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On Monday, April 15, President Donald Trump will become the first former president and the first major presidential candidate in American history to face a criminal trial. Not only is this unprecedented, it’s happening with one of the weakest criminal cases in recent memory.
The Manhattan District Attorney’s office searched for any way to charge the former president since 2017. The investigation poured over President Trump’s personal and business life, and they settled on charging the former president with 34 felonies for the non-felony of his attorney Michael Cohen settling a nuisance claim.
The case is so weak that The New York Times and The Washington Post both acknowledged that it’s a stretch. The New York Times reported: “The case against the former president hinges on an untested and therefore risky legal theory involving a complex interplay of laws.”
Meanwhile, The Washington Post wrote that the prosecution left some “legal experts . . . scratching their heads” as “they describe it as an unusual case.”
Indeed, it is unusual.
Soros-funded Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg says that President Trump “repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New York business records to conceal crimes that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election.”
Bragg’s indictment, however, shows that this is a false accusation from the DA.
The 34 counts of “falsifying business records” all allegedly occurred in 2017, well after the presidential election and when President Trump was already in office.
So, how exactly then did President Trump attempt to hide from everyone “damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election”?
A district attorney lying about the central facts of his case should be a scandal. It’s worth taking a look at the prosecutors who helped assemble this absurd case for Bragg. One of them is Mark Pomerantz, who didn’t hide that the prosecution of Trump was a personal crusade of his. Pomerantz wrote in his 2017 tell-all that Trump “disgusted” him and compared prosecuting Trump to Osama bin Laden. Pomerantz was so excited to prosecute Trump that he joined the DA’s office for no pay, and he wrote that he “would have paid the District Attorney’s Office for the opportunity to prosecute President Trump.”
It’s important to note as well that the prior Manhattan District Attorney (Cy Vance), the Manhattan U.S. Attorney, the Federal Election Commission, and Bragg himself examined Michael Cohen’s alleged payment to Stormy Daniels and declined to prosecute.
Then senior Biden Justice Department political appointee Matthew Colangelo got deployed to Bragg’s office as a “senior counsel” to work on the case months before the indictment. Colangelo is a lifelong Democrat activist who was a senior political appointee for both the Obama and Biden administrations. He was the number three at the Biden DOJ, a senior economic adviser in the Obama White House, and a top aide to Obama Labor Secretary and DNC chairman Tom Perez. Colangelo has never served as a line prosecutor or defense attorney. Colangelo is simply a senior Democrat operative, deployed to Bragg’s office to get Trump.
Alvin Bragg is not trying President Trump because he’s a DA hell-bent on enforcing the “rule of law.” No, Bragg downgraded 60 percent of felony cases last year. Bragg charged hundreds of felonies as misdemeanors, and helped harden criminals avoid serious punishment. And Bragg upgraded a time-barred bookkeeping misdemeanor, at best, into 34 felonies to get Trump.
Have you heard about the wave of women getting randomly punched in New York City? Well, Alvin Bragg set free one of the perpetrators. Violent felons are assaulting New Yorkers while Bragg focuses his resources on targeting Joe Biden’s political opponent.
Everyone understands what this case is about. It’s an election-year assault on the Democrat Party’s number-one enemy.
As even Never-Trumper Jonah Goldberg put it, “if President Trump’s ‘name were John Smith, Alvin Bragg would not be bringing this case.’”
Mike Davis is the founder and president of the Article III Project, which defends constitutionalist judges. As the former chief counsel for nominations to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA), he served as the staff leader for Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation.
And yet any corrupt NYC jury will convict him! It will be like the other cases – up to REAL JUDGES at the Appeal Courts!! All these people should be investigated for their COORDINATION with the biden bunglers!
Real judges like Ketanji? Her ilk increases as we continue to appoint those who can’t even define “woman.”
2 more Cultural Marxists on the Supreme Court and we are done with the rules of law. 2024 will be the tripping point for this.
Political trials.
The establishment is now desperate.
The establishment does not want to take him down by revealing the death toll of his warp speed vaccine but they will as a last resort, these details are gradually becoming more mainstream.
That would be the uniparty establishment.
More than 50% of the GOP establishment is quite comfortable with being in the minority and are not looking to make waves, ruffle feathers and having to stand up and be counted on to fight for something. They’re not comfortable with and are quietly afraid of people like Trump who do.
Trump never required anyone to be forced to take the “vaccine.” He just mistakenly encouraged it. Something had to be made available quickly for a panic-stricken populace, and the so-called vaccine was the only one available since Novavax was not yet on the market. Details are already apparently mainstream as reflected by the numbers: only 14% of the U.S. population has received all Covid boosters. BTW, there is no conclusive evidence that mRNA is NOT at least partially effective.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA AAARGH.
District Attorney Alvin Bragg is leading a get-Trump courthouse lynch mob in NY, not unlike the “Jim Crow” railroad prosecutions of non-whites in the Old South. Is Alvin Bragg really an African American? If the Ku Klux Klan hood fits, wear it.
The case showed a long time ago that the facts are irrelevant, as long as you have a jury full of leftists.
That’s a no brainer in NY.
With a jury full of rabid leftists they could convict Trump of J-walking and demand and get the death penalty. Trump’s imprisonment and/or demise is their goal and they intend to see that it happens one way or another by anyway they can..
They’ve make their intentions crystal clear. I just hope Trump is taking those democrat party ass wipes/miscreants seriously and not just nonchalantly laughing them off.
An excellent and uniquely chilling observation from you there, Rob. The degree of vindictive hate directed toward DJT is truly offscale. He will not get a fair trial and the rabid leftists will stop at nothing to destroy the man and his family. Talk of witch-hunts and kangaroo courts are understatements in describing this whole malevolent process.
Riots and wars have started over dumber things. Peter Navarro is in prison right now for “contempt of court.” We shouldn’t be shocked if DJT ends up in one, too; that is, after all, the end game. What shocks me is that Bragg’s grandiose puppet show hasn’t been derailed and that includes the judge and his daughter. The sheer madness of it all…
If Navarro was a democrat this would’ve never happened to him. Navarro is a Trump acolyte. In the eyes of the GOP wing of the uniparty establishment, Trump is their enemy which makes Navarro their enemy.
OK, a cheap shot, but Bragg always looks like he is angry because the local food store just ran out of twinkies.
I gotta admit, it’s a fair observation. Sometimes you have to laugh, or you’d be crying.
If I ever encounter him in person, I just won’t be able to resist shoutin’ out, “Hey! Hey! Hey! It’s Fat Alvin!” Apologies to Albert, he was cool.
Those indictments against Donald Trump by those vicious malice-filled leftists in power , as that horrible man ,Alvin Bragg ,isn’t really “; legal prosecution” but political persecution.
Those vicious leftist/socialists along with their comrades of the Red/Green alliance have now come after Donald Trump with all their hate-filled malice, it’s only a matter of time before they will later come after all Conservative patriotic Americans.
Actually , they already have, as seen in that Joe Biden gulag in which “Big Brother Biden” keeps his political prisoners from January 6, 2021.
The actual, real , criminal is Joe Biden, that despicable fiend is the one who should have legal indictments filed against him.
Those libelous and vicious and bizarre balderdash “legal indictments” against Donald Trump by the horrendously wicked insidious and sinister left-wing power elites who have examining everything they could, regardless of how baseless those accusations against Mr. Trump are , to use in their malice-filled and vicious determination to take the American patriot down hard and keep him down.
Those indictments against him only prove that saying true, which is that “Evil is always looking for an “excuse.”
Those malicious leftists with their vicious libelous political persecutions against Donald Trump are despicable beyond the limits of reason.
Likewise, this malicious persecution against Donald Trump truly is a “witch hunt.”
Furthermore, those indictments of Mr., Trump are a vicious wicked travesty. It’s been rightly called “legal voodoo.”
Every case against Trump has been “novel,” and unprecedented. And still they require hand picked crooked, conflicted judges and juries. Nothing new there with picked, crooked judges in dem lawfare, but it requires a picked and crooked jury to rule for someone who gets key details wrong and doesn’t even remember the year, much less the date of the alleged crime. There’s no possible way to establish an alibi.
I hope Trump fires everyone that works at his pleasure in the executive branch, especially in the doj, and uses his appointees to clean out as many of the rest that he can for cause. Plenty of those, and if he secures their communications records before they wipe them (a crime in itself), he can find more to fire, and probably prosecute.
The new Civil Rights Division can then go after the crooked dem local and state DAs, and politicians, for violating the civil rights of their constituents. Wouldn’t it be just for Richard Levine to go to prison for mandating covid patients into nursing homes, while pulling his mother out of hers?
Most of the dem party and rinos should be in prison already. There’s no reason they can’t be, even without their own precidents being used against them.
All those charges against Trump have nothing to do with law or justice. This is plain communist mob rule.. America has fallen to the deep end. There is no way out of this mess. Admit it or not America is done is over. Nothing can save it, even second civil war.
An important omission from this article:
1) The loans made based on the allegedly falsified records were paid back on time and with interest;
2) None of the institutions that made those loans made any complaint about them.
Faces I would like to see Behind Bars BRAGG, SOROS,CLINTON,(BILL)OBAMA,PELOSI GORE, A as well as a ll those Looters Tioters and Arsonists as well as the Climate idiots blocking roads and vandalizing paintings