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To me it was obvious from the start that claims about Donald Trump’s ties to Russia, although pushed intensely and for a very long time by the leftist media, were nothing but a gigantic hoax. Similarly, I knew that the Wuhan lab leak theory made a lot more sense than the wet-market fable.
In the same way, it was obvious to me for a long time that Joe Biden was the head of a lucrative crime family – even if the Democratic Party, the legacy media, the CIA, FBI, IRS, and Department of Justice insisted otherwise, and even if 51 high-ranking veterans of intelligence organizations asserted that Hunter Biden’s laptop bore all the marks of Russian disinformation.
Seeing through these bald-faced lies wasn’t brain surgery. After all, what other than mammoth corruption founded on influence-peddling would explain Hunter’s extraordinary income from Ukraine, China, and elsewhere, and the conspicuously lavish lifestyle that’s been enjoyed for years by him, his father, and his uncle Jim, none of whom had ever had the kind of job at which people tend to earn enough to afford such luxury?
Even now, roughly half of Americans seem to believe that all the attention that’s been paid to Hunter Biden and his laptop has to do with his love of prostitutes and drugs rather than with high crimes and misdemeanors committed by him on behalf of his dad and other members of the clan. Even now, many Americans seem to be blithely unaware of the mountains of evidence showing that Hunter has long been fleecing foreign firms on Daddy’s behalf. For some reason those clueless Americans, even if capable of accepting that Hunter was up to no good, simply can’t believe that his pop – good old Lunchpail Joe – has ever been guilty of anything. (These same people, of course, are convinced that Donald Trump is the most corrupt politician ever to come down the pike.)
This blindness to facts – or stubborn refusal to pay attention to them – is immensely frustrating. And it must be especially frustrating for Miranda Devine, the Australian-American New York Post journalist who, in Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide (2021), detailed the contents (by turns sordid and criminal) of Hunter’s celebrated computer, the story of which her newspaper broke 20 days before the 2020 presidential election, and who in her new book, The Big Guy: How a President and His Son Sold Out America, focuses on the cover-up.
To say that Devine tells her story in impressive detail would be an understatement. Like War and Peace, The Big Guy opens with a long list of the main players, just in case you lose track of who’s who. And you will. Reading this book isn’t just like reading War and Peace – it’s like reading War and Peace at the same time as One Hundred Years of Solitude. You have to remember a slew of foreign-sounding names, many of which sound very much alike, all the while following an exceedingly labyrinthine narrative.
To be sure, this tale also involves plenty of Americans, some of them public officials who, when they scented the heady whiff of corruption in the Biden circle, actually did their jobs by digging into the facts and gathering evidence. Others, alas, are people who also held positions of authority but who did their damnedest to put up “roadblocks” or “obstructions” or “delays” or ”logjams” – to use some of the many synonyms that Devine uses to describe efforts to keep the public in the dark.
And boy, was there a lot to cover up. Among the expenses that Hunter tried to write off on his taxes – not that he was quick to pay them, mind you – were disbursements to prostitutes and drug dealers and memberships in sex clubs. During one “crack and hooker bender”in 2018, he spent $8,000 on a single sex worker, $140,000 on a stay in Las Vegas, and $34,000 on a sojourn at the Chateau Marmont in L.A. The Chateau Marmont is legendary for playing host to celebrities on drug binges, but Hunter caused so much damage to his room that he was banned from the place thereafter, which even he suspected was a first.
Part of the reason why Hunter was able to go through a small fortune so quickly was that he had a “sugar daddy” by the name of Kevin Morris, who for reasons that still remain a mystery chose to give him millions of dollars over the years to save him from financial crises (such as the ones posed by the relatively modest monetary demands of Hunter’s baby mama in Arkansas). A 2019 book contract with Simon & Schuster also netted Hunter a $750,000 advance, even though the book (surprise!) ended up selling so few copies that it made back only a tiny fraction of that sum. Then there were his paintings, which brought in at least $1.5 million. People laughed when Hunter first revealed his artworks to the world in 2020, but I didn’t: they’re no worse than a hell of a lot of contemporary art – and, after all, the art market these days is as much about laundering money as it is about aesthetics.
But Hunter’s main sources of mazuma were foreign companies. One of them was Barisma in Ukraine. Another, in Russia, was run by a man named Zlochevsky who said that Hunter, whom Joe Biden had called the smartest man he knew, was in fact stupider than Zlochevsky’s dog. A third was the Chinese energy company CEFC, a leading promoter of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. CEFC put Hunter on its board – and paid him millions – in exchange for his promise to use his father’s name to “open…doors around the world” for the firm.
Collecting loot from all these sources and funneling some of it to family members involved a complex network of bank accounts and shell companies that was designed to make the moolah tough to trace. To illustrate the process, Devine follows the path of a single $5 million payment by a CEFC affiliate to one of Hunter’s firms, HWIII. Over time, Hunter transferred most of that $5 million to another firm of his, Owasco; in addition, he wired some of it to his uncle Jim’s company, after which Jim’s wife, Sara, withdrew a fraction of that sum and deposited it in the couple’s personal account and dispatched a $40,000 check to Joe Biden.
When Rep. James Comer (R-KY), who was chairman of the House Oversight Committee and who “spent countless hours poring over thousands of bank documents from the Biden family,” argued that this and other transactions added up to “a maze of Biden enrichment schemes,” a White House spokesman accused him of “lies and conspiracy theories” while “dark money groups” associated with the Democratic Party poured cash into the effort to discredit and demonize Comer.
But Comer wasn’t alone in tracking down these fishy activities. Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) probed the Bidens relentlessly. So did Scott Brady, the U.S. attorney in Pittsburgh. One of the biggest heroes here is a remarkably dogged IRS agent named Joe Ziegler, who wouldn’t stop trying to bring the Bidens to justice – not for political reasons (he was a gay Democrat) but because he was (gasp!) an honest broker.
Then there’s the magnificent Rudy Giuliani. After Hunter’s laptop, which he’d left at a repair shop in Wilmington and forgot to pick up, found its way into the hands of America’s mayor, he strove mightily to get the authorities to deal with the huge amounts of evidence stored on it, and persevered courageously even after the Biden regime went after him with all it had, bankrupting him and taking his home in a fruitless effort to get him to turn on Trump. But Giuliani, bless him, held firm: a friend of Trump’s for three decades, Giuliani proclaimed him “an innocent man being framed by a group of scoundrels.”
When the FBI raided Giuliani’s home in 2021 (he still owned it at the time), he urged them to take his copies of Hunter’s hard drive, but they refused. As it turned out, the FBI already had Hunter’s hard drive – but they weren’t interested in using it to prosecute the Bidens. (Fun, or maybe disgusting, fact: the password for the laptop was “analfuck69.”)
As for Trump’s attorney general, Bill Barr, whom Devine describes as a lifelong CIA fanboy, he didn’t want to stand up to the CIA if indeed – as seemed increasingly to be the case – it was protecting the Bidens. (“Hey fatso,” an angry Giuliani said to Barr at one point, “you took your oath to the United States, not to your career.”)
Needless to say, the powers that be at the FBI, CIA, SEC, IRS, and DOJ, with few exceptions, were either uninterested in investigating the Bidens or were actively involved in protecting them. Prosecutors in Delaware, notably Lesley Wolf, the Assistant U.S. District Attorney in Wilmington, were especially aggressive about stonewalling investigators.
Meanwhile, in the Senate, skunks like Jamie Raskin (D-NY), Adam Schiff (D-CA), and Terry Sewell (D-GA) not only dismissed evidence against Biden but smeared Giuliani, among others. Ziegler in particular was unsettled by the sheer cruelty with which he, a conscientious public servant – and, as noted, a lifelong Democrat! – was treated by Democratic legislators when he testified about DOJ and IRS sabotage. Among the Republicans on Capitol Hill who “withheld crucial votes so that Johnson was no longer able to issue subpoenas” in the Biden case were the spineless Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Rob Portman (R-OH).
And that’s just the beginning of the roll of dishonor. When the New York Post ran its laptop story, which should have led to a 2020 election earthquake, both the New York Times and Wall Street Journal treated it as a nothingburger. At NPR, the managing editor explained his decision to ignore it as follows: “We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories.”
And notoriously, Twitter and Facebook both censored the Post’s laptop story. At Twitter, that fateful decision was made by one of its lawyers, Jim Baker, who in his previous post at the FBI had taken part in pushing the Trump-Russia hoax. Baker wasn’t the only former intelligence officer to hold such a position at a social-media company: as Devine writes, “dozens of former U.S. intelligence agents from the FBI, CIA, NSC, and State Department were embedded in senior roles across all the social media platforms.” As Elon Musk said after buying it, Twitter “was acting like an arm of the Democratic National Committee.”
Thanks to these efforts – which, Devine notes, were all part of a meticulously planned Biden White House operation (if only they’d planned the Afghanistan withdrawal half as well!) – the scandalous facts about the Biden crime family fell into a “black hole.” And the cherry on the cake was the letter released just before the last presidential debate in 2020. Orchestrated by the Biden campaign and approved “at the very highest levels of the CIA,” the letter, signed by several dozen intelligence veterans whom Devine calls the “Dirty 51,” contended that the laptop showed every sign of being Russian disinformation – this at a time when the FBI, as noted, had already seen the laptop and confirmed its authenticity.
The scale of the corruption that Devine outlines in The Big Guy is dizzying to contemplate. Yes, the connections can be hard to follow, the names hard to keep straight. But the overall picture is clear – and reprehensible. Hunter Biden is, or at least was, addicted to drugs, drink, and the most sordid kind of sexual behavior, and his father, instead of trying to get him the help he so desperately needed, exploited his delicate condition to use him as a bagman. Joe’s shameless soaking of funds from companies in countries that are America’s adversaries was downright treasonous; but his heartless, nakedly self-serving treatment of his screwed-up son only makes the whole business even uglier.
Moreover, it’s hard to imagine anything more appalling than the readiness of top-level figures in all the major three-letter agencies to lie and cheat and even to do their best to destroy decent citizens – including American heroes like Rudy Giuliani – in order to protect a supremely corrupt politician and his avaricious kin. As Devine quite rightly points out, all this offensive activity is different from run-of-the-mill inside-the- Beltway corruption because it involved “the corruption of institutions that are supposed to keep us safe.”
The silver lining on this massive dark cloud is that Donald Trump is back in the White House and is determined to set things right. As the Biden administration wound to an end, concludes Devine with a touch of hope, “people of integrity were starting to stand up, and it would be impossible to silence them all.” Let’s hope that she’s correct – and that the criminal Bidens and their equally criminal protectors receive at least a fraction of the severe punishment that they so richly deserve.
Today I saw a video online of speech at the UN by Russian ambassador who stood up and asked Trump to find out who in the Biden administration tried to kill Putin. “After all, they tried to kill Trump too.”
Bottomless evil in the Biden family.
That’s,quite an allegation forva U.N. delegate to make. Ambassadors usually pusstfoot.. Does anybody know if it’s true?
That’s interesting. I hope the President is notified of that.
Wow! Thorough and So Appreciated. When half of our Citizens have been “played” by our own Government, my hope and prayer is that those who have been bamboozled are awakened to The Facts and The Truth! (My husband included!!!) All this truly just proves we have allowed an enemy to Liberty and Justice for All to actually be in charge of our Government and then leave us all vulnerable to destruction by any means. It is Horrific, Intentional, Usurping of The Rule of Law and Real, Evil Distain for our Constitutional Republic! What a Mercy God has Truly been for We The People who Love our Nation as it was intended to be, honoring our Creator, human inalienable rights, protection from evil invasions and lawless criminals, and equal opportunity to succeed in Life. We’ve had to fight evil throughout our nearly 250 year existence BUT what has transpired the last nearly 25 years has nearly sunk The Good Ship USA! I’m So Very Thankful for All of the Brave Freedom and Nation Saving Fighters who banned solidly together to defeat the covert operation to destroy our Nation.
“The way to the Father is thru the Son”
~ Joe Biden
The Fruit doesn’t fall far from tree.
More like the shit doesn’t fall far from the butt.
edit the names of comer-comey in the piece
And isn’t Robert Barr supposed to be Bill?
Fixed! Thank you.
Joe is your textbook sociopath. A con man. They always find source of grifting without actually working or having skills. It may be wooing wealthy women, it may be politics. He has zero empathy. That’s how he could use his family to hide his deeds. Most people in DC are psychopaths or sociopaths. The senility was just an added benefit to the people using his corrupt nature for their agenda.
We haven’t even gotten to Border issues yet. Fidel Castro became one of the world’s richest men from kickbacks from the drug trade for the service he provided of allowing the gangs to transport drugs from Latin America through his massive territory — air and water — in the Caribbean, thereby helping them elude US law enforcement who could only ply international waters. The kickbacks were all in long green American cash that Castro ferried by private jet to Geneva banks for laundering.. All this came out about 20 years ago in public DC hearings — that made the papers for approximately one day. How much have the Dems made in fentanyl money by providing the service of leaving the border wide open?
Something tells me that President Trump doesn’t give a flying fuck about Cuban claims to any bit of the Caribbean.
Why was Bob Menendez prosecuted and Biden was not? Both are crooks and used their office to enrich themselves yet one is a hero to the Democrat party and the other was sentenced to 11 years yesterday.
Biden wasn’t prosecuted because he was president for 4 years and vice (great description) president
for 8 more years! By the time he became president all his cronies were in all the right places and many
still are! With President Trump we will find all these bastards and hopefully get ’em all for TREASON!
I don’t wish to rain on your parade, but weren’t they all in place during Trump’s first term?
He had four years to get rid of them, and didn’t manage it. He’s still only got four years this time, unless I’ve misunderstood the number of terms a president can be in power.
How can you be so sure it’s going to be any different this time around?
For even asking about what the Bidens were up to in Ukraine, Trump wass subjected to the first impeachment. Probably most of the Democratic party was involved in the coverup. It’s possible Joe knows where a lot of bodies are buried.
Trump’s understanding of politics and the scum arrayed against him is infinitely broader than last time when he was a virtual beginner in the dirty art of politics. This time he is smarter and filled with even more zeal to deal with these slimy individuals.
No, they WEREN’T all in place during President Trump’s first term, and he’s already been taking out the trash in this term. Jack Smith and all his prosecutors, all the J-6 prosecutors, 6 out of 7 of the FBI’s top executives, 20 heads of FBI field offices, including the DC head who colluded in the J-6 set up of MAGA supporters and President Trump, and more besides. Trash like Mayorkis, Garland and Wray resigned to avoid being fired, and that was all in his first week. He’s only been President for 13 days and he’s off to an amazing start.
He also pardoned and freed well over 150 political prisoners and victims of persecution by Alzheimer Joes handlers and cabinet members, primarily Garland and Wray.
The President learned on the job during his first term but he learned far more in the intervening four years of Alzheimer Joe’s handlers because none of the scum in government hid who they are and what they were doing. They were brazen in their sabotage of America and he knows who they are. We all do. All except left-wing fanatics in the Dirtbagocat electorate, and who cares what those retards think.
Well really, is it all that hard to image what President Trump will accomplish this term…..when inside of two weeks he’s turn this country on its ear! He’s going through DC with a buzz saw. What he was unable to do the first time because of very poor advice from people he thought were good, has not gone unnoticed! The man doesn’t make the same mistake twice! You might want to rethink your post!
Bribe Biden committed far more and far worse crimes than Menendez. Menendez is a scumbag but at least he isn’t a traitor who sold out America to it’s worst enemies, China and Iran. Jihad Joe Beijing Biden should be executed for his crimes while he still has (barely) enough wits to know he’s dying but of course that will never happen. He’ll die from Alzheimer’s completely unaware of his surroundings and what will be occurring. That evil piece of filth deserves to feel that he’s dying, not go out oblivious to what happens.
The Biden’s were paid huge sums of money by foreign energy companies. Did Biden use the shield of climate change to hamstring energy production in the USA to ensure foreign energy companies got rich???
Good question. Sources say yes. And the fantasy of EVs was a shield, too.
But here’s the thing. America could’ve pumped oil and produced gas for foreign sale even though Alzheimer Joe’s handlers wanted to disable American consumption. The intent was always to sabotage America, with energy production and so much more.
Those traitors need to pay with their freedom but they never will.
As a follow up to Devine’s book, Alan Dershowitz’ next book, if there is one, ought to bear the title GET BIDEN. Based on Bawer’s excellent review it appears Miranda’s book is a treasure trove of facts about the dealings of the Biden Crime Family. The day Biden’s entourage and the Democrat naysayers who covered for him have to drag their sorry derrieres into court will be a great day in America. Let it happen now during Trump’s term.
And build a gallows outside the court.
Had either of Trump’s sons, son-in-law, (or daughter-in-law) committed even ONE of Hunter’s disgusting activities, the press would’ve made in front & center of every news cycle.
They’d have campaigned tirelessly until Trump was guilty by association and defeated. (As it turned out, “The most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of politics” was available.)
Trump’s sons were the character polar opposite of Hunter, so the DNC press were relegated to marketing Democrat-concocted hoaxes, including “the most secure election in history” myth.
Trump’s son helped negotiate The Abraham Peace Accords. (Dutifully ignored by the Nobel committee, the press, and Ann Coulter.)
Hunter’s only contribution was to forget his laptop.
It not only laid bare the entire Biden family’s grifting treason, but in the resulting scramble by the press and FBI to cover it up, it exposed their corruption as well.
It was Trump’s son-in-law who did the Abraham Peace Accords, but your point is correct.
And the 51 former “intelligence experts” who lied and insinuated that Crack Hunter’s laptop was “disinformation.” President Trump cancelled all their security clearances. He should have them arrested and prosecuted. They’re all guilty of election interference and even treason.
Like Father Like Son the Bidens and the Soros clan of Globalists and would be tyrants their the real Traitors and the Useless Nations as well as the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders are their Partners in Crime and Gates reaps the profit for selling us on goop
At least the “FILTHY FIFTY ONE” have gotten a tad of taint added to them, but it’s time for the House to begin IMPEACHMENT Proceedings against Biden! There’s more than enough evidence to impeach him in the House but we know the Senate will not convict due to the DEMOcrats infesting it! If nothing else, hauling all those PARDONERS in to make them TELL THE TRUTH or face PERJURY charges would be entertaining! After a pardon, you HAVE to tell the truth since you face no legal consequences at the Federal Level and no longer have that 5th Amendment to hide behind!! I would love to watch them answer a question and then have THE TRUTH shown ot them and give them a chance to ADMIT what they did or saw others do! That could be a nice diversion while PRESIDENT TRUMP and his TEAM go about the Restoration of Our Nation!
Yes, impeach Bidumb. President Trump was impeached illegally when he was out of office and innocent. Bidumb is guilty as sin.
And I heard the applicable law for presidential pardons read aloud on Newsmax and Real America’s Voice. Only people who’ve been convicted of crimes can be pardoned, which makes sense. Preemptive pardons aren’t legal but they are ridiculous. Bidumbs pardons aren’t legally binding.
James McHenry needs to prosecute the entire Bidumb crime family if he’s serious about doing his job. The insider traders in the Pelosi crime family, too. They’ve been criminals since Nasty’s first term, long ago. And the snatch is Botox deep in the J-6 set up of Trump and his MAGA supporters. The FBI and Capitol police, too. As you know, the Capitol police murdered four innocent people that day, and the names of each murderer are known.
Hang ’em high. Traitors, all.
Evidently Trump is going to release the rest of the JFK assassination reports…
Proving the CIA was behind it and…
Robert Kennedy assassination… MLK assassination… Regan’s attempted assassination… and John Lennon of the Beatles assassination…
Which will… undoubtedly show how they were also behind 911… and Covid…
Beware !!!
Yes. Lee Harvey obviously shot Kennedy but why did mob tool Jack Ruby murder him right in front of the Texas Rangers? Patriotism? I don’t think so. And he was dying of cancer or whatever so he was expendable. And for all the public knows, there may have been another shooter too.
Personally, I think the Warren Commission report and other records were expurgated right after they were written. Not that I trust the Warren Commission to have been competent.
Engrossing and riveting article from start to finish. Getting just
a nibble of what Miranda Devine’s book on the Biden’s is all about
makes one want to devour it all.
God bless Rudy Giuliani and the other men in this article and lady
author Miranda Devine in their courageous efforts to get to the
bottom of the Biden family treason.
Biden tried mightily to destroy his own country in many ways –
as a puppet of the Globalists and Communists – while he
corruptly schemed and schemed to amass wealth. Next to
this evil man, Benedict Arnold is an amateur.
So here is my understanding or misunderstanding. Biden gave preemptive pardons to his family and fellow criminals that are pals. Is there such a thing? How can you pardon someone who is not charged with a crime?
To me it seems that he tried to give immunity to his crime syndicate. Does the President of the US have that power?
You have to figure that Trump’s DOJ will target at least one of those pardoned and let the whole thing advance to the SCOTUS to see if pardoning someone for something, anything that they were never investigated about, never indicted or charged for and certainly never convicted of, is something that is allowed as a Presidential Pardon. There is no definable crime to pardon. How does that work?
From what I can tell there is no limit. While everyone figures it is about the obvious corruption, does it also include things that no one considers that could have happened during the same time frame, from murder to rape, to assault, to break and enter, etc? Does the pardon spell out only certain things? With Hunter it seems not and I can only assume that with all the others it is the same, blanket pardon on anything during a certain time frame.
Indeed! How is it possible to pardon an innocent person?
There’s no “seems to” about it. He covered all their asses for the crimes they committed that may lead back to him. He also covered his pals who committed crimes against the State that may not have been lucrative but, nevertheless were crimes. Gain of function, for example. This MF’er had 50 years to learn the ropes and, no doubt, there were plenty of compatriots, in and out of govt, that benefitted in one way or another from the corrupt cabal he set up.
This pisses me off to no end. All the evidence is there to put scores of traitors and grifters in jail for life but it won’t happen. They all skate because the crime boss finally gained the power to let them all off the hook. That in itself is enough to convince most of us of their guilt. Like was said, why pardon someone, retroactively no less, when there has been no criminal charge. It amounts to a great big F-You America and, better yet, you don’t have the balls to do anything about it.
Nobody has the power to preemptively pardon people. The relevant law states plainly that pardons are only for people convicted of crimes. When Ford pardoned Nixon, it wasn’t actually legal because Nixon hadn’t been impeached.
Joe Biden along with his son had corrupted the FBI by having FBI preform money laundering for them.
Creepy old crooked Joe was an affront and disgrace Office of the Presidency of the United States and the American people should, righty, be glad to be rid of him.
The old saying, very much applies to that despicable corrupt villain, Joe Biden leaving Office. “Good riddance to bad rubbish.”
Or just “flush! Gurgle, gurgle.”
To give only one example of how corrupt Joe Biden and Hunter Biden actually are . that Biden and his son received many “gifts,” bribes, in the form of money and other things from Red China’s President Xi Jinping and other higher up of the China’s Communist party for US polices favoring China is both despicable and unconscionable . Biden is a real scoundrel.
About such corrupt activities, the Bible reads ” The wicked accept bribes in secret to pervert the course of justice.” Proverbs 17:23. [N. I. V.]
Thank you so much. This was such a great article to read!
Any elected office holder at any level of government who betrays his office and constituency for personal gain, should be prosecuted for treason. That corruption is a cancer in the body politic, threatening the integrity of our Constitutional Republic.
No mercy should be shown to this kind of “national betrayal”.
NOTE: political party is insignificant, not at all to be considered.
And Beijing Biden gave aid and comfort to China, which is a self professed enemy of America.
Great article. The more I know about Republicans like Romney and Portman, the lower the Republican party sinks in my estimation. I know, people will also add McConnell, Murkowski, Collins, Tillis, Cornyn, Thune. I wish it were possible to pry open the truth of the riches these people have made in office, and their motivations for constantly looking for ways to cooperate with Democrats.
What a cesspool D.C. is.
This was real Russian collusion, as well as Ukranian collusion, Chinese collusion, Romanian collusion. Got to get their hands on every corrupt government
Borderless Biden’s handlers also colluded with the Mexican cartels.
Lets get Guilliani in as a deputy FBI head – to tackle the leftist corruption and bring the treasonous ones to justice.
That’s a good idea. He’d be great in the Attorney General’s office, too.
Bruce Bawer,
The Biden’s may be a crime family. The interesting part is that they were completely enabled by the US Government, and could have never managed to do this amount of damage without that help. Potentially honest FBI (and I truly hesitate to say that now) and DOJ, seem to have completely failed in the understanding of Whistleblowing. The recent revelation that Hunter Biden name was on the signed documents of Security Fraud against the Oglala Sioux Tribe.
My point is this. Those involved with that fraud all went to jail, Hunter Biden’s partners. The documents that tied Hunter to this fraud were ‘sequestered’ by the DOJ and for 9 years, only to be released AFTER Hunter Biden pardon. This was ignored by the media, because top democrats kid stealing from Native American tribe, and the US government conspiring to hide that isn’t going to go over well.
The level of corruption of the DOJ, SEC, and those involved with the prosecution of the Capital company and it’s members, while ignoring Hunter and suppressing documents, is staggering.
Potentially worst of all, did the DOJ suppression of documents that involved Hunter Biden prevent those finally convicted of their 4th Amendment rights?
“America America God shed his Grace on thee.”
Why would He?