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France unveiled a decidedly family-unfriendly spectacle last Saturday for over 28.6 million viewers worldwide as the four-hour opening ceremony for the 2024 Olympics, which unfolded along a 4.5 mile stretch of the River Seine in Paris, turned into the world’s most-watched Pride Parade.
Because Western cultural elites today are overwhelmingly cultural Marxists, the organizers of the 2800-year-old athletic competition decided to jettison any connection with sports, athletic excellence, or national pride, and instead promote the normalization of sexual perversion, gender ideology, and anti-Christian bigotry.
As always with Pride parades, the celebration of sexual libertinism, masked as “love” and “tolerance,” was the order of the day. The show featured the provocative dancing of scantily-clad, apparently non-binary performers. Polyamorists, transgender models, and bearded drag queens abounded. One prerecorded dance segment featured three gender-ambiguous dancers cavorting through the streets and into a building, where they ultimately entered a room and slammed the door in the viewers’ faces, clearly suggesting that sexual activity would ensue.
But the pointedly offensive lowlight of the ceremony was a blatant, live-action parody of Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper painting, with Jesus Christ and His apostles swapped out for a diverse squad of gender-bending narcissists (including a child, naturally, because queering the culture includes normalizing pedophilia). Jesus Himself was replaced by a cleavage-baring obese woman forming a “heart” with her hands, because “Love is love,” don’t you know.
(Gender ideologues, by the way, are fond of claiming falsely that Jesus preached acceptance and inclusion; in fact, Jesus calls us not to love ourselves as we are, but to change, to cast off lives of sin and strive to be more holy. Jesus didn’t hang out with sinners because he approved of their behavior, but because they most needed his message.)
But that’s not all! as the infomercial slogan goes. The Olympics organizers somehow thought it would honor the tradition of the Games by sending everyone to bed with nightmares over a performance by a headless Marie Antoinette singing the French Revolutionary favorite, “Ah! Ça Ira.” The word that leaps immediately to mind is “demonic,” a description that in fact suits the impulse behind the entire opening ceremony.
Remember also that the Olympic flame had previously been carried by three drag queens along its route to Paris. What do drag queens have to do with athletic excellence and national pride? Nothing, of course; again, it’s about celebrating and normalizing the subversive strategy of gender ideology.
“This is France!” left-wing President Emanual Macron crowed in a tweet sharing video footage from the ceremony.
Other French citizens begged to differ. Former French Culture Secretary Philippe de Villiers called the opening ceremonies a “shame,” adding: “We are committing the suicide of our country in front of the whole world. The Last Supper with drag queens and the beheading of Marie Antoinette add infamy to ugliness. The France of Macron and wokism is not France.”
Populist right-wing French MEP Marion Marechal, niece of Marine Le Pen, similarly said: “To all the Christians of the world who are watching the Paris 2024 ceremony and felt insulted by this drag queen parody of the Last Supper, know that it is not France that is speaking but a left-wing minority ready for any provocation. Not in my name.”
French bishops issued a statement denouncing the performance as “derision and mockery of Christianity” and expressed their solidarity with “Christians on all continents who have been hurt by the outrageousness and provocation.”
Devoutly Christian NFL player Harrison Butker also disapproved of the Last Supper parody as mockery of God.
Ex-musician and Dissident Dialogues founder Winston Marshall summed up the debacle as nothing less than “The Fall of Europe.”
Popular American Bishop Robert Barron nailed it by declaring,
France felt, evidently, that while trying to put its best cultural foot forward, the right thing to do is to mock this very central moment in Christianity, where Jesus at his Last Supper gave his body and blood in anticipation of the cross. Its presented as this gross, flippant mockery.
This deeply secularist, post-modern society knows who its enemy is; they are naming it, and we should believe them. But furthermore, we Christians, we Catholics, should not be sheepish; we should resist; we should make our voices heard.
Would they ever dared mock Islam in a similar way? Would they have ever dreamed of mocking, in this gross, public way, a scene from the Qur’an? We all know the answer.
Indeed we do. Criticism of Islam is unthinkable now throughout an increasingly Islamized western Europe, perhaps most tragically in a Paris that witnessed the Charlie Hebdo massacre almost ten years ago. Instead of rallying against the corrosive Islamist infiltration of the country in the wake of that attack, though, France has only accelerated its embrace of its own civilizational submission.
To be clear: outrage over the mockery of Christianity is not about hurt feelings. Christian offense is not the equivalent of college students needing safe spaces in which to work out their Trump trauma with crayons. The ongoing cultural assault on Christians and their faith is hateful, open bigotry with the ultimate Marxist goal of eradicating Christianity altogether. The atheist Left would never undertake a similar campaign against Islam; Christianity is the target because no other religion is as daunting an obstacle to the Marxist agenda. Islam is off-limits to criticism because the Left sees Islam as an ally in their war on Christianity and the West. Of course, if that war is ever successful, as it is becoming in Europe, Islamic fundamentalists will turn in a heartbeat on their left-wing “allies,” who will find the hard way that “diversity” and “inclusion” are not sharia values.
Thomas Jolly, the artistic director of the Olympic orgy of ugliness, claimed laughably in a press conference on Saturday that his intention had not been “to be subversive, mock or shock.” He told reporters, “Our idea was inclusion. We wanted to talk about diversity. Diversity means being together. We wanted to include everyone, as simple as that.” Except Christians, of course.
Surely not even Jolly himself can believe his patently false claim that his intention was not to mock or shock. Of course it was, although his deeper intention was arguably to normalize the anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-Western worldview of gender ideologues such as himself. He intentionally orchestrated, with the full approval of the Olympics committee, a four-hour announcement that the queering of the West is in full swing, and that no amount of toothless umbrage from a diminishing Christian population will stop it.
The social media backlash and outrage were intense enough, however, to prompt a perfunctory non-apology from Olympics organizers: “There was never an intention to show disrespect to a religious group,” a Paris 2024 spokeswoman lied. “If people have taken any offense, we are, of course, really sorry.” Of course.
“We imagined a ceremony to show our values and our principles so we gave a very committed message,” Paris 2024 president Tony Estanguet said. “The idea was to really trigger a reflection. We wanted to have a message as strong as possible.”
Mission accomplished. The message that the Christian West is being supplanted by an unholy alliance of anti-civilizational forces – communist and Islamist – could not have been stronger. Unfortunately, Estanguet is correct: the Olympics ceremony was a successful reflection of the European elites’ woke “values and principles.”
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior
On another site, I saw a photoshop of the fat lady presiding over the Last Supper with a Burger King logo inserted into her “crown” and with her holding a cheeseburger. front-and-center. Mockery is one of the best weapons against his stuff.
It ain’t over until that fat lady sings. 🦴
Perhaps a Milk Bone ™ will help her.
These RABID ANIMALS were all WHELPED from SWINE (pigs), so it’s not rally their fault.
Don’t insult pigs please. Animals are innocent, these people are evil.
I so agree with that! I happen to revere the animal kingdom. These “people” in France?? ….not so much
MUSLIMS burn hundreds of cars every New Year’s Eve and get away with it. The French Authorities know it’s going to happen and let it because they don’t want to offend them as a group and get them mad.
Same with Iran… the world lets them do whatever, fund whoever, because they don’t want to offend them as a group and get them mad. OIL BLACKMAIL!
WHEN Jihadists and Sleeper Cells start attacking here, we’ll let them because we don’t want them to get mad at us…. Islamophobia.
Wow, I just had a comment (apparently) deleted for agreeing with the basic point of this article. I used no obscenities or slurs, and just referred to a parody of the Last Supper scene that I saw on another site. Sometimes I just don’t understand the rules here.
I take back my previous comment. I guess I don’t know how this process works.
“Demonic” is a bit strong. I’ve seen worse. It does have the perverse elements of Federico Fellini, with the offbeat irreverence of John Waters. But the production wasn’t much more than some amateur French film wannabees trying to make an art film. It’s hard to take that kind of mondo porno seriously.
Yes, but children will and that’s who they were targeting.
I saw three of Fellini’s films in my teens and I was not persuaded to his world view.
I saw two John Waters films in my teens and I WAS persuaded to his style of humor. … but NOT his world view..
… The bird is is the word; it replaces the turd ~
… Papa Ooo Mau Mau ~ 🪹 🪺 🐦 💩
I’ve seen four of John Waters’ later, more mainstream films, and have not adopted his anti-GOP stance, while still yet loving those films.
…and I recommend both “Serial Mom” and “Polyester” to every conservative on this site! …on the grounds that Waters ends up supporting conservativism ….. as Normative❕ ….. in spite of his Animus towards the GOP.
… Seriously
this is not the movies – this is Olympics where the best of the best athletes compete. If someone refuses to see or can’t see the 100% satanic demonic then what is the critical thinking here? You are setting yourself up for the fall that is not coming, but is here now when they think there is nothing wrong and everything right with this and mock YHVH HIS Will and Ways — why am I wasting my time with someone who refuses to see truth?
I can’t speak to your last question. I’m unaware of any official arbiter of what is and what is not truth. Like an umpire standing on the third base line, I can only call ’em as I see ’em, true or not,
If you don’t take seriously the left’s efforts to forcibly convince us that uglyness, vulgarity, perversions, mockery of the sacred and perpetual sexual pursuits are part of normal, modern life under the guise of ‘togetherness’ or ‘tolerance’, you are already infected.
Thank you doctor. Always good to get a reliable diagnosis from a professional.
It is Demonic and evil – to promote this trash!! Disgusting
Of course it is. This is a satanic political party chock full of the most evil perverted freaks imaginable. When the most dominant issue in your platform is the slaughter of innocent children you can rest assured an accurate description of your party is DEMONIC. .
The push for the normalization of pedophilia is next on their sick agenda.
Being agnostic myself, I found it to be WILLFULLY offensive, perverted, and in total contrast to the respect between cultures. It makes me sick to see how far leftists are willing to take their miserable and uncivilized messages.
The down-voting swarm has this one wrong.
Some come for the edgy politics.
Most come for the echo chamber, apparently.
Kilroy was here
Paganism and Blastfomy this in one Olympics were going to Totally Boycott
My lovely wife adores the Olympics. Honey, enjoy. I will not watch them. The cheating. (We know the countries.) The excessive pomp. The background stories that drag on until sleepy boredom overtakes.
Every “sport” short of “Hacky Sack” is represented. Yawn…
I’ll watch Beavis and Butthead.
The Olympics Mascots of the 2024 Paid Olympics) are the worst looking ever I can still Remember Sam the Eagle and Australia had Three Olly,(Kookaburra)Sid(Platapus)and Millie(Ekidna)Three very reconsible Australian Native Species
Froggie Went A-Courtin’
🎶 Mr. Frog went a-courtin’, he did slide, uh-huh, uh-huh
🎶 Mr. Frog went a-courtin’, he did slide, uh-huh, uh-huh
🎶 Mr. Frog went A-Courtin”, he did slide
🎶 A rubber with a tickler tucked inside
🎶 Uh-huh, hold your nose, anything goes ~
Charlie Hebdo’s trannie dildo has a French Tickler …
I can dig it ~ ……. /”””””’\ …but I WON’T dig it out ! 🍆
If they really wanted to be edgy, they could have the pig-faced dog false prophet mohammed cr*ppin the koran into the arabian sands.
That’s how the terror guide was written. Pig-faced dog mohammed was having relations with, then later a meal of his favorite pig, or “dad” as he called it. Not understanding about proper preparation of pork, had a little intestinal distress, which culminated in his releasing the koran to the world.
allahu’s snackbar!!
Still waiting for those progressive types to take a few shots at “the religion of peace” and see what happens to them. Maybe they are not so brave after all…
“Progressives” of the French variety always have a left hand finger in the wind… and a right hand finger up your bum! ~
How come I did not hear ” The Chariots of Fire ” being played anywhere ?
Because one of those runners was a Jew.
…but you already knew that ~
They won’t do it because they want to keep their heads.
I haven’t watched the Olympics in years, since the Norwegian winter games. And the sick pathetic opening confirms my intent never to watch again. France has never had any class in it’s 1500 year history. There is a reason why they couldn’t win WWI and were outright occupied during WWII. Weakness and frivolity begets even more weakness and frivolity.
After all the French, whether through election fraud or outright stupid voting, just reinstalled the communists to run the country headed by that fa**ot Macron. England and Sweden pretty much did the same. Germany has already gone down the rabbit hole.
The French communist party has never run the country. Since 1945, the centre-right has dominated the 4th and 5th Republics. Since you haven’t watched the Olympics in years, I assume you did not watch the opening ceremonies in Paris either, which begs the question of what basis you are making your observations.
Thanks for that Kim.
Decency isn’t a Christian thing, or a Muslim thing, or a Jewish thing, or a Buddhist thing, or an atheist thing. But a rational thing.
You don’t have to be a Christian, or a Jew, or an atheist, to understand the value of politeness.
Not farting in an elevator is not the Christian thing not to do but the rational thing not to do.
Politeness matters, politeness is rational, most of the time, in a civilized society.
Imagine a society of complete privacy. Complete privacy is complete civilization.
“Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage’s whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.” – Ayn Rand
You couldn’t find privacy or politeness with two hands and a flashlight because you respect no one’s privacy. Perhaps you should keep your degenerate hate filled opinions to yourself re: people’s religious beliefs. That would actually be the polite thing to do.
Do I, we, really need to know what you think of Christianity and your one man crusade to denigrate it. Does it make you feel like a man, a tough guy, a true ennobler of mankind. Hardly. You have no idea how to be real man.
Who defines decency? You? Me? Decency requires what your lord and savior Ayn Rand detests, altruism. Pure rationalism would require one to do what is in one’s own interest. Farting in an elevator. The rational would do it, because in the vain of Ayn, “I should do it because, to not would cause MY stomach to hurt. Rationally why would I cause myself pain. That would be once again altruistic.
Decency comes from Christian guidelines outlined in the Torah and New Testament. Every time civilization deviates from that a decency and society pay the price.
Were these low-life freaks to pull a stunt insulting islam, then I’d be impressed. But we all know these flamboyant cowards won’t even consider it.
As long as they take the safe road of mocking Christianity, the islamic thugs will leave them alone (as long as they stay far removed from swelling islamic areas)
What these drag waste don’t realize is, as no-go zones metastasize, they’ll be forced out where they live, or find areas of travel restricted.
That’s because Islam has an army of Muslim versions of Richard Ramirez.
A pride parade arrived at Lot’s house demanding homosexual rape of his angelic visitors. See Genesis, the lives of Abraham and Lot, Abraham’s nephew.
Funny stuff: Lot mocks the paraders by offering his virgin daughters that were soundly rejected (as Lot knew would happen). As the pride paraders bean to assault Lot’s house the angels blinded the entire bunch.
Jesus warned: “Remember Lot’s wife!” The lesson: once delivered, don’t look back! God will take care of the unrepentant reprobates.
Genesis 19:4. This is about immoral perversity, strange flesh, and homosexuality. Flesh that is against the purposes of God. Two angels were sent to Lot to warn him what was going to happen to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for the filthy lifestyle that people were living. that the Lord was going to level the cities. Every male in Sodom, both young and old, was involved in the assault that would take place on the visiors, (who were God’s angels.) These men of the city had become a (gang seeking the orgy of rape). Having failed to pursuade the mob, Lot himself needed to be rescued as well as family. The angels announce to Lot the imminent destruction of the city and instruction to warn his relatives to leave Sodom.
Genesis 12. The angels said to Lot…”have you any one else here? Sons in laws, sons, daughters or anyone you have in the city, bring them out of this place. 13 For we are about to destroy this place because the outcry against its people has become great before the Lord, and the Lord has sent us to destroy it. Lot did offer his daughters as a substitute, but when he realized the seriousnes of the situation, he told his sons in law, who were to marry his daughters, “UP… GET OUT OF THIS PLACE. FOR THE LORD IS GOING TO DESTROY THE CITY.
Genesis 19-24-25. The Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah sulfur and fire out of Heaven. These words emphasize the divine nature of the punishment, and the consequence of which is the total destruction of all the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah and all the vegetation.
The area is now 98% pure sulfur with measurable amounts of magnesium. There is no other location on the planet where sulfur can be found in such a pure form. This had to come from intense heat. about 6000 degrees, when limestone rock is burnt by a high heat source. The chalk like ash found in these cities around the Dead Sea does not occur in other parts of the country. 2 Peter 2:6. AND TURNING THE CITIES OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH INTO ASHES, CONDEMNED THEM TO DESTRUCTION, MAKING THEM AN EXAMPLE TO THOSE WHO AFTERWARD WOULD LIVE UNGODLY.
Sodomite mockery is what you get when “woke” citizens-of-the-world pretend to represent this or that proud nation state. The Paris Olympics follies suck, and gutter-level TV ratings will prove it.
Is Paris burning?
I don’t know, but the queen is flaming. ~
Kilroy was here
“In the Bible, Galatians 6:7 states, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap”. This verse is a universal principle that asserts that God’s world is morally coherent, with causes and effects, deeds and consequences that are connected and guaranteed by the creator. It also means that people only deceive themselves when they think their actions and attitudes are not seen by an all-powerful and all-knowing God.
God Will Not Be Mocked – Church Anew
Jul 6, 2022 — Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow (Galatians…
Church Anew
What does it mean that God is not mocked? | GotQuestions.org
Jan 4, 2022 — Adam and Eve tried and brought sorrow and death into the world (Genesis 2:15–17…
Got Questions
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows …
Jan 12, 2020 — “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will reap.”
disgusting and demonic – plain and simple – slapping us in the face with their obscenities – in front of children is molochism – total turn off – morbidly obese individuals, drag queens, totally unathletic – this is not going to go well for those who put it on and worse for those who allowed it
IOC in just a few hours of poorly thought out “opening celebration” destroyed their brand for many games to come.
My only awareness of the opening comes from my Lovely wife who adores the Olympics. (Gymnastics) I walked through the room where she was watching a few times.
“Because Western cultural elites today are overwhelmingly cultural Marxists…”
Decent Americans should make this the lowest-rating Olympics in the history of the games. Because if you’re willing to be entertained by people who hold you in utter contempt, AND give a ratings boost to a media that lies to you without conscience or remorse, don’t complain when they trample on your values. There are very few opportunities to send a real message that are easier than simply turning the channel to another station.
“Dr.” Jill loved it too!
Marxists naturally did.
We have more reasons to totally Boycott the Olympics and the NBC Network
There is still time for the “Sand People” to stage a reeactment of the 1972 Olympics with live ammo.
If man would seek knowledge, the real knowledge of the Bible and the Creator they would understand the times, and the fulfillment of the scriptures written by God.
Romans 1:26. Therefore, God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they worshipped and served the creature, rather than the Creator, who is forever praised. Amen.
Romans 1:28. And since they did. not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, strife, deceit, and maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to their parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, and ruthless.
These are the conditions we live in now exactly as written in the Bible. The word of God will not be changed, the events he wrote about will happen, have happened, and will happen in the future.
The Prophet Haggai spoke about God shaking all nations. Haggai 2:6-7.
People keep denying the spoken word of God at their own Peril, as things wax worse and worse.
It’s time for the entire concept of “Olympic Games” to be discarded. They are NOT “International Games” in the sense of fair competition, they have become ludicrous examples of political posturing, and “recognizing” political States that don’t exist, like “Palestine”. A total waste of time and money. Olympic “Break-Dancing”? What?
“Hacky Sack” is on the schedule for the next summer games.
The left ruins everything that they influence.
A compelling reason to boycott watching the Olympics since they have apparently become a cesspool of wokism.
It’s all part of …….the Agenda!
The real tragedy of this is that many of these young competitors will only have this one chance to be recognized on the world stage. For their efforts to be overshadowed by this decadence is a major disservice. It cheapens the very purpose of the olympics – to provide a venue for nations to compete without declarations of war. Or so I learned in my ancient history class. Shame on these pervs.
that wefty pencil neck is of course lying.
The grand orchestration of a corriegraphed neo pagan Sodom and Gomorrah-style freak show presented from such a perspective and magnitude of degeneracy, perversion and consummate evil by the secular Christian hating progressive left and its unholy alliance that it literally calls to heaven for vengence.
you left out one part. The Beatles song, imagine there is no heaven it’s easy if you try. that’s saying there is no God.
Homosexuality is the new religion of the democrat party and John Lennon’s Imagine is their theme song.
Not only has Jolly and the Olympic committee indicted themselves with this depraved show mocking Christianity but they’ve inadvertantly indicted Islam. They know that mocking Islam results in a violent response of terrorist retribution which shows that Islam is not the ‘religion of peace’ so they attempt to mock Christianity which they know won’t threaten their safety. Jolly and the Olympic committee have exposed themselves as moral cowards. Their pusillanimity has tainted the Paris Olympics and shows the lengths that the depraved LGBTQIA+ lobby are prepared to go to to spread their vile world view.
The reenacted Marie Antoinette beheading, as hideous as it was, gave rise to a thought — a one-way ticket to Place de la Revolution for Macron and his henchmen. Call it the Robespierre Solution.
In the Marines, we had a running joke about the French… Q? Do you know how many Frenchmen it takes to defend Paris? A: Nobody knows. It’s never been done. Their morals in the toilet.
This is the end of the Olympics for me.. My single protest, although I suspect I’m far from being a ” single ” protest. The Olympics for me at least no longer exist. I shall avoid every single image coming from Paris!!
So Barbara Butch, the main character in the “Olympian last supper”, describes herself as a really proud “fat, Jewish queer lesbian.”. I don’t how you debase yourself more by eating all day long, so much in fact that I doubt whether she lives longer than 10 more years. I’m not surprised she is a lesbian. I don’t know who, other than another fat, queer lesbian wanting to get within one foot of that.
It is amazing what very mentally ill people are proud of.
Can we finally end the joke that is the Olympics?
Just what I want to see. A “fat, Jewish, queer lesbian” and a reject from the Blue Man Group