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After Hamas supporters vandalized a synagogue with a swastika, leftist cheered this prototypical Nazi act as a progressive commitment to human rights.
“A swastika clearly has a deep and painful history for the people in our community, it’s a symbol of hatred and death,” Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky of Temple Beth El said.
However Malcolm Harris, a former Occupy Wall Street activist and author of ‘Palo Alto’ and other books published through Hachette, explained that swastikas were progressive now.
“Israel’s genocide has literally reversed the meaning of a swastika on a synagogue from a Nazi threat to a condemnation of genocide,” Harris, who also writes for The Nation and Wired, argued.
Harris claims that he viewed vandalizing a synagogue with a swastika as “an anti-zionist condemnation of Israeli genocide.” And if vandalizing synagogues with swastikas, the ultimate symbol of Nazi behavior is only “anti-Zionist”, not antisemitic, then there really is no difference between anti-Zionism and antisemitism, and between leftist anti-Zionists and Nazi antisemites.
David Austin Walsh, a postdoc at the Yale Program for the Study of Antisemitism, who has a book on the “far-right” coming out from Yale University Press, chimed in, “I’ll stipulate for the sake of argument that tagging a synagogue with a swastika has an ambiguous or multivariate meaning. How are we to determine which is the intended meaning?”
Marshall Steinbaum, an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Utah and a Senior Fellow at the Jain Family Institute, whined that, “I wish we lived in a world where spray-painting a swastika on a synagogue still meant Nazis”.
In the UK, where the London Met Police had previously arrested and threatened anti-Jihad protesters for flying the St. George’s flag, an officer explained to a Jewish woman complaining about swastikas at a pro-Hamas hate rally that the swastikas needed to be viewed in context.
In certain contexts, such as Neo-Nazi rallies, swastikas might be bad, but when leftists and their Islamist allies aim swastikas at Jews, these Neo-Neo-Nazis were actually progressive.
While the debate about whether vandalizing synagogues with swastikas and waving swastikas at Jews was antisemitic, the progressive swastika was making its way around the world.
A swastika, along with “Free Gaza” was painted over the home of Holocaust survivors in Belgium while outside Temple Beth Israel in Philly, two women scrawled a swastika and the “from the river to the sea” call for destroying Israel and exterminating the Jews. A Swastika alongside a Star of David was drawn on the University of Michigan Hillel building where Jewish students attend events. Instagram comments on the student paper from many students defended the vandalism as a statement against Israel and in support of the terrorists.
Islamist and leftist movements who defend Hamas and its mass murder of Jews on Oct 7 could hardly object to the swastika which is a mere symbol. What’s worse, burning entire families alive, raping women and holding them hostage, or drawing a few lines on a wall?
Once the Left had accepted the legitimacy of Hamas atrocities as “resistance”, all that was left was redefining the swastika as a righteous repudiation of Jews and Israel.
The “reversal” of the National Socialist swastika from a symbol of the worst kind of evil to a progressive symbol is itself a symbol of the mainstreaming of antisemitism on the Left.
This was not something that happened overnight or in the aftermath of Oct 7.
Anyone who has been paying attention to the state of the American Left had seen it coming.
After the Hamas kidnapping and murder of 3 Israeli teens in 2014 that foreshadowed Oct 7, Steven Salaita, a Muslim professor whose “academic work” tried to connect American Indians to the ‘Palestinians’, tweeted support for the murder of the teens and other Jews.
“If it’s ‘antisemitic’ to deplore colonisation, land theft, and child murder, then what choice does any person of conscience have?” Salaita tweeted. “Zionists: transforming ‘anti-semitism’ from something horrible into something honorable since 1948.”
When the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign withdrew its job offer to him, academic associations and the media rallied to Salaita’s defense. The American Association of University Professors, the Modern Language Association and the Middle East Studies Association celebrated a man who had tweeted that antisemitism was becoming “something honorable”.
The Chicago Tribune provided Salaita with a platform to claim that he wasn’t really defending antisemitism. Salaita received a six figure settlement, the chancellor who fired him was ousted and the violent bigot’s latest book about the incident is due from Fordham University Press.
Flying a progressive swastika is the climax of making antisemitism into “something honorable”.
The path to the progressive swastika and the “honorable antisemitism” had plenty of stops that all involved mainstreaming antisemitism while swearing up and down that it was only anti-Zionism. The media mainstreamed hate sites like Mondoweiss where editors and contributors admitted that, “I do not consider myself an anti-Semite, but I can understand why some are” and “Liberals like to deceive themselves about Jewish power.”
The DSA, which has led the campaign for Hamas, had invited a representative of Melenchon’s Communist allied party from France, who claimed that when a “man of the left” is “called an anti-Semite, it means he’s not far from power.” That same party became the only one to refuse to condemn Oct 7 and political figures from the party accused Israel of killing its own children.
In 2014, academia and the media were justifying antisemitism. By 2024, they’re rehabilitating the swastika as a progressive symbol. And this change is about more than the Jews.
Jews tend to be the canaries in the coal mine. Fanatics and totalitarian movements may start with the Jews, but they never end there. The Jews are just a convenient inciting incident.
Both the Nazis and Communists understood that the persecution of Jews would legitimize the worse crimes they intended to commit. When the Nazis began rounding up and killing Jews with no protest, it became easier to justify the killing of the German disabled and mentally ill, and later the larger eugenics program that would have wiped out the Slavs and many other peoples. And when the Communists began shutting down synagogues and executing rabbis, it became easier to justify the takeover of the church and to build a cult of personality around Stalin.
While there are single-issue antisemites out there, major movements that start waving fascist or progressive swastikas don’t intend to limit their plans to just killing Jews. The Jews are a symbol of the power they want, as Melenchon put it, and the justification for it, as Islamists contend.
Hamas, an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, originally financed by the Nazis, claims that it just wants to destroy Israel. But other arms of the Brotherhood tried to seize control of the entire Middle East during the Arab Spring, have been integrated into Al Qaeda, and operate in America and Europe to aid Islamic terrorists around the world. When they brandish the swastika, it’s not cautionary, it’s aspirational. And the same is true of their leftist allies.
By defining the Jews as the new Nazis, leftist movements like the DSA justify the mass murder of the Jews, and the violent tactics they use to seize power to fight the Jews. But the DSA’s vision of totalitarian socialism, National Socialism one might say, will not end with the Jews.
The swastika, whether used as a banner or a symbol of reversal, mainstreams antisemitism, not just to call for the murder of Jews, but for the killing of all those who stand in their way.
The progressive swastika is a symbol of death for Jews and for everyone else.
The black and white keffiyeh is the new swastika
And the democrat party is the new Nazi party. Interesting enough, the democrat party, especially Obama and now Biden, have been quietly introducing elements of fascism into the American political process and indeed, the functioning of our system of government.
For example, the J6, political prisoners, what Obama’s IRS did to his political enemies, the FBI’s armed raiding of a former president’s home, The DOJ and it’s assets spying on Biden’s perceived enemies (e.g., Christians, non-democrat voters, etc.) All of it is part and parcel, elements of fascism.
If the dems are not stopped then at some point in the future, if you are a registered independent or republican, you will get a visit from the local democrat party representative and a couple of FBI goons who will threaten your freedom and your livelihood and “encourage” you to vote for democrats or they’ll be back…..!!
The Goolag archipelago has come to the western world under the disguise of tolerance.
And we’re going to tolerate our way right into a totalitarian government. It’s already happening right before our eyes..
What’s frightening is that we see it happening but are afraid to do anything about it. Good citizens obey the law not matter how draconian and oppressive the law becomes.
One day the American people will looking back in hindsight and ruefully regret being obedient citizens while their liberties and freedoms were slowly legislated of of existence.
Sadly, that’s fine with a lot of people. Freedom and liberty has responsibilities and many people who rather hand those responsibilities over to the government.
I think it was JFK who said that democracy is not taken away but given away. Our most important awareness now must be that we (conservatives and antifacists) are still in charge, but only if we choose to be. It’s on us.
Yes. Apathy is by far a most dangerous virus. Make ready for what’s coming.
“Repressive tolerance,” as Marcuse used to say. Talk about an oxymoron.
Why not? Even before the KGB and Nasser “invented” the “Palestinians”, the leader of Arabs in “Palestine”, the Grand Mufti Amin Al Husseini (Arafat’s uncle) spent WW II in Nazi Germany making propaganda broadcasts in Arabic on Radio Berlin, exhorting Hitler and Himmler to murder Jews with greater dispatch and extending the “Final Solution” to the Middler East under his leadership. He also organized a Muslim SS Unit in Bosnia that distinguished itself murdering Jews, Serbs, Roma and Sinti.
Now Holocaust inversion has spread to such an extent that Elizabeth Warren (who rivals Hillary Clinton in opportunism and Rachel Dozelal in oppressed identity theft) is accusing Israel of genocide. It’s no longer “chic” and “daring” to the woke- it’s thoroughly mainstreamed for them when the ultimate political hack is embracing it.
Depraved psychopathic murderous berserk freedom-hating Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 tears.
Enough already.
I remember I was shocked when I first saw a swastika when I was visiting a temple in India.
that brings back memories – I saw those Hindu swaztikkaz and it threw me but they used these as a simple symbol for hundreds of years or more and it did not mean what the demonic nazziz used the symbol for and the nazziz reversed the symbol from the Hindus? Anyone without dyslexia should check.
I’ve seen photographs of vandalized synagogues in Europe that have me wondering if all the antiSemitic vandals in Ehrope suffer from dyslexia. You see swastikas with arms that don’t touch at the center and two of the arms point to the left; two point to the right.
Here’s what I remember of the history of the swastika. In Hindu teachings, there is the principle of the union of opposites to create something unique which retains elements of the original. The cross combines the vertical with the horizontal, two opposites, but becomes something more, which may be why Christianity adobted it as a symbol of the Christ (human plus divine, finite plus infinite). The Hindu swastika adds horizontal flags to the vertical elements and vertical flags to the horizontal as a symbol of motion, so that the image turns. Thus it becomes a symbol of perpetual change, the vertical becoming horizontal and the horizontal becoming vertical and back again. This change may have been what appealed to Hitler. But the Hindu symbol rotates clockwise, while the Nazi symbol rotates counterclockwise. Make of that what you will.
That’s interesting. It just occurred to me that I see the ‘feet’ of the swastika as pointing in the direction of motion, so I see the reich’s version as rotating clockwise. If one sees them as leaving trails, it would seem to rotate counterclockwise.
Don’t the arms of swastikas, on the temples in India, poimt COUNTECLOCKWISE? Rudyard Kipling used to put countetclockwise swastikas at the beginnings of his books. He stopped using the swastika, altogether, after it became associated with the Nazis.
Nazi = National Socialist Worker’s Party
Both Hitler and Mussolini were Socialists. It’s a fact that they were on the Left not the right. Our teachers all deceived us as they were trying to make it appear that fascists are right wing.
The extreme on the right is monarchy.
We need to correct the record.
I’m beginning to wonder if the extreme right wing is actually the opposite of monarchy. The right wing seems to want freedom for everyone, freedom to look after their family, freedom to run local businesses, freedom to say what needs to be said, freedom to protect themselves, freedom to travel, freedom to help others, freedom to develop and grow.
Correct. The extreme right is anarchy.
It depends on how you set up your X axis.
I think Roark is setting up his axis to be a continuum in which the zero point would be our constitutional representative government. The left axis would tend towards no government or government control – anarchy. The right axis would tend toward more government control.
But I am sure he can explain himself.
Yeshua Messiah told his apostles to fish off the right side of the boat: John 21:6 And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for.
Dinesh D’Souza’s book “The Big Lie” exposes the link between the Nazi Party & the Democrat Party.
The socialistic element was added to Hitler’s new party after his cadre studied the DNC in the early 30’s
It’s rarely known that the DNC & Nazis were practically passing love notes to each other before WW2, as both partys incorporated socialistic policies (FDR had a Socialist VP named Henry Wallace.)
The “socialistic element” in the Nazi Party originated with the party itself, during Hitler’s takeover of it from 1919-1923, when he co-wrote the Party Platform with Anton Drexler and used it as a maneuver to force opponents like Karl Herrer out. Unsurprising given Hitler was an ex-communist bitten by the nationalist bug rather than someone who abandoned socialism at any point. The DNC is responsible for plenty but not this.
I see you haven’t read the book.
The Nazis didn’t borrow solely from the DNC, but borrow they did.
(Wallas wasn’t jettisoned until 1944, because no one expected FDR to last much longer.)
I don’t have to get into Joe Kennedy’s love fest with the Nazi Party. (Truman hated Joe Kennedy.)
Because Kennedy hated the English with the traditional Irish hate.
Henry Wallace was a disaster from day one. He was a naive Communist dupe a la George McGovern (another antisemite who later embraced Yasser Arafat, and who started out as an Isolationist and campaigned for Henry Wallace and his “Progressive Party” in 1948, when it was an out and out Communist Front).
When Wallace was running for Vice President in 1940, the Republicans got a hold of a “Dear Guru” letter Wallace wrote to a weird cult leader he embraced. The Democrats knew the Republican nominee, Wendell Willkie was having an affair with the aunt of Charles Van Doren, who was later exposed as a fraud in the game show scandals of the late 1950s. So an exchange of favors buried the potential scandals for both Wallace and Willkie. In 1944, Wallace visited the notorious Soviet Gulag in the Far east at Madagan and described it as a “model community”.
Joe Kennedy was not only a Nazi lover and an antisemite (so was FDR, but that’s another story) his son JFK was sleeping with a Nazi spy, long before he discovered Marilyn Monroe and Judith Exner.
“ I see you haven’t read the book.”
I have read the book, but I didn’t limit my research to it. Which is why I know of things like Hitler serving as a Communist regimental representative in the Bavarian Soviet Republic in 1919. He was a socialist revolutionary long before the reign of FDR. Try watching TIK or reading “Hitler’s True Believers.”
“ The Nazis didn’t borrow solely from the DNC, but borrow they did.”
Never denied that, just pointed out the NSDAP was socialist from the onset, not in reaction to the DNC.
The extreme on the Right is anarchy.
The family is anarchy?
More deception and lies from the left….just look at their policies, their corruption, their denial of God and people that do good for mankind, the left’s violence in the streets, their changing of laws to lawlessness, stealing elections because their thinking is so upside down in nature that people have quit voting for them.
Well said. . . . Very well said.
I knew about the poverty, unrest, and runaway inflation, in Germany, that allowed Hitler, may his name be erased, to seize power. Only recently, FROM A BIOGRAPHY OF MUSSOLINI, did I learn about the raw deal that ITALY got, at the end of World War One, and how the resulting poverty and violence, including violence against returningvItalian vetetans, enabled MUSSOLINI, may his name be erased, to seize power. Mussolini’s FATHER was a dedicated Socialist. Mussolini was named after Benito Juarez
If Churchill has access to nuclear weapons & the means to deliver them in WW2 he could stopped the First Jewish Holocaust, This is the position Netanyahu finds himself now and it looks he better use them.
So… genocide?
If islam gets it’s way, coupled with nukes . . .
Yes. There will be genocide.
Read “The Samson Option” by Seymour Hersh (1991)
Amen and Amen. The Wrath of God for sure!
Do not despair. The more intense the onslaught of hate against Jews and Israel, the more I see how desperate these obsessed, frustrated haters are.
They are trying everything on a globally coordinated scale to destroy an undestroyable land and people.
Just as the National Socialist German Workers Party (1920-1945) bent the arms of a cross into their unifying national symbol of demonic hate, and created a fake ‘Aryan’ narrative, the Democratic Socialists of America have been perversely inspired to perversely bend the meaning of that same unifying symbol of hate for their fake ‘Palestinian’ narrative.
These haters are ‘all in’.
But God always holds the winning hand.
God is in control of all. But history is one long strung of ugly and we are quickly heading to ugly.
There is no more anti Semitic symbol than a swastika regardless of whether used by a Nazi circa 1933-45 or a woke radical today
Press conferences need to be held minimum once a week by Republicans calling out Dem members of House and senate exposing the anti-Semites in the Dem party.
That’s never going to happen because their are many republicans who are also anti-Semites.
Personally, I don’t get anti-Antisemitism or for that matter, racism. I view such notions as the constructs of a primitive mind ensconced in the of ignorance of superstition, tribalism and irrationalism.
As a rational, logical, enlightened sentient being, I am far beyond thinking like a primitive neanderthal.
It’s why I take a dump sitting on a toilet in the comforts of my home rather than dropping my shorts, squatting down and taking a dump in the woods while keeping a wary eye out for predators! (What about that poisonous snake crawling up behind you?!!)
Vandalism of this sort is meant to terrorize, or at least demean, and warn of hostility. This government has permitted the anti Jewish vandalism and street harassment for WAY TOO LONG…the people will not keep tolerating this…the silent majority simply don’t agree with Islamic annoyance..their abuse of western patience is wearing very thin…the public supports Israel and her justification for avenging the blood of her martyrs. If Hamas insists on forcing their own people to die in order to protect their own violent actions, that blood is on their hands alone. Get them out of Gaza and stop whining. Release your unjustly held prisoners…your actions sicken the world.
A Palestinian protester chased a Jewish man wearing a t shirt with Hebrew script on it and beat him so badly he required hospital treatment. This took place in broad daylight in midtown Manhattan. By definition, this constituted aggravated assault and should have resulted in jail time. Alvin Bragg, who charged a Good Samaritan on the subway with manslaughter for protecting a train full of people threatened by a felon with over 50 arrests, let the Palestinian off with no jail time, even though he remains unrepentent and says he’d do it again.
Susan Sarandon, who’s replaced Vanessa Redgrave as the Left’s favorite (and vastly overrated) antisemitic actress says Jews are “just getting a taste of what Muslims experience”. Interestingly Jew (who make less than 2% of the US population) constitute over 50% of religiously based hate crimes, and are ten times more likely than Muslims to experience religiously based hate. But then over 20 years ago, when actor Rn Silver expressed support for the war on Terror after 09/11, shrilled at him, “You’re just saying that because you’re a Jew!”
The Left wouldn’t acknowledge antisemitism in its midst if Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Rashida Tlaib were videotaped chucking a canister of Zyklon B into the gas chambers.
This David Austin Walsh person notwithstanding, I think we all know the meaning of the swastikas. It’s either the Left accusing Jews of being the (isn’t everyone they disagree with a Nazi or Hitler) or, for the far right, it’s we support Hitler and the Nazis. Those are about it. Walsh can shove it up his ambiguous or multivariate butt.
And under disguise of “progress”
Now? As Nazism and Communism differs in details only, swastika was progressive from the Day One. Progs were only too shy to admit it openly before. But they don’t any more. Hamas atrocities worked as a photo developer, uncovering their true colours.
The radicals’ urge to outrage others overcomes all other considerations, shades of the late 1960s. Everything they do in the social or political sphere revolves around this. Soon, they’ll run out of tricks for self-dramatization.
Malcolm Harris: “Israel’s genocide”
How does a country that was invaded in a sneak attack by a people shouting “death to Jews”, “from the river to the sea”, become the ones accused of genocide?
Envy, jealousy. The Jews accomplished in Israel what no other peoples have. They made it into a land of milk and honey. The Jews are God’s chosen people and that irks their Arab neighbors and even many Christians who are direct heirs of the Jews.
The heart of jealousy rules the hatred for the Jewish accomplishments.
All crime is hate crime, at some level. The addition of the modifier “hate” is as meaningless as adding “social” to justice.
I do not think any group should have special laws protecting or advancing that group to the exclusion of all others. We are Americans.
Or, at least, we used to be.
David Austin Walsh, brilliant Yale postdoc, says that tagging shuls with swastikas has a multivariate meaning. You know when someone uses a five syllable word he’s really, really smart. Wonder what field of study he’s a postdoc in. Assholeism, I suspect.
That reminds me of another lefTARD, actress Ashley Judd, who thinks using recherché words makes her look smart Much in the same way that Anderson Cooper and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez think ugly glasses with plastic frames(“birth control glasses”) suggest erudition. Bear in mind she was over 40 when she graduated from the University of Kentucky, which is mostly known for partying and basketball.
We don’t see read or hear anything more about Burning Black Churches to the Ground or of the Neo-Nazi Skinheads since Trump supporters have replaced hem as Hate Mongers by the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders
The islamists must be defeated the same way the nazis were defeated.
They are both genocidal, violent hate groups.
Only a heavy dose of their own medicine will get rid of them.
The Nazis were in fact very much pro-fag. Ernst Julius Günther Röhm leader of the SA was ver so-called progressives
“I’ll stipulate for the sake of argument that tagging a synagogue with a swastika has an ambiguous or multivariate meaning. How are we to determine which is the intended meaning?”
Wow, quite a statement coming out of Yale.
That’s like saying you could have just hung a noose up at a black dormitory as a slick advertisement for rope so they could tie their books together.
Absolutely. Someone please tell me why Yale is worth the money?
There’s a wonderful Jewish spoof video on the Mako IL You Tube channel, dating from when activists at Yale apparently protested about Israeli couscous not being pro-Palestinian, in which Yale are told that their Hebrew motto is a Jewish cultural asset.
When someone’s inconvenient or you need to make an example of someone don’t just kill them. Take the extra step by dehumanizing them first. That way you can justify anything.
Time tested by Nazis, Soviets, CCP, Uganda and coming to South Africa and the USA.
Hi Daniel,
Here are additional examples to support your article:
AS far as the left go, the Lord and Savior and of course Messiah said to be on the right and I can’t help but think this is economics 101 by YHVH! Yeshua Messiah told his apostles to fish off the right side of the boat: John 21:6 And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for.
What we are seeing is Biblical prophesy coming to pass. This does not mean that we should sit back in our recliner while our fellow Jews or Hebrews are being slaughtered in their homeland and these lunatics in so-called higher education and obviously law enforcement in other so-called free nations like the UK have been brain washed and ordered to stop any national pride be it UK or USA! Seething antisemitism blowing up all over brings this hatred of Jews even by the ones who proclaim to be Christians and worship as Semitic God named Lord Jesus Christ – is an act of lethal insanity that had its blueprint in nazzi Germany, It’s all demonic. There is a war in Heaven for our souls being played out here on earth. YHVH and Lord Jesus Christ are on the throne and YHVH’S law and decsion that Jerusalem belongs to the Hebrew people will not change and it looks that the antichrist is here and will claim the throne in Jerusalem to deceive the world for a short time then Christ Himself comes to kick to the pit and will rule from there. Israel, USA, UK, Russia, China and all nations will follow the antichrist as we see the path now and will then realize their folly as all those who think the antichrist is Yeshua Messiah because of the same ignorance they equate peaceful and giving Israel as apartheid rather than defending themselves from terrorisms once and for all! All Jews need to keep this in mind and do not be a victim but be ready to do what it takes to shock the left nazzi terrorist sympathizers along with the actual jihad terrorists to stop them dead in their tracks! In Jesus’s Holy Name, Amen!
ORTHODOX JEWS painted swastikas on a CONSERVATVE synagogue, in Brooklyn’s Boro Park neighborhood, DECADES AGO
I have a graphic of the hamas flag with a nazi swastika added into the red triangle of it. FPM’s commenting software does not allow for uploaded graphics
“Woe unto those who put dark for light, evil for good….!” warned the ancient Old Testament prophet Isaiah. St’ Paul’s similar warning to the Christian church at Rome calls the condition “the reprobate mind”. Alphabets, WOKEs, etc. all suffering from the consequences of similar insanity seem to think they are in charge of our lives.
Somebody tells those history ignorant, babbling fools they need lots and lots of black coffee and a refund of their education tuition fees.
How cute David Austin Welsh a political science major used a mathematical term (Multivariate) so people will think he’s smart.
The meaning of a swastika can be “multivariate” only if you do not know how it will be interpreted by its intended audience, or if you intend it to be ambiguous – which is plainly not the case at a synagogue, where it has exclusive associations of the most appalling kind. The whole point of symbols, flags, heraldry and so on is to convey an idea graphically – to the extent that any symbol is genuinely multivariate, it has failed of its purpose.
Hence, the Democrats are NaziCommies who are allies with the IslamoNazis (aka, the Green-Red alliance) to destroy Judeo-Christians Western Civilization. It all makes logical sense. To the Leftist Nazis, the swastika is now a nuanced symbol and no longer a symbol of hate or genocide of Jews. The supremacist Democrats always had it in themselves to be Nazis since their days of the KKK.
The Repulsive Swastika. Our grandparents dreaded the sight of it, it never represented freedom or honor., but death. People of the generation of the holodaust well remember what Nazi Germany did united with the Mufti.