Teen Vogue is not so much a fashion magazine for teenage girls as a hyper-woke propaganda organ that is devoted to making sure that young women and girls don’t commit wrongthink and stray from Leftist orthodoxy. The increasing anti-Americanism of Leftists has been noted many times, but on Friday, a Teen Vogue contributor named Jenn M. Jackson took it to new heights, claiming that 9/11 “was an attack on the heteropatriarchal capitalistic systems that America relies upon to wrangle other countries into passivity.” Yes, it appears that now cheering for the 9/11 jihadis has begun to be normalized on the Left.
Jenn M. Jackson is not some addled fashion writer who relaxes by dabbling in Leftist agitprop. She is, according to her Teen Vogue bio, “an Assistant Professor at Syracuse University in the Department of Political Science. Her research focus is Black politics, with a focus on group threat, gender and sexuality, political behavior, and social movements.” Her website adds that “Jenn M. Jackson (they/them) is a queer genderflux androgynous Black woman, an abolitionist, a lover of all Black people.” She (sorry, my grammatical training won’t allow me to use “they” unless she has multiple personalities) “also holds affiliate positions in African American Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, and LGBT Studies. They are a Senior Research Associate at The Campbell Public Affairs Institute at the Maxwell School at Syracuse University, as well.”
Jackson’s website also sums her up in four words: “Abolitionist. Organizer. Writer. Professor.” That’s two claims that she is an “abolitionist,” which is puzzling, as there is no slavery in the United States for her to abolish. Does she work against human trafficking and forced labor? She doesn’t say anything on her website about working to free people who are still being held as slaves in countries such as Mauritania and Niger, but one never knows.
In any case, she posted her remarks about 9/11 on Twitter, where her handle is @JennMJacksonPhD, but after a firestorm ensued over her 9/11 remarks, she protected her account so that only her followers can gain her wisdom firsthand. Some alert individuals were able to capture her indelible words for posterity, however:
“We have to be more honest,” Jackson wrote, “about what 9/11 was and what it wasn’t. It was an attack on the heteropatriarchal capitalistic systems that America relies upon to wrangle other countries into passivity. It was an attack on the systems many white Americans fight to protect.”
Jackson went on to claim that she was “really disturbed by how many white pundits and correspondents talk about it.” In reference to an assertion that 9/11 was the first time Americans really felt fear, she said: “White Americans might not have really felt true fear before 9/11 because they never felt what it meant to be accessible, vulnerable, and on the receiving side of military violence at home. But, white Americans’ experiences are not a stand-in for ‘America.’ Plenty of us Americans know what it’s like to experience fear and we knew before 9/11. For a lot of us, we know fear because of other Americans.”
It is hazardous to one’s mental health and intellectual abilities to try to think rationally for very long about Leftist agitprop, but since Jackson’s words herald the Left cheering on the 9/11 attacks, they’re worth parsing a bit. 9/11 was an attack on “heteronormative capitalistic systems”? Does Jenn M. Johnson imagine that the 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by lesbian Communists? She may well. Or at the very least, she likely thinks that lesbian Communists and their allies were or will be the ultimate beneficiaries of those attacks. If the people who hold the ideology of the attackers ever take power where she lives, she will be in for a rude awakening at their hands.
But she will not see this coming, because she is clearly far more concerned about “white Americans” than she is about Islamic jihadis. This is a standard view on the Left now, abetted by a political class and establishment media that continues to insist, without a shred of evidence beyond the January 6 non-insurrection, that “white supremacists” (that is, patriotic, non-racist Americans who oppose the Left) constitute the greatest terrorist threat in America today.
This is the kind of thing young girls are imbibing in Teen Vogue these days. In a few years, they’ll be old enough to vote for AOC and Ilhan Omar and take to the barricades against white supremacist patriarchy. Maybe some of them will even be able one day to meet their hero, the oppressed Dr. Jackson, who is actually a privileged member of today’s elite class. Her bio notes: “As a recipient of many prestigious honors and awards, Jackson is a 2020 recipient of the Tenth Decade grant ($20,000) and the CUSE Seed Grant ($5,000) funding her book research.” Of course she is. She says just the kinds of things the Left loves to hear these days.
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 23 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest book is The Critical Qur’an. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.
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