It’s time for us to gather around the Thanksgiving table with family and friends, to eat turkey, pumpkin pie and make bad jokes. To forget the tension and the madness around us and to give thanks to the Creator.
But the Left has a better idea…
“It’s a short distance from your Thanksgiving table jokes to queer people being shot dead” – Baptist Global News
Okay then.
It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without the claim that America is an evil racist country and that Thanksgiving kills gay people. How? Stop asking.
And if Americans eat on Thanksgiving, leftists, like the petulant vicious children they are, will refuse to eat.
As many Americans prepare for a massive holiday meal, the setting sun on Thanksgiving’s eve will mark the last time Kisha James eats for nearly 24 hours.
She will not be in the kitchen basting a turkey, baking macaroni and cheese, or sprinkling sugar on pies either. Ms James will be in mourning.
For her, the day is a painful reminder of an ugly chapter in American history; a symbol of empty promises, a story whose retelling tends to gloss over the undesirable details of colonisation.
“It’s frustrating. It’s saddening,” said Ms James, a member of the Wampanoag tribe, who lives in Massachusetts. “Some years it’s angering.”
Instead of referring to the holiday as Thanksgiving, some, like Ms Smith, recognise 24 November as National Day of Mourning. It has been celebrated in Plymouth, Massachusetts every year since 1970.
If you think that within a decade, the lefties who hate this country an wear identity politics as a shield won’t turn Thanksgiving into a National Day of Mourning, remember that Columbus Day has been replaced in states across the country.
Also, it will probably not surprise you too much to learn that Kisha looks as Indian as Elizabeth Warren.
But if you don’t like the Nakba-ization of Thanksgiving through the National Day of Mourning, try ‘Thankstaking’, it’s the same thing but slightly more clever.
“Thankstaking,” the Native American-influenced alternative to Thanksgiving, has become more noticeable in the U.S. amid a racial reckoning.
National Day of Mourning became an annual event and coincided with Un-Thanksgiving Day — a similar ceremony held on Alcatraz Island in California.
The whole point of Thanksgiving was to thank G-d. Lefties, incapable of believing in G-d, instead hijack it to spew hate at America while rejecting the concept of Thanksgiving.
Un-Thanksgiving Day indeed.
Giving thanks is of great benefit, particularly to the person giving thanks!
These people are incapable of being happy. Their prophet Marx told them to “ruthlessly criticize all that exists.” A mindset that calls upon its followers to look at everything with an eye to findings their faults – real or imagined – is not well-suited to producing happy people. It is, instead, a prescription for being miserable. And they are. So, screw ’em. Who needs them at a celebration anyway?
Well, I don’t have ancestors that came over the Mayflower, but I am a descendant of Thomas Gardner (planter), the overseer of the “old planters” party of the Dorchester Company who landed in 1624 at Cape Ann. It’s now the area around present-day Gloucester, Massachusetts. And again, this ‘evil white man’ is going to keep Thanksgiving again this year.
Without going into what can be said about the ‘I hate America” club, my own experience has shown me that these people are some of the biggest haters you can find on the face of the Earth. Sad and evil to their core, and who never give anything but trouble. I know as I was around these types forty years ago – and having this knowledge of a family tree is to its core the history of America.
I chose that heritage, and to hell with these haters. And this person can just suffer her beliefs. We know only too well – it won’t be in silent, but we can hope.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Give thanks to God every hour of every day for life, for redemption, and for the promise of life to come. On Thanksgiving Day, we recall the wonderful gift our forbears gave this continent by bringing Christian faith, the common law, private property, and capitalism to a land of neolithic tribes, disease, conflict, human sacrifice, and slavery. We honor the brave and faithful pilgrims who lived out their commitment to God and to one another to build a new land free from monarch-led churches, tyranny, feudalism, and landed gentry.
While we are being thankful, we can honor our families, our protectors, our pastors, and our friends. But let us remember that every breath and every moment is a gift from a loving God who wants us to honor him and follow in His ways.
America is hell. There is a paradise out there somewhere. I live in America and have the choice to leave anytime I like. I’m going to stay in hell. The thoughts of a “progressive”.
There is more honor and peace in giving thanks with a grateful heart than having a heart of stone that bleeds hatred every hour they live. There is more to life than just living, and there is more to death, than just, dying.
But didn’t the Wampanoag tribe befriend the Pilgrims to get them as allies against the other tribes who were crowding them out? I don’t know why this person imagines they’ve lost anything over the intervening centuries. They just want to play the victim, very publicly, to advance her victimhood status. I think the problem is her, not white people or Thanksgiving.