President Biden’s angry and disturbing midterm elections speech in which he warned that the country was at a dangerous “inflection point,” and that extremist groups like “MAGA Republicans” were threatening to destroy democracy, was probably the worst speech of his presidency.
It was certainly his most divisive speech – in which, as Senator Josh Hawley commented, “He declared war on half the country.”
Although the use of the word “MAGA” before “Republican” was meant to distance “dangerous” Republicans from those “who are just like Democrats,” Biden’s linguistic shape-shifting subliminally suggested that somehow all Republicans are dangerous, and because of this they should not be voted into office.
Then came Biden’s coup de grace: “They do not respect the Constitution.”
The speech was an ugly partisan diatribe, a one-man presidential “insurrection.” Its aftershocks came in the form of increased hostility from heretofore “tolerant” Democrats to Republican candidates running for office.
Suddenly you were hearing asinine phrases like, “You’d better vote Democrat because the future of democracy depends on it.”
The craziness hit me on a personal level one day when I was riding in a car with the husband of a good friend. I watched in disbelief as he slammed on the breaks when he spotted a Dr. Mehmet Oz campaign sign on someone’s front lawn and screamed, “I hate Oz! I hate Republicans! Save democracy!”
Politics has caused many people to lose their minds, but as my friend was screaming (while I said nothing) I thought how he should know better – because he’s old enough to be fully aware of the time when there were real radicals in the country who really, really threatened democracy.
We’re talking about the violent radicals who took part in the 1960s Revolution that Never Was, people like Huey Newton, Eldridge Cleaver, Angela Davis, Tom Hayden, Jerry Rubin, and Abbie Hoffman — serious radicals who mapped out plans to overthrow the U.S. Government; who stashed guns for the “big overthrow”; and who blew up buildings and even the U.S. Capitol to kickstart a second American Revolution.
Radicals like Susan Rosenberg, who in the late 70s to mid-80s was active in the far left revolutionary group “MI9CO,” an all-female terrorist group that openly advocated the overthrow of the U.S. Government through armed struggle and violence.
Rosenberg’s group lent its support to the Black Liberation Army in frequent armored truck robberies and random bombings of government buildings, including the 1983 bombing of the Capitol building.
That bombing occurred on the second floor of the Capitol’s north wing.
In an article comparing January 6 with the 1983 leftist Capitol bombing, Politifact goes to great lengths to show that the leftwing terrorism at the Capitol was the result of a few deranged individuals, whereas Jan. 6 “Involved 2,000 people, many of whom overturned barricades, etc. etc.” Politifact even quotes Jane Campbell, President and CEO of the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, who stated, “January 6 was perpetuated by thousands of people who sought to overturn the results of a free and fair election.”
The implication here is that thousands of protesters also stormed the Capitol and participated in the ensuing mayhem which resulted in five deaths. (The latest tally of those arrested in the January 6 melee stands at over 900, although many arrests were for simple trespassing.) Thousands more law-abiding protesters remained in the streets and did not go into the Capitol building, ostensibly because the rules of legitimate protest do not include breaking and entering.
It’s obvious, I think, that what laid the groundwork for the January 6 lawbreakers were the George Floyd riots in 2020, when cities across the nation burned thanks to “do nothing” Democrat mayors and governors who viewed the unrest and violence as “legitimate protest.”
The George Floyd riots set a new standard for what is acceptable in the protest world. If blowing up ATM machines or burning down businesses will end racism, then so be it. Burn them down because it all works towards a greater good. The George Floyd rioters set the stage for what would occur on January 6. The Floyd rioters, by default almost, “schooled” some on the right who came to see “burn and conquer” as the new protest normal.
January 6 can be viewed as a delayed reaction to the 2020 left-wing riots, a karmic payback in the “All’s fair in love and war department.”
As for Rosenberg, she was an accomplice in the 1979 prison escape of Assata Shakur, a member of the Black Liberation Army convicted of killing a State Trooper on the New Jersey turnpike in 1973. Shakur’s record of felonies and misdeeds is too long to include here, but the fact remains that Rosenberg’s rescue was so successful that Shakur still remains at large today with a $2 million reward promised for her capture.
When Rosenberg was finally captured in 1984, she was in possession of a stash of explosives and firearms. Sentenced to 58 years imprisonment, she spent only 16 years in jail, thanks to a pardon by outgoing President Clinton.
And like all good violent political radicals who have time to think about their prison experiences, Rosenberg wrote a book, An American Radical: A Political Prisoner in My Own Country. After prison she went on to teach literature at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York, a school that The New York Post featured in the headline, “John Jay College think tank is ground zero for woke DAs.”
With the passage of time, Rosenberg morphed into a white-haired elder still as radical as her younger self. A college was willing to take her papers – her prison writings and notebooks, carving out a place in history for this most artful of bomb throwers. One can find Rosenberg’s papers at Smith College, stored and archived, as if she numbered among the great philosophers.
This should come as no surprise, given the woke state of most colleges and universities today.
Luca Falciola’s article, “The Radical Left after 1968: From Ideological Craze to Reconfiguration of Politics,” focuses on what became of many leftwing radicals of yore:
“Some of the onetime overheated activists ceased to be worried about the Vietnam War, some others were simply disaffected by a promethean revolution that appeared out of reach, and yet others were burned out by their failed attempts to trigger armed struggle. However, recent international scholarship on the radical left has done much to correct this interpretation by showing that the 1970s and the 1980s did not represent decades of absolute de-politicization and pure hedonism…”
Even Polifact, as hard as it tried to deliver the message that right-wing political violence is the crowning glory of domestic terrorism, couldn’t ignore the fact that for most of the previous century and part of the 21st, it was left-wing domestic terrorism that ruled the land.
President Biden might want to take history refresher courses on domestic terrorism.
Mo de Profit says
“Politics has caused many people to lose their minds”
Politics created, used and abused the convid virus to create the hysteria needed for fear to be introduced into the western world.
Great success by the U.N. Agenda 2021
Can’t wait until the culmination of Agenda 2030
J.J. Sefton says
“January 6 can be viewed as a delayed reaction to the 2020 left-wing riots, a karmic payback in the “All’s fair in love and war department.””
NO. Just stop right there.
What happened on January 6th – the violent part of it – was perpetrated by the FBI at the behest of the Democrat Party, the Deep State and its allies in and out of government.
The last things the poor saps who got caught in the building, who were all unarmed, non violent and allowed into the Capitol by the Capitol PD officers on duty, were motivated by was doing what the Leftists did to America’s cities because of the criminal Floyd. They were in DC on 1/6/21 to peacefully gather and protest the rigged/stolen election.
That declaration of yours is as bad as any you’d hear on Xi-NN, MSLSD or read in the NY Slimes.
Steven Brizel says
The New Left of the 1969s having failed in the streets conquered academia and Big Tech in a long march through academia and as the founders of Big Tech
Merle Hoffman says
Are the means really an end in the process?
Ugly Sid says
J6 was a protest against corruption.
After booting Majorkas, boot Garlamd.
Biden belongs in the big house, if not the gallows.
I want everyone responsible for this immigration disaster to spend a decade plus in stir. Than means a neat dozen year sentence, less 15% on parole.
William wallace says
The great majority of violence in America has historically come from the left, but they control the narrative and fabricate the mythology that it comes from the right
Walter Sieruk says
A number of members of the Democrat party actually approve, but not often openly approve, of the violent looting shooters and arsonists of the hooligans who are members Of BLM
Those members of the Democratic Party who condone and even encourage the violence of arson looting and shooting by BLM have conveniently forgotten the truth spoken by their Democrat hero President, Lyndon B. Johnson.
Who in a speech declared “There is no American right to loot stores, or to burn buildings, or to fire rifles from the rooftops. That is crime – the crime must be dealt with forcefully and swiftly, and certainly –under the law.”
Walter Sieruk says
Some things need to be known, if for nothing else but for the sake a balanced perspective
Which is that George Floyd was a vicious hardened criminal therefore it’s very wrong to make some kind of a “hero” out of hooligan was such criminal that he not was not only on drugs but was also involved in drug trafficking .
Mr. Floyd was so totally despicable that he even entered a pregnant woman’s home under a false premise of deception to let his lawless ruffians lot her home , all the while he threateningly pointed a gun to that pregnant woman’s stomached ‘You better cooperate.”
The list of crimes that Floyd was guilty of can to go on. It’s absurd as well as wrong to make a “hero” out of heinously wicked thug. As the Bible reads “Woe to those who call evil good…” Isaiah 5:20. [N.K.J.V.]
Walter Sieruk says
It’s been rightly said “:Birds of a feather flock together” This explains why the violent deadly and destructive members of Black Lives Matter has a comradeship with the violent deadly and destructive jihadists of Hamas.
n a article informs the reader that “The Black Lives Matter organization has embraced the movement known as the Red /Green alliance” which is the Communist -Islamic alliance.
Hamas, was started and is still funded by that Islamic tyrannical regime of Iran.
The jihadists of Hamas hate the Jewish people and they hate Israel and want to destroy her.
Likewise, the BLM members strongly dislike and even hate the Jew’s. This they have proven repeatedly by their words and actions.
That much Hamas and BLM have in common. Nevertheless, in the United kingdom or the United States of America the BLM members don’t realize of know it but they are only the what are called the “useful idiots” of the jihadists in their quest for the advancement of Islam and the establishment of Sharia law in all nations.
In other words, those jihadists use the BLM members as their stooges and tools to fulfill their Islamic agenda.
If successful in their Islamic agenda those violent jihadists will turn on their BLM stooges who they use as their tools for they might get in the way of the enactment of Sharia law which is very strict harsh and cruel.
Gary Honeycutt says
Islamics adhere to the old adage “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”, but only until the common enemy is vanquished. Then the former comrades are disposable.
Walter Sieruk says
That Black Live Matter SUV truck mass murderer, Darrel Brooks, has revealed the malicious, vicious, bloody murderous fruits of that criminal racist hate organization. This is not the first time a BLM terrorist murdered an innocent non-aggressive person that deadly affront was obviously a racially motivated hate crime. Therefore, “hate crime charges in addition to a murder and assault charges should be filed against the domestic terrorist, Darrel Brooks.
As for the riots and other forms of violence, malice-filled are the fruits of BLM the Wisdom of Jesus does very much apply for Jesus taught “ By their fruits you will know them.” Matthew 7:20. [N.K.J.V.]
No wonder the BLM hooligans burn Bible’s , they don’t like that the teachings of Jesus reveals about them and their violent and murderous Marxist organization
Such heinous thugs as Brooks and other MLB criminals in the Bible in Proverbs 4:16,17 Which reads “For they do not sleep unless they have done evil; and their sleep is taken away unless they make someone fall. For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence.”
Likewise, in the New Testament such vicious lawless hooligans are found described in Romans 3::15 ,16. “Their feet are swift to shed blood. Destruction and misery are in their ways; and the way of peace they have not known.”
Walter Sieruk says
Those BLM rioters aren’t real, genuine, protesters. In reality they’re thieves, looters arsonists, vandals, criminal hooligans and thugs. The awful mental level of those BLM savages is so terrible low and destructive that none of them are never able to create or make anything of value or worth
They are destructive and never, ever, constructive. Likewise are useless for anything that is good or worthwhile, they just destroy.
Those rioting lawless hooligans of BLM in different cities in America, who have much gall to call themselves “protesters,” have leaders who are all Marxists. Have joined with the violent jihadists in their hate for and desire for the destruction of the USA along with other nations of Western civilizations. For example, BLM has close ties with Hamas. This is called the Red/ Green alliance.”
Gary Honeycutt says
Their sympathizers should spend some time with them.
I recall Richard Pryor speaking about a movie he filmed in Arizona State Prison. Noting that Arizona had a very small percentage of black population but ASP had a large percentage of black inmates, he decided to spend some time with ”the brothers”.
He said that after doing so, “All I can say is THANK GOD THERE ARE PRISONS!”
Walter Sieruk says
Those violent vicious malice-filled Marxists hooligans of Black Lives Matter, if and that is “if” they would actually able, with the help of foreign Communists, to overthrow the Capitalist system build on a Republic that makes up the United States as America’s founding Fathers established. The BLM members are far too ignorant to know it , but then the foreign who aided them, as their “useful idiots, tools and stooges for a Communist takeover, would then gather up the BLM members as eliminate them. As in kill them all.
The reason that kills all of them is because those foreign Communist in power in North America, well understand that those American BLM members turn traitor to the US they then might become disgruntled and then turn against them. Those ruling Communist would not tolerate or trust the BLM members. What fools those BLM ruffians, truly, are
Walter Sieruk says
That Black man, Darrel Brooks is a murderous racist terrorist villain who murdered White people the heads heads of BLM admire and like him Furthermore leaders of BLM should be justifiably arrested by the FBI for sedition against the USA. That if the FBI is really still doing what it was originally to do. That’s highly doubtful.
That same Marxists leaders those two domestic violent and destructive terror organizations should then be imprisoned for inciting the mindless mob to engage in violent and malicious behavior which endangers the safety , security and lives of the public.
BLM are not genuine civil rights groups but Un-American dangerous terrorist entities that incited harm to many peaceful innocent law abiding people.
Walter Sieruk says
In a FoxNation ep 82 Carl Carlson interviewed in investigative journalist Julie Kelly about the so called “insurrection” which occurred on January 6th 2021.
In this interview she explained that ”The Biden regime is turn against Americans on the political right.
Those pro-Trump American patriots in Washington DC that day had been ruthlessly denied their basic decent human rights and their US Constitutional rights .
Even to the most vicious malicious murderous extremes possible.
As one young woman, Ashli Babbitt , was shot through a closed door and her was unarmed and non –violent. The other young woman Rosanne Boyland, was beaten by them and chased in a nearby tunnel by them and murder by them. This is North Korea or America. ?
For some people vicious actions of the Capital “police” by how they harmed Rosanne Boyland so terrible that she because unconscious and they attempted to revive her but the Capital police stopped them “ Are they that Capital police of America ? This wicked murderous behavior is more fitting for the Capital police of Communist China.
Kelly speculated that the awful abuse against peaceful American citizens on “January 6th was an excuse to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights. “ Sadly she might be right, after all, there is an old saying that “Evil is always looking for an excuse.”
Walter Sieruk says
After the patriots form January 6, 2021 had bed unjustly arrest and put in Federal prison have been and still are brutally beaten and even tortured by the guards and kept in solitary confinement in filthy moldy cell and they don’t have working toilets, they even have been tortured, with is completely unconstitutional, no cruel punishment, on top of that of that they hadn’t even been found “guilty” yet.
They pro-Trump patriots are actual literal political prisoners and that liar fiend posing as a real US President, Joe Biden has the unconscionable slanderous lying call to them “Insurrectionists.”
Likewise other leftists keep on calling them that by that awful and inappropriate word.
That’s like the old Hitler saying ‘”If you speak the same lie again and again people will start to believe that lie.”
As Dr. Sabastian Gorka had commented about all those terrible heinous affronts “This is an attempt to criminalize Conservatives.”
For this and other sources of valid information it’s very tragic and evident that January 6 th. . 2021 is the beginning of the end of true American Republic and the start of some kind of freedom-less Communist tyranny which persecutes, imprisons and then tortures people who only gather together to peacefully let their views be known.
Walter Sieruk says
A Frontpagemag, article does make mention that the “January 6 protestors, most charged with a misdemeanor, have been incarcerated nearly two years..”
It’s terrible, the peaceful, non-violent pro-Trump patriots who were unjustly and falsely arrested on January 6th, 2021, at Washington DC and then became and still are political prisoners under the Biden regime are treated much worse than those dangerous violent bloodthirsty Jihadists that are held at Gitmo.
Those political prisoners of the Biden regime the human rights abuses against the pro- Trump Patriots is horrendously brutal, cruel land unconscionable.
Likewise, US Constitutional violations against is an affront against all the American precepts of values and basic rights of human beings are detestable in the Biden America Gulag.
Walter Sieruk says
It’s terrible, the peaceful, non-violent pro-Trump patriots who were unjustly and falsely arrested on January 6th 2021 at Washington DC and then became and still are political prisoners under the Biden regime are treated much worse than those dangerous violent bloodthirsty Jihadists that are held at Gitmo.
In which those American patriots who political prisoners of Joe Biden are kept in small moldy dark cells 23 out of 24 hours with no working plumbing beaten often and hard by the vicious and cruel prison guards, denied proper medical care and even given rancid food to eat.
So , it’s no wonder that Biden likes that Communist President of Red China, XI Jinping, by granting him favoring policies and Biden must likewise use Jinping as a model for him to emulate, as in the horrendous power and human rights abuses who his own political prisoners in mainland China.
All this with that fiend and pseudo “president” Biden is awful wrong and outrageous.