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In this short video commentary, Freedom Center Shillman Fellow Mark Tapson explains the real scandal behind Harvard ex-President Claudine Gay’s dozens of instances of plagiarism, and why her takedown is an important lesson for conservatives.
Don’t miss it below:
Scholars have apparently determined that Claudine Gay’s resignation letter is word for word the same as Richard Nixon’s resignation letter. Plagerism? A coincidence? You be the judge. She just can’t help it.
ANSWER: Because you’ll be called a RACIST and maybe even charged with Hate Speech even a Hate Crime.
Can’t Fire one.
Can’t Not Hire one.
Evict one.
Look wrong at one.
Honk at one.
Break up with one.
Bump into one.
Flunk one.
Order around one.
Arrest one.
Incarcerate one.
If you don’t appoint or Elect one.
Add Cry-baby Wokesters. Never hire one either because they’ll stab you in the back and you’ll lose your business since the deck is stacked against you!
I broke up with some black chicks. It wasn’t easy, though. They wouldn’t go away and they guilt tripped me. Same as Asian chicks, I guess. Maybe I should find a nice white girl. Mexicans are mean.
Stick to normal white women.
BUT, I say there needs to be a law that those who are transitioning need to be upfront about it and disclose all because if I’m about to date Mary, I want to know if she used to be Larry.
Worthwhile listening.
Can we believe that Gay wrote her resignation letter, or did Kendi write it for her?
Well, her daddy, Obama, had his books ghost written.
Wasn’t one of them written by Bill Ayers, a person Obama said he didn’t even know? Didn’t Ayers have Obama’s first campaign event at Ayers house, a person he said he didn’t know?
The article everyone should read is one written by the Communist traitor and dupe: “Google: Obama Sundial 1983.” It proves Obama was in CPUSA front groups that were directly and indirectly funded by the Soviet KGB DURING THE COLD WAR! He mentions many of the Central American fronts that were aiding Sandinista Daniel Ortega, using Peace fronts, and then these same PEACE fronts were giving aid to the Communist FMLN rebels in El Salvador. In 2009, the FMLN won the Presidency and Hillary was the highest-ranking U.S. official at the inauguration. Ortega is still ruler and arrests ALL POLITICAL OPPONENTS and now Bishops and Priests “as a threat to our Democracy.” Sound familiar and what Trump means were he says they are bringing charges against him “like Third World Dictators.” Chavez/Maduro, Morales, Castro’s, and Putin!
Obama is a Communist and a Traitor and he only surrounds himself with the same!
I feel sorry for Gay. She seems like a nice person and she can’t help being homely. She looks like a lesbian Spike Lee and that guy is ugly as fuck.
She should ditch the left and turn human. I’d Mercy fuck her for the team.
Well articulated comment!! Tapson has a persuasive combination of dignity and cordiality .
They ONLY replaced her title, she kept her $900,000 yearly salary and is still employed by (formerly) respectable Harvard U.
I would be first in line to register for her class and to the front row wearing my RED MAGA HAT and my “Jews and Hispanics for Trump” T-shirt.
Campus security would be there in a nanosecond to kick you out because firing Gay has changed nothing.
The Claudine Gay episode suggests that the paucity of blacks in certain professions was probably due to the paucity of qualified blacks and not due to endemic racism.
The rise of the DEI lunatic fanatics at Harvard University follows the Puritans at Boston from 1630.
Unfortunately, the DEI Harvard administrators are very ignorant and stupid,
and lack the knowledge and wisdom of the Puritans.
And the Puritans treated the Indian savages far better the the DEI psychopaths treat others.
Then again, she is still collecting $900,000, and kept her vaunted teaching position. Not so bad.