When the U.S. entered World War II, the director Frank Capra (It’s a Wonderful Life) left Hollywood and, at the age of 44, enlisted in the Army, where General George C. Marshall put him to work making pictures for the war effort. The films, several of which were released under the umbrella title Why We Fight, sought to explain why America was at war with Germany and Japan. They outlined the ideologies of Nazism and Shintoism, examined both enemies’ militarism, fanatical obedience, master-race mentality, and lust for conquest, and noted the reverence with which Hitler was held in Germany and Hirohito in Japan.
The last of these films, Know Your Enemy: Japan, began with an opening scrawl reminding viewers not to confuse loyal, freedom-loving Japanese Americans, such as the Nisei regiment who fought bravely in the European theater, with the people of Japan “to whom the words liberty and freedom are still without meaning.” A narrator then picked up the theme: “We shall never completely understand the Japanese mind, but then they don’t understand ours either.…But we must try to understand Japan because we have become locked in the closest of all relationships: war.” Ambassador Joseph C. Grew made the same point in introducing another series of short films, The Enemy in Japan (1943): “To beat the Japanese, to do the job thoroughly, we have got to understand them.”
Those films weren’t perfect, and viewers today might decide that at times they’re perpetrating crude stereotypes. But they were serious efforts to explain to American fighting men, and to Americans generally, what made our enemies tick. They acknowledged that people in different cultures have different mindsets and values, even as they quite properly recognized that in some cases – such as that of the Nisei – people raised in one culture can assimilate into another. They were, at bottom, acts of respect toward the American people, and especially toward America’s GIs. It was felt that if Americans were willing to sacrifice for victory, and if brave young men were prepared to lay down their lives, they deserved to know the unvarnished truth about whom we were fighting and why.
On the evening of September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush spoke to the nation on television. His voice was measured but wooden. His tone was all wrong. No righteous rage. He was obviously reading. He stumbled over words, made awkward pauses. He spoke of “moms and dads,” as if addressing a Boy Scout jamboree. He said: “Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil despicable acts of terror.” Note the passive voice, the impulse to anonymize.
In fact, those thousands were murdered by Saudi Arabian Muslims heeding their religion’s call to jihad. But Bush didn’t mention Islam or jihad. He said that the terrorists had failed – a ridiculous statement to make only a few hours after the attack. On the contrary, it was Bush who, by choosing not to speak frankly about the perpetrators and their motives, had failed his country. He failed the dead. And in this failure he engendered and foreshadowed our own national failure, over the next two decades and more, to know our enemies and thus understand now to foil their objectives.
Bush never changed his tune. At the September 14 memorial service, he said that Americans’ “responsibility to history” was “to answer these attacks and rid the world of evil.” Ridiculous: as if the world will ever, this side of the Second Coming, be wiped clean of evil. (Bush posed as an expert on Islam but didn’t even seem to understand his own religion.) Yes, just as Bush spoke of “evil,” FDR had spoken of “infamy.” But FDR had also named the enemy. To be sure, in later speeches Bush would sometimes refer to Al Qaeda, but with remarkable frequency he preferred to go abstract, or vague, or narrow. (Hence “the war on terror” – the first war ever against an abstraction.)
Two days later, at the Islamic Center of Washington, D.C., Bush said: “The face of terrorism not the true faith of Islam….When we think of Islam, we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world.” And on September 19, addressing Congress, he said: “The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself. The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends.” Who was Bush – an infidel – to speak of “the true face of Islam” and to call the terrorists “traitors to their own faith”? In fact Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Islam’s most important living theologian, has said that jihadists killed fighting Americans are “martyrs” to the cause of “conquering Rome” (i.e., the Christian West). As for “Muslim friends,” sura 3:28 of the Koran forbids friendships with infidels.
Bush kept repeating his mantra: “Ours is not a campaign against the Muslim faith. Ours is a campaign against evil” (Chicago, September 27). “We do not fight Islam, we fight against evil” (Warsaw, November 6). On November 15, in a Ramadan message, Bush actually referred to “The Holy Qur’an” and described it as teaching “charity, mercy, and peace.” Four days later, at an Iftar dinner, he again referred to “the Holy Qur’an” and, in addition, cited “the prophet, Muhammed.” It was a disinformation campaign, pure and simple – one in which other American thought leaders joined eagerly, whether they knew they were spreading lies or not. Meanwhile, the few souls who dared speak the truth about Islam – explaining, for example, that 9/11 was just one act of jihad in a centuries-long Islamic war of conquest (and not, as we kept being told, a desperate act by poor, oppressed victims of Western imperialism) – were dubbed bigots.
I’m not suggesting that if Bush had gone in another direction, the mainstream media and most politicians wouldn’t have taken the Islam-friendly line anyway. But for three years after 9/11, he had the bully pulpit. If he’d spoken the truth about Islam, it would’ve gotten out. And if he’d acted upon that truth, there’d have been other policy choices. We’d have been spared the thousands of deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq, and spared, too, the acts of terror committed within our borders by Muslims, some of whose neighbors, co-workers, or local police – having absorbed the message that viewing Muslims with suspicion was tantamount to Islamophobia – ignored obvious warning sounds. And rather than tarnish the liberties of patriotic Americans with the Patriot Act and Homeland Security Department, Bush could’ve done something about the insufficiently vetted Muslim immigrants who kept pouring into the country.
Instead, so clueless were we still about Islam seven years after 9/11 that we put in the White House, as I wrote here at this time last year, “a man who was the son and stepson of Muslims and who’d spent much of his childhood in the Muslim nation of Indonesia, where he’d been registered at schools as a Muslim, taken Koran classes, worn Muslim garb, and attended mosque.” It would’ve been one thing if Obama had firmly distanced himself from Islam. But to read his book Dreams from My Father was to meet a man who plainly had deeper emotional bonds with Indonesia and Kenya than with the U.S., and a stronger tie to Islam than to Christianity. His Cairo speech of 2009 was sheer Islamic propaganda. As I put it last year: “If Bush whitewashed Islam, Obama exalted it.”
He did more. After campaigning on a promise to bring Americans together, he strove to divide us. Supported by voters who saw his election as a triumphant sign that racism was essentially dead in America, he gave racial division a new lease on life – and aided the process by which Islam was, in effect, magically transformed from a religion into a race, so that antipathy toward its vile, barbaric ideology now amounts to racism. Moreover, Obama’s race-obsession empowered the mischievous purveyors of critical race theory and of the lie of white supremacism.
In 2016, we lucked out. Against all odds, a truth-telling Beltway outsider who actually loved America, had Americans’ best interests at heart, and actually knew how to lead entered the White House. On September 11, 2018, I celebrated the fact that we finally had a president who got it: he recognized the threat of China, of open borders, of the mass export of blue-collar jobs. And when it came to Islam, Trump had “crushed ISIS, shown Islamic heads of state who’s boss, and (against the resistance of both major-party establishments and the legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. government) done his best to pull in the welcome mat.” Instead of starting new Middle East wars, he engineered peace treaties between Israel and several Islamic states. At long last – hallelujah! – we seemed to be starting to get the post-9/11 era right.
But it didn’t last long. The globalist Deep State, which was repelled by the very words “America First” and which had no problem sending the children of deplorables off to battle, brought him down. And we found ourselves with a corrupt, authoritarian, and half-senile husk of a Head of State under whom, as I wrote last September 10, not long after the Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco, “America feels like a damaged and diminished nation – its power weakened, its alliances shaken, its once-unshakable core beliefs largely shattered, not least by the suiciddal compulsion to speak well of Islam.” A year later, in the wake of Biden’s September 1 Nuremberg rally in Philadelphia, things are even worse.
No, of course it’s not all about Islam. In fact, under the political rule of whoever is pulling Joe Biden’s strings, and under the bizarre sociocultural sway of radical woke activists, America has been transformed very quickly into a country that’s so dramatically different from the one we lived in on September 10, 2001, that the twenty-first anniversary of that atrocity can feel almost irrelevant to our present concerns and calamities. But let’s remember that it was on 9/11 that the shock was delivered to our system that, responded to in precisely the wrong way, saw us wade deeper and deeper into the current muck of doubt, deception, and division.
It was on 9/11 that George W. Bush, by offering us lies about Islam instead of truth, helped ease us into Obamaworld – and thence into the present low, dishonest era in which the elites who govern us (with an increasingly autocratic hand) demand our assent to a grotesque set of ideologically rooted lies about gender, about climate, about race, about immigration, and, yes, those same old lies about Islam. Colossal lies, too, about what Donald Trump did while in office, and about what his followers did on January 6, 2021.
On 9/11, almost all Americans were, however briefly, patriots. Now, according to the preposterous puppet-in-chief, patriots are a “threat to democracy,” embodying an “extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” On 9/11, we were struck by terrorists; today, our leaders go out of their way to avoid calling actual terrorists by that name, even as they pin that label on peaceable Trump voters. Just a few years ago, many of us were watching Homeland and rooting for the CIA agents who, we believed, were guarding our freedoms; now we know our intelligence agencies are Stasi-like tools of the Democrats.
On 9/11, George W. Bush said that the terrorists had failed. Have they? Today in Afghanistan, the Taliban is back in power (and, thanks to Biden, amply armed). In Western Europe, our allies – who’ve suffered their own share of jihadist attacks – march steadily toward total Islamization. And America – where two of Congress’s most powerful members are America-hating Muslims – is palpably less free, confident, unified, safe, powerful, and prosperous than on September 10, 2001, At that 9/11 memorial service, Bush observed that Americans couldn’t yet view 9/11 from “the distance of history.” Are we there yet? Is 9/11 history now? Dare I lament the course that that history has taken, and fondly imagine how different things would be now if we’d had Trump in the White House on 9/11?
Excellent commentary! Worth the time to read if anyone really wants to remember 9/11, another Day in Infamy. American politicians just played a part in the “enemies'” plan to overthrow our country. Many of them for personal gain. Many were, and are Social Marxists. This Iranian journalist called out Bush for exactly what he was: dirty. https://youtu.be/_RFH7C3vkK4
Doesn’t matter anyway, US leftist elites have won, the borders are open and Trump isn’t president anymore because we stole the election after creating deliberate hysteria about the flu, and you all fell for it.
If Trump looks like winning again we will accuse him of deliberately creating dangerous vaccines under warp speed..
Trump might have unwisely authorized Operation Warp Speed (unwisely for the reasons you give) but he never mandated the vaccine for anyone or thought to “other” the unvaccinated. There’s the difference between him and his successors.
Western leaders allowed militant Islam to win immediately, a generation ago, by changing our way of life after the 9/11 attacks, yet denying the true nature of Islamic pestilence. The British did not hide in the cellar when Irish nationalists created “the troubles,” but the whole modern world cowered and cried in the face of one day of attack on 9/11. A once proud financial capital mourned, dithered, and changed in response to the felling of the twin towers, when a resilient city would have rebuilt the buildings immediately with their previous appearance to show the medieval goat herders that modern society was stronger than their evil. Foolish presidents and prime ministers waged war in a land that has never been governed and claimed they could spread “democracy” while enriching arms makers, beggaring a generation of volunteer warfighters, and squandering the earnings of ordinary tax payers. And the enemies of freedom watched and waited, strengthening their hand in collusion with globalists and silly economists who ignored the virtues of economic nationalism and self-sufficiency.
Now, a generation later, the West lacks the resources, resilience, and will to stave off the looming depression, and fiddles as disaster approaches. God help us.
Jesus is irrelevant to Judaism, its tenets, beliefs and aims.
Jesus did not abolish the law, but completed it. His own words:
As for universal condemnation of the “tradition,” that is also not warranted from Scripture. Yes, Jesus condemned human religious tradition WHEN IT VIOLATED the spirit and letter of the law (which is the example you use in the “corban / korban” reference:
But reading the quote in context you see that Christ condemned the use of Korban to avoid the obligation to support one’s elderly parents and cloak that sin in fake holiness by stating the money was dedicated to God, who commanded the honoring of mother and father.
The Jewish law has NOT been abolished, but completed in the Person and the work of Christ, who was a consummate Jew.
Regarding those deadly and destructive jihadist mass – murder terrorist horrendous affronts which occurred on September 11, 2021 that Muslim Politician Ilan Omar was so callous as that say that those 9/11 terrorists attacks happened because “some people did something”
Even worse an imam called those terrorist death attack on 9/11 a “comedy show.”
In addition, on the day of September 9 2016 some man I know who works as a security guard at a public place told me a Muslim actually had the nerve to walk over to him and said to him two Muslim “Jokes” about 9/11. As if it was a funny subject. It’s wrong to even try to “joke” about 9/11. Talk about bad “jokes” those two are the very much worst of all.
The first was “What is the difference between September 11, 20001 and a cow?” answer “You don’t keep milking a cow after fifteen years.” Not only is that “joke” awful but those Muslims trying to be funny by say that cruel thing do have some gall because they have no room to talk . For they are still are “milking” the topic of the crusades and the crusades have been over for well more than seven hundred years. What gall they have!
The second “Muslim “joke” about 9/11 is “On September 11, 2001 the people trapped on the upper floors of the WTC had ordered their pizza sent to them two plane.” To say that such “humor” is terrible is an understatement. Furthermore, those Muslim who say those “jokes” are really only exposing their own sick, vicious, callous and heartless Islamic mindset.”
Muslims danced and sang from New Jersey to Hebron on that terrible day. Women ululated and handed out candies in celebration. And their jokes are, to put it mildly, disgusting, as are their general human values. When will these wild asses, these descendants of the slavewoman Hagar, grow up and join the rest of the human race? Sometimes it looks as if some of them are, but one ought not trust even the best of them.
When the rest of the human race realizes the slave woman Hagar and the rest of Genesis and Santa Claus are mythology.
Maybe you should just STFU on this day. Tomorrow will be time enough for your to push your mythology.
Since it ‘s 21 years since the horrible affronts of those murderous and destructive jihad attacks by the forces of which occurred on September 11, 2001.
Therefore it’s very appropriate to remember that many of the Muslim /Arabs who call themselves “Palestinians” then they discovered about those mass-murder Islamic terrors attacks they were overjoyed and even celebrated that happened.
Years later, many of those same “Palestinians” had become very angry that President Trump has recognized Jerusalem as the capital city of the State of Israel. Many of those same “Palestinians” were very happy when they found out about the mass jihad murders in America on September 11, 2001. So who cares if they are mad or not about the US embassy move to Jerusalem ?
Nobody ought to care what the “Palestinians” think; the rest of the Arab world doesn’t give a rat’s hindquarters about them, so why should the non-Arab world? Many of these “Palestinians” are intelligent, hard-working, educated people who make good livings, so let’s leave them to fend for themselves. They might have the emotional intelligence of toddlers, but they do not need the world’s help or the world’s pity. They can join the rest of the human race whenever they decide to grow up and act properly.
Imagine if people had gone around saying “Shinto is a religion of peace” after Pearl Harbor(tell my Brother that and he’ll argue that we forced the poor Japanese to do it!)?
Imagine if people went around saying, “Christianity gave the West freedom, liberty, and capitalism!”, after the one-thousand years of the Christian Dark Ages. Oh wait a minute, they actually do.
Oh, do be quiet about the “Christian Dark Ages” and read that Emmett Scott book that I recommended to you. Then you might have a clue about the real dark ages and what caused them.
As a member of the Cult of Abraham you should know better than to encourage the members of the Cult of Jesus.
They are the same, you effing idiot. You are the only one trying to creat problems here
Because they did, derp.
Those horrendous jihad attacks with occurred on September 11, 2001 are a blatant and harsh reminder of the constant dangers of murderous and destructive dangers of Islamic terrorism.
Therefore, with this continuing danger and threat of Muslim terrorism, be they the jihadists of al Qaeda, ISIS , Hezbollah Hamas or the Taliban and so forth. We, as Americans, should not life in fear or be afraid to go different places and do different things, we sill should be aware of out surrounding and be on the lookout for anything seems wrong are out of place. As in “What’s wrong with this picture?” Then if something wrong is seen we then should go and inform police officer about it.
As it has been said “If you see something, say something.” To put this another way, the wisdom found in the words of Thomas Jefferson apply now even more than they did in Mr. Jefferson’s own time.
For this former US President had, wisely, written, “Let the eye of vigilance never be closed.”
After that couple of jihadist scum shot up a Christmas party at work, it was learned that the man who saw the Islamic weasels spiriting assault rifles into their house said nothing . . . he didn’t wanna be called an Islamophobe, so he chose cowardice over vigilance.
So the author has a point.
It also didn’t bode well, that Bush43 chose to suck up to the root cause of the attack; visiting a mosque with his shoes off, hosting chickenshit muslim activists at the White House, apologizing for the word “crusade”, etc.
We kicked off fighting this evil dogma by apologizing if we hurt anyone’s feelings, and threatening any soldier or Marine with charges if they offended the wrong muslim prick. (Marine guards at Gitmo routinely have to endure urine or fecal matter tossed at them. If they respond, they face huge charges.)
Bloated trash like Michael Moore will make un-American propaganda & throw tantrums . . . Bush and others in power didn’t have to cater to it.
Yet we were pushed to act as if we were terrified of a virus for two years as our economy was dismantled and our society was destroyed, and children were prevented from going to school. There’s still plenty wrong with this picture, and it’s not all about our government letting jihadis into the country unvetted but also about our elected and unelected officials themselves. There is more than one threat out there.
What a terribly vicious violent and murderous death cult Islam really is.
For on September 11, 2001 those murderous, destructive, and deadly jihad attacks by jihadist/Muslims of al Qaeda were not acting out in a hijacked form of Islam but actual Quran based non-watered down hard core. As the Quran teaches in 9:111, “The believers fight in Allah’s Cause, they slay and are slain, they kill and are killed.” Likewise, this “holy book” of Islam also instructs in 47:4 “Whenever you encounter the disbeliever strike off their heads until you make a great slaughter among them…”
The harsh reality is that using jets planes as missiles as those jihadists did on 9/11 do does, tragically make a much greater “slaughter among them” than a sword can. There are the other verses the give instruction for violence and killing for the cause of Islam, as 2:191. 5:33. 8:39.9:5, 38-39.
We must never forget and always remember those murderous affronts, which happened on September 11, 2001 because of Islam’s jihad and the jihadists with their Islamic terrorism on that awful and terrible day.
They choose that date because on September 11 1683, forces led by King John Sobieski of Poland and his Winged Hussars lifted the siege of Vienna and drove the murdering Turks back to the Balkans. Would that he had been able to drive them clear back to their Central Asian homeland, never to bother the West again!
On the early morning of September 11, 2001 the 19 jihadists of the Islamic terrorists network, Al Qaeda were about to carry out that jihadist scheme to hijack some jet planes to use them as missiles for mass murder and destruction of jihad attacks.
Those 19 jihadist/Muslims in their Islamic delusion firmly believed that after they died in their jihad attacks for the cause of Islam as “martyrs” in those murderous Islamic terror attacks they would then immediately go to an Islamic paradise with many virgins, houris,. Each large group of houris for his individual use only. With is type of wedding to them in a forever sex- filled marriage to them.
This belief is based on the teachings and doctrine of the Qu’ ran and the Hadith. This belief is not only absurd but it’s also a false teaching based on a false doctrine. This is known because Jesus taught ‘Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels in heaven.” Matthew 22:29, 30. [K.J.V.]
Furthermore, the Bible warns against accepting and believing in religious story/ doctrines, no matter how enticing they might be. For the Bible warns against giving “heed to fables….” First Timothy 1:4.
In addition, such a lust –filled fable /doctrine and the deluded men who would believe in it was predicted the Bible. For the Bible informs its reader in Second Timothy 4:3, 4. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”
In great contrast to the religious fiction of such a fable /doctrine that has deceived many jihadists into engaging in suicide/homicide attacks, Christians have the reality found in Second Peter 1:16. Which reads “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ…”
After the extermination of Osama bin Laden by the Heroic Navy SEAL’s the son of the Muslim terrorist chief fled to Iran ,according to FOX News, the point being the Shite Iran welcomed and gave safe housing to him ins spite of bin Laden’s son being and Sunni Muslim and al Qaeda a Sunni Islamic terror organization . Even through in history and in current time Sunni Muslim and Shite Muslim hate each other. This safe housing given to Bin Laden‘s son was not out of love and kindness for him. He was given safety in Iran because both Iran and al Qaeda hate the United States even more than the hate each other.
Therefore , all this leads to the subject of Iran and September 11, 2001 jihad murderous affront against both humankind and America the following might be interesting to some people. A type of thinking of many from Middle East is the sayings that “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” This type of Middle Eastern “philosophy” may explain, to a degree, how Muslims of two different branches of Islam, which are hostile to each other, can work together against what they perceive as a “common enemy.”
In this case the mullahs and other in power in Shi ‘ite Iran can work with the jihadists of al Qaeda against which they see as “The Great Satan” By that term they mean the United States of America. As the Muslim author, Rohan Gunaratna , explained in his book INSIDE AL QAEDA . For on page 198 it reveals that among different Islamic terror organizations that “Ideological tolerance and intergroup cohesion as a means confronting a common enemy.” So another author, Robert Spencer, in his book, which is entitled THE COMPLETE INFIDEL’S GUIDE TO IRAN supply’s information about this topic. It has been keyboarded that this book reveals “Iran’s long –standing support of terrorists- including shocking evidence that Iran helped plain the 9/11 attack.”
please go back to old format; it was simple and straightforward to navigate — this one is a cluttered mess, with a zillion headlines to confront one. i don’t even want to read the articles, it’s so upsetting. thank you.
What a wretched, amateurish format. Even the lousy “commento” was superior to this eyesore.
Even the most poorly designed web site will still reveal you are a commie shitbag.
A “Sieg Heil Lenin” creep.
And on the main front page the left-hand margin is gone and the text is almost cut off.
And the text is grey making it hard for older people and those with vision problems to read.
911 was an insider job!
The Luciferian Globalists of America helped satanic islam attack America on 911… then pushed the idea that satanic islam was a religion of peace…
There was always something soft about Bush43 (as demonstrated by his crying over mean tweets), but he was far better than the compulsive lying AL Gore or lying disgraced vet John Kerry.
It was baked in that we’d fail when just about every politician required us to never I.D. Islam for what it is – a committed enemy of the Christian west. (The left and Islam get along solely united by their shared hatred for this country. Sometimes combined together in low-life trash like Ilhan Omar.)
The “six flying imams”, instead of being beaten to lifeless jelly for performing a dry run attack, were instead rewarded with a financial settlement.
The Tzarnaev Brothers were given welfare the month they set foot in Boston.
A little shit named Ahmed Muhamed arrogantly does a dry run with a fake bomb, intentionally made to look like a bomb, is rewarded for that garbage with a trip to the White House.
We traded five high-level, America-hating jihadists (now back in business in Afghanistan) for an America-hating coward named Bowe Bergdahl.
Then the puppet-in-chief destroys the few hard-won gains by abandoning Afghanistan along with 1000s of American citizens and service dogs being systematically hunted down (dogs were the first to go)
This is how we’re being sold out to evil. This is why we’re losing.
“The face of terrorism not the true faith of Islam. When we think of Islam, we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world.”
Bush is following the leftist model: Acts of Islamic terrorism are always blamed on the few perpetrators, not on Islam as a whole. Even when the terrorists explicitly say they are acting in the name of Islam, the apologists say they are not “authentic” followers of Islam but have “hijacked” it.
Conversely, when there is an act of right-wing terrorism of lawlessness, blame is quickly spread far and wide, to all conservatives, and especially to conservative media, for fostering a “climate of hate.” Conservative rhetoric is always culpable, leftist rhetoric is never culpable.
No one in the media ever blames leftist rhetoric for crime or rioting or looking even – as before and during the George Floyd rioting – the rhetoric was incendiary and non-stop, sometimes explicitly condoning the violence.
Similarly, the actions of 100-200 rioters on J6 are blamed on Trump, Republican members of Congress, conservative media, and the entire MAGA movement, who are now ALL called terrorists now on a daily basis.
America has never been the same since.
Nor will it ever be again what it was before 9/11.
I respect Trump, though, for at least trying to reclaim it.
But it’s obvious that, as a nation, we’ve learned nothing from 9/11.
If we had, the utter disgrace currently occupying the White House wouldn’t be there.
Nor would the previous but persistent disgrace, Barack Hussein Obama, ever have been elected.
And America might not now be as close to dissolution as it’s ever been since the Civil War.
God have mercy on us.
Kulen Elephant Forest is a elephant sanctuary in Cambodia, near the Kulen mountain .