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The acceptance of the massive Muslim migrant flood into Europe was a case of the region, and especially Germany, committing voluntary suicide. Wir Schaffen Das was criminal madness lubricated by a torrent of lies that denied that the migrants could possibly pose a terrorist threat. But the threat only keeps on growing.
German authorities have arrested a Syrian man on suspicion of planning to carry out an explosives attack motivated by Islamic extremism, officials said Tuesday.
Federal police said officers arrested the 28-year-old man early Tuesday in the northern city of Hamburg based on a court-issued warrant for suspected terrorism financing offenses.
Investigators say the man is suspected of trying to obtain substances online that would have allowed him to manufacturer an explosive belt “in order to carry out an attack against civilian targets.”
Police say the man was encouraged and supported in his action by his 24-year-old brother, who lives in the southern town of Kempten. German news agency Deutsche Presse-Agentur reported that the younger man was also detained.
The brothers, whose names weren’t immediately released, were described by federal police as being motivated by “radical Islamist and jihadist” views.
Reports are that the men arrived in 2015 around the peak of the migrant invasion.
A spokeswoman said there were no indications of a specific target. However, the 28-year-old had planned to blow himself up with the explosive belt and “take as many infidels as possible with him to their deaths”.
And the mass influx of Syrian Muslims just keeps paying off.
In a separate case, authorities in western Germany said Tuesday that they are investigating a possible extremist motive in an attack at a gym in Duisburg last week. A 26-year-old Syrian was arrested days after the attack, in which four men were seriously wounded and one of them remains in life-threatening condition.
Duesseldorf prosecutors said a review of the suspect’s cellphone indicated that “there may have been an Islamist motive” behind the attack but declined to elaborate. The man is currently being held on suspicion of attempted murder and other offenses.
Wir schaffen das, as Frau Merkel used to like to say. Also, “who’s afraid to die?”
Germany-Based Salafi cleric Ahmad Armih, who goes by the name of Abul Baraa, gave a lecture titled “Is a Muslim Allowed to Be Afraid of Death?” In it, he talked about the “wonderful feeling” of wanting to meet Allah, with quivering heart and “tears rolling down your face.” Asking “who wants to die right now and meet Allah and calling for a “show of hands” – assuring his listeners that he was not calling on them to go on a suicide mission – he was disappointed that only two or three hands were raised.
What is it about the minds of most Westerners that precludes them from understanding the precepts of Islam and basing their immigration policies on them? By now Islam’s program of world conquest, bringing all of the non-sharia-following world (Dar al-Harb – the house of war) into Dar al-Islam – the house of Islam – by conversion or conquest until the entire world is following sharia in Dar al-Islam, should be well known. Yet our leaders ignore it.
Your mistake is ascribing the phenomenon to ignorance or incompetence. If you see it as intentional, everything will fall into place and the world will make sense again. It is ugly truth, but seeing it is necessary for survival.
If you know who Merkel’s father was, you’ll know why she allowed the Islamic invasion in 2015. Look him up: Horst Kasner. lunatic and heretical ordained minister of the German Evangelical Church. Moved his family from West to East Germany in the 1950’s.
Merkel was Islam’s Manchurian candidate.
Most western nations allow Islamic migration (hijra) because of fear. 1400 years of terror has its long-term effects. And since no one believes in God, national sovereignty, or that there are any differences between Christianity and the fascist ideology of Islam, it’s much easier to welcome wolfy with a smiley face when he comes knocking at the door.
This is called Cultutal Enrichment.
Well they just need MORE moo slims in Germany.
I wonder how successful jihadi recruitment would be if sex with 70 virgins was taken off the table?
So deceived into thinking they,ll go to Paradise with 1000 Virgins and they end up in a lake of fire and brimstone
Wir Schaffen Das was the height of hubris, arrogance and stupidity. I knew it even at the time.
Again, bear in mind that all of this hate, racism, and xenophobia is official Saudi policy—as opposed to the aberrant terrorist act of one Australian who was duly condemned and punished.
In short, Saudi Arabia and ISIS have much in common. The only difference is that the Arabian kingdom is filthy rich; it can be unabashedly hypocritical—not least because both the UN and USA play along. The former counts Saudi Arabia as one of “47 member states to promote human rights,” while the latter calls it “friend and ally.”
Raymond Ibrahim
“The Wahhabis finance thousands of madrassahs throughout the world where young boys are brainwashed into becoming fanatical foot-soldiers for the petrodollar-flush Saudis and other emirs of the Persian Gulf.” AMIL IMANI
Koran 2:191 “slay the unbelievers wherever you find them”
Koran 3:21 “Muslims must not take the infidels as friends”
Koran 5:33 “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam”
Koran 8:12 “Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Koran”
Koran 8:60 ” Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels”
Koran 8:65 “The unbelievers are stupid, urge all Muslims to fight them”
Koran 9:5 “When the opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you find them”
Koran 9:123 “Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood”
Koran 22:19 “Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water, melt their skin and bellies”
Koran 47:4 “Do not hanker for peace with the infidels, behead them when you catch them”.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of 9/11/2001, said:
* We will take advantage of their immigration policy to infiltrate them.
* We will use their own welfare system to provide us with food, housing, schooling, and health care, while we out breed them and plot against them. We will Caliphate on their dime.
* We will use political correctness as a weapon. Anyone who criticizes us, we will take the opportunity to grandstand and curry favor from the media and Democrats and loudly accuse our critics of being an Islamophobe.
* We will use their own discrimination laws against them and slowly introduce Sharia Law into their culture..
Oh c’mon folks, you got it all wrong, it is THE religion of Love and Peace, didn’t ya know., just look at the PROPHET, P be upon him. He in 50’s , Aisha 4 , married at 6, consummated at 8 or 9, hence UN ( Muslim majority ) now wants w/wide permission for sex by adults with children. Has Allah got good choice?
Germans aged 50 plus today are ashamed of the actions of their Grandparents or Parents who did whatever they did over 75 years ago and so to appease that they decided to bring into Germany more anti Jewish men as if that makes any sense whatsoever…. Common sense just aint common anymore.
However a German woman I know that lives outside Munich told me how wrong I am about islamic teachings as she speaks with the muslim women at the local Market and they are all friendly and nice to her.
When I mentioned to this German woman that muslims despise the fact that she walks around her Home completely nude all the time as well as being nude at the Lake, River or Sauna and with nude men etc she told me that American Christians are against that also, she is not American, does not live in America but she brings American Christians into a discussion about muslim in Germany despising her lifestyle…
Go figure.