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After Israel signed a ceasefire deal, Iranian and Turkish-backed Jihadists are once again fighting over Syria.
Call it, the Syrian Civil War 2.0. Everyone enjoyed the last one so much that they decided to have another go at it.
Iran committed so many resources to its assault on Israel after Oct 7 that Turkey spotted a vulnerability. Hezbollah, Iran’s core asset for controlling Syria, has been bleeding badly after Beepergeddon, losing an estimated 3,500 terrorists over the course of the war.
But, but, I had been assured that Islam was the religion of peace. 😅
A religion of peace, peace, there shall be no peace…!
Yes, a totalitarian ideology masquerading as a religion…
The reality is the jihadis need a land base to turn towards Israel.
Syria works for them.
Biden has allowed them in via Iran and Turkey.
Israel needs to emasculate IRAN and then Turkey.
The word Islam means surrender or submission. That should say it all.
Islam is not even a religion in the usual sense, but an aggressively expansionist militant utilitarian collectivist ideology under color of religion. It is a universal economic failure everywhere it does not have money coming out of the ground and makes for very unhappy societies when one man can have 4 wives and 3 other men have to go without, and resort to homosexuality which is only superficially forbidden by Islam, and then there is boy play, Baza Bachi, widely practiced in Afghanistan. (see the documentary The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan) Often in Muslim families the youngest boy becomes the sexual outlet for the father and older sons. Imagine how that poor kid grows up. Inbreeding is rampant under Islam with first cousin marriages being the norm, which also does not make for a happy or prosperous society, nor does the fact that Islam makes men it’s slaves by giving them their own slaves, their women. That brings us to female genital mutilation (FGM) which is done to restrict all pleasure in sex to the male, and then there is honor killing, all of the victims of which are curiously female.
Yep. And it would not surprise me if their funding comes from American taxpayers.