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Teaching Terror on Campus, a new eBook released today by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, documents the rabid Jew hatred espoused by professors at leading American universities and their efforts to promote terrorist ideology to impressionable college students.
The eBook, authored by Sara Dogan, names ten prominent professors as “Hamas Loyalists”—educators who not only defend Hamas’s brutality, but outright celebrate it as a form of liberation that should be emulated across the globe.
This work reveals why Jew hatred on campus has gained such traction in recent years. No longer able to deny the ferocity and breadth of the calls for a Jewish genocide on their campuses, ineffectual college administrators have taken tentative steps to try and reign in the radicals and proponents of terror but they have yet to confront the most obvious source of this poisonous Jew hatred—their own radical faculty who have not only called for an end to Israel, but have outright celebrated the barbaric bloodshed of the terror group Hamas.
“Is it reasonable to expect college students to comprehend the true depths of Hamas’s barbarism and its inescapable link to Islamic extremism and centuries of anti-Semitic persecution when their professors, mentors, and advisors on campus are screaming for the blood of the Jews and the deaths of so-called ‘colonizers’?” the eBook asks.
Teaching Terror on Campus is the latest addition to an extensive compendium of reporting, activism, and investigative journalism that the Freedom Center has produced to combat Jew hatred on college campuses.
Order your copy of “Teaching Terror on Campus”: HERE.
Billy says
Democrats and Islam’s Muslims are terrorist partners against America, Israel, and all Non-Muslims. Islam is a deceitful, totalitarian, terrorist, murderous, Criminal Gang Enterprise against all Non-Muslims by using discrimination, deceit, hatred, and violence to gain ultimate power and control as taught in Islamic Law and in Islam’s Quran. Moreover, Islam’s supremacist-genocidal Ideology, its tyrannical Muslims, its propaganda Schools, its foreign terrorist Organizations, and its ‘Convert-or-Die’ Mosques fund, teach, inspire, and promote ‘Threats and Incitement of Violence’ as well as never-ending terrorism, loathing, and segregation against women, children, and all Non-Muslims(eg. Quran 2:191-3; 4:89,100; 5:82; 8:65; 9:5,14-15,29; 33:26; 47:4; 98:6-7 and more).
Mike Mac says
They should rightly be treated as enemy combatants
internalexile says
A good companion book would be Mosab Yousef’s “Son of Hamas.”
Mike Mac says
an excellent read, I do recommend.
Spurwing Plover says
We have more reasons to totally cut off all funding to these leftists run campuses then ever and arrested their Administrators as well
Steve Chavez says
LOL! Only a handful of colleges would be left if that happened!
Here at UNM, entire departments are run by the Far-Left. How does this happen: When a Leftist is in charge of the hiring process, they only hire their own. They are openly asking applicants what Party they are in, even though they already looked them up, and were recommended by a former professor/dean verifying their political tilt. They’re picking the most radical one and they must have vile hatred for anything Conservative, especially for any MAGA!
I even heard a professor asking a student who was getting a tour for a possible grad assistantship, where their political tilt was. Once they found out about me, me being outspoken on websites and local radio, I’m shunned. When they saw me behind Trump when he was here for a rally, that was the final straw for them. Word spread, unfriending on FB and very unfriendly. My counter: “I bet you’re against guns, blame guns, and want to ban them, but you’re really bummed the kid missed with his and the man was an almost… right?” Their FB pages are so close to admitting that and if they did, I’d turn them in! STANDING UP NOW!
Walter Sieruk says
Concerning the American Universities and Colleges across the United States that have heads of those institutions ‘sold out” to the influence of the stealth jihadists, who are, no doubt, backed by oil rich nation as Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Therefore, those places of “higher education” which have become more of indoctrination centers for Islam and Islamic causes rather than genuine places of advanced education.
This is betrayal of all those young people who entered into those universities and colleges who sincerely wanted an actual, real, education. This is also betrayal the true spirit of America.
For example the former United States President, William Howard Taft, who in a speech, wisely, declared, “Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out. It has no place in America.”
Furthermore there should really no place in America for such un-American indoctrination centers, therefore such universities and colleges need to reform or closed down, For those places are now doing more harm than good.
As the other former US President Theodore Roosevelt, had, rightly, announced in a speech that “There can be no fifty –fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only one hundred percent Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else.”
Rob A says
I find it disheartening that people are only now beginning to pay attention to what’s going on on college campuses and academia. I’ve been talking about this matter for nearly 2 decades but few to it seriously.
You can voted every democrat out of office and arrest and jail every leftist in America and in a short while, there will be throngs of newly minted left wing democrats and far leftists waiting to replace them. People complain about them and the harm they’re doing but never bother to ask where did those people acquire their extremist ideology? Who fed them that bullsh*t? The unequivocal answer is academia.
The bottom line is this: You want to fix America? Fix academia first. That is to say, all of academia needs to undergo a system wide catharsis to purge the entirety of academia of those who harbor extremists and anti-Christian views. Anything less and the problem[s] will just grow back.