Again, this is the sort of case that would have been a non-issue if Dem judges hadn’t decided that they were now the legislative and executive branches combined, with the power to overrule government actions with a long history of precedent on no actual basis.
The Supreme Court said Monday that it will allow the Trump administration’s “public charge” rule to take effect after the immigration policy had been blocked by lower courts.
The rule, which was proposed in August, will make it more difficult for immigrants to obtain permanent residency, or green cards, if they have used or are likely to use public benefits like food stamps and Medicaid.
Under previous federal rules, a more narrow universe of public benefits, such as cash assistance and long-term hospitalization, were considered in determining whether an immigrant was likely to become a “public charge.”
There was no serious basis for claiming that food stamps and Medicaid use don’t make one a public charge. They clearly do.
Nor was there any serious basis for preventing enforcement.
Justice Thomas and Justice Gorsuch pointed at the bigger problem with the Dem judicial coups.
Neil Gorsuch, who wrote a separate concurrence explaining his vote, said that the court was correct to halt the injunction, but that the “real problem” was the rise of nationwide injunctions.
“If a single successful challenge is enough to stay the challenged rule across the country, the government’s hope of implementing any new policy could face the long odds of a straight sweep” of all the district and appeals courts in the country, Gorsuch wrote.
Gorsuch’s concurrence was joined by Justice Clarence Thomas.
And that’s been the game here.
Force the Trump admin to take every case to SCOTUS and hope that Justice Roberts can be pressured into taking the lefty side.
“This decision will hurt immigrant communities,” Javier Valdes, the co-executive director of Make the Road New York, one of the group’s challenging the regulations, said in a statement. “The Trump administration’s public charge rules attack our loved ones and neighbors by imposing a racist wealth test on the immigration system.”
A racist wealth test?
If being able to pay your own way is a wealth test, then that can be the only basis for citizenship. America can’t take in the welfare cases of the world.
Or rather it can’t keep doing it.
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