My first response after the Colleyville terrorist hostage crisis was to do background and note what Faisal Akram’s hometown of Blackburn was famous for.
Blackburn as “another global hub for the Deobandis and the Tableeghi Jamaat”… The Deobandis, who control many of the mosques in Blackburn, originated the Taliban.
Tableeghi Jamaat, whose mosques are known as “breeding grounds” for Jihad, is closely intertwined with Pakistani Islamism and vectored Islamic terrorism. Quite a number have joined Al Qaeda. It is no coincidence that so many Islamic terrorists have come out of Blackburn.
Now, the Jewish Chronicle, which has taken the lead on reporting on this story, has confirmed the Tablighi Jamaat connection.
But amid his racist rants, the trouble with police and interventions by the social services, he was quietly adopting Wahhabism, an extremist ideology to which many terrorists around the world have been linked.
He studied the teachings of the conservative Islamic movement Tablighi Jamaat at his local mosque, the Masjid-e-Irfan. Over the years, he went on trips with other followers to preach to Muslims and non-Muslims.
In recent years, Akram attended large Tablighi Jamaat gatherings in Pakistan, which has the world’s largest following of the religion outside Bangladesh…
As his problems mounted, he threw himself deeper into the teachings of Tablighi Jamaat, an Islamic sect that teaches the Wahhabi ideology and has been banned in several countries.
The Chronicle has also confirmed Akram’s history of antisemitism.
Akram’s outburst about killing Jews came at a meeting called in May last year to discuss escalating tensions between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza. He had at that time already joined a number of pro-Palestinian protests.
Akran also told those present at the meeting, which took place near his local mosque, Masjid Irfan, that Jews needed to be punished and should be “bombed”.
No worries folks, it’s just “anti-zionism”.
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