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Are our secular universities, especially those leaning most radically left, soon to collapse – or at least, soon to lose their current positions of power and influence? A good case can be made that the answer could well be yes.
First, there has been a serious dip in enrollment in our colleges and universities across the nation. As noted in a March 9, 2023 headline on the Fortune website, “The labor shortage is pushing American colleges into crisis, with the plunge in enrollment the worst ever recorded.”
Yes, “What first looked like a pandemic blip has turned into a crisis. Nationwide, undergraduate college enrollment dropped 8% from 2019 to 2022, with declines even after returning to in-person classes, according to data from the National Student Clearinghouse. The slide in the college-going rate since 2018 is the steepest on record, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
“Economists say the impact could be dire.”
Already in May 2022, US News reported that, “College Enrollment Declines Are Here to Stay. The enrollment data comes as a growing number of students consider alternatives to higher education – both as a result of tuition costs and data highlighting earnings potential without a degree.”
Is a college degree really that important for life and success, especially in light of today’s sky-high tuition?
Second, declining birth rates are contributing to lower enrollments. As the Hechinger Report explained, “focusing only on the effects of Covid on enrollment obscures that a demographic downturn has already been squeezing colleges and universities for a decade during which the number of students has declined by an unprecedented 2.6 million, or 13 percent.
“Because of a falloff in the number of births during the last recession, another drop of from 11 to 15 percent is projected beginning in the mid-2020s in the number of prospective college students graduating from high schools.”
But it is here that a separation could be coming, as Christian conservatives have more children than do liberals and the non-religious.
As a July 2021 headline in the Western Journal announced, “Birth Rates Are the Right’s Secret Weapon as Liberal Values Backfire.”
The article by Miska Salleman stated that, “Data from the General Social Survey indicates that in the 1970s ‘there was little or no difference in fertility rates between liberal and conservative women,’ according to the Institute for Family Studies.”
Over time, though, that statistic has changed dramatically, and Salleman reports, “As of 2018, the gap had widened markedly, with conservative women between the ages of 30-44 averaging near 2.5 children and liberal women just over 1.5.” She continues, “To approach the data another way, the survey also shows that a random sample of 100 conservative adults will raise 208 children. One hundred liberal adults will raise only 147 kids, according to Fatherly.”
And what does this mean in practical terms? “That gap means that conservatives could hold a political edge, as the size of liberal families continues to dwindle. The evidence that supports this idea is overwhelming,” and it is only logical to assume that it will affect college enrollments too.
It is true, of course, that not all of these children of Christian conservatives will go to Christian schools, and it is also true that there has been a problem of retention. (In other words, a sizable minority of these young people will leave the faith.) But the more extreme the secular universities become, the more likely it is that they will lose more and more Christian conservatives.
Take Harvard University as a case in point. Its prestige and influence are hard to exaggerate. Yet in a recent report, Harvard was rated as the worst school in the nation when it came to free speech. The worst!
But that’s only the beginning of the story. According to the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), Harvard scored a zero out of 100 possible points, with the next worst school scoring at 11 out of 100. In fact, according to FIRE, Harvard’s score of “0.00 is generous” because its “actual score is -10.69.” So, on a scale of 1 to 100, Harvard scored a minus 10.69.
Will Harvard, along with other hyper-woke schools, continue to draw students into such an oppressive atmosphere? Perhaps at a certain point the risk will outweigh the reward.
And how long will Christian parents continue to send their kids to these elite schools where their faith will come under constant attack?
Third, the more these schools embrace radical Marxism, the less students will receive a practical education and the less equipped they will be for the real world. (If you have any doubt about the Marxist ideological takeover of many of our schools, see Christopher Rufo’s America’s Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything.)
The Fortune article referenced, “hundreds of thousands of young people who came of age during the pandemic but didn’t go to college. Many have turned to hourly jobs or careers that don’t require a degree, while others have been deterred by high tuition and the prospect of student debt.” Add to this the simple fact that Marxism doesn’t work and you have a further recipe for disaster.
Contrast this with a February 7, 2023 article in the Daily Caller that stated, “Christian colleges and universities are seeing an increase in enrollment despite the national enrollment rate of college students being on a decline, higher education experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
“The national undergraduate enrollment rate dropped 1.1% during the fall 2022 semester while the rate declined a total of 4.2% since 2020, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. Many faith-based institutions, however, saw an increase in enrollment which higher education experts claim is because of these institutions’ commitment to their roots.”
Could a major shift be underway?
THX 1138 says
“But the more extreme the secular universities become, the more likely it is that they will lose more and more Christian conservatives.”
Precisely, there are limits as to how much irrationality a human mind can deal with. Secular irrationalism (Wokism) is becoming so outrageously irrational that, even for the non-religious, religion will offer a relative haven for something closer to, something resembling reason and reality.
Just as Christianity offered a saner alternative to the outrageous, insane, decadent collapse of Roman culture, today Christianity and even Islam, offers a saner alternative to Wokism.
“Could a major shift be underway?”
Yes, absent the introduction of a philosophy of reason, in 50 to 100 years America and the West will collapse into a New Religious Dark Age, just as the Romans did.
Intrepid says
I’m still waiting for that “New Religious Dark Age within 50 to 100 years. It’s kind of like global warming and climate change. It’s always in the distant future. It’s so easy to be a snake oil salesman, isn’t it.
One really doesn’t really have to be correct about predictions. Just place them at a time when no one alive today will be around to call you out, especially when everything happens in 100 years.
Looks like you missed the boat on having Objectivism being taught at the institutions of “higher learning”
truebearing says
Please note that no one, regardless of which designer cult they belong to, is stupid enough, nor hard enough up to, to seek out Objectivism for an education. Rand couldn’t string three coherent sentences together.
“Yes, absent the introduction of a philosophy of reason, in 50 to 100 years America and the West will collapse into a New Religious Dark Age, just as the Romans did.”
What scope! What breadth! Your stupidity is infinite!! Well done!! Now I know you traffic in perpetual vacuity but if possible, could you take a break from your auto-humiliation ritual and please identify the philosophies that weren’t at least ostensibly based in reason? And also, share the rational method by which you determine who is or isn’t rational?
Darryl says
Universities are making people stupid. The most educated among us, for example, can no longer tell the difference between a boy and a girl.
Birth rates are the hard proof of just how true that is.
Steve says
They know the difference. It’s like Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Emperor’s Clothes” They’re AFRAID to speak the truth. Transgender ideology is to wokelings what Lysenkoism was to Soviet Bloc scientists a few generations ago, or that “Deutsche Physik” was to German scientists during the Third Reich.
truebearing says
Don’t worry, Ayn Rand and her vacuous prophet, THX, will save us.
truebearing says
They don’t want us to have the capability of discernment or the gift of wisdom. They don’t teach with the goal of encouraging discrimination, according to the true meaning of the word. Instead they have ruined that word/concept by falsely making it synonymous with racial prejudice.
The teachers are now teach by dictate and that necessarily means that their goal is totalitarianism. They are teaching America to be submissive to the power they are fanatically seeking. Small wonder then that the left is allied with Islam.
RS says
More and more parents are saying they want their children to have a proper education, not one based on political views and prejudices. Real curriculum, not anti-semetism, transgender studies and how to change your body to be something you were not born, or hatred of Godly values.
Steve says
Great read. Very reassuring that “progressives” are not replacing themselves. Unsurprising, considering how nihilistic they are. Too bad this is increasingly being achieved by castrating and mutilating children prior to puberty. The fact that they refer to such atrocities as “life saving” and “gender affirming” shows how distorted their vision is through the prism of ideology.
John Blackman says
as most that enrolling are women , why would you want to join an organisation that is dominated by feminists looking to obtain a degree in stupidity all the while wanting a safe space and espousing white patriarchy ? any male wanting to enlist would be well served in reading ” the campus rape frenzy ” the attack on due process at americas universities by johnson and taylor . any hint of sexual impropriety will find you in a horrifying never ending nightmare that will destroy you for life as well as your family . if you think the j6 crowd have been given the raw prawn . wait until you are accused under the ” believe all women ” mantra . all thanks to barry and his female tzars put in place during his disastrous tenure and they are still there getting 6 figure salaries with no accountability . universities are a dangerous cesspit for any would be male student . get a real job and avoid the university like the plague .