The media is promoting a claim by Susan Talve, a radical leftist activist, accusing the McCloskeys of destroying her facility’s beehive that was allegedly on their property. I don’t know how well I would react if I found a beehive on my property. But whatever happened or didn’t happen is besides the point.
What the media isn’t reporting is that Susan Talve is a radical who was a board member of the extremist T’ruah anti-Israel left-wing organization.
Talve was invited to speak at Obama’s Chanukah party where she shouted, “Ins’Allah”, and promoted Black Lives Matter, but failed to mention Islamic terrorism against Jews.
Instead Talve, with Obama at her side, announced, “I stand here with my fierce family of clergy and black lives matter activists who took to the streets of Ferguson.”
Talve could have said that she stood with Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old teenager from Massachusetts murdered by a Muslim terrorist in Israel. Even the Patriots held a moment of silence for Ezra, but there was no room for him in Talve’s speech.
T’ruah was one of the anti-Israel groups championed by the Obama administration.
Talve invited members of JVP, a BDS organization whose members have supported the murder of Jews, to speak to her congregation.
Susan Talve is not a neighbor. She’s a political extremist who has a dog in this race. And her claims should hardly be taken at face value.
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