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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
When Hamas launched its latest jihad war against Israel, the Biden regime’s initial response was mind-numbingly predictable. At 2:58AM on Saturday, the U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs tweeted in Arabic: “The US Embassy is closely monitoring the security situation as a result of rockets being fired from Gaza through southern and central Israel, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and the infiltration of Hamas activists.” Yeah, “activists” with balaclavas and rifles, committing murder wherever they had the chance.
As if that weren’t bad enough, the same Office followed up at 3:24AM with an even more jaw-droppingly tone-deaf and wrongheaded statement: “We unequivocally condemn the attack of Hamas terrorists and the loss of life that has incurred.” Of course, the low-level Biden regime foreign service wonks who knocked together this boilerplate said nothing about bankrolling the attacks and making them possible. The wonks continued: “We urge all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing.”
In other words, Israel must not respond to the breaching of its borders and wholesale murder of its citizens. That would be a “retaliatory attack,” and would solve nothing. This statement was consistent with the stance of the Biden regime and American administrations going back years: after every jihad attack against Israel, no matter how brutal and bloodthirsty, the United States urges Israel to exercise the utmost restraint in defending itself, and not engage in a “disproportionate” response. The U.S. also would then urge Israel to make concessions to the Palestinian Arabs that would presumably pacify them.
This ignored the root causes of the conflict, which the U.S. government has been resolutely ignoring ever since jihadis with the same ideology as those who are fighting to destroy Israel struck our own country on September 11, 2001.
Media analysts are describing the latest attacks as a retaliation for Israel’s supposed desecration of the al-Aqsa Mosque, or for “settlement” activity, and all the usual half-truths, distortions and outright lies that characterize establishment media coverage of Israel. Ultimately, however, this is happening not because of al-Aqsa, or because of any “occupation,” since the “occupation” is a propaganda fiction anyway. It’s happening because of the Islamic imperative to fight Jews.
A hadith says: “Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.” (Sahih Muslim 6985) Read the beginning of the words attributed to Muhammad again: “The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight the Jews and the Muslims would kill them.”
So this is not a hadith about the “last day.” It is a hadith about the conditions under which the “last day” will come about, and how Muslims can bring about the “last day”: by killing Jews. The true believers of Hamas are busy doing it now.
In light of that, the Islamic State (ISIS) explains that Muslims’ struggle against Israel is eschatological, not political, although it acknowledges that analysts have generally missed this: “Most people have disregarded the Quranic characterization of the Jews and its aim. They have instead concerned themselves with a historical narrative of events, thereby deviating from the roots of the conflict.” These mistaken analysts, says ISIS, think that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict arose over “lands and possessions.” It asks: “Is there any pretext left on which someone can claim that the war with the Jews is not religious?”
This idea didn’t originate with ISIS. Many Muslim clerics have been saying it for years. According to The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process, Egyptian imam Muhammad Hussein Ya’qoub made the same point back in 2009 when he said: “If the Jews left Palestine to us, would we start loving them? Of course not. We will never love them. Absolutely not. The Jews are infidels—not because I say so, and not because they are killing Muslims, but because Allah said: ‘The Jews say that Uzair is the son of Allah, and the Christians say that Christ is the son of Allah. These are the words from their mouths. They imitate the sayings of the disbelievers before. May Allah fight them. How deluded they are.’ [Qur’an 9:30] It is Allah who said that they are infidels.”
Another Muslim cleric, Sheikh Said Al-Afani, contradicted the accepted wisdom in the West when he said: “Our hatred of them is purely on religious grounds, and not because of the pure, sacred land, which was blessed by Allah, or because of Gaza…not only because of Al-Aqsa and so on. We hate them, first and foremost, because of their enmity towards Allah, and because they slayed our prophets.”
Abdallah Jarbu, Hamas’ deputy minister of religious endowments, on Al-Aqsa TV on Feb. 28, 2010, condemned on Islamic grounds anyone who wants to negotiate with the Israelis: “I condemn whoever believes in normalizing relations with them, whoever supports sitting down with them, and whoever believes that they are human beings. They are not human beings. They are not people. They have no religion, no conscience, and no moral values.”
It is because of such views that Palestinian jihadis rape, torture, and murder Israeli civilians and then celebrate having done so. It is the resolute refusal of the Biden regime to acknowledge the Islamic aspect of the conflict that leads it to continue to prescribe the wrong solutions for that conflict, and to pressure Israel when it should be pressuring the Palestinians. Twenty-two years after 9/11, the jihadis’ best friends are in the White House.
Fritz the Cat says
Think of what has happened to Israel, and think again about our southern border.
We need our own Netanyahu. Trump 2024, if we still have a country.
johnhenry says
If we are thinking of leaders people can trust as moral, Israel doesn’t need Nutty Yahoo. Golda Meir (RIP) will do.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Nutty delusional yahoo is who we have now in Biden and his rubber room nursing staff.
Atikva says
Not from where she rests now. And you forget that even she was accused by the israelis to have let them down during the Yom Kippur war. Just because against her own instinct, she followed the advice of the military chiefs claiming that the muslims would not attack.
I wish we had our own Netanyahu in the White House.
TruthLaser says
Golda Meir know Israel was going to be attacked. She allowed it instead of preempting it so the world would see Israel did not start it. That delay increased the casualty rate. Acts of war have to be stopped not permitted. We see the world’s reaction to Israel being attacked and it is not based on Israel waiting.
jeremiah says
Trump doesn’t care and won’t reverse what happened at the border with Xhiden, He’s clueless about how to do it and why it needs to be done.. He only cares about himself and building his own cult. He’s almost as bad of an answer as xhiden. He got badly manipulated by the deep state. He’s not the answer. Stop looking at him as the answer, he does whatever the deep state manipulates him too do. He’s extremely stoopid,
Banastre Tarleton says
Not as STOOPID as a moron like you though
jeremiah says
The cult of Trump for Cuomo, for Fauci, for Disney, AB for child mutilation and rape, no prosecutions of Hilliary or other elites involved in the covid debacle. Turn tail and run on the J-6. Trump is all in so you guys must be too, you so rabidly follow him blindly. He’s flabbergasted that he could do anything to reverse immigration and you take his word for it.. The idiot appointments of people who will betray him. and us. No relevant actions to fix anything.
STOOOPID is not being able to see what’s right in front of you. He doesn’t care about you or any of these issues or he would have made changes that are lasting.
Semaphore says
Talk about TDR on steroids! Reflect for a moment, if you can, the three treaties Trump negotiated between Isreal and three of her adversaries. And don’t call the kettle black.
bo smith says
These trump supporters are basically liberals. They like a guy who added 7 trillion to the national debt, killed the economy with the cares act(the biggest spending bill in US history), played patty cake with Kim Jong Un, made fauci a celebrity and paid big pharma 14 billion for a “vaccine” that is now killing people.
But hey he freed a bunch of Taliban prisoners, so he clearly loved America!
Brian Ozzy says
You beat me to it. Perhaps he can’t help it though. His nonsense may be the result of a low IQ!
David Ray says
Unlike Traitor Joe who’s renowned for his dizzying intellect.
bo smith says
lol they both suck. Saying trump was terrible because of all his stupid policies such as The Cares Act, Operation Warpspeed, The First Step Act and his idiotic deal with the Taliban doesn’t mean you support Biden. I can hate the Democrats and not want a President who added 7 trillion to the debt and writes love letters to Kim Jong Un either.
trump probably wins the nominee at this point, but who knows? Maybe the old man will croak and we can get a real conservative in Desantis.
Snuffy Carter says
funny how Putin stayed home for 4 years while Trump was President; funny how America became energy independent while Trump was President, funny how Nato countries paid billions to America for military protection while Trump was President, and even funnier was how Xi paid billions to America for tariff fees while Trump was President. And for a real knee slapper, Haley has passed the bungler Desantis in the polls.
N G says
Trump attempted to complete the wall at our southern border. If he were still in the WH, that wall would still be under construction if not completed. So, your comment is patently false.
David Ray says
It worse than that, N.G.
Since contracts were still in effect, taxpayers had to spend a few million a day to contractors who couldn’t work on the wall any longer.
That doesn’t count all the material left on site to rust.
Shithead *Biden doesn’t squander his unearned money – just our hard earned money..
bo smith says
lol so you admit he failed in the 4 years he had. trump was and is a loser. I do hope you got your 48th booster though. trump didn’t give big pharma billions for you not to poison your body. You probably also have a fauci poster on your wall and love when trump teamed up with pelosi for the cares act that killed the economy.
Desantis 2024
Snuffy Carter says
inflation was 3% when Trump was President – I wish Trump could come back and “kill” the economy again. enjoy your 10% Bidenomic inflation while you can – the doofus will be gone soon.
Brian Ozzy says
Is your memory so bad that you have forgotten already that Trump was only President for a few weeks after the start of the scamdemic. That was a time before anyone knew what it was or how bad or how to fight it and before the lies and disinformation had a good foothold. Most of the scamdemic was under Joe and his crew 0f perverts and was handled with his usual ineptitude, stupidity and blatant untruths
Onzeur Trante says
That’s a paraphrase of comments made by Mark Esper, Sec. of Defense under Trump, on cable news last night: idiotic stuff from Esper and you.
David Ray says
(Nice catch! 👍🇺🇲)
bo smith says
lol so you admit trump hired losers. Funny how he is the greatest to cultists like you, but then people in his own administration were so terrible. He obviously sucked.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Cult builders are the communists of Chicago who selected the community organizer to be the leader of the Dem Party. They went on to Denver eventually to install cardboard columns to resemble an emperor of ancient Rome for the community organizer. Now they run cover for their current disaster, the sniffer Biden. Talk about cults. Damn few project as much as leftist wannabe thinkers.
RS says
Blue cities are overwhelmed with lawlessness, chaos, and crime now due to the Left’s policies. They did it to themselves. Now they want a reprieve.
Atikva says
You are full of it.
RS says
Talk about flawed judgment……go live in those cities if they are so great then and embrace the lawlessness and violence.
Vince says
The only clueless one, is you!
And your post proves it beyond any doubt.
Jeff Bargholz says
you’re a retard. Do the world a favor and commit suicide.
THX 1138 says
Netenyahu? Are you kidding me? Netenyahu has been an appeaser, concessionist, and compromiser with Hamas and the Palestinian Authority his whole career. He talks tough but his actions have been the actions of an appeaser.
“This is Netenyahu’s war. The blood here is on Netenyahu. This is his fault. His responsibility . His disaster. . . . Netenyahu has compromised, sold out, negotiated, refused to win, refused to engage in proper war, appeased Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, over, and over, and over again. Going back to the late 1990s. . . He had plenty of opportunity to go into Gaza and destroy them. . . He refused to do that. . . He negotiated with Hamas every time they took hostages and prisoners.” – Yaron Brook
“Breaking News — Israel Under Attack | Yaron Brook Show”
Intrepid says
I always knew what you truly are. So you finally jumped the shark. You have sided with the Muslim-loving Squad in blaming the Jews for the Hamas attack. Your true leftist colors are showing. You have sided with Code Pink and Answer and all of the other low rent Leftist groups celebrating this attack on Israel.
All of your flowery talk of altruism and your B.S. rational selfishness is simply a thin veneer for your outright Leftism and hatred of this country and western civilization. Your horrible philosophy of Objectivism is a recipe for societal failure.
Netanyahu has accomplished more in his life and more for Israel than you ever will in your pathetic life.
Rot in hell you disgusting P.O.S.
Atikva says
Shame on you for this nonsense.
Steve Chavez says
MUSLIM/IRANIAN SLEEPER CELLS IN USA waiting for orders to attack and will when, not if, Iran is attacked by Israel. Hopefully they don’t warn FJB of the attack because he’ll warn Iran through Obama and Valerie Jarrett, a Communist like her parents and an Iranian!
DON’T WORRY THOUGH because The White Supremacists are a bigger danger with resources ready for them.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
If the sleeper cells should have the coordinates of the community organizer and the grifter from Connecticut, it would be an ironic proof of karma.
RS says
The Chinese and all kinds of radicals and terrorists from every country, have come into America. Are our people next? President Trump was 100% right about whats coming across our borders.
Aaron Bennett says
The Real Cause of this….the real cause of this is 75 years of Israeli oppression and brutality and terrorism inflicted on the Palestinian people. Period. That is it.
dani says
what an ignorant, hateful useful idiot you are.
Steve says
Useful for what?
Jeff Bargholz says
Target practice?
johnhenry says
The towel heads were killing Jews long before the latter started returning the favour. Have you got any reliable scholastic research that says otherwise?
pinchas baram says
you are obviously a simpleminded assh*ole who is loud and cocksure that his dumb lie is absolutely true.
Banastre Tarleton says
Mo de Profit says
Baa baaa baa baa baa baa baaa give me my booster baa.
David Ray says
Actually it’s the funding of $6 billion (added to the $1.7 billion from B. Hussein) that the Enabler-in-Cheif gifted Iran that did it.
The $billions left behind in Afghanistan also helped, especially since Viktor Bout is free to help traffic in arms.
Our enemies popped champagne corks when Sleepy Joe took office for a reason.
Leftist enablers love our enemies more than they hate American patriots – period.
RS says
Israel’s enemies were supplied with billions in modern day equipment from the American government., left in Afghanistan, by the deep state regime that stole the election. Its plain as the nose on our faces.
Chris_Dee says
And the $60 billion in oil that Biden has allowed Iran to ship in violation of sanctions.
David Ray says
Excellent points by you & Dave Elstrom.
The grifting puppet choked off our oil revenue, yet removed the spigot from our enemies oil flow.
(FJB and the mail-in ballots he rode in on.)
David Elstrom says
Actually tens of billions, because Prez LLC and his regime have not been enforcing oil sale sanctions that are still law. This alone gave Iran something like $45 B to help fund their fellow sand vermin in Palestine.
TruthLaser says
Their wealth increased from $10 to $70 billion under PinocchiJoe.
Glenn says
NO such place as Palestine. NO such people as Palestinians. “Brutality, oppression and terrorism” Hmmmm I guess a moron such as yourself doesn’t know Israel supplies water, electricity and sewage means to the subhumans in Gaza. Jewish doctors in Israel regularly treat ranking terrorists from surrounding countries seeks medical help. Please stop embarrassing yourself
Mark Dunn says
Zechariah 12:3 I’m no Biblical scholar, but I see a pattern, the God haters have always hated, the God of Israel, who sent His Son to redeem men.
Glenn says
That’s what this is all about everything you see in the world is contrary to biblical scripture
Intrepid says
Go live in the Gaza Strip with the rest of the animals and ferals.
Atikva says
Well, what an array of trolls today, ready and eager to justify another shoah! Eat your heart (or whatever substitute is hiding in your chest) out, for Israel will win, recover and thrive again.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Wow, stupidity reins.
Israel has not oppressed anyone, not even Arabs in Israel. The oppression of the people called Palestinians comes from their own souls and from their selected leaders.
Either they wake up or they remain zombies and perish.
Barbarism is anti-civilizational and must be completely removed and destroyed. Whatever it takes to rid the planet of such atrocities via the monkey barbarians.
Intrepid says
I think the sheer number of downvotes you have accrued with this beyond tasteless and stupid comment shows us what kind of a truly despicable lowlife you have devolved into. Classic classless Jew hatred on display.
Atikva says
This is so stupid, so easily disproved that I doubt that the author of this garbage is ‘compos mentis’. The astonishing increase of the number of Arabs in Israel since 1948 is enough to squash your ridiculous affirmation according to which they have been decimated by the Israelis Jews. I seriously urge Mr. Bennett (if it really is his name, which I doubt very much) to go sit on a tack, it may help clear his head.. at least for a while.
Jeff Bargholz says
There’s no such thing as a Paleosimian. There’s never been a country of Palestine or even a Psuedostinian language. It’s all fake, just like you..
RS says
This is myth of stollen land is ….being used on college campuses and international and western media. God made several covenants with the Jewish people beginning with the Abrahamic Covenant in Genesis 13-17. They were given all the land from the Nile River to the Euphrates River and somewhat beyond. Truth is the Arabs posess more land and countries than Israel, but they aren’t satisfied until they push the Jews into the sea, they want ALL the land… The oppression of Palestinian people is by their own leaders who totally destroyed their freedoms!
Walter Sieruk says
Of course, creepy old Joe Biden is to a large part to blame for those massive murderous jihad terror attacks against the civilians of the State of Israel
Especially since Biden is always giving in to the demands of the dictator/President Rasis of that hostile and vicious anti-Israel tyrannical Islamic regime of Iran. As seen in that recent “prisoner swap” in which horrible Joe used that “swap” as an excuse to permit that Islamic tyranny horrendous to obtain six billion dollars .
For dospot Rasis and other in high power in .Islamic Iran do send funds and other weapons to Hamas.
Joe Biden is guilty is indirectly uphold and empowering that jihad terror/ murder entity Hamas.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
With his history, one cannot but help but wonder whether the Grifter took monies under the table from Iran. It is interesting how Obama and Biden were so open about supporting the rulers of Iran.
Eva says
Not indirectly, he knew exactly what that money would be used for.
Walter Sieruk says
This article that Robert Spencer had written ends with “the Taliban secured a substantial arsenal of U.S. weapons and equipment, including Black Hawk helicopters, after U.S. forces withdrew from Afghanistan in August 2021. The Israeli commander with whom Newsweek spoke said some of the U.S. small arms seized in Afghanistan have already been observed in the hands of Palestinian groups operating in the Gaza Strip….”
This means that the horrendous irreversible harm that that Joe Biden did in Afghanistan of withdrawing the US military forces from that land in the wrong way and wrong time most horrific in many ways.
One on them is that all thta high quality US military equipment , because of Biden is now in the hands of the Taliban . For the use those US equipment to further oppress and even murder a terrible number of Afghans.
Moving on from the direct harm the Biden did in Afghanistan , now the indirect ,insidious harm did which Hamas stated just this month . For Hamas may be using some of those weapons that Biden let the Taliban have in Afghanistan to murder the Israeli people in its jihad attacks into the State of Israel.
The many evil of Joe Biden do spread far and wide.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Now one might wonder whether the withdrawal was a stunning blunder or was there a reason behind it.
TruthLaser says
Aside from Biden being a fool in general, he specifically wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan by a specific date. That was to claim an accomplishment.
Una Salus says
You might as well ask the Israeli ravers for peace what they’ve learned.
Atikva says
Probably nothing – until the bombs fall in their own kitchens or swimming pools. They will continue dreaming their ridiculous dream, courtesy of the media servicing the islamo-leftist clique. Like us, who have forgotten already the lessons of WWII.
Mo de Profit says
This statement:
“We unequivocally condemn the attack of Hamas terrorists and the loss of life that has incurred.”
Will also convince the antisemites that the attack OF hamas was actually ON hamas.
That’s the work of a communications manager.
It’s deliberate and as we can all see from some of the above comments, the none thinking sheep will fall for it every single time.
Cat says
Wow! Did Islamic trolls discover this site overnight? Or just lefty idiots (redundant).? Interesting that bloody death of babies and old ladies & young soldiers brings out worms from the wood. Watch them wriggle and writhe celebrating death.
Then, step down.
Mo de Profit says
The UN pay their staff to do this stuff.
Atikva says
“Did Islamic trolls discover this site overnight? Or just lefty idiots” There is no difference, they are allies.
David Ray says
No surprise that the religion-of-peace is using the $6 billion that Grifter Joe gave them – just like they said they would.
Also no surprise that hostages are being taken. Some for human shields (instead of their own children for a change), and some for ransom so easily extorted from a weak & feckless Idiot-in-Cheif.
It took only 19 jihadists to inflict 9/11. How many more dedicated jihadists have walked right in, courtesy of this enabling administration? (I’m sure they’ve already tapped public assistance, just like the Tsarnaev brothers did.)
FJB and the mail-in ballots he rode in on.
Blackdog says
Why do so many US jews support the attacks on Israel?
Atikva says
Like too many of the rest of us, they were too weak to resist the unrelenting brainwashing inflicted by the islamo-leftists on the Western world since the end of WWII.
Eva says
Because they are traitors to their own people.
Atikva says
So are our own Americans islamo-leftists.
David Ray says
Many pride themselves on being atheistic leftists, owing their allegiance to their own bellies – not the United States or Israel.
Examples are too many to count. One jewess congresswoman supported low-life Ilhan Omar after one of her brazen antisemitic blurts.
maryanne t. says
Because they are leftists first, that is their religion- they are self-loathing Jews who will always vote for and support “progressive” Dems. It’s all Communism to me….
Annie45 says
In the past 75 years, the Arab Muslim nations have refused to take in
Palestinian refugees. This is especially egregious when one thinks of
mega-wealthy countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The
Palestinian leaders have left their own people in a state of abject
misery and all the Arab Muslim nations have been fine to go along
with it. How else could they have kept up the false narrative for so
long of: “Look how badly the Israeli Jews have treated the poor
Now that so much of the world has been propagandized to feel
sympathy for the ‘Palestinian cause’, the Arab Muslim countries may
well join Hamas in their quest for the total annihilation of Israel. When
the real reason is – as Robert Spencer rightfully points out – their
Islamic belief in Jew hatred and obliteration. As is evidenced also by
the Muslim genocide against Christians in Africa and the ongoing
Muslim domination of non-Muslim infidels throughout Europe. When
they are done with Israel, they will – now that the southern border has
let in whatever terrorist chooses to enter – turn their attention to
America where the policy towards that killer religion is “Islam is a
Religion of Peace”.
Steve Chavez says
IRAN’S OIL BLACKMAIL! Nothing is done to Iran due to their supply of oil and the possibility of Arab countries shutting off their pumps in support of Iran. So, they use their oil profits to fund terrorists with the ultimate goal of “wiping Israel off the map.” This includes THE GREAT SATAN! When, not if, they acquire, build, or buy some nukes, they will use them and nothing will be done about it. WHERE ARE THE WORLD’S ANTI-NUKE PROTESTERS? Here’s their chance to stop a country from building them since it’s impossible to convince the country to get rid of the ones they have? THEY SUPPORT THE MISSION THAT’S WHY!
(UAE siding with Israel. Cory Booker, a fake supporter of Israel hid in a bomb shelter, there for the Abraham Accords… WAIT… TRUMP’S? There to support or criticize/stab in the back? Booker at the Reparations Hearing: “Our Founding was rooted in White Supremacy.” He’s, millions, are going after our Founding Fathers, and their Documents, and yet, THEY TOOK AN OATH TO DEFEND THEIR DOCUMENTS? SHOULDN’T THEY BE ARRESTED FOR INSURRECTION AND SEDITION?)
Steve Chavez says
AND YET, with all the evidence of Democrats siding with, funding, terrorist groups, activist groups/fronts/BDS, attacks on Jews using the Knockout Game, assaults, hate crimes, AMERICAN JEWS STILL VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS with the Democrats being fake Jew supporters only for $$$!
Many of the loudest voices are JINOs. Jews in Name Only. Sorta like the Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Rev. Al Sharpton, FAKES!
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Your’s is an intriguing question, sir.
What hinders the NY Jews from seeing the light?
Of course, the same question may be asked of the voters of Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, LA, NY, Houston. Something about large cities wipes voters’ minds of reality.
Such utterly lack any hint of thinking ahead.
Matt C. says
“Something about large cities…” Yes. See Cain, Genesis ch. 4 and tower of Babel, Génesis ch. 11.
RS says
Psalm 83, Israel, see how your enemies grow. They want to destroy Israel, and they want to destroy America. The enemies of Israel will have a day of reckoning and those that perpetrtate these crimes are going to be under God’s wrath.
Matt C. says
Psalm 83 is a great eye opening chapter about Israel’s foes. However, that prophecy will come into play more, when the prophetic program resumes. We’re under the dispensation of the grace of God right now (Eph. 3:1-9). The prophetic program was paused after the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7. When he was stoned, Israel and the world was on the brink of Daniel’s 70th week (the “trib”). But God saved His bitterest enemy, Saul, and implemented this parenthetical period of amnesty.
RS says
God didn’t save Saul, Saul took his own life while fighting the Philistines because of the fierce fighting, and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Lord replaced him with King David! 1 Samuel 15 . The Lord rejects Saul as King. 1 Samuel 16:10. The Lord anoints David the youngest of the sons of Jesse. David is appointed King over Judah. 2 Samuel 2.
MattC. says
Saul of Tarsus, of the tribe of Benjamin, not King Saul. Saul became Paul, everyone’s apostle today. “For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office:” Rom. 11:13.
Pat Bridges says
Psalm 83 :: King James Version (KJV) God Implored to Confound His Enemies.
A Song or Psalm of Asaph.
1 Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. 2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. 3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. 4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. 5 For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee: 6 The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes; 7 Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; 8 Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah. 9 Do unto them as unto the Midianites; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Kison: 10 Which perished at Endor: they became as dung for the earth. 11 Make their nobles like Oreb, and like Zeeb: yea, all their princes as Zebah, and as Zalmunna: 12 Who said, Let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession. 13 O my God, make them like a wheel; as the stubble before the wind. 14 As the fire burneth a wood, and as the flame setteth the mountains on fire; 15 So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm. 16 Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek thy name, O LORD. 17 Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish: 18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.
RS says
This invasion, atrocities, and crimes against humanity, this anti-semetic war on Israel is the primer for another war thats coming. Over and over again in Ezekiel 38-39 its made clear that God is in charge to bring Israel’s enemies into the land where he will destroy their armies. He says, “I will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out.” Ezekiel 38;4
God is the one who is setting the stage for the armies that want to invade Israel. “I will bring you against My land. Ezekiel 38:16. “and I will turn you around, drive you on, take you up…and bring you aginst the mountains of Israel. They devise evil plans and God holds them responsible for it. Ezekiel 38:10. The point is that God is ultimately and finally in control. He makes sure the stage is set for His great prophetic production. No one else but God could have such power on this kind of a level.
Ezekiel 38. This is what the sovereign Lord says: I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Mmeshech and Tubal. “I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army. These armies against Israel will be led by Rosh from the far north that is Russia, possibly Central Aasia, Turkey, Iran, Libya, and possibly Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Ethiopia. They are in for a big surprise. This may not get printed, but its the truth of the bible.
Matt C. says
God is not manipulating nations, or maneuvering any for the time of His wrath. He isn’t doing that. God paused the prophetic program by the time He saved Saul of Tarsus in Acts 9. Since Paul, the Lord has been dispensing grace to this Christ rejecting world. “For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:” God has postponed His wrath, which was ready to be poured out upon the stoning of Stephen in Acts. The gospel is 1 Cor. 15:1-4. God, since Paul, is building the body of Christ for the purpose of repossessing the heaven’s. He will use Israel to repossess the earth. However, that purpose with Israel has been temporarily put on hold. That purpose is in abeyance until the conclusion of this dispensation of the grace of God. Men cannot make God do what He just is not doing.
hinckleybuzzard says
This began long ago. Just seven years after 9/11 Americans elected a guy named Hussein to the White House. He just dragged idiot Biden along for the ride.*
hinckleybuzzard says
Just seven years after 9/11 we elected a guy named Hussein to the White House. This began a long time ago.
Thomas Hulting says
WHY do you suppose Brandon Biden GAVE Iran, the CHIEF SPONSOR of TERRORISM, $$$6,OOO, OOO,OOO???,
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Reports now indicate the Grifter approved some $10billion previously. If true, the total now stands around $16billion. And, it is not even Christmas yet. Whoops, excuse me. They do not honor our religion. But then neither does our own gov.
Snuffy Carter says
Hunter: “but the cash back under the table will take care of the Biden family for the next 5 generations.”
Danusha Goska says
Thank God for Robert Spencer and for this outlet for letting the truth get out.
Capitalist-Dad says
After 50 plus years of serial terrorism it’s long past time to level Gaza and redevelop the area as Israel seacost. No tunnels, no terrorism, and no sand vermin that way. Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius..
RS says
Those tunnels allow the enemy to sneak around and invade and plunder the Homeland and the people. Same thing has happened to America’s open borders with thousands of militants coming in. What else do we need to hear, we’re deplorable, and we need to be de-programmed, we have fentanyl poisoning, covid, and harmful vaccines. Freedom, rights, the Constitution, and life is under assault.
Eva says
Old joe biden is directly responsible for the slaughter, rape, torture and kidnapping of Jews in Israel by the hamas terrorists. He knew where that money was going and what it would be used for.
He and his vile administration should be hanged for treason (against America) and war crimes against Israel and the Jewish people.
RS says
I can say with all certainty, man may be complacent about terrorism and atrocities against innocent people, but I know the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the all powerful God Elohim will not forget them as he prepares to deal with Israel’s enemies. People don’t understand the times of whats coming.
pfwag says
Islam is a Borg sex cult with psychotic hatred of Jews and Israel. Assimilate or die.
Atikva says
You can call it that, or a totalitarian ideology masquerading as a religion. But definitely NOT a religion. And Israel may be its great Satan – but don’t forget that America is its little Satan.
RS says
Gee, What could go wrong when this administration sends 50 billion to Iran, 6 billion went to Iran for ransom, 10 billion from Iraq to Iran too. All the money goes to the enemies of Israel and funds supplies to Hamas and Hezbollah. I understand the underground water pipes that supply water to Israelis were taken and used to make rockets.
The focus of the government was concentrated on climate change, open borders, Transgender studies,
attacks on citizens and deprograming them….not national security for nations. The US is on the verge of getting dragged into a massive ground war to further bring down our resources.
AmJohnny says
Wait….911 was an inside job where the Islamist where just hire to be the fall guys…any good physicist would know jet fuel does not bring down the entire foot print of all 9 world trade center building complex!!! AND start a globalist war on the middle east all for the sake of Israel and America. There are good Jew and Bad Jews and people need to be able to pars them out. As it stand the general public cannot call out any Jewish thing without be called antisemite. THAT”S BS
RS says
What these bozos, the enemies of Israel, don’t realize is that they will get everything done back to them that they did to Israel in time. I remember the Fukishema power plant and the earthquake that created a Tsunami that roared in and the Power plant had a melt down and nuclear disaster and flood. They were making the nuclear tie rods for Iran’s nuclear program.
ed says
The day Biden entered office the mullas CCP and the other worlds dictators probably broke the 200 year old champagne or equivalent
The next they started planning the attacks
Atikva says
Muslim are not supposed to drink alcohol. They are not supposed to live outside the oumah either – except to prepare the invasion and subjection of ‘infidels’ countries.
Semaphore says
I fear this comment will have me downvoted to the depths of Hell, but I must say it. From what I know about Israeli border security, it is state of the art and among the best in the world. So tight that a cat crossing over in the dark triggers the alarms. Yet the day after Sukkot, HUNDREDS of Palestinian soldiers cross and take Israeli defense forces by surprise, killing hundreds of them, killing hundreds of civilians, taking hundreds of hostages? Forgive my tedious conspiratorial thinking, but I can’t see this happening without deliberate planning and cooperation somewhere. With a border tighter than a virgin, hundreds of troops show up and there is NO RESPONSE??? My fear is that we are again being played for fools by TPTB. As in, well, Ukraine’s not paying as much anymore, so let’s cook up another war and make some money here. Please tell me I’m wrong.
George says
Remember Hamas had years to plan this and were directed from Tehran. The first thing they did was bomb the guard towers, murder the guards, and destroy all the surveillance systems. But this still doesn’t explain why it took so long for the military to get down there.
Solange Silverman says
As many times as we tell people this truth about Islam, they STILL do not hear it. They need to hear the truth from the same ones who are telling them the lies.
DC says
We can continue to tolerate the Obama/Biden/Soros axis of evil.
But then you’ll have to live with yourself when hundreds of people you know get killed.
DEMS will kill you……….but you won’t kill them.
Kasandra says
I would just submit that many in leadership positions in the West, and especially those of a Leftist bent, know nothing about Islam and do not recognize the existence of evil, even when it is right in their faces on high definition TV or in their physical presence.
Jan VI says
Muslim are not supposed to drink alcohol.
Many years ago I was having lunch with an Iranian. When I asked about that, he said “They do (drink alcohol.)
He was a bartender. I also knew one who worked in a liquor store.