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Who would have ever expected that the first terror bases in the country would be on campus?
Anyone who was paying attention.
In 2008, David Horowitz traveled around the nation’s universities warning about “Hamas on Campus” and a “movement for a second Holocaust of the Jews” supported by Students for Justice in Palestine and the Muslim Student Association.
Not only MSA and SJP, but Jewish campus groups, including Hillel, now under assault by Hamas mobs, denounced Horowitz and the Freedom Center. Our Islamo-fascism Awareness week, our posters naming terrorist students, and our “Wall of Truth” were condemned.
Now those same liberal organizations are wondering what happened.
What happened is that the generations of students became faculty. And when the Left and the Islamists felt strong enough, they stopped pretending and went to war.
A decade ago, SJP and MSA campus groups denied that they supported terrorism. Now they openly march for Hamas, celebrate dead terrorists as “martyrs” and put out statements in support of “armed resistance”. After Oct 7 and the unprecedented show of support from Democrats and the Left, they have launched a nationwide campus intifada.
And they’re winning because long before the riots, they seized control of universities.
How could this happen, ask liberals who remained silent when leftists, Socialists, Marxists and even Communists, took over entire departments. They signed on to every affirmative action and then DEI initiative which created new departments filled with activists who hated America.
Now they’re surprised that the Marxists in Ethnic Studies, Women’s Studies, LGBTQ Studies and numerous other identity politics departments whose only academic agenda is activism aren’t just rallying in support of Castro, the Viet Cong, the Sandinistas or the PLO, but are out there cheering the rape and murder of Jews, the way they once cheered the mass killings of Chinese shopkeepers, Russian Rabbis, Cambodian peasants, Cuban refugees, Nicaraguan Christians and all the other victims on the long march of their bloody cause around the world.
Most liberals failed to dissent from this. Some defended it as misguided idealism or a little harmless fun. They had their own memories of being student radicals in their misguided youth.
And that’s all it was. A little harmless fun in Russian universities. A little marching around in uniforms in Berlin. Some kicks and punches aimed at teachers in Beijing. Campus protests in the sixties in America and Europe. And then riots, more riots and the mass deaths of millions.
Even as Hamas supporters lay siege to Columbia, Yale and any sizable liberal campus in the country with an SJP or MSA chapter, liberals are still missing the real point and origin of this.
Universities have a Hamas problem because they allowed themselves to be hijacked by leftists.
Ivy League campuses purged conservative and then moderate professors. They became political monocultures and echo chambers. Leftist ideas, no matter how horrifying, were accepted because there were no brakes and nothing to stop any kind of radical agenda.
And the same is becoming true of our society.
The liberal Jewish groups who condemned us in 2008 have not come around to understanding that it is their politics that opened the door to this, incubated and enabled it.
When Hatem Bazian, the co-founder of Students for Justice in Palestine, was leading antisemitic campaigns at San Francisco State University in the 90s, how many of them spoke out about him or the entire supportive infrastructure of leftist and minority campus groups that he used to prop up his attacks on Jewish students?
There would not be a ‘Hamas on Campus’ if there wasn’t a ‘Marxism on Campus’, ‘Black Nationalism on Campus’ and ‘Activism on Campus’. For two generations, Jewish groups pushed back only against the worst excesses of anti-Israel campus groups, worked to find common ground with the groups and provided minimal support to faculty and students who spoke out.
And all of that failed miserably and led directly to Hamas dominating entire college campuses.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center fought to change that by bringing attention to terror faculty and students, and to the persecution of pro-Israel students and faculty. But we did it with little to no support and the establishment hated us because we were never afraid to call the enemy by its true name. When David Horowitz took the fight to the campuses, he called BDS “a Hamas-inspired genocidal campaign to destroy Israel” and named the anti-Israel groups a “movement for a second Holocaust of the Jews”. Now that all of that has been proven to be undeniably true, it’s time for those who denounced him to accept the rest of his thesis.
This is not just a Hamas problem. It’s not just a problem isolated to Israel and Jews. It’s a crisis caused by leftist radical culture which jumps from one extremist revolutionary imperative to another. This is a culture that thrives on violence and terror. Most of the students protesting for Hamas will look back on the encampments as an exciting harmless adventure. Much like the campus protests that enabled the Cambodian genocide look like harmless fun to the students who used them as a chance to get high, hook up and have some fun before moving on.
Another generation will protest just as eagerly for ISIS as they now do for Hamas. They will call for the destruction of America as loudly as they now chant for the elimination of Israel.
And that is exactly what will happen unless we tell the truth about what is going on.
Kicking out “Hamas supporters” from campus is meaningless without changing the entire culture, purpose and meaning of the college experience. David Horowitz didn’t just campaign against ‘Hamas on Campus’, he warned against Marxist indoctrination on college campuses.
The real crisis is not that college students support Hamas. That’s only a symptom of the true crisis which is that universities and schools have become indoctrination factories for the Left.
Until that changes, it’s only a question of which terrorists, faculty and students will support next.
Universities need to reintroduce academic freedom, diversity of thought, rigorous studies and critical thinking. The purpose of higher education is supposed to be just that, education, not activism. Until education is delinked from activism at every level, hate, division and terrorism will be the order of the day. One of the most profound failures of the conservative movement is that it ceded academia along with the rest of the culture to the counterculture while dedicating itself to fighting government regulations. What’s happening on campuses should be a wake-up call.
‘Hamas on Campus’ is a wake-up call for liberals, moderates and conservatives. But wake-up calls go nowhere unless they are tethered to a program of serious action.
The campus riots once again offer a clear choice between activist terror and academic life.
The nation’s universities must either be redeemed or destroyed. Either they return to their purpose as centers of research, study and thought or they’re nothing more than $90,000 a year CHAZs and should be defunded and eliminated as requirements for employment and public life.
Don’t just expel Hamas supporters, expel the toxic activist campus culture of the Marxist Left.
“ it’s time for those who denounced him to accept the rest of his thesis.”
Did he write a peer reviewed paper published in an academic journal? They won’t even acknowledge it exists unless it was.
As for critical thinking being taught in universities, it should be taught from the very first day children start pre-school, then the university would return to being research based.
A computer program “wrote” a peer reviewed paper and peer review is a joke when peers are all incompetent lefties. Only hard science papers are worth a damn.
But you knew that.
How we can replace “woke” indoctrination with critical thinking from day one or any other day is beyond me, though. I think it’s impossible. I think we’re in for a very bad future and things are bad already.
Tje dissertations of certain plaguirists were peer reviewed. I gues it depends on who your peers are.
The hard sciences are infiltrated too, Jeff. One thing particularly anti-science is that the nazi-coms have warped the “do no harm in medicine” as interpretable to the situation and segregation should be used ie anti-white racism.
Money fuels ideological rot.
Stop the flow of money to the houses of ideological rot.
If possible to de-rot them: Dethrone the boards of trustees running the places, who accept rotten money, who are responsible for the “hire”archy of professors professing ideological rot and the administrators’ administrating ideological rot.
Ideally, barring emotional and physical abuse, parents, not government and not universities, are fundamentally responsible for educating their children in moral basics and understanding the value of things, choices and their consequences, the meaning of trust, honesty and love. Gird your kid
with a sense of self to stand strong against those who want to destroy his/her moral core.
Trying to destroy a kid’s moral core is what’s going on in American ‘education‘ today. It’s really de-education.
But I don’t think you can de-rot this system. Why not fold a four-year college education into the last two years of high school. Call it “Higher School”. Include a course on “becoming your own teacher, developing your talents and thinking for yourself”. The kids are capable. They already know how to read and write and do arithmetic. They are still connected to home and family and community.
Graduating students continue on to either vocational school or apprenticeships or specific professional schools to refine and hone their skills.
Stop the rot in its tracks.
Let’s be practical and not ideological.
Empower parents.
Save our families.
Protect our children.
Those are excellent suggestions but they can’t and won’t be enacted.
It was probably the anti-Vietnam War riots that started the rot.
Yes and they were mainly instigated by the KGB and American communists. They manipulated dopey youngsters with good intentions, although I notice those good intentions quickly morphed into hatred.
Ala’ the Vietnam campus riots,* the Hamas campus rioters seized control of the Columbia U President’s building at midnight and now Hamilton Hall, whatever that houses, I figure it’s a symbol of the America they hate, and are flying an intifada flag out front. And naturally, the tent city troglodytes have ignored the latest deadline to vacate. The impotent deadline may as well have been Obama’s red line. Golly, who saw this coming?
Let’s see how long it takes them to torch a building. They’ve already been attacking people.
*You know better than I do that sit-ins and building seizures are really riots along with burning buildings and attacking people.
The “protesters” (rioters) know that the de facto POTUS has their back.
It started with the Free Speech movement in Berkeley, led by Mario Savio, which was quickly followed by the viet-Nam war which incentivized male students to either run to Canada, or stay in college, to escape the draft.
Those that went to Canada were draft evaders, but they were pardoned by Jimmy Carter. Those that stayed in college as grad students became the basis for the leftist movement among faculty. They prescribed to Alinsky’s doctrine of taking ove institutions from within. They succeeded beyond all expectations.
Live news is showing “students” barricading themselves inside Columbia University and destroying property.
Kinda looks like an “insurrection”.
Cambridge Dictionary…. Insurrection: an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence:
Yes, they’re breaking windows on Hamilton Hall and doubtlessly vandalizing the interior, too. They’re probably shitting on the floors. Islamopithecines do that to defile structures they hate. And some people object to the term “subhuman” for them. Bah!
No doubt these Hamas insurrectionists will be sharing cells with the January 6th tourists any day now……
I haven’t seen or read the word “Bah!” in quite some time. 🙂
” … the real crisis is that universities and schools have become indoctrination factories for the Left … “
Their “liberated, zones,” as they’re now calling their campus occupations, and the “autonomous” zones,” from the blm-antifa riots are exactly that, insurrection. Rebellion is the synonym to it in my old Webster’s.
I haven’t heard either word used by the msm, politicians, bureaucrats, or educators. The dogs that didn’t bark.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for shining light on Academia Universities and schools have become INDOCTRINATION FACTORIES for the LEFT.
Totalitarian government are effectively manipulating our Academia LEFT and light needs to shine brightly on that fact.
Students should be arrested as Hate Crime without removal from their records. Further should be expelled from Universities with a time period of two years where after two years may reapply with some precedence of being a prior student but a two year wait period as Hate Crime punishment and lesson to all other future academic students and too Academia staff who too should be expelled for up to two years from a given University if support a Hate crime of LEFT action to demonstrate a Hate crime radical outcome of LEFT.
Permanent expulsion from the entire university and college system would be even better.
Yea, right? They’re suspending people. WTF is that at a university? Is anybody actually getting expelled for any of this? They’re issuing demands, lol.
Expel them from campus, business, government, entertainment, sports, military, expel them out of the country.
These people are evil freaks, and through weakness and lethargy we have let them get in charge.
TRACED TO VIETNAM “PEACE” PROTESTERS. But to understand how all this happened, you must look at the role that the COMMUNIST PARTY USA (CPUSA) and the SOVIET KGB played as they teamed up as Comrades, same goal, to aid Communism in Vietnam. “U.S. OUT OF VIETNAM!” They led and directed the peace movement through the KGB’S WORLD PEACE COUNCIL!
MICHAEL MYERSON, a member of the Communist Youth League, attends an international conference in Vietnam in 1963, where they made him the Honorary Nephew to Ho Chi Minh. So, when the war started, who do you think Myerson, and the CPUSA, sided with?
In 1979, Myerson, and the CPUSA, started the United States Peace Council directly tied to the KGB. Then the takeover goal of Central America with the help of the Democratic Party who helped install, and protected, DANIEL ORTEGA, still ruling Nicaragua and who arrests all political opponents. (sound familiar?) They also aided the Communist FMLN REBELS IN EL SALVADOR! “EL SALVADOR IS SPANISH FOR VIETNAM!”
They also aided the Communist rebels in Guatemala.
THEN THE ZAPATISTAS in Chiapas, Mexico. (I went through that zone, between San Cristobal and Palenque, blocked by hundreds of men with machetes then let go. I was in San Cristobal in March 2022 and I wanted to visit the Mayan ruins in Palenque. No buses or taxis allowed and private travel, “At your own risk.” Going around would take a day so I didn’t go.) AMERICAN STUDENT GROUPS visit the Zapatistas every year but before they go, they are INDOCTINATED on what to say when questioned before allowed entry, aka, proving you’re a Communist or support them.
PART TWO: From Vietnam to Today.
All true and usually ignored.
I notice most of the Zapatistas are amerindians/indios. That’s how the sleazy commies operate, they prey on the downtrodden and tell them communism is the answer to their troubles.
You’ve been to Chiapas so you know how the Mexican mestizos treat the indios there, and there are a lot of them. I think they take out their dissatisfaction at being second class citizens to the criollos on the indios. It’s obviously a Mexican thing because I haven’t seen any Mexican American animus towards amerindians, here, have you? I live in Santa Clara Valley, California and there are plenty of Mexican Americans here but not amerindians. Things may be different in the part of New Mexico you live in.
Yes, the Mayan’s are treated really bad. I would buy pastries for the women and kids at the San Cristobal church who were selling their handmade weaving and embroidery. One time I asked to ten-year old girls to go with me to buy the pastries, The owner wouldn’t let them in. I had been there for two weeks buying bags on pastries so I told him if he didn’t let them in, I wouldn’t buy from him. He let them in, it was like bringing a Yanomami to New York City, and they didn’t know what to do. I handed them the tray and tongs, they’d pick a few. I’d say more. We bought twice as many, he was happy, they were happy, the ladies were happy. Those two girls made my friendship braces made out of thin thread, not the yarn. Very intricate. The next year, I brought the little girls small turquoise stones with a drilled hole and they made the friendship bracelets with the stone, some put three. Sold more and for more.
While there in Chiapas, a newscast showed a large parking lot filled with unmarked white buses with hundreds of ILLEGALS lining up to get in one. On the side, a large banner, “NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL!” All American, elderly women. Surely sixties hippies. The host said, “The ARMY will be escorting these buses to the border.” A long ways from Tapachula, right on the Mexican/Guatemalan border. SO, MEXICO IS HELPING THEM!
Your story about the girls is sweet and sad but it has a happy ending.
Yeah, I’m sure you noticed the Mestizos in Chiapas hate the border jumpers, especially Guatemalans but they have no problem with them jumping America’s border and the Mexican government helps them…because it hates America. Scumbags. They make a fortune off us, even more than their natural resources provide, and they have plenty.
I’ll give them credit for government companies like Pemex, though. Our government is too stupid and callous to make money. It just taxes the shit out of us.
YES, THEY DO hate them. On one roadblock, I drive to Chiapas, but Yucatan first, I was leaving Palenque going to San Cristobal, huge rocks blocked the road and ropes with bandanas. They got mad at me for trying to pass and they should have told me at the gas station that there is no passing. Hundreds of men with machetes. They opened the rocks to let me in but to park on the left lane were numerous cars, with families, were parked next to a huge cliff. I was moving and luckily, the highway department, just a truck with men the back which I had passed, came behind me. They told me to move out of the way. I stayed in the right lane praying I didn’t hit anyone. Got seeing all the families looking at me. SUDDENLY, (write screenplays, now 47 lol) there was something going on up in the mountain and they were running to it. I got to the other end, they moved the rocks. TWO MORE TIMES, finally got to the turnoff and I picked up two European tourists with backpacks. They told me that they were stopping all cars and buses TAKING OUT ILLEGALS since they were robbing houses and people.
One man I met in Tuxtla, came everyday to the main plaza to watch cars and people. I told him I wanted to take a bus to Guatemala. He angrily told me not to due to the ILLEGALS by the thousands and I would surely get robbed, maybe killed.
Four Mexican teens walked by, he said they were the type to come to the US. I asked how he felt. “I’M GLAD THEY’RE LEAVING! THEIR OUR TRASH!” That’s when I started writing, “Why are we the World’s trashcan?”
I think the lefties are right about burning things down and replacing them but their target isn’t our target. The target of all their separate attacks on separate institutions is American society. Our target is every threat to American society, and they’re the biggest one. And unlike them, we want to preserve what we build, not tear it down and replace it, over and over until it all collapses out of control.
Government education and activist private schools need to be deconstructed at the ideological level and reformed as educational facilities. That ain’t gonna happen though. It’s too late. Only a dictator who would be an enlightened tyrant could do that. Sorry to break it to anybody who reads this. We can’t do it and our government sure as Hell won’t, not that it could. This is post America and everybody who thinks otherwise are fooling themselves.
And let’s face it, none of this would’ve happened without the active participation of the Dirtbagocrat party and its pet RINOs. It’s not a coincidence that “the Summer of Love,” this college Hamas intifada and to a lesser extent, the scamdemic, have been restricted to blue areas.
My advice is to punch the first D-Bag Hamas supporter you see so hard his or her whole family dies. It’s eventually going to come to that, anyway.
I love all of the lofty thoughts on what we should be doing re: reclaiming academia. Unfortunately I think we are way past all of that. The white kids are cosplaying as Hamas terrorists. They took over Hamilton Hall at Columbia. They are holding open air Islamic services in arabic, attacking Jews, etc. They have replaced their worn out Che t-shirts with Hamas gear, including the “nifty” green headscarves and the smelly kaffiyas. The only thing missing for now is the acquisition of actual weaponry. But don’t worry about that. The arms are squirrled away at the mosques popping up around the country.
The white imported non students in the pay of the Soros agitators need to be arrested and charged with insurrection. The actual students need to be flat out expelled. The Hamasimians need to be arrested and deported.
If we don’t do anything while things are relatively still under control, at least in the red areas of the country, how long will it be before the general populace has to go to guns simply to protect themselves from the “Death to America” crowd.
All true and nobody but parasites in government employ and the elites who collude with them can depend on the police in blue cities and areas.
Columbia is in NYC. As iif Da Mayor, Boogie Adams would ever do the job he was elected to do. I’m surprised he doesn’t have the NYPD handing out free falafel to the rioters in the Hamas intifada at Columbia U.
Debates used to be an art. I remember high school debates that were fun and challenging. I doubt the terrorist in our nations higher ed would even know how.
THE ’80S were the most important era of Communist recruitment. Many students quit school to go on Construction Brigades to Nicaragua, but they passed through El Salvador first aid the FMLN with supplies and money. (I talked to President Alfredo Cristiani of El Salvador on the Larry King talk show and informed him about all the American groups aiding the FMLN, mainly CISPES, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, run by Farid Handel, the brother of the head of the FMLN rebels and their Communist Party.
I focused on Americans entering the rebel Zones of Control to aid them. BOOM! The next week, he imposed a travel ban of all Americans entering the Zones. The ARIAS PEACE PLAN left out ALL American Communist groups supporting that war while it did focus on the Contras, who the Democrats were against but they, and Hollywood, helped raise funds for the FMLN. When Oscar Arias, the President of Costa Rica, was on Larry King, I was screened out since they knew me from my numerous calls. I would have mentioned these American groups that he left out of the peace plan! They were the main instigators, and nothing happened to them!
THE ’80S started the takeover of our universities and once a Democrat/Communist/sixties hippie, gets into a hiring position, they only hire their own. (Look at the complete takeover of colleges and our government agencies.)
FAST FORWARD. Those ’80s CPUSA/KGB RECRUITS are todays teachers, professors, Hollywood, Big Tech, MSM, city/state/national leaders, filled Congress, and one became President Barack Obama who only surrounded himself with the same, appointed them to head departments that were then used to attack ALL OPPONENTS and then conspired in a Coup attempt against a sitting President, now a former President.
These mob actions have nothing to do with free speech. The mob is immune to reason. There’s nothing going on that can’t be cured when the neo-Nazi Hamas cheerleaders get a nightstick to the head or a rifle butt in the face, followed by serious jail time (deportation for foreigners and expulsion for all).
Nost just expel them from Campus but from America period lets send them all to the Amazon with just the clothes on their backs lets see them be able to cope with that no one to riot loot and burn for them stranded in the jungle without a weapon
The ONLY thing that is going to save America and the West is teaching Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism at the universities and the high schools.
But this isn’t going to happen overnight or even in the next few decades, this will probably take a century or two, unless America and the West collapse into a new religious dark age before then.
But even then, the only thing that can end a religious dark age is the introduction of a philosophy of reason into the culture.
Immanuel Kant’s attack on reason, “The Critique of Pure Reason”, was published in 1781, he opened the door once again to faith, unreason, and anti-reason, he opened the door to Hegel, and Hegel opened the door to Marx, Stalin, and Hitler.
What Immanuel Kant was explicitly and expressly doing was trying to save religion from the onslaught of reason. The collapse of the West began in 1781 with Immanuel Kant.
“I believe that the medievals understood much better than the moderns on what basis to build a totalitarian society that would last and not collapse in less than a century. They did it and the people in the rising religious movement today know that full well. They’re the ones who have millions, upon millions, upon millions, of followers and a real insight into the fact that economics is not the crucial factor, but philosophy and culture are…. Religion has been the root of [totalitarianism] from the beginning, it has ruled in disguised forms, and still is, and now the disguise had to be stripped off… What socialism is doing is really helping religion, the bigger the statism, the more people grow accustomed to government rule over everything, the more people are ready for religionists to take over the lead from the more secular side… The socialists are building the basis for totalitarianism but only the religionists are going to cash in on it and take over.” – Leonard Peikoff
How quaint.100 to 200 years. Yeah sure. It is always astonishing to hear that prediction from you. It always reminds me of MLKs statement “I may not get there with you.” Well he didn’t. In fact he was assassinated and now we are reverting back to segregation, socialism, nazism and outright Jew hatred.
So what is your stupid little objectivist kindergarten philosophy going to accomplish when you have communist pr0fessors, Hamas supporters, and idiot white kids spouting “Death to Israel” Death to America” and “Kill the Jews”.
The only thing you are doing is to hasten a totalitarian future with your mindless ramblings. Do you really believe one of these twisted profs is somehow going to start talking about Ayn Rand? Fifty years from now no one will know who she was let alone care what she wrote. Her crackpot rantings along with whack job Peikoff are already gathering on the ash heap of history.
Ayn Rand is dead. Randian philosophy is deader. You take yourself much too seriously.
I can now say this because nobody would have believed me months ago if I’d say that most foreign Muslim students aren’t students but are actual sleeper cell members of radical Islamic groups from back home. For if they were students, this is the logic: they paid a premium for international student tuition fees, are asked by the university administration to stand down their protests, asked by the university administration to adhere to the rules all students need to observe, yet they don’t comply to the wishes of the university administration and are willing to face expulsion. You tell me – does that sound like a rational person or does this sound like a sleeper cell member whose been activated?
I’m telling you, this is standard protocol of radical Islamic groups to use some of their funds to embed fake students in Western post-secondary educational institutes in order to indoctrinate useful idiots. But now that the veil has been dropped with these violent protests, these faux international students have been fully activated! For people who don’t know, this Islamic agenda is called stealth jihad.
You don’t believe me, then the test is to go into the crowd of these protesters, take out a Quran, pour a flammable liquid on it and set it on fire. Average American students might be curious and take videos on their cell phones but the sleeper cell Islamic terrorist members would try to kill you – I kid you not!
“Muslim students aren’t students but are actual sleeper cell members of radical Islamic groups from back home.”
should read Townhall contributor Kurt Schlichter’s book called “The Attack”. In this book he details a possible coordinated jihad attack in the U.S. over three days by small groups of armed Muslims, first against businesses, second against Americans in their homes, and finally against government. The attacks take place mostly in the unarmed blue state cities and suburbs. The jihadis do not want to be confronted by armed Americans
Kurt Schlichter said it best in his TownHall article:
townhall com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2024/03/25/america-is-going-to-be-targeted-for-a-massive-terrorist-attack-will-you-be-ready-n2636901
It’s too later: Ph.D’s in the humanities are virtually worthless an thus many of the jobs in academia are for ADJUNCTS who are paid virtually nothing and are part of the commie cadre. What the universities should try to do is DO AWAY WITH TENURE. Fire the radicals who harass Jewish students and conservatives and expel any students who participate in Hate the Jews Week. Defund and cancel the detestable Students for Justice in Palestine. Remove the Moslem Brotherhood from campus . Allow conservative speakers to speak on campus. If necessary, ask for police protection -but do not give in to the mob! Insist on VIGOROUS SCHOLARSHIP – not leftwing marxist crap!
“This is not complicated: The University of Florida is not a daycare, and we do not treat protesters like children — they knew the rules, they broke the rules, and they’ll face the consequences,” said university spokesman Steve Orlando.
He noted that protesters – many of whom are outside agitators – were told they could exercise their right to free speech and free assembly. “We also told them that clearly prohibited activities would result in a trespassing order from UPD (barring them from all university properties for three years) and an interim suspension from the university,” Orlando said. “For days UPD patiently and consistently reiterated the rules. Today, individuals who refused to comply were arrested after UPD gave multiple warnings and multiple opportunities to comply.”
Nine anti-Israel protesters were arrested Monday at the University of Florida
“This is a leadership cascade: @GovRonDeSantis sets the vision, @BenSasse enacts the policy, and aptly-named spokesman Steve Orlando reproduces the tone. Coordinated movement. Clear incentives. Perfect contrast with Columbia,” Rufo added.
“Earlier this year, President Sasse fired the entire DEI department, eliminating a potential reservoir of support for pro-Hamas protestors and consolidating the administration around common sense priorities,” Rufo continued. “The next move is to keep highlighting contrast with blue institutions.”
The University of Florida has it right
Where are the other “Red State” Governors? Florida has set the standard for standing up to the leftist rot infecting the nation. Something tells me the other Red State Governors are too full of themselves to admit they didn’t come up with the tactics being applied in they do little to nothing.
All Florida public universities have it right. It’s the leadership, stupid.
If we can have Islamophobia, why not coin the term “Islamophilia.,” a bit like paedophilia? It would be no more Islamophobic to use such a term than it is paedophobic to use the other.
Really a shame so many of them are immuno-compromised and need to wear a mask for health reasons. Oh, wait! They’re NOT in danger of getting a virus, they’re in danger of being recognized! They’re trying to HIDE themselves! Somehow, I don’t think it will work.
In response, and especially in light of the Biden regime threatening to sanction IDF battalions, Netanyahu should tell Biden and Blinken, “You are mainstreaming and promoting antisemitism, and since you wont protect the Jewish students at your campuses, we will send in our IDF to quickly take care of the problem.”. Yes, Israel is here to protect America,.” And then Bibi should send in those sanctioned IDF battalions…..
Auron MacIntyre (you can find him on YT or X) came up with a practical method of dealing with this problem. In a nutshell he says the Right should back off and let this lunacy continue without police action or political interference. The situation is leftist vs leftists in that the schools created these monsters and the monsters have now turned on their creators. He says let it play out because, eventually, one side or the other is going down. It is likely the schools will prevail, exposed and broken. It is then when the govt should enact measures to reign in the crimes these institutions have committed on generations of students. For example; no more govt backed loans and taxing endowments. It’s an interesting take on how higher education has been allowed to rip off the students and the govt while pushing an agenda not dedicated to education but antithetical to American values.
All businesses have owners, whether public or private. Educational businesses are no exception. Policies and personnel will not change until the owners decide, voluntarily or under duress, that they must.
At this point, the universities have to be hit financially and legally. I applaud organizations like the Brandeis Center for bringing lawsuits based on anti-Semitism and harassment of Jewish students. We need to see more of that. We need to see donors finding other places to give their money to. We need to see concerned parents, Jewish and non-Jewish find other universities to send their kids to. And we need to see federal and state governments cutting off funding to schools that cannot or will not protect Jewish students and which are leftist indoctrination centers.
We need to see an end to universities receiving money to establish Middle East Studies departments.
Our universities are awash in obscene amounts of money, and they will not reform until that money dries up. This culture took decades to build up since the 60s, and it will not be cleaned up overnight. But now is the time to start. Under the current political leadership, I am not optimistic.
2 ways to fix the problem , 1. dont send your kids there and 2 . for those who do inhabit the sewers dont employ them when they have completed their useless degrees .
I am pleased to see that Greenfield and other commentators are begin to use the proper term for today’s Left, which is Neo-Nazi. When I first began using it in commentary I could expect all kinds of vituperative correctives in response. I tried Neo-Marxist and then Neo-Marxist/Fascist but Neo-Nazi was the most accurate term. It certainly describes the aim and tactics of the National Democratic Party. They match the aim and tactics of Hitler’s National Socialism (or National Socialist German Worker’s Party) to a T while no office-holding Democrat today would admit that. Many of those Democrats may once have been Marxists, like Obama, but none will admit that today. Hillary Clinton wrote her graduate thesis on Saul Alinsky’s little book of dirty tricks, Rules for Radicals, which like all other Democrats today she practiced and still practices, but she is no ideological Marxist nor are more than a dozen office-holding Democrats today. They differ in practice with Hitler only in that they do not advocate mass removal by Krypton gas or machine-gunning..
Better yet, let’s cut government funding from all levels of education ALTOGETHER.
I have an entirely different take. A major initiative should be to defund all institutions that promote hate and subversion of the government.
The emphasis for us should be to form NEW educational institutions returning to merit based education. Prager U is a good model. So is Jordan Peterson’s school. We can go farther. WE should completely abandon those schools that have been taken over by the radicals. Let them die. In 5 years, a degree from the new schools could be the ticket to a successful career by design.