As Matt Margolis noted Sunday, “Rudy Giuliani lawyer Robert Costello, a former legal advisor to Michael Cohen,” was set to appear on Monday before the grand jury that is currently persecuting and railroading Donald Trump, “with the sole intention of undermining Cohen’s credibility.” That he did.Costello offered testimony that should explode Manhattan Get-Trump activist DA Alvin Bragg’s entire case and end all this talk about arresting the Democrats’ principal political opponent. But will it? Of course not. Witch hunters aren’t operating on the rational plane to begin with; they’re not going to be deterred by something so trivial as evidence.
Just the News reported Monday that Costello testified that Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen, who long ago turned on the America-First president, “paid Stormy Daniels without Trump knowing.” Costello said: “The heart of it is that Michael Cohen told us that he was approached by Stormy Daniels’ lawyer and Stormy Daniels had negative information that she wanted to put in a lawsuit against Trump. So Michael Cohen decided on his own, that’s what he told us, on his own, to see if he could take care of this.”Cohen has long insisted that Trump told him to pay the porn star Daniels for her silence about their alleged affair, which Trump denies ever took place at all. If Cohen handled Daniels’ claim on his own and without Trump’s knowledge, can Trump really be arrested for the payment? Given the Leftist establishment’s manifest disregard for the rule of law, the answer to that question is: Of course he can, and probably will be. Nonetheless, Bragg’s case, which was already quite flimsy (as even the New York Times admitted), is sinking as if it collided with an iceberg.
Iceberg Costello testified for over two hours on Monday. Then he told reporters outside Bragg’s office, according to the UK’s Independent, that “he had contradicted public statements Cohen has made about the payments and cast doubts on his credibility.” Costello declared, “If they want to go after Donald Trump and they have solid evidence then so be it. But Michael Cohen is far from solid evidence. … I told the grand jury that this guy couldn’t tell the truth if you put a gun to his head.” You mean someone who hates Donald Trump is so consumed by that hatred that he willingly tells untruths publicly? Holy Adam Schiff, Batman!
And not just Cohen. Costello charged that “the DA’s office had ‘cherry-picked’ information from more than 300 emails he turned over to the investigation.” Wait: you mean Alvin Bragg might not be conducting the fairest and most impartial inquiry possible? Knock me over with a feather! “They seemed clearly one-sided and not after the truth,” said Costello. No kidding, really?
Costello’s assessment of Bragg’s investigation was already painfully obvious. This is a case that does not rise to the level of a felony except by means of some imaginative legal legerdemain. Other prosecutors have declined to pursue it, finding that there was no there there. So will Costello’s testimony draw the Left back from the banana republic brink and prevent them from establishing the dangerous precedent of arresting the sitting president’s chief rival on charges that appear to have been cobbled together just to serve the purpose of having something, anything, to stick on him?
In a perfect world, that might be the case, but Old Joe Biden’s America in this weary year of 2023 is not even close to being a perfect world. Trump will almost certainly be indicted, arrested, handcuffed, and perp-walked, while the FBI and other agencies try to provoke patriots into doing something that they can use as a new pretext to demonize and destroy their political opponents.
It is no accident that the specter of Trump’s arrest arose so quickly after Tucker Carlson exploded the Left’s Jan. 6 “insurrection” narrative. The fire brigade arrived and put out that fire, and so now the destroyers of what they piously claim to be saving, the republic they call “our democracy,” have to find a new Reichstag Fire. Enter Alvin Bragg, ready with rags, gasoline, and matches. The fire will be lit. What it will destroy before it is finally put out is anybody’s guess.
Thanks Robert, very nice article!
“Surprise Grand Jury Witness stole classmates’ pencil in the first grade. Credibility in question.”
“THE FBI, DOJ, AND MSM look at Trump under an ELECTRON MICROSCOPE while they look at the Biden’s, Clinton’s, Obama’s, and the Democrats with a BACKWARDS HUBBLE TELESCOPE!” SC
They’re looking for that one bad cell, out of 88 billion, so they can blow it out of proportion!
ANTIFA/BLM/DEMOCRATS looted, billion$ in arson, ambushed, and murdered “Pigs in a blanket… fry ’em like bacon” AND GOT AWAY WITH IT! If MAGA’s protest in NYC, they’ll be arrested for JAYWALKING, guilty, six months in jail.
KEEP THOSE BARRIERS UP IN D.C….. if our FBI and DOJ weren’t so corrupt, the Biden’s would be handcuffed and we’ll see The Peaceful Protesters torch the Capitol, White House, and cities across America from the gasoline given to them by members of the J6 Committee and the entire Democratic Party! IF TRUMP WON, THEY WOULD HAVE TORCHED AMERICA AND GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT!
The lefts lust for power has gone beyond the limits of imagination. With power over a nation comes tremendous responsibility, the left has no consciousness that responsibility even exists. All they can dream about is having the power to be gods over everything. Utopia, is all about them, nothing or no one else. All their lying, deceiving, manipulating, is all about themselves. So much so they let the enemies of the nation do whatever they want and the democrats believe they will come out of this mess they have created smelling like roses.
Our enemies can EMP this country at will, do the left care? our enemies now have a first strike capability against this country, do those on the left care? the answer is, no, they only care about what they think they can extract from the American people and get away with.
Those on the left haven’t got a clue that if our enemies pull off a nuclear first strike and succeed, they, the lefties, live here also and have just as much chance of survival as the rest of us.
Leftism, is a cancer on any society, and its god hates humans.
I just hope this Quicksand is large and fast enough to suck down the Democrat Jackass quickly and quietly
The policy of the worst always leads to the collapse of those who put it in place. The collapse has already begun. These rots are bound to disappear, that’s how the natural order of things works, with the help of God.
And In God We Trust.
Take up arms and fight.
American Revolutionary Song: The Liberty Song:
In times ,after this vicious hoax of a “legal indictment” against Donald Trump, which is political persecution and malicious harassment all blows over , much later in time it will much in the annals of future history books certainly will, with honest and ethical historians who write only truth, will print what an outstanding good President Donald Trump was and that he just and fair man who stood for justice and accomplished must for the advancement of the United States in only four years in Office.
In contrast future good quality history books will reveal what a despicable and evil man President imposter Joe Biden was and how he did and still does everything wrong and terrible to tear down the United States and cause her to become a third world power.
So much so that the name of Joe Biden will rot in American history.
As the Bible informs its reader “The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.”
Proverbs 11:7. [K.J.V.]
What’s that smell? Could it be that the real perps are so used to treading in doggy poo that they’ve wiped their faces with it thinking that it was good for their complexions.
Smell so bad it would make a Vulture sick and gag a skunk
Not many people I can this about, but if Robert Spencer says it, I believe it. Always well researched and spot on.