The great challenge of the conservative paradigm is that we don’t believe in tyranny and our opponents do.
When the Left takes over an institution, it immediately falls into line with a larger agenda and becomes dedicated to destroying America. Conservatives never really takes over institutions because they don’t coordinate nearly as well and have no way of keeping its members in line, and don’t even really think in those terms.
That’s obviously a strategic challenge. It’s also why dismantling government is innate to conservatives, not using it.
There have been rising forces on the Right that would like to change that and think in terms of running a powerful government. But that’s just another way of spelling Socialism, and advocates for this philosophy are increasingly open about preferring some sort of national socialism that would be used to uphold national and moral values, while suppressing the Left.
That would not only destroy America, but 20th century history is full of examples of how badly these plans worked out.
Americans don’t want a giant, powerful government. And such a government would be corrupt, thuggish, and evil. That’s not some libertarian nonsense. It’s the premise on which the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were built.
The very core of the argument being advanced by some on the Right, the Supreme Court, demonstrates that fallacy.
The Supreme Court, as it exists today, is an inherently leftist institution, even when its members start out as conservatives. The leftism of the court derives from the powers that it seized to enable Judicial Supremacism.
Judicial Supremacism, a totalitarian doctrine denounced by everyone from Jefferson to Lincoln, says that the court is the final arbiter. And when you give people absolute power to make decisions like that, they end up being absolutely corrupted.
That’s why the Supreme Court can destroy America, but expecting its justices to save it is unrealistic.
It is important to put conservatives on the Supreme Court. And to stop putting the same eager beaver spit-and-polish Roberts, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh types, who are probably very nice people, but are easily swayed by the general culture.
Contrast them with Thomas, Alito and Scalia, and it becomes very obvious that the next Supreme Court justice had better be an Italian-American or a black conservative, not someone who could be cast as a genial dad on a 50s sitcom.
Minorities, of any sort, understand how to retain their convictions in a differing culture. Comfortable members of the majority have more trouble with it.
But a conservative Supreme Court can only slow down the Left’s attack by denying it the full use of the Court’s power.
It will not save America. And we should not expect it to.
Government is not going to save us. If we have any hope, it will come from destroying the powerful national institutions that the Left uses to control the country, rather than trying to colonize them, while expecting the colonists not to go native or go off the reservation.
Restoring America is a cultural and geographic, not an institutional struggle. It requires a vertical, rather than a horizontal power shift.
The Tea Party understood that it would take more to change America than to change who was in office in D.C. And then that understanding trickled away. Possibly one of the most important and underreported Trump administration initiatives was aimed at breaking up some agencies and moving them to the areas they actually govern.
Without vertical power shifts, America will continue drifting leftward as the institutions in the major cities remain the arenas of a losing struggle.
Washington D.C. is not an arena. It is the problem. Any long term commitment to trying to win that arena is a losing strategy.
The Supreme Court can’t save America. It can however destroy it. And that’s true of all of D.C.
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