“You don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t”, said Barack Obama to Joe Biden back in 2019 as Biden was preparing to announce his plans to run for the Democrat Party’s nomination for President of the United States, and run against then-President Donald Trump.
At the time Obama made those private remarks to Biden I found it a bit curious. One would have expected the former president to enthusiastically encourage and support his former vice president to run for the top job. After all, they spent eight years together in the White House and knew each other well. But perhaps that was the problem, Barack Obama knew Joe Biden too well.
One would have to believe that during those eight years together, as president, Barack Obama certainly had to have been briefed on the activities of Biden’s son and brother, and on their efforts to enrich the Biden family through ‘pay for play’ schemes involving good old Joe.
Schemes that involved Barack Obama’s very own sitting vice president at the time, who has since been under intense scrutiny for his alleged participation in ‘influence peddling’ involving Ukraine and other foreign nations. Including foreign adversaries like communist China.
It certainly appears that the Biden family’s activities were not a deep, dark secret. As time has passed more and more information has come out showing that Joe Biden’s reputation for unethical – if not outright illegal activities was pretty much common knowledge. During his’ decades in Washington, Biden certainly wasn’t viewed as a paragon of virtue by anyone.
We know that there were concerns during the Obama-Biden Administration that were expressed by U.S. State Department officials working at the American Embassy in Kiev, Ukraine, including by the U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch. Those concerns were later testified to under oath during the Congressional hearings into the 2019 scam impeachment of President Trump.
If Barack Obama didn’t know about the Biden family’s activities then his administration was indeed much more inept and incompetent than we have known all along. A blind man could have seen what was going on right under the president’s nose. At the very least the U.S. Secret Service would have briefed Obama on Hunter Biden’s sexual escapades, which alone would be a national security concern. The vice president’s son could be compromised by a foreign intelligence service, and consequently compromise the sitting vice president of the United States.
While it was unfortunately successfully covered up by the Democrat Party allies in the news media, as well as by the fifty former “intelligence professionals” who declared that the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop and was the result of “Russian disinformation”, it’s since been determined that the laptop in question was and is legitimate. It indeed was owned by Hunter Biden and in no way was it influenced or created by Russian intelligence. And most importantly it contains a great deal of evidence of malfeasance and criminal involvement by Joe Biden. Now the sitting President of the United States.
Was Barack Obama worried back in 2019 that Biden’s criminal activities would come to light during a presidential campaign and could result in President Trump’s reelection, which is why he tried to subtly discourage Biden from running? I think that’s a legitimate question to ponder.
But once Biden secured the party’s nomination it would have become necessary to prevent all the negative information about Biden from becoming public knowledge. Barack Obama and the Democrats would have to call in all markers from the ‘news media swamp’, who all along had been in Obama and the Democrats’ hip pocket anyway, so they were happy to help out with this sticky issue.
Obviously Obama must have been successful since the Biden Crime Family’s activities went unreported on by most of the news media prior to the 2020 presidential election. Even now there’s been a reluctance to report on anything associated with the claims of illegal – indeed impeachable offenses by Joe Biden.
Hopefully the Republicans in Congress can unveil the level of corruption of Joe Biden and his family. Not that I’m anxious to see Kamala Harris elevated to the Oval Office if Joe Biden were to resign or be convicted in an impeachment trial.
But I don’t really think that’s much of a concern, Democrats in Washington could be presented with a smoking gun in Joe Biden’s hand and they’ll never vote to convict. The best we can hope for is to put on national display the corruption of the Joe Biden Crime Family, and destroy the reputation of one more of the Washington political elites who have enriched themselves off the backs of regular Americans for much too long.
Mo de Profit says
Corrupt government officials is a better term than crime family. Criminals tend to be tough Hunter biden is a drugged up flag.
Kasandra says
Joe was corrupt long before being Vice President. It wasn’t for nothing that he was known as “the Senator from MBNA” decades ago. But the media largely ignored his corruption and long record of dishonesty preferring instead to cultivate his image of being “Lunch-bucket Joe.” One other theory of why Obama told him he didn’t have to run is that he knew Joe to not only be corrupt, but stupid, dishonest, and incompetent, as well.
mike says
and his ability to F things up!!
Walter Sieruk says
It’s no wonder that Hunter Biden is such a terribly corrupt mess .So much so the Hunter by his actions and character have proven valid that the proverb in relation to his father, creepy old Joe, that “The fruits doesn’t fall that far from the tree.”
That horrendously corrupt Hunter Biden being the son of vote stealing horrible Joe Biden likewise must show true the saying “He’s a chip off the old block.”
In addition, Hunter Biden is so hideous in character and behavior further proves the other saying to be true. Which is “Like father, like son.”
A somewhat new Dr. Seuss type of poem about Joe Biden alone with his drug ridden “boy” Hunter.
So here, it is … “I do not like your mental haze, I do not like your leftist ways, I do not like your son on blow, I do not like you Mr. Joe.”
David Palmer says
If Biden is impeached but not convicted due to the democrats protecting one their own, at least the American people will be exposed to the truth about his criminal activities and any democrat voting against conviction will be exposed and risk losing his or her next election.
Daniel says
You know, had anyone had the guts to be called racist and call Obama out on all this, None of this would be happening today. I would just bet both Obama elections were stolen as well.
Steven Brizel says
The Bidens are a RICO enterprise plain and simple
Mark james Bradley says
Keep waiting just wait these assholes will get away with it just like the FBI the attorneys general Garland
Kingfish Stevens says
Hunter’s laptop was deliberately left at that shop to create the opportunity for Joe and the Democrats to get ahead of any inopportune revelations that may come up by claiming “Russian disinformation”. Rest assured the party and their media supporters will scream “Putin did it” for as long as it takes to make it go away.
In the very unlikely event the “Family” is found guilty it would be so satisfying for their assets to be seized like the feds like to do to a guy growing a couple pot plants in his mother’s back yard, or a guy who is stopped on his way to pay cash for a used car.
Steven says
It’s actually the media which is being exposed as biased and untrustworthy. Expectations for politicians have always been low, but trust and expectations for the media are have been high in the past, but are tanking.
This can be seen for mass media companies such as Disney and CNN coming under new management after financial setbacks, but they’re facing an uphill battle to regain trust, and as more information about The Biden Family comes out, it’s the trust of the media which will actually be damaged.
By the “media”, I include social media ownership and management along with the rest of traditional and corporate media.
Likely this has backfired with widespread distrust of the media by substantial if not majority segments of the population.
11bravo says
But propaganda still works!
Nancy Albert says
Clap! Clap! Clap!
Anne says
These are the rulers who gave up America to communism and destruction.
11bravo says
Hound him to the gates of hell with all the rest. That is what the dems did, and it WILL work for us. All you need is for Mitch and Kevin to put out the word that every TV interview the politician bring up the subject – everytime – just like the democrats do now.
Doesn’t matter if the senate votes for impeachment – it will be on the record.
Fight dammit!
Johnny Keene says
Teamroper35 says this report is spot on. Everyone knows, now is the American public going to let them skate free. Let’s keep the heat on until they get their dues, just by spreading truths like this.
Marley says
Obama is realizing his 3re term as prez via Biden. Obama is Biden’s handler,, top policy advisor, and surrogate prez. Biden is Obama’s useful idiot.