It’s an annual ritual. One that the media enables because it enjoys clickbait and lies. And the doomsday clock has lots of both.
Every year, Rachel Bronson, President and CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, who has a degree in political science from Columbia, gets up in front of a fake clock to announce that the world is doomed.
And now it’s time for the Doomsday Clock to be set for 90 seconds to midnight. Or whatever gets media attention.
If you don’t believe Rachel, maybe you’ll listen to Jerry Brown, former California governor and executive chair of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Jerry is not an atomic scientist, but he did nuke California.
Jerry’s still there.
Rachel Bronson, PhD, president and CEO, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, said: “We are living in a time of unprecedented danger, and the Doomsday Clock time reflects that reality. 90 seconds to midnight is the closest the Clock has ever been set to midnight, and it’s a decision our experts do not take lightly. The US government, its NATO allies and Ukraine have a multitude of channels for dialogue; we urge leaders to explore all of them to their fullest ability to turn back the Clock.”
Rachel’s PhD is in political science. It might be nice if she mentioned that out loud.
The current press release from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists quotes such nuclear scientists as former UN boss Ban Ki-Moon and former president of Ireland Mary Robinson. Also a former president of Mongolia.
And here’s the official statement.
A time of unprecedented danger:
It is 90 seconds to midnight
2023 Doomsday Clock StatementScience and Security Board
Bulletin of the Atomic ScientistsEditor, John Mecklin
Who’s John Mecklin?
The Bulletin’s Editor-in-Chief, John Mecklin, had previously helped launch Key West Magazine. Warnings about nuclear doom must be more exciting than writing about events at Key West.
Why would anyone believe a media that promote a fake clock by a fake organization? The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is the best argument for distrusting the media. Now that’ll be 9 seconds to midnight.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Fake prophets, with no idea what is really going to happen.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, I woke up this morning and noticed the world is still here. I remember when dooms day criers were weirdos with hand scrawled signs on street corners. The Earth is what, four billion years old. I don’t think it’s going away anytime soon.
We should have asteroid protection measures, though. Our scummy government is negligent about that.
K. R. Mills says
Follow the political science!
“Chicken Little” on steroids! (Al Gore)
Jeff Bargholz says
I’d like to punch that asshole.
Lightbringer says
Take a number and get in line behind all the other people who feel the same way.
Jeff Bargholz says
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Lightbringer says
Oh, they know exactly what is going to happen. The money will roll in every time they scare their contributors.
Spurwing Plover says
Their always screwing around with their doomsday clock moving the hands around when they please just for the 6:00 News
Gary Hope says
I’m more worried about The Bi-DUMB bomb than nukes. There’s more than one way of destroying a country and it’s people. The Dims are doing a great job of than on The USA. That gigantic BOOM that you hear is the USA going down the tubes because of the insane leftist commie loving Dims and our so called POTUS Joe Mr. Corvette Bye-UBER DUMB.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, as if he can really drive that thing. He just went down his manor driveway. No way did he go out on a real road. He’s so senile it isn’t funny.
And only old guys with tiny dicks have corvettes.
Fred T Adams says
…been laughing at this idiocy for years! “Bulletin of Atomic Scientists”? Inching that minute hand ever closer to midnight…gets boring pretty quick. What numskull came up with this?
Lightbringer says
Take a number and get on line behind all the other people who feel the same way.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Pretty lame propaganda actually.
I often wonder about propaganda from earlier centuries. Apparently propaganda in Britain in the 1700s was quite effective, despite the limited media outlets available to spread it. Something like less technology led to deeper wit.
Here’s one that struck me just now, about a British admiral who actually did some pretty reasonable stuff, but was
court martialed and shot. Corrupt incompetent higher ups used him as the designated scapegoat, and pamphleteers roused the ill-informed public to rage.
“We have lately been told
Of two admirals bold
Who engaged in a terrible fight.
They met after noon
Which I think was too soon,
For they both ran away before night.” (pamphlet 1756)
Steven Kardas says
More reports from the Institute of Alarmist Bull Crap.