The teachers’ unions are doubling down on refusing to work by calling for more Zoom classes while claiming that it’s in the name of safety.
After having already effectively rigged the testing and shutdown and quarantine metrics in a way that makes it very easy to keep their members from actually doing their jobs, they’re demanding complete school shutdowns even as the political climate has turned against them.
Mayor Eric Adams in New York City, and other big city Dem bosses are refusing. For now.
The unions are negotiating from a position of strength because they’re betting that politicians realize that they have far more power than the voters. Currently, voters may be outraged that their kids are being kept home, but will they remember two years from now? The UFT will.
Dem primaries in heavily blue areas are tilted toward the Left. It’s one reason why so many crazy candidates are in ascendance.
The teachers’ unions and their allies will be big players in any primary. They’re networked in with leftist PACs and groups that can direct millions to candidates.
No matter how outraged voters may be right now, the unions have a greater ability to crush any Dem big city politician, to retard their career ambitions, and to make them pay.
What’s the smart move? Pretty much what the mayors are doing, insist on keeping schools open, without seeking an actual confrontation.
Bowing to remote learning without a fight is politically untenable, but neither is a full confrontation with the teachers’ unions. The politicians have to be seen putting up a fight. And that’s exactly what they’ll do. But the match, as usual, is rigged and the voters lose.
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