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When the story of a man who killed a family, including an 8-year-old child, because his neighbors asked him to stop shooting an AR-15 so their baby could sleep, the media could hardly be any more excited. This sounded like the perfect story about “American gun culture”. Hollywood producers and writers began scribbling notes.
But the shooter and most of his victims turned out to be illegal aliens living in one of the larger hubs for illegal aliens. And the shooter had been deported 4 times. If only we had some sort of law about illegal migration.
The man on the run for allegedly killing five people inside their Texas home has been identified as a Mexican national who was reportedly deported four times.
Francisco Oropesa, 38, has been apprehended and deported by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement was first deported in March 2009, sources told ABC News.
Oropesa was then deported again in September 2009, and another time in January 2012 after he was convicted in Montgomery County for driving while intoxicated, sources said.
He was last deported in July 2016, and it remains unclear what his current immigration status is or when he came back into the country.
Faced with these inconvenient facts, leftists pivoted to complaining about the term “illegal alien”.
But illegal aliens are not allowed to own or buy firearms. The vaunted “gun control” laws already on the books failed to stop Oropesa from owning a gun just as they failed to stop him from constantly invading America.
Laws don’t work unless you proactively enforce them. And the best way to stop crimes from happening is to keep criminals locked up or out of the country.
Democrats failed to secure the border and have done everything possible to protect illegal aliens. Had Oropesa been kept out of America, his 5 victims would be alive today.
Note to all law abiding citizens: Criminals’ nationwide conceal carry without permits and do not fill out those cute forms asking if you are a criminal when purchasing firearm. Only goody goody’s do that. Any master of the obvious can see that the whole concept of government “controlling” guns is joke.
Good analysis. The laws already on the books aren’t enforced.
California Dem legislature is a good example. Tons of crazy laws, mostly not enforced, except selectively.
First thing police here do when they stop someone is check for warrants and such. If so they can arrest in short order. Was just reading about a local case a few minutes ago, perp had burglary tools in her car, credit card skimmer, etc., etc.
Oh, anyway, back to my point. Even the Guardian is pushing the narrative that it is about guns, not illegal immigration. They seem to have decided to make a big push into meddling in American politics 🙂
Oh, one more thing just occurred to me. The perp can run back to Mexico, obviously. But he can also get under the protection of one of the cartels, and thus be out of reach of law enforcement.
He looks like a really nice guy, doesn’t he?
Biden approved, of course.
Mean looking sucker, I noticed that too. Hardened criminal.
“Credit card skimmer.” I had to look that up. I didn’t know what it was. I guess I’ll have to be more careful at gas stations.
I wonder if he had an AR-15, or one of the similar looking selective fire weapons like the cartels use, M-16s, and M-4s. DUI is a serious crime, for citizens. So is driving without a license or insurance. Not so much for illegal aliens. Gun laws are apparently just suggestions for illegal aliens as well.
All true. The majority of drunk drivers here in CA have been wetbacks for at least the last thirty years. And licenses and insurance? “We don’t need no stinking license or insurance.” And you’re right. The cartels will give any wetter a gun.
A open message for those with their open Borders I just wish they would open their eyes and realize Soros is using them as tools
And those he killed were also illegal aliens from Honduras.