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President Joe Biden, the Biden grifting conglomerate, the Department of Justice, and the FBI under its fourth consecutive weaponized director, are in danger of subverting the American system of law.
They are in various ways undermining the tradition of self-reported income tax computation and voluntary compliance.
Our tax institutions, of course, are based on the real deterrence of a disinterested, uncompromised Internal Revenue Service. Without it, the income revenues of the United States are existentially threatened.
So far, any negative reputation of the IRS has rested with natural complaints that it is too zealous in hounding out American taxpayers in all walks of life. Or citizens often object that the IRS must enforce a tax code that is innately unfair.
But not until now has the IRS itself ever been under a shadow of such corruption.
Has it been in the past ever found to have applied so blatantly and deliberately one standard of tax enforcement to elites and quite another to everyday Americans?
Again, if that charge of unequal treatment in tax compliance were to prove true, then Humpy-Dumpty like, the entire American system of revenue collection would shatter.
In other words, millions of Americans might shrug, “If Joe Biden, President of the United States and his criminally minded son, can get away with avoiding millions of dollars in taxes, then should not I, a nobody, at least have the right to avoid hundreds of dollars in taxes?”
So the Bidens, along with Attorney General Merrick Garland and the FBI, are treading on dangerous ground in imperiling a hallowed American tradition — one vital to the very governance and operation of the United States.
The current president of the United States, despite his monotonous calls for the well-off to “pay their fair share,” has likely deliberately connived to avoid taxes on sizable amounts of unreported taxable foreign income.
In the case of his son, “likely” is an unneeded adverb.
By Hunter Biden’s recent own admissions and corroborating evidence, he seems not only to have schemed to hide millions of dollars in foreign shake-down profiteering, but to have set up all sorts of paywalls, firewalls, and phony “loans” to ensure auditors would take years to unravel his illegal schemes — until well after the expiration of the statute of limitations. And his criminality succeeded so well that he has permanently gotten off not paying thousands of dollars in overdue taxes.
President Joe Biden has serially lied that he did not know anything of his son’s business dealings.
That assertion is contrary to photographic evidence of him with Hunter Biden’s business associates, sworn statements from at least one of Hunter Biden’s former business partners, clear evidence from Hunter’s own laptop, and now recent disclosures from FBI documents and whistleblower testimonies. And yet the president continues to lie, and the media continues to shrug that dads often do such things.
It is almost beyond belief, but increasingly likely, that Hunter Biden in the past conducted his illicit business over the phone in the presence, and with the complicity, of the current president himself. And the full trove of evidence is still trickling in.
This sordid scenario is part of the larger Biden criminal landscape. Joe and Hunter may well have received $10 million from Chinese consortia for doing nothing other than monetizing Joe Biden’s vice-presidency and his apparent then trajectory to the presidency.
There is no longer any doubt that Hunter Biden received fabulous amounts of money from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. That lucre was again based on nothing other than the willingness of his own father, now the current president, to be directed to where and how to employ his own purchased influence.
Accordingly, Joe Biden is on record boasting of his own power to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor — through personal threats of withholding congressional approved U.S. foreign aid to Ukraine.
Biden was furious that Ukrainian auditors were probing too deeply into matters that now are increasingly clear to have been central to his own family’s nefarious influence peddling.
Note well — the U.S. House of Representatives impeached a former president on two grounds: one, an allegation that former President Donald Trump used his office to threaten to delay (not to cancel) Ukrainian military aid; and, two, that Trump did so to harm a potential political rival in the next election.
Joe Biden has now trumped Trump on both counts.
One, he is involved in criminal enterprises with his entire family, whose shake-down payouts from Ukrainian moneyed interests depended on precisely the current president’s past willingness to use his then vice-presidential office to strong-arm Ukrainian officials.
Two, Biden did not so much just seek to uncover wrongdoing by his likely presidential rival, as have him indicted by his own justice department for alleged violations of presidential records statutes.
Yet unauthorized removal of classified government records is a crime that Biden himself by his own admission also has committed — and for far longer a time, and perhaps involving far greater volumes of archival material.
Critics of the Bidens have long been puzzled about the opulent spending habits and costly acquisitions of Joe and Jill Biden, Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, and other lesser family satellites on the clan’s dole.
Such wonderment about the abyss between lifestyles led and taxes reported apparently reached the highest echelons of the IRS. Its special investigating teams recommended numerous felony indictments of Hunter Biden for conspiratorial tax fraud. It requested in vain to extend their investigations to Joe Biden himself.
We now also have good reason to believe that Biden’s Attorney General Garland, both himself and through his subordinates, used their powers unlawfully to sidetrack Justice Department attorneys from legitimately and fully investigating Joe Biden, and/or to delay and obfuscate the full prosecution of Hunter Biden.
The result is that Hunter Biden successfully used his family influence to escape taxes on hundreds of thousands of dollars of disguised income through manipulating statute-of-limitations laws.
For years, he has also escaped paying taxes, by phony claims of loans, on other known millions of dollars in income that were still likely only a portion of all his foreign quid-pro-quo revenue schemes.
Note, however, the greatest damage the Bidens have done to this nation.
Joe Biden’s own past lucrative financial dealings with suspect Chinese interests, with connections to the ruling Chinese communist party, cast a shadow over current American foreign policy itself.
The American people are bewildered over why the Biden administration is appeasing the Chinese government. It keeps insisting, contrary to evidence, that bilateral relations are in great shape — after successful and unapologetic Chinese overt espionage efforts to send a spy balloon across sensitive areas of the United States.
China has defiantly stonewalled any request to explain how and why a porous Chinese virology lab incompetently let escape a gain-of-function virus, a virtual bioweapon, that killed over a million Americans and sickened over 300 million.
Its jets now play chicken with our own in the skies above the South China Sea. And its ships do the same with our vessels in the same environs.
It threatens to escalate to nuclear weapons if the United States should protect its de facto ally Taiwan from envisioned Chinese aggression.
All the above is in addition to years of Chinese copyright infringement, patent violations, manipulation of Chinese currency, trade dumping, and systematic espionage operations throughout sensitive areas of the U.S. military and general economy.
Again, Biden’s response is increasingly to downplay these mounting aggressions in direct proportion to their increased frequency.
The “why” of that bizarre exculpation raises the question of how exactly would it be possible so dramatically to influence, or “get to” a U.S. president. The answer may be buried in thousands of suppressed government documents and the data of now canceled investigations.
Note again: America in vain recently spent $40 million and 22-months on a special prosecutor to pursue, on no evidence (but relying on plenty of disinformation, fraud, and criminality) the smear that Trump was a Russian puppet, and his (demonstrably tough) treatment of the Russians was supposed proof of his collusion with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In sum, every American now knows that Trump would have gone to prison for several years for even attempting, much less getting away with, the fraudulent tax avoidance schemes of Hunter Biden, who likely will never spend a single day in jail.
The IRS does not give passes for divots. The law treats the attempt or preempted scheme to violate it, almost as severely as the actuality of successfully breaking tax laws.
Again, all this will not, cannot, must not stand.
We can no longer have a United States if its president almost weekly demonstrably lies with impunity about his relationships with the Biden family’s nefarious foreign business interests.
You can no longer have an American nation, if the son of the president of the United States successfully connives to rake in millions for his extended family by selling his father’s influence to foreign governments — a gambit that may currently affect the foreign policy of the United States. Adding insult to injury, Hunter Biden is now a White House fixture, as if the closer he clings to the nexus of American power and influence, the more likely he will continue to be exempted from American law.
There is no such thing as the America we once knew if the Bidens and their surrogates with impunity used the levers of the FBI and the Department of Justice to cover up, and escape prosecution of, crimes that would otherwise have sent any citizen under such liability to prison for several years.
This unfolding Biden melodrama has the potential to destroy the current presidency.
It will tarnish for generations the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the IRS.
And yet it will not die because the U.S. itself will not die, and so the scandal eventually will convict Joe, Hunter, and Jim Biden of serious felonies.
Finally, unless radical changes occur, the unapologetic Biden nefariousness will discredit permanently an obsequious and biased media that knowingly chose not to report on what they equally knew were historic transgressions against their United States.
Hundreds of millions of Americans will die as a result of Bidens. the Democrats, & the the media’s treachery, lies, & corruption
I seriously doubt the Chinks would start a nuclear war but you never know. They’re extremely over confidant, especially with Beijing Biden in their pocket.
my wife is chinese but not a member of the chinese communist party.
racists like you should be nuked instead.
Fuck you. My wife is ethnic Chinese too but not a ching chong chink like the CCP government monsters in China.
You left-wing twats who always whine about racism need to shut the fuck up and stop annoying the overwhelming majority of normal people.
You say your wife isn’t a member of the CCP? So what’s your problem, asshole? I didn’t insult ethnic Chinese people in general, only the CCP. Work on your English comprehension skills, you dumbfuck. I really hate stupid dipshits like you. Go march in a protest or post a retarded video on Youtube, you scumbag.
Language, language, please.
Yes, I’ve talked to many Chinese people who are honest about their feelings. They don’t like living under the CCP and their totalitarian government. Millions of Chinese are not Communists.
Does her runway run East-west, or North-South ?
I think it slants.
There is a difference between being Chinese and being a loyal Stalinist. I believe the readers know what you are.
Yeah, a guy who hates the CCP but MARRIED AN ETNHNIC CHINESE WOMAN. And she has a big bust and butt. You probably believe the racist fables that’ they’re flat in those areas.
Biden, evil Democrats in control with the worthless Republicans as enablers. This is what God’s judgment on the evil empire looks like and its going to get much worse.
Psalm 9:17 – Job 12:23
So many were deceived into BELIEVING that God would make Sodom and Gomorrah USA GREAT AGAIN. Just the opposite, He picked the Creep Joe to bring it down to hell.
How long is Jill going to be able to continue this hideous charade? I mean Joe just reads the scripts they hand him because they pay him and provide the ice cream. I predict Jill is gonna break down before long.
That prostitute loves being the fake First Lady. She loves it so much she uses her demented husband as a prop. She thinks she’s a celebrity. Did you see that ridiculous dance review she was in? She’s shameless and has no honor. She’ll never give up the charade.
Pretty good writing for a farmer.
Weren’t George Washington and Thomas Jefferson farmers?
Technically, they were planters. Those engaged in farming in the sense of getting their hands dirty were the yeomen. Jefferson was essentially the champion of the yeoman class. He spoke for them in his political career, and they all aspired to be like him – a planter.
Planter, farmer, WTF is the difference? Somebody has to be in charge, even if he doesn’t get his hands dirty.
I understand the distinction you drew and you’re right, though.
Good enough for me.
In the same way Edison was a mechanic.
Edison was an excellent administrator. He brought the best out of his employees, although he tended to take credit for their accomplishments.
Professor Hanson has probably forgot more than you I will ever know. To me your comment is disrespectful.
He was probably joking but I don’t know.
My recommendation for any person within the Biden circle who desires a lightened sentence is to come clean immediately and offer to assist in the upcoming prosecutions.
I don’t think those scumbags take good advice.
Not me. No deals when it comes to espionage and treason. They need to be hanged in the public square.
And shot in their dicks and cunnies.
The rule of law and election integrity are fatally holed, and it’s getting worse, not better
There is ZERO chance of the radical DEMS not rigging the 2024 elections , and to think otherwise is to be in fatal denial
The USA is in a sinister race between going bankrupt and provoking the Russians into WW3 ; maybe both will happen
The formerly great USA has became a parody of the final decade of the Soviet Union with the worthless MSM becoming a version of ”Tass” and the DOJ, FBI a lightweight version of the KGB . And like the former USSR we are living in a blizzard of lies and expected to act out a charade of believing what is blatantly untrue to actually be true ; in short, it’s an ”Alice in wonderland” type world with everything inverted
The best case scenario to avoid a bloody civil war is for the USA to collapse into bankruptcy like the Soviets did from 1989-91 and the American Red States to secede like the Soviet Republics did
There’s not a single reason for concern.
They’ve found a distraction that cannot be ignored.
Nuclear World War Three.
Genius. Probably has a global pandemic, on the back burner, for a belt plus suspenders approach. Pure genius. The man’s a pro.
I think you may be right. Things are already very bad and I’m sure they’re going to get worse. Trump says he’s made it harder for the Dirtbagocrats to cheat in the next election but I don’t see any evidence of that. If their cheating gets Greasehead Newscum in office, that incompetent puke will turn the whole country into the disaster that CA is, and we’er in terrible shape already.
The key to unraveling this whole mess is to eliminate mail-in ballot fraud. How? Master computer geek Jay Valentine answers that very question!
Bless you.
I’m a very old man and was unable to create a hyperlink in the o/s of this tablet, my only internet access.
Jay seems to feel the big vulnerabilities are postal balloting in conjunction with serruptitious manipulation of voter lists.
Those constant voter registration drives to “alleve disenfranisement”, constitute a valuable asset: ballot identities that can outlive their biological namesakes by centuries.
Will things be different enough for 2024?
Were there not twenty-nine million more presidential ballots recorded 2020, than 2016? Those ballots were generated in a phenomenon unrelated to political enthusiasm. It was something else.
Eighty-one million votes, my ass.
Hey Sid you can access the internet on your cell phone, too.
81 million votes my ass, indeed.
“And yet it will not die because the U.S. itself will not die, and so the scandal eventually will convict Joe, Hunter, and Jim Biden of serious felonies.”
Dr. Hanson: I have the utmost respect and admiration for you. While your faith in the American system and the pendulum of justice is also admirable, you must recognize that the American system no longer exists and so the idea that this horrid family and everyone and everything that made it possible for them to be placed at the top of the heap is ridiculous.
No way that they will ever face real justice. Not if the current system remains intact.
What is being revealed is such that partisanship in the Senate may no longer be an obstacle to conviction and removal.
Biden is going toxic. He’s leukemia. The country needs chemotherapy.
Let’s hope so. It’s obvious that the Dirtbagocrat party doesn’t want him as President and sure doesn’t want him to be the candidate in 2024, assuming he’s still alive to run. Alzheimer’s is always fatal and it’s progressive.
The S.S. is signaling that they’ll never be able to find out who brought in the dime-bags.
What that means is they asked for any volunteers to take the fall for Hunter. No one raised their hand, so that only left the S.S. with the “unsolved mystery” option.
This is another among many cover ups.
My 1st clue that the drugs were Hunter’s, was that Hunter was just there and Hunter is the same fool who forgets stuff.
My 2nd clue was the obfuscation & changing stories. The dumbbitch press secretary has her hands full.
My 3rd clue was that cameras are everywhere. They knew the moment they checked the footage.
That’s all true and there are certainly fingerprints on the baggy. The SS knows damned well who left it there and yes, they’re protecting that person with a cover-up. Only family members and cabinet members are supposed to get in the White House without being searched but something tells me Alzheimer Joe’s handlers are untouchable, too.
Had that dime-bag been found in the Rotunda after Jan 6th, the SS & FBI would’ve moved heaven & earth to find the guilty party.
But using Jan 6th is a bad analogy, as it was a set-up. (They would’ve, in that case, used the dime-bag as a prop to further accuse patriots after wiping Hunter’s prints off.)
“So far, any negative reputation of the IRS has rested with natural complaints that it is too zealous in hounding out American taxpayers in all walks of life. Or citizens often object that the IRS must enforce a tax code that is innately unfair.
But not until now has the IRS itself ever been under a shadow of such corruption.
Has it been in the past ever found to have applied so blatantly and deliberately one standard of tax enforcement to elites and quite another to everyday Americans?”
Mr. Hanson, where have you been? DId you completely forget about the Lois Lerner debacle, where Obama appointees in the IRS weaponized the IRS to persecute Tea Party patriots, conservatives and Christians by denying them the ability to incorporate non profit organizations? A crime for which Ms. Lerner suffered absolutely no negative consequences I might add. There were no changes made in the IRS in the wake of that congressional investigation, no charges filed, Ms. Lerner was even promoted I think. And the organization was left to fester and rot with the marxist Obama appointees running the clown show. Nothing was done to clean anything up, and so did anyone expect things would just improve on their own with America hating marxist criminals at the helm?
And Smith, the prosecutor persecutor of President Trump was in charge of this IRS Lerner crime spree against innocent patriotic citizens, foreshadowing the mistreatment and rights violations of the political prisoners of today.
I did not know that. Thanks for the heads-up 👍
2013, TRUMP was not in office. I am sick of every ill of the country being blamed on TRUMP. Maybe he was thinking of running, does that count???
Obama was President, NOT TRUMP (Is there anything you can’t blame on TRUMP?) Lois was a Obama trainee in deception.
Apparently, not a single Democrat in Washington or in the media anywhere have a scintilla of morals or integrity. The Biden’s grift has been obvious and well-known for decades. It wasn’t for nothing that he was known as “the Senator from MBNA” decades ago. Like Burisma, MBNA even hired Hunter to an executive position as part of the deal. Joe and his family have been transparently and obviousl corrupt and they all just avert their eyes, ignore it, cover for it, and propel this odious person to the Presidency. No morals or integrity whatsoever. Not one even says the evidence is everywhere and an actual independent prosecutor must be appointed. Not one. NOT A SINGLE ONE.
Simple solution. Implement a flat 10-15% tax on all income, regardless of source (wages, tips, capital gains, commissions, gambling winnings, etc.). Everybody pays. No deductions. No loopholes. No exceptions.
At the same time, wind down the IRS by 10% per year for 10 years, leaving only enough bureaucrats to process payments and report the income. As a reward for a lifetime of work and to encourage saving for one’s own retirement, the tax rate could be cut in half for those over the age of 70ish. I would also end all pension plans (unfunded pensions will eventually bankrupt many states and local governments), converting them to defined contribution plans like most of the private sector lives with today.
Sweden (that place Bernie Sanders lauds as an example of socialist bliss) has a PRIVATIZED social security system.
In the past, Bernie Shithead has used Venezuela as his shining example of socialism, but now finds it embarrassing.
Venezuela is embarrassing for him because it IS a perfect example of socialism.
Well folks-this story above has been going on for at least ten years. Obama was president and he was oblivious
that Biden was doing these things? Yeah right.! Our leaders are just now uncovering, slowly, all this evidence,Yeah
right! Maybe I’m wrong, but isn’t it the number one job of the president to protect his citizens? Open borders,
colluding with countries that want to destroy America. Aren’t these at least impeachable?
My bet is that Obama is the “Big Guy”!!!
I too am hopeful that it’s not too late to cut out the inexcusable and long standing corruption in the Biden crime family. Unfortunately there is indicatation of thoroughgoing compromise and rot in highest levels of the administrative state.
The odds are against the American people, that’s for sure. More so than at any time in US history, if you ask me. Every government agency is fully weaponized against us (I’m the first person to use that term) and they weren’t exactly benign before Alzheimer Joe was installed as the meat puppet Resident of the United States.
And we continue to take it up the ass. Our forefathers went to war with the mightiest empire on Earth at the time for far less. America has degenerated into a nation of self serving cowards. There aren’t enough of us who are willing to fight for our nation to make a difference, There just aren’t. Hell, we can’t even write a comment on a website or social media site without the FBI/KGB crawling up our asses and ridiculously branding us as domestic terrorists. We’re screwed. The forces of totalitarian corruption are stronger than ever. It looks like the despots have won.
We have the very best President China’s money can buy.
I’m surprised this illegal administration hasn’t forced the National Treasury to adopt the yuan as our national currency.
Beijing Biden’s head is so far up Xi Ping Pong’s ass that he can taste the rice Xi had for dinner.
Not new.
Does the name Lois Lerner ring a bell.
The entire agency is a blight on the American landscape.
Who do you think you’re kidding? The IRS has always been corrupt because its mission is corrupt. Its mission is to confiscate the hard earned wealth of Americans and leave them impoverished, just as it was in the days of King George.. The agents themselves have been telling us for at least 50 years that they are not concerned with legality or morality, but collectibility. IRS headquarters is still in London England (look it up), and all 12 Federal Reserve branches of the Bank of England in the United States are here to collect revenue for the crown, just like the original 13 colonies..
IRS headquarters is located in the Washington District of Corruption sewer.
When will Biden going to send his Storm Troopers to our homes to confiscate(Steal)all our Firearms like all tyrants do?
First chance they get. Let’s hope they don’t get the chance.
That will cost them … dearly.
Yes, there are more guns in private ownership than people, and that doesn’t count local police, who won’t bow to totalitarian government forces. They’re with us because they are us.
;You think they’d stop at just firearms? Why wouldn’t they can fully loot your home? When they accuse you they can bankrupt you. Tyranny is not that selective.
Why does the IRS need 87,000 more agents with automatic weapons?
“Stick’em up” isn’t as intimidating coming from a guy holding a pencil.
I would assess that biden and his family have successfully staged a coup. Our Republic with our democratic Constitution has been rendered almost null and void. Everything biden gets from here on out will be in the form of EOs’. The democrats and biden,s MSM and criminalized whole DOJ department are at his beckoned call.
What I mean by this is the whole of government is controlled, not by our Congress and Senate. biden calls the shots! That is why he is playing our Congress. He is a rogue president running amuck! As long as he rules, we are under a socialist government. The only ones who are going to be held accountable for his crimes are the innocent citizens who still hang on to the Constitution and rule of legal law.
There was a coup, but Biden didn’t stage it. BO and James Comey staged the coup in February, 2009.
True but I thinks you mean Alzheimer Joe’s secret handlers. That tard is a human vegetable.
Faith in US Institutions Reaches Record Low
Ben Wilson
July 6, 2023
Americans’ trust in major U.S. institutions, including the presidency and Congress, is at an all-time low since at least 1979, according to polling from Gallup.
New data from Gallup show just 26 percent of Americans on average have confidence in the country’s major institutions. The figure represents a 10 percentage point decrease from 2020, and the lowest point since Gallup first asked respondents about the institutions in 1979. Americans’ confidence in the presidency is at 26 percent, and just 8 percent expressed confidence in Congress.
Biden’s America: Confidence in Major U.S. Institutions Slumps to All-Time Low
Is America still blossoming as the land of the free and home of the brave under President Joe Biden? A majority of voters think not.
A plunge in faith in U.S. societal institutions that once defined the nation started last year and has continued, Gallup revealed Thursday, showing a near record number of voters look at their country today and despair at what they see.
“The wicked shall be turned into Hell, and all the nations that forget GOD”. Psalm 9;17
If she really loved her husband, she wouldn’t have let him run in the first place to be used as their ridiculous puppet while the main evil are the ones behind him pulling the strings. The Biden’s are just along for the ride so they can get rich. Their main crime is their greed for money.
That’s 100% true. “Dr” Jill is a manipulative cunt and is in it for fame and fortune. Grifts for money is one of the few things Pedo Joe still comprehends in the throes of his dementia besides pedophilia.
I’d say George Soros is a much bigger threat.
Soros is a bigger threat. For one thing, his new partner is Jared Kushner. I now have a list of 3 possible antichrists: Kushner, Mohammed bin Salman, and Alex Soros. I’m leaning heavily towards Salman. Have you heard of NEOM?
AntiChrist will come from the East.
A new appropriate title for that horrible pseudo US “president” would now be “Joe Biden the tyrannical and dangerous.”
Furthermore, if Joe Biden be best compared to Adolf Hitler or Vladimir Lenin. or ,Mao Zedong whichever villain best describes him, Biden is vicious and menacing .
Likewise, it should be remembered that before Joe Biden had entered the White House masquerading as a real genuine US President he had said that any “President who gets things done by executive orders and not popular consensus is a dictator.”
Now that Biden is sitting in the Presidential Office he has issued more executive orders than and US President in The history of the United States, even more than Obama.
Therefore by his own words, dictator and tyrant Joe Biden, truly, is.
George Washington had, very wisely, declared, “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led like sheep to the slaughter.”
“If Joe Biden, President of the United States and his criminally minded son, can get away with avoiding millions of dollars in taxes, then should not I, a nobody, at least have the right to avoid hundreds of dollars in taxes?”
Anyone thinking of trying to do so should not go down this path. If you do, you will find that “voluntary compliance” is anything but voluntary. The tax laws are for us, not them.
Just today 7/8 /23, I remembered that yesterday was that 18 anniversary of those murderous jihad train bombings in that London train station that killed 52 people and injured many more on July 7 ,2005.
So put on a tee- shirt that had the words Printed on It “Islam is a religion of pieces “ I then when to the public library in my hometown waring that shirt , then sat down to keyboard on the computer.
Then to of the librarians, together approached me and told me that my shirt in “inappropriate” that then they told men change or cover my shirt or leave the library.
In response to their demand, I informed my shirt in only a mirror reflection of that deadly Islamic jihadist train bombing which occur on 7/7/05.
The libertarians refused to listen to reason and the logic of that truth and repeated their demand. It’s amazingly terrible how much influence the politically ideology has infected American society , especially when come to “Muslim sensitivities” about revealing an ugly reflection about the reality of their religion.
This shows that “freedom of speech” is diminishing in America
We need a reminder for the Marine Barracks in Lebanon.
We could have 366 distinct T-shirts each carrying the tabulation of that calendar day’s jihadi body count.
Which leaves two choices:
I. Restart the Crusades,or
II. Employ Scientific Notation.
It should be noted that the income tax uis voluntary and the government breaks the law to enforce this phony tax. Patriot and martyr Irwin Schiff paid with his life for detailing this information and how the income tax scam works.
I own a smart phone. I tried to replace it with something the government couldn’t use to spy on me. Got cheated with an inoperable flip phone.
I have as little as on this “phone” as possible. No email, no internet search history. I’m a map and compass guy; GPS is for sissies.
I WILL find a unit that allows me to remove the battery, kill all tracking and remote activation.
I don’t have a tattoo either. No help to the Cheka shall I provide. I have an original of The Paper Trip, [ published in 1971, I think ], an underground classic. I’m like that Mel Gibson character, so paranoid of the government, I’m willing to wrap my brain case in foil.
Did you know Julia Childs had been in the OSS? That Bob Kershaw ( sp ), meaning Captain Kangaroo not only had been Clarabell the Clown on the Howdy Dooty Show, but a buck sergeant in the USMC in the battle for Iwo Jima. Things are not always as they first appear.
My next measures are time travel and invisibility. With a shape shifter back up plan.
The writting is on the wall. Our Founding Fathers would be apalled at what kind of government we have today. One wonders is it bibilcal illiteracy, indifference, busyness, greed, or all of the above that keeps people from acknowledging the obvious. Time is running out. Predicted events that are written in the Bible are exploding.
Predicted Spiritual Signs of the End Times. The rise of artificial intelligence, use of a pandemic to hasten global government, the rise of the Mark of the Beast technology, death of discernment, talk of a third temple in Israel, the scoffers of Bible prophecy and the Coming of the Lord, a cancel culture that cancels Christians and Jews, the exponential rise of evil, and the rise of anti-semetism with much unfounded hatred, human trafficking at an all time high, as well as abortion, and the politicians don’t seem to care at all.
This is a crime family posing as a First Family Just follow the money
Biden is just one of many who are pushing for the New World Order, among other elites and oligarchs. The World Economic Forum was founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, who is the undisputed godfather of globalism. The stated mission of the WEF is to shape global, regional, and industry agendas. Since 1971 Schwab and his fellow earthshaking comrades have convened each year to brainstorm concerning how to overtake existing national infrastructure and turn them into spokes of what we might call a global wheel, which feeds into the united central world government. It’s called the DAVOS agenda because thats where the WEF meets every year. The Global elites are intentional about accelerating their one-world agenda.
The problem with our presidential election system is that corrupt Democrat strongholds report huge numbers of bogus votes. With our “winner take all” system of choosing presidential electors in nearly every state (Maine being the exception), those bogus votes give the Democrat candidate all of the presidential electors for that state. So by “stuffing the ballot boxes” in Democrat strongholds corrupt Democrat counties can, and do, deliver all of a state’s presidential electors to the Democrat candidate.
We need to eliminate “winner take all” and give one presidential elector to the party of the winner in each congressional district, plus two votes to the party that “wins” in that state. That would make it much more difficult for the Democrats to steal presidential elections. Recall, the constitution gives each state one vote for each congressional district plus one for each senator. It says nothing about winner take all.
I wouldn’t blame the Bidens. Obama and his Marxist cohort set this up during the eight years he was in office, and since then. If they didn’t start the rot, they certainly finished it. Plus, Obama and the hard Left have been working behind the scenes for the last 7 years. Biden is only a sock-puppet who’s taking advantage of the machine; he didn’t create the machine.