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How can a thinking person thrive in Taliban-terrorized Afghanistan? The short answer is he – or she – can’t. The country is now run by simple-minded Muslim fanatics, and they are determined to transform the country’s universities into academies of ignorance, appointing those just as troglodytic as themselves, the graduates of madrasas, to head the country’s remaining institutions of higher education. More on this latest demonstration of the terror group’s determination to destroy what life of the mind still exists in Afghanistan can be found here: “Afghan Professors Say Taliban-Appointed Clerics Taking University Jobs,” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, July 19, 2023:
The Taliban’s efforts to eradicate secular education has raised fears that the moves are likely to contribute to the spread of extremist ideologies in Afghanistan.
Several public university professors have complained that Taliban members and those around them have started taking some of the top positions at universities and other educational institutions in Afghanistan as the Taliban-led government’s Higher Education Ministry increases its control of the school system.
The Taliban is determined to suppress all advanced and secular education, by appointing its own members, who have no professional qualifications whatsoever, and whose sole education consists of what they learned in madrasahs, to head universities. It is enough that they are True Believers in Islam, the only qualification anyone needs in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan to work in, or even direct, educational institutions.
According to the professors, some of whom spoke to RFE/RL’s Radio Azadi, Akram Shah Asim has been appointed president at Kandahar University, while Mohammad Yaqub Haqqani has been installed in the same post at Khost University. The social media pages of the state universities now show the two — both of whom come from the madrasah religious school system — as presidents of the universities.
Neither Akram Shah Asim nor Mohammad Yaqub Haqqani has studied secular subjects; they are solely products of madrasahs of an unusually primitive kind. One can imagine their resentment of the faculty now under their rule, who teach secular subjects and whose superior education is apparent in their every word. And imagine how the faculty, in turn, resent being ruled over by those they rightly consider to be intellectual nonentities….
The professors said that most of the vice chancellors of the financial and administrative departments at universities have also been filled with people linked to the Taliban, and that people close to the Taliban have taken the lead in other scientific departments….
So it is not just the university presidents who are appointed by the Taliban, but those who control the day-to-day operations as vice-chancellors of financial and administrative departments.
The Taliban has taken over all of the Afghan educational establishment, and turned all parts of it – secular schools, public universities, and vocational training centers – into schools of Islamic education, that is, into glorified madrasahs. There is no place left for a purely secular education.
The group also has banned women from attending university and girls above the sixth grade from going to school.
The girls who have already been educated, up to the high school level, will now be prevented from entering universities. And young girls, now in elementary school, will endure an even more severe deprivation – they are forbidden to go to school after the sixth grade. They will have, after all, attained an Islamically marriageable age by the sixth grade- – and marriage and motherhood are to be their entire Taliban-molded future. There’s no need to waste resources on educating them.
The Taliban’s efforts to eradicate secular education and replace it with radical religious instruction has raised fears among observers that the moves are likely to contribute to the spread of extremist ideologies in Afghanistan.
With every step the Taliban makes to eradicate secular education and to everywhere replace it with an “Islamic” one, this not only makes “likely,” it makes certain that the whole nation will turn into one vast swamp of Taliban ideology.
“When I was in the university, they brought many changes. In the university, they identified those who were like-minded [and] brought them to professorships, heads of departments, vice presidents, and presidents of universities,” Mohammad Qayyum Sial, a former professor at Paktia University who went to France a year ago to continue his studies, told Radio Azadi from France….
It’s not only the presidents and vice-chancellors of universities whom the Taliban has been appointing; it has turned its attention to the teaching staff, and replaced with Taliban true believers many of the professors who were properly trained in secular institutions. Some of these professors have been fired. Others, appalled at this turn of events in their universities, now seek employment abroad, or choose to resign to take up entirely new careers in Afghanistan, outside of education, with both their status and finances suffering. Such a loss constitutes a kind of internal brain drain that will have ruinous effects on the future of Afghanistan, its economy, and its culture.
In this topsy-turvical hell that the Taliban has created, the uneducated and ignorant are assigned to important academic positions, where they are allowed to lord it over the educated professors, who have arrived at their positions only after decades of study. As a consequence, these professors naturally bristle at their treatment, and make haste, if they can, to find positions outside Afghanistan. That is not easy. The students, too, become confused: they see that hyper-religious louts are running things in universities, and are naturally fearful of what Afghan academic life is turning into under Taliban rule, with those universities becoming glorified madrasahs. Quite justifiably, they are discouraged from following an academic career that inexorably will end, if they remain in Afghanistan, in their being subservient to fanatical ignoramuses.
Hamed Obaidi, a spokesman for the Higher Education Ministry in the former government, also noted that the Taliban has made many changes in the leadership of public universities and appointed its own people. In his opinion, these appointments will have a negative impact on the educational process and on academic institutions.
According to Article 23 of the Law for Civilian Higher Education in Afghanistan, a university president should be appointed from among a group of professors who have the proper academic qualifications, a guideline Obaidi says needs to be followed to ensure quality education….
Clearly Article 23 is not being followed by the Taliban. No academic qualifications are necessary. Even someone who has not finished high school can be given a university position. The two things required of candidates to head or to teach at an Afghan university today are fanatical Islamic faith and loyalty to the Taliban. Professional achievements count for little; they may even be a hindrance. A professor of biology who teaches evolution rather than the Islamic version of creationism may be out of a job; a professor of physics who casts doubt on Muhammad’s journey on his winged steed Buraq up to heaven and back within 24 hours will definitely be fired; a professor of world history who treats with respect the history of Infidel peoples may be dismissed.
If the Taliban continues on this path, the Afghan universities will become, as I noted above, glorified madrasahs. Such primitive schooling will hasten a brain drain, with professors trying to find work abroad or giving up academic life entirely. University students serious about their studies will also choose to move abroad, to enroll in universities where the professors, and not Taliban stooges, are in charge. Thus does Afghanistan, in thrall to a fanatical brand of Islam, end up destroying, or expelling, or causing to flee, the country’s entire educated class. This will all end very badly.
Lethal says
This was to be expected. Islam is after all a primitive religion that despises women and modernity
J.J. Sefton says
Might not be such a bad idea over here. Then again, the American professoriate has already done the job.
Patty says
SOOOOO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!
Ugly Sid says
Does Islam induce lapse of intellectual function, or is it the other way round?
Angel Jacob says
They are inter-related.
Islam only works on very low IQ people. And there’s no shortage of those in certain parts of the world.
Add generations of incest to the people who are already behind on the evolution chart and you get what’s known today as the map of islamic countries.
Unfortunately there’s no cure for stupidity, but islam as an ideology can and will be destroyed.
GWS says
Not so long as there are ignorant people in the world who will put up with it. It will prosper — forever.
Gandalf Trouserpress says
Unfortunately you are correct, stealth jihad always works.
Mark Dunn says
On the bright side, Afghan University will probably have one Hell of a football team. Their mascot could be a masked executioner.
World@70 says
Football team? I thought Afghanistan goat dragging had been taken off ESPN?
Ugly Sid says
Imagine the cheerleaders.
roberta says
The Taliban have done it. Islam at is purest. This is what it is supposed to be.
Do any other muslims really want to live like this? No, never. But they are all Islamic,
this should be the goal.
The rest are willing to kill and subjugate women to prove they are Islamic.
But, to live in the filth and hopelessness daily like the Taliban do. No way in heck.
Better to move to Europe where it is clean, and the room and board free. Then prove one is muslim simply by beating up an old person.
Uradumone says
That also applies to the American negroes.
Angel Jacob says
It can’t be said enough times: Savages will always be savages.
World@70 says
“Taliban institutions of higher education” is an oxymoron at best or more like an institution of Evil Indoctrination.
Some years ago I saw a movie about the plight of a young Afgan girl who disguised herself to look like a boy in order to attend school. Very moving film, all English subtitles but well worth watching. You will get a real sense of life there under the Taliban.
The movie was names simply “Osama”.
Bird of Paradise says
We certainly do not want these Backward thinking Heathens here let them return to their caves
Rick says
Yet Brandon continues to fund the Taliban with, among other follies, green gas stations.
Walter Sieruk says
The Taliban closing down of what left of an institution of higher education shows that they’re afraid of the people obtaining any form of knowledge that would limit their tyrannical mind control over them.
As Thomas Jefferson had, so wisely, declared “Enlighten the people, generally, and tyranny and oppression of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.”
Walter Sieruk says
The Taliban destroying the few remaining Universities is because they want both total body and mind control over them.
As this has been so well explained by Brigitte Gabriel in her book, entitled THEY MUST BE STOPPED reads on page 171 “Control of behavior and disregard for human life are key elements in Islamic ideology.”
Of course, this “Islamic Ideology “ is based totally on Islamic theology.
Paul says
Tyrants hate an educated society. They are hard to control.
jcr says
I don’t care….
Agnati Sedrin says
What you say is true, but just look at who runs the USA’s universities. I can’t see a whole lot of difference.
Ugly Sid says
Muslims worship Allah. Elites worship themselves.
jd says
It’s all rather like the Democrats taking control of education and pushing out anyone who disagrees with them, while they replace actual education with indoctrination and induct young children into the trans movement. Both have pedophilia, rather than child enrichment, as a core practice.
John says
Anyone having any regrets about giving billions to the most radical Muslims in the 80s to fight the Russians for us?
The rightwing thought it was such a great idea then
Christopher Watson says
Allowing in hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis in the past 50 years was not a very good idea either. They hate the English and take every oppotunity to be rude and difficult, One might have thought the government – left or right would have realised by now. Multicultualism is not a good idea, certainly not with the present numbers. WE want to improve the intelligence of the population not allow in people who will never improve it.