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An awakening is sweeping across the land causing more and more people to recognize their welfare and that of the United States are in deep trouble, with increasingly visible forces destroying the country, the family, and the people’s security and standard of living.
America is now in a war—not a shooting or kinetic war—but one with many fronts. Assaults on the spiritual, cultural, and informational fronts are the most important because they shape what happens downstream in politics and economics.
Enemies of the American Republic are found both inside and outside the United States—and they advance by deceiving, demoralizing, and dividing the American people. Their goal is to nullify the Constitution. If the latter succeeds it will bring a swift end to the United States as we have known it, and make recovery all but impossible.
When we connect the dots, we can see that the manipulation of public opinion and the creation of narratives is directed at undermining traditional institutions such as law enforcement, the family, church, schools and other “carriers” of civility, tradition, and continuity.
War has been declared on average Americans through the Biden administration’s southern border policies that have resulted in unprecedented illegal entries—including criminals, terrorists, and human, child, sex, and drug trafficking cartels, a development that hurts American families by overwhelming law enforcement, schools, and the healthcare system.
Traditional families are being attacked in other ways and from every direction.
War has been declared on parents—referred to as “domestic terrorists” by the FBI—for opposing school boards and administrators who are overseeing the moral and ideological corruption of their children in their schools.
The historical war against the family started out as sexual liberation in the 1960s and legalization of abortion in the 1970s, then expanded into normalizing homosexuality (which has existed since ancient times) with the 2015 Obergefell Supreme Court decision. And in the last ten years we see a concerted effort to normalize transgenderism and pedophilia, with a breathtakingly accelerated pace in the last few years.
Transgenderism and pedophilia are an affront to the traditional male and female identities and traditional family values, but there are impacts beyond the family.
If trans women competing against biological women goes unchecked, it will destroy women’s sports.
Under Biden, the American Armed Services brass have accommodated the inclusion of transgender individuals in the rank and file, in spite of studies that show transgenders in the military undermine readiness and provoke division—a development celebrated by America’s enemies.
Males who identify as women in California can direct their incarceration to women’s prisons with female cellmates—creating problems from violence and rape. In Washington state, a law (SB 5599) recently passed that effectively authorizes state agencies to separate children from their families by keeping runaway juveniles from their parents or legal guardians and not informing them about their children getting an abortion and/or irreversible gender surgeries.
Globally, the United Nations is now pushing the decriminalization of pedophilia. Principle 16 of the March 8, 2023 U.N. report on Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex,” states: “Consensual sexual conduct, irrespective of the type of sexual activity, the sex/gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression of the people involved or their marital status, may not be criminalized in any circumstances…”
The United States is famous for its Constitution and Bill of Rights that comprehensively protect freedom. Yet today Christians and Jews are facing increasing persecution in America. The first two years of the so-called Covid pandemic (2020 and 2021), revealed state and local government authorities forcing closure of churches and synagogues while keeping casinos, strip clubs, and bars open.
Acts of hostility toward Catholics, Christians and churches are now becoming widespread and growing under the Biden administration. Arielle Del Turco, the director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council, reports: “Increasing anger and frustration at church buildings points to a larger spiritual battle and a growing climate of hostility toward Christianity.
The incidence of acts of hostility perpetrated against churches doubled from 2021 to 1922, and is on track to double again in 2023. And these hostile incidents include arson or arson attempts, bomb threats, gun-related violence and more. John D. Cohen, the top intelligence official at DHS joined the FBI in a joint statement that “threats come from both domestic violent extremists and those inspired by foreign terrorists.”
The story of this attempted multi-front takedown of America would not be complete without acknowledging the role of the information and knowledge industry. The compromise of almost all U.S. colleges and universities has been recognized for some time, resulting from the “long march” of progeny from critical theory and Marxism that have come to dominate the majority of the humanities and social science departments.
We have lived with pronounced media bias since the Vietnam War, but we now have proof from the Twitter Files and more that the U.S. government and over half of dozen of its agencies have been engaged in massive censorship and cancellation for the purpose of blocking information to the American people that goes against the invisible government and “deep state” narratives.
In fact, government agencies, such as the DOJ, FBI, CIA, State Department, DHS, the CDC, and FDA have enlisted all the Big Tech companies to support various narratives that include:
- blocking the Hunter Biden laptop and its incriminating information on the Biden family
- supporting the need for universal vaccination as the only preventive for Covid-19
- supporting the view that the southern border is secure
- supporting the climate scare and need for a Green New Deal
- supporting Ukraine with massive aid, even while the United States runs a simultaneous $1.5 trillion budget deficit.
No nation can survive when its government deceives and corrupts its people, denying them the information to make good choices. But we should take heart that the Constitution of the United States still stands and contains everything needed to recover liberty and justice for all. What’s needed now is the courage to act.
If Winston Churchill, often hailed as the greatest leader of the twentieth century, could speak from the grave to our times, he would remind us that “Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities… because it is the quality which guarantees all others.”
Scott Powell is senior fellow at Discovery Institute. His recent book, Rediscovering America, was the #1 new release in History for eight straight weeks at Reach him at
As much as I hate to think about America as a fallen/failed nation, I don’t see how we can recover unless somehow there is a Christian revival movement. So- in other words, with out God intervening, America will likely become much more of a dictatorship before we might recover.
I fear it may already be gone. Most people in this country, right or left, are looking for a “person” to save them, but are not looking to God. Maybe it is a test from God to see if we look to Him, or to a “person”.
The Democrats/Globalists are the bigger threat to this Nation then radical islamics we have Biden keeping the drawbridge lowered and the gates open all to appease this fellow UN Globalists
I’m afraid that the next war we have to fight will be on our own soil. Right now, we are in that war, only without the shooting part. I’m afraid that may be next, although I hope it never comes to that.
The apparant poliyical silence of the Muslims at this time concerns me. They are working against us for sure but quietly. I feel they are waiting for something. Jihadists are coming over the border in droves. I certainly would not lower our defenses or take them less seriosly. Their agenda for world dominance is the same as this U.S. government we have today.
The Constitution has been under threat for many years by degenerate people. Look at the actions, the language, and the policies and understand that Freedom does not come from the government, it comes from God. When He is taken out of the equation, Liberty is dead.
It is absolutely possible to restore our republic. But we, the people, collectively, need to WAKE UP and elect better members of Congress who are constitutionalists and will work to restore our Constitution. So, each of us, must do our part to teach and instruct our fellow citizens and make sure we have a reformation at the ballot box, since ballots are better than bullets. But to see this reformation, we must change the culture, and spiritual revival ,with the Scriptures of Truth becoming REAL for people, must advance if we are to rescue our culture.
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