Last week, I was honored to talk to Ed Martin of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles about the role that Bertelsmann, an ex-Nazi Germany company, is playing in pushing wokeness in America, including into American schools. You can listen to it up above.
Ibram X. Kendi’s “How to Be an Antiracist”, Robin DiAngelo’s “White Fragility”, and Ta-Nehisi Coates’s “Between the World and Me” all have one publisher in common.
Bertelsmann, the German giant, which formerly used to put out “The Christmas Book of the Hitler Youth”, has become the leading publisher and distributor of some of the most famous and influential racist woke books.
Americans are unaware of the role that the Ex-Nazi company plays in poisoning our discourse with racism and wokeness because it operates under the cover of the names of the American and English book publishers that it gobbled up.
Bertelsmann is trying to dominate book publishing in this country to an unprecedented and frightening degree. And the disappearing role of American book publishers.
Foreign companies would control 77% of the American hardcover book market and between 50% to 73% of our paperback market. In an environment where the big publishers only keep getting bigger, those numbers will get worse, not better.
That’s something worth talking about. But no one is.
Except for E. Leitz (maker of Leica cameras), it seems that essentially all their companies misbehaved during the Nazi era.
Zeiss, Ikon the other big camera maker (Contax), persecuted Jews in its organization, even its top executive:
Comma belongs after Ikon, not after Zeiss
After Hitler realized Germany was losing the war a new plan was made. It was decided to take over the world through business. WEF is a modern Nazi stronghold.
Very interesting, thank you.