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All sorts of mysterious problems keep cropping up. Like a spike in syphilis cases.
According to the report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), syphilis cases increased 17 percent in the past year and 80 percent in the past five years.
With Congress set to cut funding for workers who fight sexually transmitted infections, experts warn the record-setting epidemic isn’t likely to abate.
Syphilis was nearly eradicated in the 1990s in the U.S, but it’s come roaring back largely due to years of underfunding public health, but also because of increasing rates of substance use and the mental health crisis.
Why specifically would there have been a massive spike in the last 5 years? What might have been happening around that time?
I already broke that down in my recent Open Borders is a Disease article.
The number of syphilis cases doubled in Texas in five years. They’re up by 4,000 in just one year. What possible phenomenon in a border state might have caused such a drastic increase in so few years? Was it a sudden massive rise in racism or a massively open border?
In 2022, Texas reported 950 congenital syphilis cases accounting for nearly half the total in the entire country.
Arizona had the nation’s highest rate where the number of babies born with syphilis shot up from 17 in 2016 to 219 in 2022.
New Mexico had a 660% increase in congenital syphilis, for the second highest rate in the country for both syphilis and congenital syphilis, with 76 cases in 2022.
Now watch how the “experts” spin that.
The CDC reported 207,255 total syphilis cases across nearly every demographic group and region in 2022… it’s a disease that impacts red and blue states alike
Now let’s look at the real numbers.
California is in sixth place where congenital syphilis cases rose 1,500% with 528 cases reported in 2019. “Hispanic babies made up nearly 50% of all cases” and the epicenter of the outbreak is in Fresno.
Who knows why the massive outbreak in congenital syphilis cases was clustered around border states during the same period when a mass migration of illegal aliens was underway.
None of the billions we spend on the CDC, the NIH and all the other acronym public health bureaucracies could explain why congenital syphilis in the Northeast only amounted to 121 cases in 2021, 296 cases in the Midwest, but 939 cases in the West and 1,499 cases in the South.
Why does Alabama have 37 cases while Arizona had 181 cases in 2021? What does Arizona have that Alabama lacks?
Clearly, Alabama is funding public health just the right amount while Arizona is underfunding it. Is that how this works?
Open borders spread disease, but no one wants to talk about it.
Interesting statistics. Thanks Daniel!
Totally. Can you please explain why the rise began five years ago, when Trump was president, and continued four years ago, when Trump was president, if the cause is Biden’s immigration policy?
you haven’t been around for a while to spew your idiocy. Were you just sprung from the nuthouse?
Probably started even earlier, due to your mentor, Michel Foucault.
Can you explain why the rate has increased so much since Alzheimer Joe has been drooling in the White House? And how many of the 17 million invaders, none of whom took a medical test of any kind, are diseased? Because I guarantee a huge proportion of them are.
The old “Trump did it” bullshit is old news. Come up with some new lies.
And then get treatment for your butt herpes. And maybe some Cap-Stick for those lip cankers.
Why Fresno? Have to see all the Mexicans working in the fields to believe it.
And they touch the produce that ends up on our tables. That’s where food borne pathogens come from although few people believe it or even think about it and even fewer admit it.
Democrats are disease.
I’m sure female hip hop stars also contribute quite a bit to the rise of syphilis cases in America..
Aw, are there some hip hop fans out there? You do know you’re mentally retarded vulgarians, right? And that according to their own lyrics, those chicks are sperm burping gutter sluts?
No way it has anything to do with 10,000,000 illegal criminal aliens, mostly military aged men, invading the country over the past 3 years. All of those people arrive here well fed, clean, with charged cellphones, money in their pocket, clean clothes, ready to receive their free new cellphone w/ minutes, transportation to the city of their choice, free food, free housing, free medical care, free check every month. They wouldn’t have any STD’s.
Illegals are bringing MUCH more with them than just syphilis. Tuberculosis, measles, cholera, diphtheria, leprosy, small pox, gonorrhea and polio to name but a few. When Trump said, “They’re not sending their best and brightest”, he wasn’t joking. As human beings we can empathize with their plight, but it’s not America’s plight to provide healthcare to the world and it couldn’t be more disingenuous to proffer the idea that this has anything to do with underfunding healthcare.
Thanks Navy! The math for USA taking care of the rest of the world’s sick and disabled doesn’t work. The ratio would be something like 100 foreigners being taken care of by each American worker.
But the Bible says you are your brother’s keeper, the meek shall inherit the earth, give everything you have to the poor.
How do you reconcile the Bible’s call for self-sacrifice and altruism with self-preservation and rational self-interest? Your pursuit of your personal happiness? That is the crucial question.
Jesus said the poor will always be with us.
I’m a mathematician, not a theologian 🙂
You are sidestepping the real issue. The invaders are illegal aliens breaking our laws and are being aided and abetted by democrats with an agenda to destroy the country as we know it. They intend to replace Americans with 3rd world people that will vote democrat. We are under no obligation to keep them or take care of them. I look forward to Trump rounding them up by the millions and deporting them. Eisenhower did it with “Operation Wetback” and we need to do it again if we are to survive the traitorous actions of the Democrat party.
The illegals are coming from countries where hygiene is ignored, and sexual deviance is a normal attitude. No wonder the US has been infected, On top of that there are leaders whose only goals are power and money and ignore the state of the nation.
Illegals are also adding to auto insurance costs, besides the EPA-driven regs making new cars much more costly to repair. Illegal migrants commonly steal and wreck cars. That drives up overall auto insurance costs.
They’re also beating the crap out of cops in New York City and being released without bail, then grinning and flipping off the media cameras.
The hoods caught a bus to California using false IDs.
My mom always told me we didn’t have a ll these illnesses until they started letting in these illegal aliens without their shots(Vaccines)now we have these Typhoid Marrys wandering about
Working for the El Paso City-County Health Department 50 years ago, the lab director often talked about the assorted diseases we found coming across the border at that time. I can only imagine what it is now with an open border and Immigrants coming in from all over the world.
Like a nationwide Petri dish of every pathogen known to humanity.
Most of the people commenting are just straight up racist and want to blame everything on the brown skinned ppl. They are no different than you..they aren’t sexual deviants and they just want to get away from the cartels that the US and Republicans like Reagan created…have some humanity!
Have some humanity? Tell that to the Venezuelans and their communist government that they voted for. The Venezuelans, like the CCP, and the Muslims need to discover and practice what humanity actually and objectively means in reality.
America cannot save the world except by the example of a free and prosperous country and how that is achieved by the right philosophical ideas of individual rights and private property by rights, by the example of Laissez-Faire Capitalism, but that example is being destroyed not in the least by open borders policy.
“It took centuries of intellectual, philosophical development to achieve political freedom. It was a long struggle, stretching from Aristotle to John Locke to the Founding Fathers. The system they established was not based on unlimited majority rule, but on its opposite: on individual rights, which were not to be alienated by majority vote or minority plotting. The individual was not left at the mercy of his neighbors or his leaders: the Constitutional system of checks and balances was scientifically devised to protect him from both. This was the great American achievement—and if concern for the actual welfare of other nations were our present leaders’ motive, this is what we should have been teaching the world.” – Ayn Rand
I guess you’ve been in a cave and haven’t noticed how much American blacks DESPISE illegals. Stay ignorant, putz
What is a “brown skinned person?” And are all the whites, blacks and East Asians invading exempt from your tired old accusation of racism?
Tell you what, show everybody how “woke” you are and invite some “brown skinned people” to live with you.