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Joe Biden’s escalating dementia and the long media-political conspiracy to hide his senility from the public are the least of the Democrats’ current problems.
Biden’s track record as president may be more concerning than his cognitive decline. He has literally destroyed the U.S. border, deliberately allowing the entry of more than 10 million illegal aliens. His callous handlers’ agenda was to import abjectly poor constituencies in need of vast government services without regard for the current struggles of a battered American middle class and poor.
The widespread poverty of a vast new cohort of illegal immigrants could serve as indictments of a “racist,” “unequal,” and “unfair” America—as if the residents of East Palestine, Ohio or inner-city Chicago had anything to do with the centuries-long corruption and oppression of Mexico and Latin America that daily drives thousands of their own poorest citizens northwards to a society founded on very different ideas than those of their homelands.
Note that the left, neither in Mexico nor in America, never asks why millions of these impoverished people prefer to break into a supposedly racist America. Much less do they even distinguish those principles and values that once made America prosperous, free, and secure from their antitheses that have sadly made much of Latin America mostly poor, without freedom, and insecure.
Biden inherited near-zero real interest rates and inflation at 1.4 percent. Almost immediately, in nihilistic fashion, Biden did to a sound economy what he had done to a secure border. So, he recklessly printed money at a time of spiraling, quarantine-ending demand and supply chain disruption. Middle-class wages never caught up with Biden’s inflation, as prices for key staples are nearly 30 percent higher than when he took office.
The cost of servicing the ballooning national debt at high interest is now nearly $1 trillion per year. The world abroad is aflame, lit by Biden’s inexplicable withdrawal from Kabul, his mixed signals to Vladimir Putin on the eve of his invasion of Ukraine, his deliberate alienation of Israel, his appeasement of Iran and China, and his cuts in the defense budget, coupled with his woke war on mythical “racists” in the military.
Energy prices soared, even as Biden’s green agenda proved unworkable and prompted draining the strategic petroleum reserve and begging foreign oil despots before key elections. The “unifier” Biden by design needlessly alienated nearly half the country, and in his debate, he reiterated why Trump supporters do not deserve his concern. And more ominously and recently, Biden grossly told hundreds of his donors that “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye”—just days before the attempt on Trump’s life.
The greatest absurdity of the Biden White House is the gaslighting talk of Biden’s “achievements.” Biden’s actions over the last four years are not offsets for his senility that warrant his continuance in office, but again, sadly, they serve as force multipliers, furthering claims of his dementia and for his removal.
Joe Biden is not just non compos mentis and in a sane world, he would be subject to 25th Amendment removal. He also increasingly seems unpleasant and obnoxious, if not sometimes simply weird. To achieve momentary clarity, Biden either shouts at his audience or stoops over and whispers in an eerie fashion.
He insults reporters and his own staff. Every few sentences, without warning, he begins screaming. His face is fixed in a permanent, angry contortion. As a result, the public sees their president as an off-putting, angry old man—and in his selfish dotage, an increasingly unsympathetic one. Even after more than 40 months of media hagiography, Joe Biden still cannot poll over a 40 percent approval rating, given that his rudeness is fueled further by the day due to escalating mental confusion.
Biden is, to be candid, a serial prevaricator. It is not just his ad nauseam repetition of Trump’s supposed slurs—the Charlottesville “both sides” lie, the “suckers” lie, or the “bloodbath” lie. He continues to peddle absolute falsehoods like the mythical nine-percent inflation he inherited and Trump’s supposed intention to ban all abortions, or his whopper that after welcoming in 10 million illegal aliens, Biden would have had a closed, secure border if not for those selfish Republicans who, for some reason, did not trust his ridiculous eleventh-hour, election-timed immigration proposal.
When he hammers Trump as a “convicted felon,” Biden has no clue that a majority of Americans equate that charge with Biden’s own warped lawfare assault on ancient customs, as well as a reminder that his now closest advisor is likewise a “convicted felon.”
When Biden rants near daily about the rich “paying their fair share,” he reminds us that his son is also facing federal tax evasion charges for unreported foreign income in the millions of dollars and that as soon as Biden himself leaves office, as a recipient of the same foreign cash, he may find himself in the same legal jeopardy. So, to use a Bidenism, “how dare he” accuse affluent Americans of the very crimes that his own family is knee deep in?
Biden’s prefaces of “no lie,” “here’s the deal,” “no kidding,” and “no joke” are little more than tics that forewarn us of complete fabrications about to follow, from the ridiculous story of an uncle supposedly eaten by New Guinea cannibals to his supposed heroics during the Civil Rights movement and his near childhood adoption by various minority communities.
In this regard, senility served oddly as a crutch for Biden. In the past, he paid dearly for his plagiarism, cheating, racist rants, and prevarications, losing three presidential bids and earning a reputation as the empty-suit blowhard of the Senate. Now his press handlers conveniently chalk up his long-standing habitual untruth as momentary mental “confusion.”
Given all the above, remember that Biden was to be the “savior” of the Democratic Party. To this day, celebrities demanding his withdrawal from the race throw him the bone that “he saved the country by stopping Trump”—as if no wars, stability abroad, no inflation, low interest, and low energy costs were something to fear.
Yet Biden’s four years pale in comparison to what in 2016 might have been a Harris, Buttigieg, Warren, Booker, or Sanders candidacy or presidency. No wonder Democrats concluded that there were no viable alternatives to a cognitively challenged Biden, precisely because Biden was the only available fig leaf to the new Democratic Party and its neo-socialist agenda—that, if transparent, would have terrified the country that it was soon to nearly destroy.
Biden’s Democratic critics have it all wrong: removing Biden is wise and needed for the country’s sake, but it will not solve the growing public anger at the left. Without the veneer of even a tottering old Joe from Scranton, there will be no camouflage. And then, the true leftist agenda will be served raw to the American people—open borders, woke/DEI racial polarization, transgendered obsessions, inflation/stagflation, wars a plenty abroad, an inert Pentagon, unaffordable energy, partial-birth abortions, and crazy ideas like packing the court and making Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, states.
So, what is the Democratic strategy to win the 2024 election? Certainly, an “open” convention would not produce a moderate Democratic nominee or even a suitable replacement façade. There are no moderates in contention. If there were any hale candidates to offer cover, the party would be in permanent war with its shrill and angry woke base. Joe is the last of his generation to offer a credible front. There are no more Diane Feinsteins or Bill Clintons to package the hard-left agenda. If Harris cannot serve as Biden’s replacement, someone like her or further to the left would appear on spec.
The Democrats have no plans to run on their record. Their tripartite strategy is as simple as it is tired and worn. First, expect a third chapter to follow the 2016 Russian collusion caper and the 2020 laptop disinformation ruse—likely some October revelation from the administrative state’s “experts” and “authorities” that Trump is a criminal, a traitor, or a spy or plans a coup, to destroy NATO or nuke something. Perhaps there is another Access Hollywood tape, a porn star on ice, anything to avoid discussing the damage done since 2017.
Second, there is still a last gasp to a dying lawfare. Never underestimate the last-gasp judicial effort to inactivate, gag, bankrupt, or jail Trump, however counterproductive such attempts so far have proved.
Third, when all else fails, remember that in many of the swing states, 70 percent of the electorate will not be voting on Election Day and will not be presenting IDs. Millions of their ballots will be harvested or cured by third-party activists. Last time around, the leftist journalist Molly Ball bragged about their “cabal” and “conspiracy” of big money and big tech that had “saved” Americans from Trump.
Those post-election confessions were not just high-fiving but also a confident forewarning of what is to come.
that bidens rating is at 40% considering his incompetence is at an all time high is beyond incredulous . makes you wonder who does the polls . obviously no one that dwells in this universe . i guess the same crowd that has been covering for his abysmal political career all his life . anyone that does their homework on the empty husk called biden can soon come to the undeniable fact that he is a pathological liar, a plagiarist , all round nasty individual who often resorts to racist slurs and has contributed nothing of any value to america , and yet we still hear them mindlessly chant 4 more years .!! the fact checkers dont check on him because they cant afford that many people to keep up with his lies . but then when you have the MSM covering for you and sending everything down the rabbit hole you dont need to be checked .
John-good call! I was beginning to think that I was the only one to think that 40% favorable polls are
bullshitl. The Dems will keep up this falsehood through the election and when Biden wins, the Dems will
say see the ” polls were right”. After, as Mr Hanson sez, after they stuff the ballot boxes and get their 10
million illegals to vote!
I don’t think the polls are b.s. I think we have vast swaths of the population that are stupid, thoroughly propagandized, and gullible.
I often wonder about those polls too (in Canada as in the US). It is hard to imagine that 40% of American voters STILL approve of Biden’s performance! It’s been one disaster after another, and I cannot name a single great thing that he did for his country.
The media’s 40% popularity figure is employed to pretend the vote is that close, so they can once again steal the presidency. Actual number is probably in the neighborhood of 20-30%, but even that seems overly generous, considering Bidumb’s record.
🎶 …nearer my God to thee ~
🎶 …nearer my God to thee … ~
Sadly, at least one of the three programs will work.
Observe the principle of reaping and sowing as it applies to the Democratic Party. They have sowed lies, deception, division, perversion and treason. What did they anticipate the outcome to be? They are falling apart and now turning on each other with the same disrespect that they have sown.
The undignified leaders have exposed the insanity of their Trump Derangement Syndrome. They have exchanged reason for irrationality. They hate Trump but cannot justify why. Reasonable people wonder why didn’t they anticipate the predictable outcome.
A less known universal principle is that evil always attacks other forms of evil. Arrogant people turn against other arrogant people because neither is self sustaining. It’s not the Democrats policies that will destroy them, they have put up a facade of tolerance because it was convenient and self serving. What is destroying them is the vulnerability that all egocentric people possess, reality.
The Dems have painted themselves in a corner by the same self serving arrogance. The upcoming Democratic Convention will be the most divisive in history. All of their dirty laundry will be exposed and it could be the end of the charade of integrity. Get your popcorn ready.
Illegal aliens are being given voter registrations and encouraged to vote. Their numbers are always seriously and intentionally understated. The Center for Immigration Studies estimated the foreign born population was at 15% in October 2023. We have added many millions since that time.
Who can deny we are being destroyed and replaced?
Only American Citizens and t hose who came here Legally should be allowed to vote and giving illegal aliens the right to vote should be Treason and for those who do so and prison as well
NO!!! No orisn.. WHO has topay fr that?
Send them bac to frim where they came. Free one way tickets.. after implanting a radio chip that will be readable if they ever ry and enter again.
Of course, I think its fair and rational to cinsider our past history with respect to these hordes of invaders. going back to events like the mysterious sining of a ship in Havana Harbour about 140 years ago, and the resultant “war” that spread round most of the world, through out incessant meddling pillaging and raping of nearly all of Latin aAmerica for well above an hndred years.. OUR operaives have deeply meddled, during my short lifettime, in Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Hinduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Brasil, Paraguay, argenita, Chile, … meddling, overthrowing, corrupting coopting he legitimatte governments of those nations, every one of them, setting up multigenerational dictatorships, placing our operatives in charge, taking down regimes we “don’t like”, etc… no winder their separate economies are disasters. WE have meddled with and desroyed them. It is the very self-same penchan for meddling in the affairs of other nations and peoples that drove the Brits to attemt to maintain cinrol over these new colonies this side the Puddle back in the ate 1600’s and through the 170’s.. the very yoke WE threw off , sarging wuth that little erfuffle at Lexingtin on 19 April 1775. we have been inflicing upin a least half the world since the early 1800’s. WHY dont we just hunkr down and mke ourOWN country great? Let the oterh natons find their own path. They neiterh eed nor want OUR meddlig, whcih has been exensive in nearly every nation on the planet?
Just a few simple questions to ponder……
“But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power…For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.” -2 Timothy 3:1–7
I pray often for our country, that we may, as a whole, recognize the error of our ways and turn our hearts back to the Lord to heal and restore our land. I know many of you pray the same, also. But like God’s harsh, yet necessary and truthful words spoken to the prophet Jeremiah before He sent His chosen people into exile, “As for you, do not pray for this people, or lift up a cry or prayer for them, and do not intercede with me, for I will not hear you.” And, “So you shall speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you. You shall call to them, but they will not answer you…’This is the nation that did not obey the voice of the Lord their God, and did not accept discipline; truth has perished; it is cut off from their lips.'” (Jeremiah 7:16 and 27–28).
Sadly, as much as I pray for our nation, I think the Lord has given us over to His abandonment wrath; in other words, as a nation, we are getting what we deserve. We have been given over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1:28) and truth has perished in our homes, schools, government, and streets. Though there is nothing wrong with praying for restoration of our nation, I ask everyone to please consider this: If God does not restore our nation, are you prepared?
These verses you cute were addressed specifically to the nation of Israel at that time… the nation whim god had favoured and protect, but who rejected Him y killing His Son. For that perfidy the nation of Israel was fully and finally destroyed…precisely as Jesus had predicted.
But the heart, that of self-serving and rejecting of the God who made us and preserves us, is clear. As He promised and predicted, the naton of Israel of that day wass utterly and completely destroyed. It is no more. The present nation bearing that borrowed name still does ot honour the God of the Universe.
No ntion that refuses to honour and obey the God of he niverse will prosper. WE must return to Him, hinour Him, seek to d HIS will. Then we will prosper and be at peace. Not until then.
Another great article by America’s sage.
Don’t forget the Project 2025 scam. Democrats know few have read the massive document, and therefore knows it tinkers around the edges of the regulatory bureaucracy—making it more effective rather than destroying it as the unconstitutional delegation of Congress’ lawmaking power it is. If these tens of thousands of cancerous commissars continue to metastasize, there will never again be government by the people.