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In this short video commentary, Freedom Center Shillman Fellow and host of The Right Take podcast Mark Tapson addresses a new nature documentary which claims that this is a “queer planet,” and if you don’t agree, then YOU are the unnatural one.
Check it out below, and follow Mark at Culture Warrior:
Nothings sacred from Liberals not even Gods Creatures Birds Four legged Serpent Bug or Fish and especially Humans
Jeff Bargholz says
I wonder if boar bears are trannies because they have fur coats?
Noah Andeark says
RS says
In the Beginning, Everything that God created was good, it took Satan to come and deceive people, and create the mess we have in human history. A weariness has set in as the weight of the world’s sin presses down so heavily that it is harder and harder to keep going. We feel like we are climbing a steep mountain with a heavy load. Up is down, black is white, evil is good, and political correctness will eventually destroy the planet.
We are tired of the Keystone Kops running the show in every capital of the world, starting with Washington D.C. “The World is in an end-times rage. The seas and waves of humanity are roaring with distress and perplexity. Violence fills the whole earth. Israel stands alone in the global spotlight, she fights on her own and she fights well. The world is economic chaos, headed for total collapse. All the while, technology is progressing geometrically in ways that will one day provide earth’s last tyrant with the satanically-endowed ability to enslave most all people on this fallen sphere.” The King is indeed, coming. And when you see these tihngs begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth night. Luke 21:28.
Rob A says
I have a problem with the notion that people are deceived by the devil. The devil can’t make or deceive anyone into do what was/is not already in them to do.
We’re all born with free will and unless one is born into servitude (i.e., slavery). what you do and the consequences thereof are all based upon your free will and the conscience choices you make.
People who do vile and evil things do it on their own volition. Saying the devil made them do it is an excuse no reasonable, rational sane person should ever deign to suggest “they were deceived by the devil.”
I have a neighbor that I often socialize with who is a prison psychologist. Some of the things he’s said about some of the “animals” (i.e., individuals without an ounce of morality or humanity in them) in prison are truly frightening. He’s said that there are people in prison who cannot be reformed and are such a threat to society that they should never be released from prison under any circumstances.
Moreover, they committed their crimes (rape, child molestation,murder, serial killings, etc.) for the simple thrill and pleasure it gave them and would do it again if given the chance.
It not the devil, it’s them! Saying they were deceived by the devil is just an excuse for when they get caught
There are many forces that can get us off track and the existence of an evil force seems to be one of those. We humans are almost amusingly easy to trick and have sway over. Human weakness. I do agree, the old “devil made me do it” (from the great philosopher Flip Wilson) does not hold water when we want to act as a responsible person.
Priscilla Hurley says
Check out NEFARIOUS – a movie prodiced by Steve Deace, about this subject. It is founded on Biblical truth and very enlightening concerning the warfare against God Almighty’s Creation and the satanic world to destroy the souls of humans, for they are made in God’s image. Yes humans willfully allow evil to rule in their lives but this is why God sent Jesus Christ to provide salvation from the world if one repents, seeks forgiveness and follorws Jesus as Lord. Jeffrey Dahmer died knowing this Salvation in Christ. The warfare occurs in the heavenly realm. Our weapon is faith filled Prayer.
Most all Guy Birds are More colorful then the Gals its quite plain to see that with the Birds of Paradise the only difference is with the Phalarope Jacanas and Painted Snipe were t he females mate with several Males and each sitting on a nest Flightless Birds like the cassowary and the Birds of Prey(Eagles,Hawks,Falcons,Owls Etc.)and the Spotted Sandpiper
RS says
No wonder mankind is deceived. The real enemy….the devil….wants you to ignore the spiritual reality behind the physical one. Because as long as your focused on what you can see with your physical eyes, he can continue to run rampant underneath the surface.
The more you disregard him, the more damage he is free to do. The enemy may be invisible, but he is not fictional. He is very real and very persistent, waging war against us constantly, and turning nations against nations.
The effects of war going on in the unseen world reveal themselves in our strained and damaged relationships, emotional instability, mental fatigue, wars, and physical exhaustion, and hatred.
The enemy has been gathering intelligence to develop a strategy against you. The enemy’s approach is cryptic. He keeps his activity so cleverly hidden that we almost forget his existence. We are far less quick to discern his schemes, pinpoint his efforts, and proactively combat them the way other cultures have done, especially the Ephesians, whose culture was well acquainted with the spiritual realm. Most everyone who lived in the Mediterranean world during this time period believed evil existed. We’ve become a culture relatively unaware of Satan’s. conspiracies to destroy our lives, unaware that hes distracting us from our desitinies.
Spiritual victory is directly connected to your ability to “undisguise” the enemy, to uncover him, unveil him, and unmask him. Thats half the battle. Buts it the half the enemy doesn’t want you to pay attention to, because once you do, you automatically begin to threaten his tyranny in your life.
(The Express command of the Apostle Paul was to “Be Strong in the Lord, and the Power of his Might. ) Ephesians 6:10-19, so we can stand strong against the tactics of the Devil. Verse 11. Put on the armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the Devil. Tactics refers to deceptive strategies and schemes, Dirty tricks. His attacks are always wrapped in the packaging of DECEPTION, ALWAYS DESIGNED TO MANIPULATE THE TRUTH. The Devil wants you to have a broken relationship with God, so you are Weak and Vulnerable, and will be SUSCEPTIBLE AND VULNERABLE to his plans to DESTROY you. Satan means “the adversary” of God. The enemy is ANTAGONISTIC to the plans and purposes of God, and thwart His purposes.
RS says
We are living in the Era of Deception continuously. Its everywhere now. The enemy….the devil…wants you to ignore the spiritual reality behind the physical one. As long as you’re focused on what you can see with your physical eyes, he can continue to run rampant underneath the surface. The enemy may be invisible, but hes not fictional. He is very real and persistent in waging war against us constantly
S;piritual victory is directly connected to your ability to undisguise,, uncover, unveil, and unamask him.
The Express purpose of the Apostle Paul’s command. “Be Strong in the Lord and the Power of His Might”. is so that we can stand against the Tactics of the Devil. These are deceptive strategies, schemes, and dirty tricks,
wrapped in a packaging of deception.
As you can see the truth is being kept from so many people so they aren’t aware of the destruction thats coming.
Satan means “the adversary of God.” The enemy is antagonistic to the plans and purposes of God, and wants to thwart the purposes of God. Job 1:6
14. Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, The Truth matters, especially in the Era of Deception.
Andrew Blackadder says
30 days in June to celebrate homosexuality and one day to celebrate the men and women in Uniform that fought for their Right to celebrate homosexuality..
Think about that for a minute.
I wish the LGBTwhatever Rainbow Mafia spent half as much time telling muslims in the Western World that they need to accept this nonsense otherwise they are homophobic or transphobic or whatever, but I cant see them standing up to muslims who openly suggest the view from the rooftop.
I wonder why that is….
Not a trick question…