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There has still been no proof that Old Joe Biden is still in minimal possession of his faculties or even still with us, other than a highly questionable voice recording played during a Kamala Harris rally. Yet there is no reason to be concerned that America’s enemies will decide to take advantage of the disarray in Washington. Rest assured, the sentinels of freedom are still on the job, tackling the biggest challenge our nation faces today: you guessed it, they’re fighting “Islamophobia.”
Yes, this is real. Jewish Insider reported Friday that according to “Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff,” who is the husband of Sorta President Kamala Harris, “the Biden administration plans to soon release new guidance on best practices for combating Islamophobia.”
Wait a minute. Why is Doug Emhoff, who is a private citizen, involved in any administration initiative, no matter how worthy (or unworthy) that initiative may be? Which valuable Polk administration initiative did George Mifflin Dallas’ wife head up? (He was vice president from 1845 to 1849). None, of course; she even stayed in the family home in Pennsylvania and only rarely came to Washington while her hubby was a heartbeat away. But surely Anna Street Morton, the charming spouse of Vice President Levi P. Morton (1889-1893), was a valued part of the Benjamin Harrison administration’s governing apparatus?
Nope. Nor did any other Second Lady until the recent decades of a leviathan federal bureaucracy ever have a role in government. It fell to the nation’s first Second Gentleman to symbolize the federal government’s endless growth and outrageous bloat by leading an administration initiative. Fittingly, Emhoff is working on something the federal government has no business being involved in but is typical of the Biden regime: an initiative that will result in restrictions on speech.
This is because the term “Islamophobia” is an illegitimate conflation of two distinct phenomena: vigilante attacks against innocent Muslims, which are never justified, and honest analysis of the motivating ideology of jihad terror, which is always necessary. The objective of this conflation is to silence that analysis by falsely claiming that it leads to or causes those attacks.
Even worse, Emhoff noted, according to Jewish Insider, “that many of those participating in Thursday’s meeting are ‘part of the interagency group that the president stood up to counter antisemitism and also Islamophobia.’” Why the equivalence? Antisemitism has broken out with new virulence and violence all over North America and Europe since Hamas jihadis murdered 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023.
But “Islamophobia”? The world has not seen attacks on innocent Muslims on anything like the scale of attacks on Jews since Oct. 7, nor should it. In fact, actual incidents of “anti-Muslim hate” are so rare that they have to be invented to shore up the left’s sagging victimhood narrative.
In a typical incident, the Daily Mail reported on July 11 that “University of Washington student Isha Hussein claimed that her roommate made Islamophobic remarks and threatened to stab her with a knife as she prayed. The roommate denied the allegations but was temporarily removed from her dorm and later moved out due to the hostility she faced. However, a campus police report concluded it ‘could not establish probable cause’ after a witness contradicted Hussein’s account.” This is just the latest in a long, long line of claimed incidents of “Islamophobia” that turned out to be fake.
Nevertheless, now we have this initiative under the guise of an effort to counter vigilante attacks against Muslims. But what it will lead to will be that those who support Israel or criticize the jihad ideology will be liable to be considered enemies of the state. The Biden regime has never been a friend of the freedom of speech, as we saw with its pressure on the social media giants to silence COVID dissidents.
Emhoff revealed happily: “The first deliverable, in May of 2023, was the first-ever national strategy to counter antisemitism. We are now getting into year two with additional actions. There will be an Islamophobia plan coming out soon as well, and making sure we are fighting hate wherever it exists.”
This is the most hateful administration in American history, demonizing its principal foe and half the electorate as enemies of the republic. But there’s hate and there’s hate. Opposing jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women, that’s hate. Hating Donald Trump and Israel? Why, that’s love!
Anyway, if Emhoff really wants to fight “Islamophobia,” I have an idea: what if they just stopped blowing stuff up?
Blackdog says
How about an article on muzlim funding of universities, “protest” crowds and office holders? They are like the chinese and are buying their way to control.
Glenn Jerry says
USA surges in the international Islamopandering derby.
Steve says
Doug Emhoff is a JINO whose daughter is a pro-Hamas “activist” and whose wife is the sapient (well, comparatively) half of an administration so antisemitic it makes Peanut Dhimmi Carter and Barack Hussein Osama’s administrations look like the Zionist Organization of America.
sumsrent says
Our islamic loving Luciferian Globalist government of America is catering to satanic islam… aiding, funding and helping islam’s expansion across this planet…
Because satanic islam is the Antichrist Beast System…
johninohio1 says
Another explanation is the old “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” But each side expects that when their partnership succeeds in achieving their common goal, the submission of every western nation to authoritarian rule, they will then turn on their erstwhile partner and take complete control. Each believes they’re powerful enough to achieve that, but only the most ruthless will win.– So, guess who?
Intrepid says
Gee Sumsy Wumsie. The Anti-Christ Beast System. Are you sure it’s not Islam itself. Or the Buddhists. Or Bruce Springsteen?
Seems to me, since you are incapable of fighting the Anti-Christ in this country, except for your occasional repetitive stupid comments, you had better make tracks to who knows where before the Antichrist Beast System gits ya. As the song goes, One way or another He’s gonna gitcha gitcha gitcha.
Maybe you can hector me some more about those eeeeevil Lutherans. Or The Catholics. Or the Amish. Or any number beastly beings you have conjured up in that little mind of yours
sumsrent says
1) As I’ve already said… islam is the Antichrist Beast System… <<< You don't read very well… aye?
2) Your lyrics to the song are incorrect…
3) Yes… your ELCA Lutheran Synod is satanic… it teaches… you worship the fake god allah and your fake church approves of homosexual preachers… <<< All satanic…
4) I've never claimed the Amish were satanic…
5) Learn to pay attention and… learn to speak the Truth.
KenPF says
Dern! My answer was “global warming/climate change”. But no, the word we were looking for was “Islamophobia”. Well, OK. Mind you anyone who isn’t a little bit phobic about radical Islam hasn’t been paying attention.
Islamophobia’s one of those words created out of whole cloth to advance an agenda; think “Christian nationalism” which doesn’t exist at all.
The new lexicon expands every day; its sole purpose is intimidation.
PS: In the older form of spouses of presidents and vide-presidents, they were called fist and second ladies. So, for the new millennium males I propose first and second “laddies”.
I’m Scottish … so sue me.
Domenic Pepe says
Any sane rational human being should in fact be Islamophobic in order to protect himself and family and country.
Depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent freedom crushing Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
That is enough to make everybody with a pulse Islamophobic.
Boot-Gal says
Go back and visit Islam’s slavery of people.. see the YouTube Islam’s Dark History of Slavery (Whitewashed and Forgotten) by the Apostste Prophet.
The uneducated idiots don’t even remotely understand what they promote. Islamophobia is self preservation!!
Roark says
There are no Palestinian people as there is and never was a country called “Palestine.” It is a fabrication, a psychological weapon of war. When people use the word Palestine, they mean it as a replacement for Israel and the extermination of the Jews. That is the subtext.
It is time for all freedom loving people to reject this evil word and use the proper name for these people: ARABS. That is what they are.
There is no Palestine, there are no Palestinians, and there are no Palestinian refugees. It’s all a scam, a subterfuge to destroy Israel and replace it with an Islamic terror state.
KamelToe Harris is a radical Marxist aligned with Iran and Islamic jihad. We must defeat this pernicious and malevolent red witch.
Atikva says
Zahir Muhsein in an interview with Netherlands Trouw Magazine, March 31, 1977:
“The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons!”
Arafat on September 13, 1993 on Jordanian TV – the same day he’d signed the Oslo acccords on the White House lawn:
“Since we cannot defeat Israel in war, we do this in stages. We take any and every territory that we can of Palestine, and establish a sovereignty there, and we use it as a springboard to take more. When the time comes, we can get the Arab nations to join us for the final blow against Israel.”
Alkflaeda says
The real definition of Islamophobia is “failure of unbelievers to submit to, and collaborate with, jihad”.
Whiskey Jack says
“Insulting and raping European white girls gives them the spectacular humiliation they deserve, of the whites as a people they are of course the lower sort of infidels and therefore unworthy.” –Imam Taj Hargey, Oxford Islamic Congregation–
Ethnic separatism has always presented a danger to democracy because it opens the door to the disintegration of the secular state and its institutions through non assimilation and cultural upheaval. The salient question becomes: Can Muslim communities in the West adapt and peacefully coexist within its secular democracies? Absolutely not! because to do so would require any true Muslim to sacrifice the sacred fundamentalist canon of Holy Koranic edicts, the eternal and irreversible truth.
Intrepid says
“Rest assured, the sentinels of freedom are still on the job, tackling the biggest challenge our nation faces today: you guessed it, they’re fighting “Islamophobia.” ”
Gosh, I feel safer already with “Tough Guy Doug” taking on Islamophobia.
Oh damn, did I miss the period of the Biden Admin where White Supremacy and Christian Nationalism was the greatest threat to “muh” Democracy we had ever seen?
Can we do a two-fer just make sure Cackles and Douggy will smite this nation’s eeenie mieny miny mo enemies
RS says
The Left and Islam have the same goals….they want to rule the world with Sharia Law… Don’t you know Islam is the Only Religion? This is about total dominance.
Many Middle East experts are saying that the Iran-led axis “seeks to undermine Jordan’s peace agreement with Israel and disrupt its gas deal with Israel, potentially transforming the Jordan-Israel border into a new battleground. Jordan has long faced challenges from radical groups, including Black Septemeber, a militant Palestinian organization that kidnapped and killed Israeli athletes at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany, and the Muslim Brotherhood, and Islamist group recently banned by King Abdullah after operating legally in the country for 75 years.
Atikva says
“The Left and Islam have the same goals..” – for the time being. For as with the German-Soviet Pact, both parties expect to reap alone the benefit of the partnership by eliminating the other one once victory has been achieved.
LC says
If you think islamophobia is a problem…please be sure to watch video of the planes crashing into the world trade center towers on 9-11 and the subsequent implosion of both towers.
I don’t think there were any Americans afflicted with islamophobia on Sep 12, 2001.
Dee Harr says
Tranny issues? Acid rain?
Jonathan S. says
Sorry Mr. Spencer, I thought the Democrats’ biggest problem was the lack of drag queens as: low level federal civil servants, cabinet members and Supreme Court judges. I mean come on, their lack of visibility in United States has yet been matched by the French, who choreographed a portion of the opening of the summer Olympics with a cast of drag queens.
Before combating Islamophobia, the Biden-Harris regime must make United States a safe place for drag queens. Only once this task is done, can the Democrats concentrate on another minor issue and make a mountain out of a molehill regarding the fake crime of Islamophobia. Then the Democrats can deal with reparations over the institution of slavery that was abolished in 1865. Funny how even the oldest American alive in United States was born in the 20th century, which means no slaves nor slave owners of the mid-19th century are still alive, yet free born African Americans still require reparations.
Leave it up to the Democrats to tackle America’s biggest non-issues rather than deal with the likes of: deficit spending, inflation that has resulted from the USD’s continued decline in purchasing power, an unprotected southern border, an increase in drug overdoses, an increase in homeless, an increase of organized crime from illegals, the continued proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, the rise of jihadism in the Middle East, the infiltration of foreign born Muslim radicals in United States, along with the military threats of North Korea and China. Yep, that’s all the Democrats know, tackle irrelevant softball topics and make them their top priorities. Meanwhile the country is falling apart and the world is becoming a more dangerous place!