .380 KelTec or my .45 M1911A1 Colt.
I’ve had my tires stabbed and deflated countless times here in San Jose CA, and I drive Toyota sedans (Camrys.) There is no parking lot at my apartment building so I have to park on the streets. I’ve had windows broken, too, and two cars stolen.
I suspect the people who live in the houses I parked in front of them but they denied it when I confronted them. They would, wouldn’t they? Nobody who stabs a stranger’s tires is honest.
I wonder when, or perhaps if, the fools will try their dumb shenanigans in Texas.
I heard BLM and Antifa got their asses kicked when they pulled their riot shit in Texas. Maybe not Austin but every Texan knows Austin sucks.
Austin isn’t Texas.
Lets see those Eco-Freaks try that in Texas lets see how quickly they get pounded into the Pavement or have their Bicycle wrapped around their necks and their Granola Bars shoved up their nose
I don;t think they’re trying to win hearts and minds.
People can get tired of many things. They can get tired of death and taxes. They can get tired of vaccines and flu shots.
Movements like Extinction Rebellion don’t exist for themselves. They exist only to create new avenues for compromise with the compromise class which fancies itself the adults in the room because they understand the benefits of compromise. They are not the only ones though who understand the benefits besides politicians.
Paul Joseph Watson tells us what it means. Does it mean Faux News will stop being the Trump show? I don’t think so because Trump is going to do the expected in my opinion. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think so.
If I thought otherwise I would be of the opposite opinion.
You can never tell the Compromise Class that they are compromising themselves out of existence because compromise is their existence. Besides they have a long valued trajectory of compromise that resulted in here.
DH is is enthralled with the idea that Tucker can now be more himself outside of the constraints of Faux News. The point is he can be more himself singing to himself in the shower.
“Michael Mann, one of the world’s leading climate change experts ” – A blatant lie. He has been debunked and disgraced more than the flat-Earthers.
The man’s a disgrace. He is no more a scientist than he is a member of the Starship Enterprise crew.