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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
The Left’s Long March Through the Institutions has been a resounding success. Most of our nation’s colleges and universities, including — indeed, especially — those who enjoy an outsize influence on American politics and culture, have long ago ceased to be centers of higher learning and have become centers of far-Left indoctrination. Marxist sloganeering and agitprop masquerades as genuine intellectual inquiry, and so it’s no wonder that once American youth graduate from their once-renowned institutions, they happily take jobs in government or social media that involve stripping free speech and self-defense rights from Americans. They also hate Jews and Israel, in large numbers. But in emblematic of what American academia has become is the fact that those who hate Israel the most know the least about it.
Algemeiner reported recently that “students who care strongly about the ‘Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories’ do not have knowledge of basic facts surrounding the subject, and do not share similar concerns about other geopolitical conflicts.” This wholly unstartling fact comes from a survey of 230 undergraduates at University of California, Berkeley. Ron Hassner, who has the unenviable position of being Berkeley’s Helen Diller Family Chair in Israel Studies, conducted this survey, which began by presenting students with 18 issues and asking them to rate how interested they were in them.
Hassner explained that these issues included “US-Iran relations, the civil war in Yemen, drone warfare, etc., on a five point scale, ranging from ‘I’m not that interested’ (1 point out of 5) to ‘I care deeply’ (5 points out of 5).” The survey went on from there to ask the respondents a “series of open-ended questions ‘on history, geography, and current affairs.’”
According to Hassner, 43 percent of the students were most interested in Israel’s alleged “control of Palestinian territories,” while expressing much less interest in “other Middle East occupations, such as the Kurdish struggle for independence, the occupation of Western Sahara, or the occupation of Northern Cyprus.” That’s understandable. These indoctrinated bots aren’t inundated daily with self-righteous Leftist twaddle about the massive, howling, world-historical injustice of the occupation of Western Sahara or Northern Cyprus. They likely haven’t even heard of either one.
That’s a reasonable conclusion to come to in light of the fact that they know virtually nothing about the conflict that they do profess to care, and care very deeply, about: “Eighty-four percent of those in the most passionate cohort could not name the decade when Israel captured the West Bank, while 75 percent could not locate the Palestinian territories in question on a map.” Moreover, a full twenty-five percent of these programmed and propagandized student “placed the Palestinian Territories west of Lebanon, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.” Nor did just a few of them drive the Palestinians into the sea that they chant about wanting to fill with Israelis: “The class average for this blunder was 14%.”
Strikingly, the survey data also showed that “students who expressed the most interest in the Palestinian issue were less informed than more moderate peers, who ‘are more likely to admit gaps in their knowledge and, as a result, are less likely to hold erroneous beliefs.’” Thus “like the rest of the class, only 25% of passionate students placed the Palestinian Territories, correctly, south of Lebanon. But students with more moderate levels of enthusiasm provided the correct answer 28% of the time.”
In fact, “the most passionate students were also the least likely to leave questions unanswered and ‘the most likely to offer a wild guess,’ marking them as the most overconfident respondents.” And this pattern continually recurred “in all answers related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Hassner noted: “Only 16% of students who ‘care deeply’ about the Palestinian issue provided the correct decade for the Six Day War and only 17% were able to guess that the population of Israel was somewhere between 8 and 12 million people. The others offered guesses ranging from as low as 100,000 persons to as high as 150 million persons.”
Hassner professed not to know why ignorance and passion about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict correlated so markedly: “While acknowledging that his survey could not answer why students were driven to profess strong opinions on issues they were not particularly knowledgeable about, Hassner posited that ‘it does indicate, strongly, that education and moderation go hand in hand.’” He added: “The questions that students answered most accurately involved Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Morocco, all countries for which they expressed moderate but not extreme interest. If misinformation is both a cause and a consequence of political passion, then good teaching is the antidote.”
Yes. The students who are most passionate about hating Israel know the least about the conflict because they are suffering from a social contagion, not acting upon a reasoned conclusion. Those who actually study the issue, if they do so thoroughly and honestly, will come out supporting Israel. Our nation’s colleges and universities are doing their level best to prevent that outcome.
Just like with Global Warming/Climate Change those who know the least about it are the ones who support more restrictions over a totally fake threat
Ted says
The hamas charter explains it all.
RS says
All they know or have been taught is hate, thats why. Its not normalcy in any way..
Ted says
Social engineering by those including Institutions and Media.
Israel belongs to Israel and they ( Israelis) have a right to Defense against a Globally destabilizing ideology that would destroy them.
Israel should be thanked for being on te Front lines for the West against islam in whatever form it says it is
Mo de Profit says
And all those young students are still, after nearly four years of evidence in front of their own eyes, they are terrified of convid, pathetic people.
Mark Dunn says
1975 I graduated high school a functional illiterate, I got my news, from a St Louis, Missouri, rock and roll radio station. Every hour ‘some man came on the radio telling more and more (about UN resolution 242, Palestinian autonomy) and other useless information.’ One day I cried out to God. He saved me and healed my drug addled mind. I had an epiphany, I reasoned that if God revealed himself to man, in the person of Jesus a Jew, then maybe I ought to like read books, and stuff, about Israel and Jews. The End
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Congratulations, sir. Epiphanies are fantastic. They also save redeemable lives and keep really alive those that merit life.
Lightbringer says
Good for you! So glad you joined the ranks of the civilized.
Hannah Katz says
Sadly, most of these “students” are as hot of blood as they are dim of mind. Like Hamas.
Billy Corr says
Yeats: “The Best lack all conviction & the Worst are filled with passionate intensity.”
But let us not get unduly distresses; the Blessed Jay Leno has been out and about with his clipboard and his Panasonic recorder; most students can’t locate Idaho on a map so please don’t ask them anything difficult about Gaza or Samaria.
Chief Mac says
LeftTwats are very proud of their ignorance to the point of sheer arrogance. They are the type – don’t bother me with facts, my mind is made up.
I went college to learn job skills and finished without owing a dime – today’s student go to college to virtue posturing and whining about how unfair it is to be expected to repay student loans
Steve says
I have noticed that wokelings who are partisans of “Palestine” also invariably rhink that all Jews come from “Germany and Poland” (they also often claim that Ashkenazi Jews are “imposters” of “Khazar” or white European descent, even though that canard has been refuted by DNA testing). The revelation that about half of Israeli Jews are descendants of Mizrahi Jews driven out of Muslim (mostly Arab) lands and have no idea how small Israel is (about he size of New Jersey) which makes claims of Israel’s “empire building” preposterous. Additionally, anyone with half a brain who’s ever glanced at a map (I realize this excludes most student “activists”and celebrities such as Susan Sarandon) can see that Israel’s borders prior to 1967 were indefensible. Every population center was within shelling distance.
Sebastian says
I’m not partisan to Palestine over Israel. I’m pro Israel.
But, to deny the fact that Jews are white Europeans is dishonest. DNA proves without any doubt they are a European people (French, German, Russian, etc) that adopted a Middle Eastern religion. If you look at all the famous “Jews” from Dershowitz to Kushner, etc, none of them have Middle Eastern or Levant in their DNA! It’s European. That is a fact. Many famous just posted their DNA results so it’s not a secret.
If you think todays Jews have some genetic link to the Jews of the Bible from over 3K yrs ago I have some land to sell you.
The Jews aren’t indigenous to Palestine.
Avraymele says
I’m sorry, but you’re mistaken. The reason you may think that is because these tests show where in Europe these Jews lived. If they were indeed genetically European, they would get a result of French, German, Polish, etc. But they do not. The result they get is from 95% to 100% Ashkenazi Jewish.
Some Jews, like myself, were tested by a university genetics researcher. I had shown up on aFamilyTtree, DNA test as 100% Ashkenazi Jewish and showed me coming from the countries where Ashkenazis lived in Europe.
My genetics test by the university researcher showed me as 100% Middle Eastern from the Levant region.. It was the same for my cousin.
When Barbara Walters was tested by Henry Lewis Gates for his genealogy show, she tested as 95% Middle Eastern. She was an Ashkenazi Jewish woman. Anyone who is truly ethnically Ashkenazi has significant Middle Eastern genetics.
Sebastian says
To the contrary, genetic testing done by the Archean genetic research center shows that the European Jews “are more closely related to the pre historic indigenous people of Europe than the Levant, and particularly through the matrilineal line.
Ashkenazi means German in Hebrew not middle eastern.
The reason tests show European or Ashkenazi rather than specifically French is because the Jews only married within their group whether by choice or by being segregated by laws of a particular town.
And you never tested as middle western. Ms Walters and that fake test was exposed
Avraymele says
I could not find an “Archean Genetic Research Center”, which you referred to. If you have a link I would like to see it.
Jews know what Ashkenaz means. They gave the name Ashkenaz to the Germanic-speaking region because that’s where they lived. It has nothing to do with their origin. That’s like saying Jews who live in New York actually are genetically from York, England.
You brought up testing as “Middle Western” and you no longer sound cogent.
Are you also claiming that Henry Louis Gates, Jr. used a fake test on Barbara Walters or that my test results are fake? I can assure you they are not.
Here is a description of the Barbara Waters segment of the Henry Louis Gates Jr show:
” .. Dr. Gates asked Barbara what percentage of her DNA she thought was of Jewish origin and she guessed 99.9%. An admixture test, which appeared to be FTDNA’s Population Finder (included with the Family Finder test) revealed that she is actually ~91% Middle Eastern (Jewish) and ~9% European (non-Jewish). Dr. Gates noted that this exercise with Barbara illustrated that DNA analysis is revealing that “our family trees are more diverse than we had assumed.”
I would like to know why people like you get so obsessed with Jews. I wish they wouldn’t.
David Levine says
You are grasping at straws and it is you who is delusional. The long and easily traceable Jewish diaspora of 2,000 years is well recorded. Along the way there was some mixing with European and N. African people but it was minimal. Jews are the people who have retained their identity through the worst persecutions based on their fealty to the Torah and the history and culture and values therein. The Khazar story was minimal and short lived. You need to get your information from better sources.
Sebastian says
I don’t need to grasp at anything. The DNA speaks for itself. Jews have been in Europe for thousands of years per their DNA.
You lie, people lie, DNA doesn’t lie.
Avraymele says
Maybe this will help you. These are my personal DNA test results. I am Ashkenazi Jewish, both sides of my family from Germany. Jews who test with major testing companies do not get these results because they show the genetic drift, bottlenecks, etc. associated with the LOCAL Jewish community by their local geographic region in Europe, but THAT IS NOT THEIR ORIGIN. Here is the abstract of my results. Please notice the line that states 100% Mideast. I’m sure if Dershowitz and Kushner were tested they would have very similar results.
Most likely fit is 66.6% (+- 14.2%) Mideast (all Jewish)
and 33.4% (+- 14.2%) Mideast (various subcontinents)
which is 100% total Mideast
The following are possible population sets and their fractions,
most likely at the top
Jewish= 0.738 Druze= 0.262 or
Jewish= 0.467 Cypriot= 0.533 or
Jewish= 0.793 Palestin= 0.207
TruthLaser says
Your non-partisan disclaimer is not plausible, unless you are one of the lii informed the article is about. Jews have been continuously living in Israel for 3,000 years. They have also lived in Europe, Africa, and Asia for thousands of years. DNA studies refute your claim as does oral and written history. By 1970, more than 50% of Israeli Jews were not those who had dwelled in Europe. Those claiming to be “not partisan” should test their viewpoint by asking if they apply it to any other nationality that has less than half of its population not living in their homeland. Any easy example are Armenians. There are under 3 million in Armenia. There are 7 to 9 million elsewhere. Do you consider Armenians to have lost their claim to their nation because of these numbers?
Sebastian says
Negative Jews have been living in Europe for thousands of years. Their DNA shows it. Period. Since you can convey to being a Jew (most have) that doesn’t make someone from the Middle East.
The Jews of Europe left because of antisemitism not some longing for their “homeland”
Learn some history
Sebastian says
Jews haven’t been living continuously in Palestine for 3,000 yrs. That’s demonstrably false. Jews have been spread out throughout the world. Where the majority have been in Europe for thousands of years. Per DNA
Intrepid says
Actually they have been there for at least 4000 years. It is astonishing how little you know about Jewry, or Christianity for that matter.
Ain’t no such place as Palestine either or Palestinians.
Herbert Woodbury says
This month a large part of the world will celebrate the birth of a Jew, Jesus Christ, 2023 years ago. He was born in Bethleham, a city in the west bank, currently occupied by Israel.
However, there are still a lot of people (stupid?) that belive that there were no jews in Israel until 1948.
It looks like you are one of them.
Sebastian says
The fact you have to resort to insults shows you lost the debate . Where did I say there were never any Jews from the Middle East?
You can convert to being a Jew. The Jews of Europe are not middle eastern they are European per their DNA
New flash for the low IQ, which you are apart of the Rosenbergs and Rubenstein’s aren’t indigenous to the Middle East.
Neither is Debbie washerman Schultz with her blonde hair and blue eye.
Avraymele says
I understand where some of your misconceptions arise. You believe, as many do, that the way the Arabs look is the way Middle Eastern people are *supposed* to look. Actually, the ancient people of the region looked different. Please realize that with the spread of Islam many sub-Saharan Africans were brought in as slaves and as converts. Their genetics became part of the widespread genetics of people who would eventually be called “Arabs”. (Please read the research of Moorjani, which is readily available online.) Also, the invading “army of Mohammed” comprised southern Arabs (the real Arabs) who were darker to begin with.
The non-Muslims of the region tend to be lighter with blue eyes, a feature that is found regularly. The Yazidis are a great example. They are thoroughly Middle Eastern, yet can pass for European. Lots of red hair and blue eyes. Even among the Muslims of the Levant there are quite a number who can pass as Europeans, but when you see them you make the assumption they are non-Arabs.
The very swarthy Muslims of the Levant have a lot of non-indigenous DNA. They are the most genetically diverse people on the planet, as their DNA testing shows. Ashkenazi Jews, plucked from the Middle East before the Islamic tidal wave hit, have preserved the greater part of the ancient DNA of the Middle East, and their DNA proves it. What ax are you grinding?
Steve says
The Grand Mufti Amin Al Husseini (Arafat’s uncle) impressed Hitler and Himmler with his blond hair and blue eyes.
Mark Dunn says
I think this ‘all Jews are from Europe’ (Is trope the proper word?) canard, idea, is the latest propaganda. Jews have lived in the land since the conquest. To counter this fact the “Palestinians” have recently claimed they are descendants of the Philistines.
Sebastian says
No not all the Jews. Just the European Jews who adopted a middle eastern religion but are European per their DNA.
The propaganda is claiming that todays Jews are somehow related to the Jews of the Bible from over 3K yrs ago.
Avraymele says
Spectrum of Jewish DNA
Intrepid says
Weren’t you the guy who insisted I must quit my Lutheran church because one of the pastors has woke tendencies? I’m still there as are all of my conservative friends.
And now you are arguing about Jews being European. Who cares if EuroJews are white, brown, or Sephartic. Who cares if Euro Jews and American Jews aren’t indigenous to Palestine.
It’s really interesting to see that you still on top of all of the really important stuff. The stuff that you personally can’t change. and doesn’t matter.
It’s also interesting to how little you know about Jews in general.
Sebastian says
Apparently all the fake Jews here care about it. As they continue to make things up as they go along or pass along their fairy tales
Yes, admitted you are at a church where you stated “we have many woke pastors who believe in gay marriage and abortion”
So your attendance there speaks for itself
Steve says
Jews were forbidden to marry, and specifically to convert non Jews to Judaism under both Christendom and Islam. Under Christendom, the prohobition remained in force until the emancipation of Jews which began (at the earliest, in France and the Netherlands) in the 1790s. In any case, Judaism is not an evangelical religion that actively proselytizes, as Christianity and Islam do. Converts are accepted (as long as it is not forbidden- converting Muslims in Islamic countries still is) but not encouraged. Thus, the mass conversion of Europeans to Judaism never occurred. Even today, conversions to Judaism are rare, especially among Orthodox Jews. Intermarriage is now common, but intermarried people cease to be Jewish in a generation or two, even by the more elastic standards of Reform Judaism. Look at the Sulzberger Ochs family at The New York Times- none of the current members of that family are Jewish- they’re (non practicing) Protestants of distant Jewish descent (that’s no doubt a relief to both Jews and The New York Times).
The notion that the DNA of people changes simply by residence in Europe is ludicrous.
Sebastian says
During the course of Christianity gaining popularity Judaism became for a short period of time a religion attempting to convert people to “their side”.
They were afraid of Christianity
Aaron R says
Where are you getting these invented, non-specific facts? Important question here – do you identify as Jewish? Is your mother Jewish? It seems like you are finding many reasons to push this argument (you would say) and trope (I and many others would say). Judaism is not and has not been a proselytizing religion except within Jewish communities (a return to more devout practices is encouraged by certain groups within Judaism). Your argument about Ashkenazi DNA being entirely European is also problematic since you don’t provide any reliable sources of your information. While being Jewish is not a precondition for speaking about Jewish identity and history, it sure is hard to be taken as an expert when you provide misleading ‘facts’ and push various tropes that have been used to attempt to denigrate Jews in the past.
Jeff Bargholz says
You’re pro-retard.
Genetic tests prove the opposite of your idiotic clam, and Mizrahi, Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews are all related.
There is no country of “Palestine” and never has been in human history. The Arabs, Druzes, Circassians and other mongrels who pretend to be “Palestinian” are fraudulent invaders and occupiers. Islamopithecines invaded the land of Judea/Israel long after 1600 years of Jewish tenancy.
Only a maggot defends Paleosimian subhumans.
Sebastian says
Wrong. DNA shows Europe’s Jews are European.
Avraymele says
This may be of help. It shows the genetic relatedness of the major Jewish communities, including of course Ashkenazi Jews:
Jews feel like family because we are all related and have the same origin.
You’re welcome.
pinchas baram says
no, he’s not welcome. he’s an obsessive piece of you know what.
you’re way too polite, Avraymele.
Lightbringer says
Our earliest antecedents, Abraham and Sarah, came from what is now Iraqi Kurdistan. Genetically, we are closely related to the Kurds, an Indo-European people who, being Asian, are more Indo than European but look like Europeans (including fair hair and light eyes on some of them). Red hair is fairly common among Jews and has been since Biblical days. Redheads include Jacob’s evil twin Esau (who left the tribe and formed his own nation). the prophetess Deborah, and King David. All of these people lived over 3000 years ago, long before any of this silly stuff you imagine about our being native to Poland.
Vic says
I would challenge you to read “Traced” by Nathaniel Jeanson.You will be surprised to learn that all men, again ALL men can trace roots all the way back to Noah & his sons.
Jeff Bargholz says
I thought the Mizrahi Jews were the ones who never left their homeland and the ones who settled in North Africa and the Near East were the Sephardi?
Steve says
Sephardic Jews are those who had ancestors who lived in Spain and Portugal. “Sepharad” is the Hebrew word for Spain. After Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, they settled in both North Africa and Europe (mostly the Balkans- Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria- also the Netherlands).
Steve Chavez says
Where are the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion czars now? If any group called for the elimination of Blacks, Muslims, or Gays, from campus and even from the Earth, there would be riots. They’re ripping up Israeli flags…. no problem but try ripping up one of theirs. Why are they getting away with this even when Jews have been attacked, harassed, even barricaded in rooms?
Call out the DEI czars now since they were hired only to protect one side. The DEI czar at UNM, Assata Zerai, a radical black activist, wrote a long rant in support of BLM when her job alone should be ALL LIVES MATTER! Now there is a Black Student Union and they’re planning Black Dorms. FORTY-FIVE universities are allowed Black’s Only Graduations. WT(!
WHO ELSE HAS NOTICED that professors who use their FB pages to promote their radical leftist agendas, are now silent? Were they warned to not take sides? We know most would join these anti-Israel/Jew groups. The UNM President hasn’t been written up in the school newspaper which has been taken over by an LGBTQ activist who last year bombarded the paper with her agenda. This commenter complained on every article, so she has toned it down now, but now she’s only putting anti-Israel articles and protests. The Daily Lobo has been in the hands of leftists, even Communist Party NM members, one making it to editor who denied all of my letters and any mention of me at Communist Peace meetings.
TruthLaser says
Diversity was never about diversity = the issue is never the issue.
Curt Koenig says
“Students” have been DELIBERATELY indoctrinated for decades so there was no time for REAL EDUCATION.
Just like the children of NAZI Germany they will believe anything they are told if it is done often enough.
Angel Jacob says
How about a mandatory course of history to educate the ignorant. That will solve half of the problem.
The other half of the problem can be solved by expelling the terrorist supporters. That’s just common sense.
Onzeur Trante says
How about getting rid of the professors who use their classroom “teaching” hours indoctrinating their students into a particular political mindset?
TRex says
Problem is those who hire the leftist professors are of like mind. The 60’s “revolutionaries” found a home in the universities and have since dominated “higher” learning with Marxism and critical theory. Teachers’ colleges turn out radical adherents that start the process early in public school with the help of teacher unions that, in essence, run the Department of Education. Dr. James Lindsay (New Discourses) has done several podcasts on how this “takeover” got started and how deeply it is embedded. It’s an eye opener and will lay out just how we got the fools Mr. Spencer focuses on with this article. No one is getting fired and only those like the three university professors who said the quiet part out loud will be forced to resign due to the hit they’ve taken from major donors. Those further down the food chain will go silent for a bit but nothing will change.
STW says
Quoting Charles Dickens in “A Christmas Carol” – “This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree; but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.”
emily daniel says
SJWs are blood-sucking narcissists who live for social outrage. Why allow actual facts which might not be entirely one-sided to interefere with destroying property, rioting, and getting the attention these ignoramuses so desperately crave? CRT, CGT, and DEI provide simplistic ideological slants for every conflict in the world, no knowledge of history required. If anything, the best way to drive a SJW insane is to suggest that facts matter.
Sad says
New question: How many teachers are there at (name of college or university)?
Answer: About a dozen.
RS says
The plan of progressives is to block out truth. The colleges and schools have been used not to educate people, but to dumb them down. Academia has really failed the people, they don’t even learn about History in schools. Those that don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.
TRex says
It appears the legacy media operates out of the same playbook. That means two of the major purveyors of factual information have deliberately chosen to drive a political agenda detrimental to our society
KenPF says
Only days ago we were treated to a spectacle of superficiality from three major university presidents quibbling about calls on their own campuses for anti Jewish genocide. Not one could bring herself to condemn it. Well, outside of some “context” or other, This level of debauched education is reflected in the quality of the faculty under them. That their students are so shallow in their indoctrination is a consequence.
I’d call this good news, if there were some place they could go to get deprogrammed.
Lightbringer says
They could go to any deeply Islamic and Islamist country to be deprogrammed. A week in Afghanistan, Iran, or Saudi Arabia would change their minds very quickly.
Walter Sieruk says
Those non–Muslims Americans, of university and college campuses through the United States, who are protesting against the State of Israel and who likewise greatly favor Hamas are people who are ,rightly , described ,as the “useful idiots” of the leaders of Hamas and their jihadist members who are dedicated to the cause of conquest for the cause of Islam.
Those Americans who aren’t Muslims the stooges of those Hamas chefs and the other Muslim terrorist, For those of Hamas view all people who are not Muslims as inferior creatures to them and refer to them .
Behind their backs as , “Kafirs,” which is the Islamic derogatory term for “disbelievers”
It’s tragic that those non-Muslims pro-Hamas America protesters against Israel are so very deluded by Hamas that this Islamic terror / murder organization so easily manipulates and uses them as their tools.
Those poor people are ,truly, their useful idiots.
Anne-Marie Marion says
Bottom line: Those who are most strident about the issue are by and large ignoramus dolts. Gee, what a shocker.
Larry Miller says
I’m not the least bit surprised by any of this. Many young people are easily influenced and go along with whatever their peers are flowing with. This Hamas support sounds good until one gets a reality check and takes a look at a history if Gaza and when Hamas occupied it in 2007. But history doesn’t matter to these youngsters. They’re puppets and don’t know it. These same youngsters were screaming “hate has no home here” when George Floyd died. Now they’re screaming for the extermination of an entire people. May God help them all and us.
Poetcomic1 says
The Single most shocking fact that these useful idiots don’t know is that Israel is about the size of New Jersey and of its only 8 million Jews a good percentage of them are descended from refugee Jews forced to flee massacre and terror throughout the Arab world.
Sword of The Spirit says
From The River To The Sea, Israel Still Shall Be …………….for 1000 years..
The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah. In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.
And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon. And the land shall mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart; The family of the house of Levi apart, and their wives apart; the family of Shimei apart, and their wives apart; All the families that remain, every family apart, and their wives apart.
Jeff Bargholz says
That sounds very bad.
Mark Dunn says
From the book of Zechariah?
minnesoter says
It’s simply a fashion statement. Like bell-bottoms in the ’60s.
These students have had a useless education. They have been taught what to think when they should have been taught how to think. As a result they have become intellectual and emotional cripples. Most are probably so damaged they are beyond rehabilitation.
John Blackman says
i recently posted a comment on epoch , referring to the university crowd getting roasted for there know nothing see nothing remarks condoning the massacre of jews on oct.7 . and their statement ” as putting it in context ” as to why they didn’t condemn hamas . and that the lady in question would offer the same reply if gas ovens were fired up to rid the middle east of jews . for which i received one thumbs down by a respondent who believes that the holocaust didn’t happen and that it was a hoax for which the jews got money for promoting it . needless to say i didn’t respond . as thomas sowell once quoted ” it is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance ” . sadly the ignorance is monumental in the u.s. and the west . no amount of debate and evidence will erase stupid only medication .
TRex says
What we are seeing in the streets across America and from the study Mr. Spencer cited is the best argument one could make against “free college”. What better way to grow the ranks of radicalized morons than to throw the doors open to anyone able to put their name on an application? The results would have Mao green with envy.
Lightbringer says
Some of this appears to be the result of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, defined in Wiki (good enough for a brief introduction) as “… a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities.” One has to wonder if most young people are affected by this effect.
CharlieSeattle says
Hmm, What about the 44+ Jews, highly placed in the Biden administration, destroying America? I hate them!
jewishvirtuallibrary. org/jews-in-the-biden-administration
Ron Klain Chief of Staff (2021-2023), replaced by Jeffrey Zients.
Janet Yellin Secretary of Treasury
Alejandro Mayorkas Secretary of Homeland Security
Tony Blinken Secretary of State
Merrick Garland Attorney General
…and many more traitors!