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A handful of years ago, who could have imagined that the grandest, most advanced civilization in history would go off the rails to such a degree that a Supreme Court Justice – herself a woman – declares herself unqualified to define what a woman is because she is not a biologist? Who could have imagined that authoritative medical institutions in the Western world would promote the biological impossibility that men can give birth and have periods, or would encourage the medical mutilation of children supposedly “assigned” the wrong “gender” at birth? That the language with which we define our shared reality could be perverted so successfully that we have traded “mothers” for “birthing persons,” “women” for “uterus-havers,” and “vaginas” for “bonus holes”? That we would celebrate men for dominating women’s sports, winning women’s beauty pageants, and usurping the coveted cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue?
The only people who could have imagined this were the ideologues who committed themselves fanatically, for many decades, to making the long march through the institutions in order to normalize this insanity among our ruling elites. And just when you think the culture can’t get more shamefully stupid, a fresh hell arrives: a whole new frontier of “gender hybrids” is opening up among impressionable young children, who are being encouraged to embrace labels like “minotaur,” “Prius,” and “smoothie.”
According to a public presentation recently reviewed by Fox News Digital, a self-identified feminist named Diane Ehrensaft has been spreading the word about ongoing developments in what she calls a “gender revolution” led by children. “It’s a wonderful thing to see,” she enthuses.
During a 2018 talk at the San Francisco Public Library, Ehrensaft declared that children “know more than we do about this topic of being gender expansive,” so our job as adults is simply to listen and respond with support and encouragement as pre-verbal, poopy-diapered toddlers enlighten us about who they truly are. After all, the doctors who “assign” children their sex at birth were just guessing and could very well have made a harmful mistake. It’s important that we grownups pay attention to the signals from our kids, who can’t tie their own shoes but who Ehrensaft thinks are wise enough to reject the oppressive straitjacket of our outmoded, binary way of thinking.
Ehrensaft is not just any San Francisco gender activist. She occupies an influential position as the director of mental health and chief psychologist at the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital gender development center. Specializing in pediatric “gender-affirmative care for transgender and gender-expansive patients,” she is also a professor at the UCSF School of Medicine, and the author of well-regarded (by other gender ideologues) books in the field, such as The Gender Creative Child and Gender Born, Gender Made.
Ehrensaft is also notorious for claiming that one of the signs to watch for in your child who may be trying to tell you his or her (their? zir?) true gender identity is: if your female toddler irritably snatches the barrettes from her hair as if to say, “I don’t want to wear these girly things because I’m actually a boy.”
Anyone who has children knows that toddlers are very easily annoyed by hair clips or diapers or other articles of clothing, and try to take them off. No one in history – until our unhinged postmodern era – ever read this behavior as a message that one’s toddler wants a sex change.
Ehrensaft is also fond of employing the standard woke terminology about the sexes such as nonbinary and gender fluid. “Language is political,” she says, like a true leftist. “So what’s good today will be politically incorrect tomorrow. So we’ll just keep changing as we go.” In other words, language is fluid just like gender, and so we can and must redefine words at will to conform to our ever-evolving ideological needs. This is one of the strategies of control that totalitarians use: perpetually redefining words and concepts in order to keep people anxious about using politically approved terminology.
Dr. Ehrensaft is introducing terms and ideas that take gender language to a new level. She believes, for example, that transgenderism is derived from a “gender web” which is influenced by culture, nurture, and nature. “Each person’s web will change over time as they age,” reads the description of her presentation. “What’s Your Gender? Don’t answer until you hear all your options…” Then, revealingly, it adds, “Ehrensaft wants you to get off the binary measurement scale.”
Among those many gender options, Ehrensaft includes “minotaur,” which you may recall from Greek mythology is a creature with the body of a man and the head of a bull. The original Minotaur was the monstrous offspring of what the later poet Virgil called a “polluted love” between a bull and a Cretan queen whom the god Poseidon caused to fall in love with it as a punishment. This seems like a disturbing metaphor to use for children with gender confusion, but I’m not a credentialed gender expert.
In the opening chapter of a book called The Gender Affirmative Model, edited by Ehrensaft and Colt Keo-Meier and published by no less an authority than the American Psychological Association, Ehrensaft and her co-editor assert that “children will lead the way in carving out their own self descriptions, categorizations, and assignations of gender.”
So now we’re letting children’s fantasies define reality for us. That should end well.
The editors go on to list “all the ways we have heard gender described by the children who have come to see us, along with some items borrowed from social media, other people’s writing, and word on the street.”
It’s worth listing some of these made-up classifications from the book to demonstrate the degree of lunacy that is being presented as legitimate science and becoming accepted as authoritative by psychology professionals (I have edited them for length):
Gender fluid children. Children who defy the norms of binary gender and either slide along a gender spectrum or weave their own intricate individual patterns along the gender web.
Gender smoothies. A variation on gender fluid. As one teenager described it, “You see, you take everything about gender, throw it in the blender, press the button, and you’ve got me—a gender smoothie.”
Gender hybrids. Children who combine or alternate between genders, often in a binary way.
Gender Prius. Half girl/half boy: This gender label was invented by a school age child who, from the front, looked like any boy in basketball shorts, tank top, and basketball sneakers, and, from the back, had a long blond braid tied at the end with a bright pink bow: “You see—I’m a Prius, a boy in the front, a girl in the back. A hybrid.”
Gender minotaur. Children who are one gender on top and another on bottom.
Gender-by-season children. Children who express their authentic gender during summer and school vacations but never at school, or alternatively use school as the safe place to be their true gender self but keep it under wraps during home based summers or vacations.
Gender-by-location children. A close cousin to gender by season, a child who knows the locations or is told the locations where free gender expression will be accepted and other locations where it is not, “such as conservative Aunt Mary’s wedding reception.”
Genderqueer youth. Not only a category of gender but also a social movement of young people who ask us, “Why do you even bother? We are so beyond gender.” They are any and all, never either/or, and they challenge our thinking and carve a new path in which they invite us all to both imagine and embody a world where gender is no longer a defining category.
Protogay children. Children who start out exploring and pushing the margins of gender on the way to discovering their sexual orientation identity, typically exploring their gender expressions rather than gender identity, though not always.
Gender Tootsie Roll Pops. Children who exhibit one gender on the outside but experience another gender on the inside. To follow the metaphor, the crunchy outside is often the gender that accommodates to the expectations of the surrounding world, and the soft, gooey inside is the stuff of authenticity and realness. The hard candy is in place to protect or shield the inside chewiness from an unaccepting world or an internalized unaccepting part of one’s own self.
But that’s not all, as the infomercial slogan goes. The list goes on to include more hybrids like gender-ambidextrous children and gender Teslas.
These category descriptions are mostly incoherent and so slippery as to be meaningless, and yet they have the seal of approval of the American Psychological Association. I’m no psychologist or biologist (so I’m not in a position to define the word “woman”), but I feel confident in declaring that there are no such things as gender webs, gender minotaurs, or gender Tootsie Roll pops. You don’t need a string of academic initials after your name to see that these are concepts entirely invented by crackpot intellectuals (not by wise, self-aware children) who are on a mission to fundamentally transform not only truth, but reality itself.
“I started meeting a whole bunch of other gender hybrids. And so we have the gender Prius, we have a gender Minotaur,” Ehrensaft has said. “And most of the kids who are gender minotaurs love mermaids. So make sure you have a lot of mermaid books. If you really you think about it, it works.”
On the contrary, if you really think about it, this is a whole new level of detachment from reality. Ehrensaft and her cohorts are propagating a grotesque and godless belief system, from positions of power and influence, that is warping the young minds of an entire generation.
When we encourage children to believe that half of the body can be a different “gender” from the other half; that they can be one “gender” on Tuesday and another on Wednesday (or none at all, or every “gender”), and that inside them is an ever-evolving personal “gender web,” we are not only lying to them and hopelessly confusing them; we are pushing our kids, who are made in the image of God, to believe that their sexuality and “gender behaviors” are the dominant feature of their personal identity, when in fact they are the least important.
What about their hearts and minds? Their souls? Those don’t seem to figure in the dehumanizing, desacralizing, brave new world of this gender revolution.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior.
THX 1138 says
“On the contrary, if you really think about it, this is a whole new level of detachment from reality. Ehrensaft and her cohorts are propagating a grotesque and godless belief system, from positions of power and influence, that is warping the young minds of an entire generation.”
Magical thinking and irrational thinking comes from religion. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden with a Talking Snake and a Fruit of Knowledge? Eve Made From Adam’s Rib? An Immaculate Conception? A Virgin Birth? Noah’s Ark? The Parting of the Red Sea? 72 Virgins In Paradise? Camel Urine Cures Cancer?
The magical thinking of the Marxist Left is no different than the magical thinking of monotheistic and polytheistic religion. Except for being more incoherently insane.
There are limits to magical thinking and irrational thinking. There’s only so much irrationality the human mind can deal with. The magical thinking of the Marxist Left is so insane it is simply preparing the way back to the more tolerable magical thinking of Christianity.
Be reassured Judeo-Christian conservatives, the magical thinking of your religion will win over the magical thinking of the Marxist Left, unfortunately the magical thinking of Christianity does not lead to the acceptance of reality and therefore does not lead to freedom, liberty, and capitalism but to theocracy.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Magical thinking is normal in humans. Logical thinking is rare.
Mo de Profit says
And dangerous without values, look at every single attempt to remove religious values from society and they all end with genocide.
World@70 says
Yes, whether one believes in the mystical side of religion or not shouldn’t negate the value lessons put forth by it.
PS: Although there are some religions that could be excluded from both.
THX 1138 says
This is very true. We all begin as magical thinkers, all children are magical thinkers. It takes a long process of education in reason, logic, and science to stop magical thinking.
And magical thinking is so comforting, exhilarating, and it gives hope, even if it’s a false hope. Who wants to give that up? It’s devastating to give that up.
And yet even if magical thinking ceases for the most part in a person life can be so hard, sometimes tragic, and the death of loved ones is so devastating, Who can blame anyone for believing in an after-life?
Religion and magical thinking will probably never completely disappear, life is too hard. Perhaps the best that we can hope for is that a tipping point minority of people in a society will be able to accept reality as it is and from there their influence will make religion and magical thinking more restrained, more reasonable, more sensible, less fanatical.
I do know one thing for sure, Laissez-Faire Capitalism would make life much, much easier, for everyone, making even the fervently religious more accepting of this life on earth and not so eager or focused on an after-life. Leonard Peikoff believes that’s the only thing that will stand in the way of a new religious Dark Age, people now know what happiness and prosperity is possible on earth and they won’t give up that prosperity and happiness easily.
“The U.S. had no income tax until 1913. By 1926, in the Roaring Twenties, unfettered capitalism had brought prices down so low that one person, earning the average wage of only $1.24 per hour, could pay off his home in five years, purchase a vacation home, pay that off, and support a family of five all the way through college. Note that our vacation home boom in resort towns occurred at that time.
So what happened? Why is our goods-to-price standard of living so much lower and still declining each year?
Franklin Roosevelt increased income taxes for the poor in the lowest income bracket from 4 to 24 percent, in the highest bracket to 94 percent (reducing what we could afford to pay), and corporate taxes to 40 percent (increasing the price we must pay).
This is nonviolent socialism at full throttle. We became a hybrid capitalist-socialist nation. Franklin Roosevelt had completed the transformation of the Democrat party into a socialist party, and their occasional moniker is “progressives.” – James T. Moodey
Intrepid says
If you want to actually do something constructive perhaps you should focus on getting rid of the IRS.
You might get further doing that than trying to get rid of religion. But that would actually take real effort.
Intrepid says
There are definitely limits to thinking and irrational thinking since you seem to permanently stuck in your magical and irrational world of Objectivism and Christian hatred.
The country was founded on a belief in the Christian God and economic freedom and we have somehow managed, without your help, to remain that way, except when the left and atheists are attempting to “change us”
This article is about gender insanity, but you managed to insert your usual list if religious horribles, as if that’s going to fix the issues that the article cites.
As much as you want it to be, the article is not about you. Things were better on this site when you had the flu and were just too weak to copy and paste.
It’s too bad the flu didn’t get rid of that narcissistic personality disorder of yours.
THX 1138 says
This article is ultimately about reason versus unreason or magical thinking versus the acceptance of reality. Marxism comes from religion and magical thinking. Marxism pretends to be rational but it is actually magical thinking.
“Facts don’t matter when you’re morally right.” – the Marxist AOC
“The roots of America’s welfare state lie in the Populist-Progressive Era of the late 19th century and early 20th century, especially with the Protestant social gospel movement, which held that Christian ethics and “social justice” should drive public policy, including wealth redistribution, trust-busting, graduated tax rates to punish the rich, cradle-to-grave handouts, and missionary-style imperialistic ventures abroad to spread the faith and make the world “safe for democracy.” The concept of social justice, which jettisoned the idea that we actually earn and deserve what we get in life, was first adopted by the Jesuit Luigi Taparelli in the 1840s, as drawn from the work of St. Thomas Aquinas.” – Richard M. Salsman, “Holy Scripture and the Welfare State”
Intrepid says
No, the article is ultimately about the what the title of the article says it is about. The fact that you want to put your completely ridiculous and irrelevant Objectivist and and anti-religious spin on it tells me you haven’t gotten over the flu yet.
You are ultimately a selfish little nerd who feels that he has to be the center of attention.
This article is about gender insanity, but you managed to insert your usual list if religious horribles, as if that’s going to fix the issues that the article cites.
As much as you want it to be, the article is not about you.
And Marxism did not come from religion and magical thinking no matter how many times you repeat that Big Lie of yours and Lenny Peek-a-Boo. . You are a victim of your own magical desperate thinking.
THX 1138 says
I don’t hate Christians or Christianity. I have no time to waste on hate. Life is too short for hate.
But I will tell you one thing right now, all of the major American Christian Churches (Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist) are as we speak at the border and all over the country helping along the Illegal Alien Invasion of America with hundreds of millions, upon hundreds of millions, upon hundreds of millions of tax-payer dollars received from the Biden administration.
All the major Christian Churches are carrying water for Joe Biden and his destruction of America through open borders, illegal immigration. There is in effect right now no longer a separation of Church and State. The Christian Churches are united with the American State in destroying America.
But why is that? Why? Because of the central Christian ethics of altruism and self-sacrifice for God and neighbor. “You are your brother’s keeper”. As Ayn Rand discovered —
“America’s inner contradiction was the altruist-collectivist ethics. Altruism is incompatible with freedom, with capitalism and with individual rights. One cannot combine the pursuit of happiness with the moral status of a sacrificial animal….
From her start, America was torn by the clash of her political system with the altruist morality. Capitalism and altruism are incompatible; they are philosophical opposites; they cannot co-exist in the same man or in the same society. Today, the conflict has reached its ultimate climax; the choice is clear-cut: either a new morality of rational self-interest, with its consequences of freedom, justice, progress and man’s happiness on earth—or the primordial morality of altruism, with its consequences of slavery, brute force, stagnant terror and sacrificial furnaces.”
“Ayn Rand – Why Altruism is Evil”
Intrepid says
Pt 1
“I don’t hate Christians or Christianity. I have no time to waste on hate. Life is too short for hate.”
B.S. You have lots of time to waste on hate and bigotry. Considering the number of times you list your religious horribles, or the immature childish bratty crap you write during the holidays. I can here that snarky laugh when you copy and paste. “Yeah that’ll show those dumb christians who’s boss” Great life you have carved out for yourself.
You either have dementia because you don’t seem to remember that you posted this stuff as recently as three weeks ago, or you are an autistic narcissist who thinks he
is smarter than everyone else.
Intrepid says
Pt 2
It’s not out of altruism that the border is being overrun. It’s about the money and replacing the voting population. Job no.1 for the Left. Christians do this stuff because they are called to. They believe they are doing the right thing. But I guess you won’t call Lutheran Social Services. Why not? It’s the only issue you think is going to get me to react. Epic Fail on your part.
It really doesn’t matter how many times you try to sell the “America is dying because of religious altruism” falsehood. No one is buying even when you try to reword it and then throw in the oft repeated Rand B.S.
I feel sorry for the sheep that is tied up. Torture appears to be right up your ally. Otherwise you wouldn’t torture us every damn day with your endless pointless reaped ad nauseum lectures about how wonderful you are.
Subjective One says
Behold the magical thinking of a rambling fool.
Anne-Marie says
Yes, and it’s astounding that these rambling fools get into such prestigious jobs in academia, etc. No doubt hired by other rambling fools.
K.F. Smith says
“The magical thinking of Christianity does not lead to the acceptance of reality.”
Until the atheists started taking themselves seriously, things were moving along here in the U.S.A. far better than at any other time in human history. The “magical” thinking of Jews and Christians appeared to have no negative effect on the ability of people in this country to live free.
Quite the contrary. Let’s use St. Jude Research Hospital as an example. Their motto: “No child should die in the dawn of life”. Danny Thomas, a Maronite Catholic, founded the hospital because of a promise he made to St. Jude. St. Jude Research Hospital is currently ranked as the number two pediatric hospital in the U.S.A, and has eight hospitals in different cities across our country.
So much for “magical thinking.”
As history has shown, under atheist rule, Danny Thomas would have probably been executed for his religious beliefs, because he no doubt would have been courageous enough to stick to them.
Philip Wayne Tatler III says
So “magical thinking” begets CRAZY things like “don’t steal, don’t lie, honor your father and mother, don’t murder, love your neighbor, and other WILD fantastical concepts, eh?
David Mu says
Madness. When I see persons supporting this stuff – I no longer have anything to do with them socially, Transgenderism is past the pale.
Mo de Profit says
They’re here, they’re queer and they’re coming for your children.
David Ray says
NBC reporters actually defended that sickening chant – insisting that it was only a lone voice among all the other trans-freaks saying ” . . . we’re not going shopping”.
I don’t know what’s more telling?
The trans-scum saying the quiet part out loud, or the cowardly enablers in the press attempting to cover it up.
The idiots in the press only succeed in exposing themselves, when they lie & say we heard something else. (That’s how we got the term “Let’s go Brandon!*)
Down Easter says
That video is a ready made Republican campaign ad.
Mo de Profit says
“ Supreme Court Justice – herself a woman – declares herself unqualified to define what a woman is because she is not a biologist?”
It’s a real tragedy that she wasn’t first asked to define a man and then asked to define a woman. She would not have been able to resist the temptation to attack the toxic masculinity misogynistic patriarchy.
Her reaction to the what is a woman question would have been interesting then.
Semaphore says
I think her problem is that she couldn’t define a woman politically. End of the day, that’s what all this is about.
Time to take the school out from under the control of the NEA and opt for Home Schooling and the Brainwashing/Indoctrination by Big Brother/UN
Norma Stefanciosa says
Agreed!! The NEA doesn’t care about children. Abolish the NEA and give back control to the states.
Who in their right mind would down vote your comment? Obviously someone not in their right mind.
Steve says
Don’t forget the American Federation of Teachers, which is even worse.
Fred Flintstone says
“Our fight is against the patriarchy, our fight is against capitalism, our fight is for the soul of our city,” said Greta Callahan, head of the Minneapolis teachers union, March 2022.
Lightbringer says
While there will always be parents who are too immature, selfish, or narcissistic to put their children’s wellbeing before their own, most parents do so admirably and are their children’s best teachers, from birth on. So on the whole homeschooling is the best option. There are as many ways to do this as there are (real, nuclear, biological) families.
Perhaps one parent can work a day shift and take care of the children at night, teaching them to read the stars either outside when the stars are visible or with star charts online or in books, on nights when they are not. And of course teaching them the mathematics necessary to understand how the star charts are made, how daily changes come about, and so forth. The other parent can work the evening shift and come home when the children are sleeping, and both parents can enjoy a reasonable night’s sleep together. Then the day-working parent can quietly slip out and let the spouse and kids sleep some more, before the day and its far more rigorous teaching start.
Or perhaps a few like-minded families will share teaching duties, each parent in his own specialty, giving everyone time to work, and a chance to shine a specialist in his own right.
Or the most traditional paradigm, with grandparents and unmarried aunts and uncles stepping in to be the teachers while the parents make a living for everyone.
Pick a paradigm, get creative, go to Hillsdale College or any number of other sources for expert advice, and get those kids out of the public school system before they are destroyed!
NAVY ET1 says
I recently read an article about a Chi-com psy-op currently being perpetrated on western Tik-Tok users, where an innocent looking music video shows a young woman daydreaming about marriage. Soon enough, the dream becomes a “nightmare” for her; cooking meals, doing household chores and tending to screaming babies. At the end of the video, the young white woman is seen removing her finger from the imaginary wedding ring and continues on with her western hedonistic lifestyle.
Not being a recognized music artist and the video being so professionally done, some tech nerds decided to deconstruct it with amazing results. It originated from a Communist China tech sector and frame-by-frame examination proved it. The “white monkey” (the young Caucasian woman, as they’re referred to there) is a communist sympathizer willing to do her part for the cause.
Chinese birth rates have bottomed out recently, and while videos with quite the opposite message are prevalent there, this video is not. It’s designed for young American idiots to digest…and digest they will. While the Chi-coms are working on bringing their birth rates up, they need to make sure the enemies birth rates go down.
It’s no different than the messages young children are receiving from Marxist feminists and, if those tech nerds aren’t busy, I’d recommend a deep dive into Ms Ehrensaft’s background. When you can take a child’s innocent comment on wanting to be a Minotaur and pervert it into some sexual deviance, Chi-com or not, that’s just plain evil.
Chief Mac says
All this proves is the head shrinkers are totally nuts. The children are being brainwashed. There are two genders only, end of story.
The identithoax is the latest insanity to sweep the country and I refuse to humor the mentally unstable
Lorraine says
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, -Romans 1:22
David Ray says
” and their foolish hearts were darkened”.
Norma Stefanciosa says
DOCTOR Ehrensaft?? This woman needs to stay far away from children.
THX 1138 says
Stefanciosa is not a common name. I knew a Jana Stefanciosa who worked in NYC. I thought her name was Italian, but she told me it was Slovenian. She was jogging on the roof-top of 375 Hudson on the morning of 9/11 when the airplanes flew over her, she said she felt she could almost touch them, and she saw them crash into the World Trade Center.
She was so traumatized she left NY and went back home to Indiana I believe. She was a very nice person, easy to get along with, and down to earth.
Lightbringer says
Interesting. And too bad she saw something so terrible happen and was helpless to do anything about it. Anyone would have gone back to Indiana.
One of my husband’s former colleagues when they were consultants at a tech company in Texas later had a job in one of the towers. He was late for work on 9/11 and showed up just as all hell broke loose. Although he was originally Nigerian, he did not go home to Nigeria; he went back to Texas, where he and my husband had worked together in a rather sane environment. “This Texas boy is going back to Texas,” he wrote to his friends. “The big city is too scary for me.”
Onzeur Trante says
What the good gender bending “doctor” is advocating is nothing more than the defiling of children through manipulation of their fertile imaginations.
Ehrensaft’s medical license should be revoked.
Earl Gilcrease says
“the magical thinking of Christianity does not lead to the acceptance of reality and therefore does not lead to freedom, liberty, and capitalism but to theocracy.”
You seem to be unable to distinguish religions that have led to theocracy and that which lead great minds to the realization of liberty, equality, and the pursuit of happiness. If you only hold true what you personally can comprehend, welcome to that level of humanity that can’t define a woman, and the Christian description of Hell.
arnold ahlert says
It’s very simple: If Americans are cowardly enough to allow the left to destroy objective reality, they will get the totalitarian rule that inevitably follows.
World@70 says
The child who looks like a boy in basketball uniform from the front and has a long braded pony tail with a pink bow in back isn’t a Prius or a hybrid. In my youth we called them a sissy.
Steve says
Most of the pushback against transgender lunacy is because male athletes (or at least GENETIC males) are invading female sports and because nowadays girls as well as boys are being sexually mutilated (actually non essential surgery on female genitalia is a federal crime in the United States- emasculating males is perfectly legal at any age). When Republicans in Congress held hearings on transgender abuse of children, all the victims who testified were genetic females who were virilized. A recent book on this phenomenon fetures an illustration of a little girl with a hole punch through where her crotch should be. No wonder so many boys and young men aspire to female status, however spurious.
80% of those mutilated by transgenderism are genetic males. Jazz Jennings, the poster child for early transitioning ,is morbidly obese, and permanently lacking in any libido and permanently anorgasmic as a result of the “cure” for gender dysphoria. Transgenderism gained traction in the first place because too many people (feminists as well as gynocentric traditionalists) see castration and feminization as progress toward a more “evolved” and civilized state. Good luck fighting this when it only impacts girls and women , who are secondary victims.
notebeat says
Gender fantasy is the rape of innocence. It is societal suicide through the sexual perversion and abuse of children.
KenPF says
In the process of sex selection abortion nobody has any problem telling the difference between males and females. The practice goes back a long way (nearly always selecting against girls) but it became a world pandemic during China’s one child policy era, which was not limited to China and is continuing now through much of the world. The result is a sex imbalance between males and females with “missing” females in the hundreds of millions. One result is the China is no longer the world’s most populous nation.
Stephen Mosher describes how this works with the aid of ultrasound.
“If the image of the screen reveals male genitalia, the family celebrates its good fortune. If the unfortunate fetus lacks that apparatus, however, her life is quickly extinguished.”
See? No problem telling the difference.
Lightbringer says
Absolutely heartbreaking.
Peter Mohan says
Have our gender bender apostles attempted to preach their religion in schools attended by Muslims?
Or do they believe the only people needing to be schooled in their insanity are white Christians?
sgt_doom says
The American Psychological Assoxiation was mentioned —— but no mention that Jon Stryker and his Arcus Foundation funds them?!?!
A public library was mentioned —— but no mention that Soros has funded the ALA for many years?!?!
The article’s author keeps babbling about “we” this and “we” that when he is clearly referring to the paid amoral shills for the PuppetMedia which operates at the behest of the National Security State!?
This article is not particularly informative and the writer sounds like he graduated from the Noam Chomsky School of Nebulous Composition?!
President John F. Kennedy once said: “Things don’t just happen; people make them happen!”
I just named a couple of them and I respectfully suggest all these “conservative” pundits begin doing the same!
RS says
COLD HARD REALTIY WITHOUT DELUSION. The Ephesians passage. 5:11-14 reveals the darkness we see. ” Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever manifest is light. Therefore, Awake you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.”
John 3:20 As Jesus warned us, some people love darkness more than light. He said, “For everyone (practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes into the light.”)
The Sin and Doom of Godless men. Jude 1:4. For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immoral;ity and deny the Sovereign Lord.
4. In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire. Many believe that they have a right to sin without restraint!
rmt says
I’m sure Ms. Ehrenstaf takes financial advice from children as well.
WhiteHunter says
I remember reading, as a young student many decades ago, that ancient Greek athletes competed naked (as we can confirm with certainty by their depictions in Greek art and pottery) because of one particular incident:
One young athlete’s mother–obviously the ancient equivalent of a “Helicopter Mom”–worried that her son might not win the foot race; so she took his place on the track, “impersonating” him, in his name.
If I remember correctly, she actually won the race, against the other young, male, runners.
Her fraud was discovered…and a rule was passed for future Olympics, requiring the athletes to compete naked so that there could be no possible doubt about their sex.
In today’s perversely insane cults and culture, of course, that would make no difference whatsoever, regardless of clear, absolutely undeniable visual proof of a competitor’s sex (or, as we must call it now, “gender” or “self-identity”).
But let’s, at least, require a certain swimmer on the Penn Swim team, and others like “her,” to compete under the name “Priapus,” instead of “Lia.”
Lightbringer says
Priapus? Coarse, but accurate. Might work, given the level of classical study in today’s universities.
“The Gender Revolution Dehumanizing Our Kids” Why are we giving permission for this wickedness?
Semaphore says
It’s baffling the degree of lunacy that is “accepted as authoritative by psychology professionals”! What on earth is their research basis? They may as well believe the earth is flat! Oh, wait…
John Blackman says
america has now been afflicted with a reprobate mind , there is no going back . it will kill more people in this life and condemnation in the next than all the wars and plagues for the whole of earths history .