Did someone or something seize control of the United States?
What happened to the U.S. border? Where did it go? Who erased it? Why and how did 5 million people enter our country illegally? Did Congress secretly repeal our immigration laws? Did President Joe Biden issue an executive order allowing foreign nationals to walk across the border and reside in the United States as they pleased?
Since when did money not have to be paid back? Who insisted that the more dollars the federal government printed, the more prosperity would follow? When did America embrace zero interest? Why do we believe $30 trillion in debt is no big deal?
When did clean-burning, cheap, and abundant natural gas become the equivalent of dirty coal? How did prized natural gas that had granted America’s wishes of energy self-sufficiency, reduced pollution, and inexpensive electricity become almost overnight a pariah fuel whose extraction was a war against nature? Which lawmakers, which laws, and which votes of the people declared natural gas development and pipelines near criminal?
Was it not against federal law to swarm the homes of Supreme Court justices, to picket and to intimidate their households in efforts to affect their rulings? How then with impunity did bullies surround the homes of Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, John Roberts, and Clarence Thomas – furious over a court decision on abortion? How could these mobs so easily throng our justices’ homes, with placards declaring “Off with their d–s”?
Since when did Americans create a government Ministry of Truth? And on whose orders did the FBI contract private news organizations to censor stories it did not like and writers whom it feared?
How did we wake up one morning to new customs of impeaching a president over a phone call? Of the speaker of the House tearing up the State of the Union address on national television? Of barring congressional members from serving on their assigned congressional committees?
When did we assume the FBI had the right to subvert the campaign of a candidate it disliked? Was it legal suddenly for one presidential candidate to hire a foreign ex-spy to subvert the campaign of her rival?
Was some state or federal law passed that allowed biological males to compete in female sports? Did Congress enact such a law? Did the Supreme Court guarantee that biological male students could shower in gym locker rooms with biological women? Were women ever asked to redefine the very sports they had championed?
When did the government pass a law depriving Americans of their freedom during a pandemic? In America can health officials simply cancel rental contracts or declare loan payments in suspension? How could it become illegal for mom-and-pop stores to sell flowers or shoes during quarantine but not so for Walmart or Target?
Since when did the people decide that 70 percent of voters would not cast their ballots on Election Day? Was this revolutionary change the subject of a national debate, a heated congressional session, or the votes of dozens of state legislatures?
What happened to Election Night returns? Did the fact that Americans created more electronic ballots and computerized tallies make it take so much longer to tabulate the votes?
When did the nation abruptly decide that theft is not a crime, and assault is not a felony? How can thieves walk out with bags of stolen goods, without the wrath of angry shoppers, much less fear of the law?
Was there ever a national debate about the terrifying flight from Afghanistan? Who planned it and why?
What happened to the once-trusted FBI? Why almost overnight did its directors decide to mislead Congress, to deceive judges with concocted tales from fake dossiers and with doctored writs? Did Congress pass a law that our federal leaders in the FBI or CIA could lie with impunity under oath?
Who redefined our military and with whose consent? Who proclaimed that our chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff could call his Chinese Communist counterpart to warn him that America’s president was supposedly unstable? Was it always true that retired generals routinely labeled their commander-in-chief as a near Nazi, a Mussolini, an adherent of the tools of Auschwitz?
Were Americans ever asked whether their universities could discriminate against their sons and daughters based on their race? How did it become physically dangerous to speak the truth on campus? Whose idea was it to reboot racial segregation and bias as “theme houses,” “safe spaces,” and “diversity”? How did that happen in America?
How did a virus cancel the Constitution? Did the lockdowns rob us of our sanity? Or was it the woke hysteria that ignited our collective madness?
We are beginning to wake up from a nightmare of a country we no longer recognize, and from a coup, we never knew.
When? When George Soros started throwing billions of dollars into his diabolical scheme of fundamentally transforming the world into a Socialist Third-World banana republic. That’s when.
America’s march toward dictatorship goes back to FDR and before FDR to the late 19th century.
The Constitution itself had and has fatal flaws in it just waiting for power lusters to exploit them.
“The clause giving Congress the power to regulate interstate commerce is one of the major errors in the Constitution. That clause, more than any other, was the crack in the Constitution’s foundation, the entering wedge of statism, which permitted the gradual establishment of the welfare state. But I would venture to say that the framers of the Constitution could not have conceived of what that clause has now become. If, in writing it, one of their goals was to facilitate the flow of trade and prevent the establishment of trade barriers among the states, that clause has reached the opposite destination.” – Ayn Rand
Communists did it. The coup happened in 2020 with the stolen presidential election. They’re not finished yet, either. They won’t finish until someone or something stops them. Reason, facts, and evidence will never succeed. You can’t reason with fanatical marxist communist utopians.
We should keep an eye on Brazil. It looks like the citizens there are not going to tolerate a Communist coup similar to our own in 2020. When do we begin s h oo t ing? That’s what I want to know.
Let’s face it, we in in a civil war. That the election fraud was not dealt with in 2020 means America First candidates will never win again. Obama, three weeks before the 2022 election, said he wasn’t worried about the primary polls because ” Democrats know how to get out the vote.” Yeah, right.
THere needs to be a national divorce and pragmatic partition to salvage what can be saved of the formerly USA
The Progressives/ Marxists will never allow free and prosperous people to exist in their orbit.
Further, surrendering large swaths of both coasts to communists is suicidal.
Lastly, outside of the blue urban cesspools – the “blue states” are largely populated by sane patriots- 10s of millions of rural citizens who are captives to the radicals.
America has cancer or gangrene, as such its necessary to amputate the infected limb to save the patient
They are waiting desperately waiting for you to start shooting, that will be the excuse they have been waiting for.
Don’t let them rile you laugh in their faces at their irrational stupidity.
Remember Jack Ruby? He was a guy who had terminal cancer and had nothing to lose by offing Oswald. Of course I’m not suggesting that someone with nothing to lose should go do the same thing to certain Cabal leaders…
They’re working at warp speed.
“How did you go bankrupt?”
Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”
― Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises
The collapse of America has been a long time in the making, the first major blow was the Sherman Act of 1890. Senator John Sherman was a Republican.
Yeah. Their timing has been very strange. Like as in “What’s the rush? You could have waited another 5 years and enough sensible Americans would have naturally passed away to make your take-over a piece of cake.” Uh, what was I thinking? With mainstream media and Big Tech complicity, brainwashing of students and a complete double standard, seems like it’s been a piece of cake anyway.
Those who have positions of power and use that power to manipulate taxation and their positions of influence to increase their own personal wealth, have a day of accounting coming in which they will find themselves totally without a penny in their accounts and absolutely no power of influence. They will be absolutely broke and at the mercy of Him whom they have spent so much time mocking and destroying the lives of those who followed Him. Yes, that day is coming and everything they do to deny it only brings that day closer at a faster rate, just like He said it would.
The mercilessness of those who seek totalitarian power, will, find themselves wishing, every moment, they had never been born.
You are absolutely right. End times.
There is good reason that the concept has been described as the American Dream.
I wrote over 2 years ago that a national divorce and pragmatic partition was on the cards and I was clearly correct ; the Red States need to save themselves while there is still time or else they too will go down with the sinking ship
The USA has been the victim of a ”Flu d’etat” by Dem -Bolsheviks who paralysed the country with Covid hysteria, then undermined the Police, then opened the border and invited a Third World invasion to radically increase the number of illegal aliens ; now all they have to do is announce an ”amnesty” and it’s a Migrant Coup D’etat”
There needs to be a pragmatic partition something like the 3 WAy-partition of India/ Pakistan/ east Pakistan of 1947 and a mass movement of the peoples
All this started long before Covid. In fact, the election of Obama in 2008 was the beginning of the end as he corrupted major agencies like the IRS and the FBI. Now they control the military so that makes succession very hard for the red states.
Everybody keep your eyes on Brazil. Some million people have descended and taken over their congressional and supreme court buildings as I write. Right now the communists there have control of the military. If they turn, they will be on the run. It’s looking like civil war is coming in Brazil. Bolsonaro is in Florida.
Yes, Barry Soetoro was the true beginning of the end of America as founded. About that, at least. he was up front and honest.
No, the Sherman Act of 1890 was the true beginning of the end of America as founded. Senator John Sherman was a Republican.
“Precisely because of their pretense, the conservatives are morally lower than the liberals; they are farther removed from reality — and, therefore, they are more harmful in practice. Since they purport to be fighting “big government”, they are the main source of political confusion in the public mind; they give people the illusion of an electoral alternative without the fact. Thus the statist drift proceeds unchecked and unchallenged.
Historically, from the Sherman Act to Herbert Hoover to the Bush Administration, it is the conservatives, not the Leftists, who have always been the major destroyers of the United States.” – Leonard Peikoff
Nope. The shift clearly began about thirty years earlier when a former corporate railroad lawyer decided to invade a sovereigh foreign nation after harrassing and destroying trade for that nation for some years, operating from a naval base within that foreign nation. He then staged a false flag attack upon that base and used that as an excuse to launch an unjust war to destroy that nation Sort of a “we had to destroy it to save it” move. He was killed for his corruption and misleading. He is today hailed as a hero but is no such thing. Of course he only played along with a corrupt Congress which had been enacting illegal and unjust financial penalties upon the hated region. the tariffs and financial penalties failing that corrupt Congress then imposed blockades upin the shipping inport/export of the hated ones. Their refusal to play by those rules provoked the illegal invasion.
To Tionico,
“The right of a nation to determine its own form of government does not include the right to establish a slave society (that is, to legalize the enslavement of some men by others). There is no such thing as “the right to enslave.” A nation can do it, just as a man can become a criminal—but neither can do it by right.
It does not matter, in this context, whether a nation was enslaved by force, like Soviet Russia, or by vote, like Nazi Germany. Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual). Whether a slave society was conquered or chose to be enslaved, it can claim no national rights and no recognition of such “rights” by civilized countries . . . .
Dictatorship nations are outlaws. Any free nation had the right to invade Nazi Germany and, today, has the right to invade Soviet Russia, Cuba or any other slave pen. Whether a free nation chooses to do so or not is a matter of its own self-interest, not of respect for the non-existent “rights” of gang rulers. It is not a free nation’s duty to liberate other nations at the price of self-sacrifice, but a free nation has the right to do it, when and if it so chooses.
This right, however, is conditional. Just as the suppression of crimes does not give a policeman the right to engage in criminal activities, so the invasion and destruction of a dictartorship does not give the invader the right to establish another variant of a slave society in the conquered country.” – Ayn Rand
The cooncept of a national divorce is sick and destructive. We still have laws that have not bn revoked, laws that provide for the CURE of these maladies. The divorce concet admits we have failed. Hold those perverts to account and punish them according to the aws we alr4ady have. Toss out the corrptocrats, make the remaining ones do the jobs for which they have been tasked.
Even in a typical divorce, the entity built by the marriage can be divided up in some reasonably equitable fashion. But what you propose cannot work, simply because the people after the original intent are so scattered amongst those who would destroy us all it is imossible to “filter” the good from the evil. Tell me, WHERE could you draw any new lines that would cleanly separate the two, leaving both sides free to get what they desire without forcing their will on those opposed? A through housecleaning is what is needed, not cutting up the pie and leaving the division currently present in the whole only to survive unaffected in each smaller piece.
No divorce, Housecleaning.
Wrong. You erroneously assume the left will go along with it, the left will vacate the cities in your partion, that you can make them, and that they would ever leave you be. Your “This,” is just mental masturbation. Dream on…
The EU and Blue State Amerika are becoming a parody of the former Soviet Union with Orwellion doublespeak and parallel virtual reality ..moreover, the FBI/DOJ are becoming an embryonic KGB
The Dems have became ”Liberal Bolsheviks ”while using the same ruthless M O of creating utopia
Unlike the original Bolsheviks in 1917 Russia who had very little public support, these Dem Bolsheviks have close to 50% support, especially among the youth and emotional women
The MSM have became the propaganda wing of the DEm-Bolsheviks,
While the GLOBALISTS are an international version of them , a kind of latter day Comintern
What you describe in your post are the seeds of a totalitarian takeover by the progressive Left.
It was a HUGE mistake to give women the vote. HUGE.
Yep, no nation can survive long its political empowerment of women ..if you look at the grainy film footage from 1930s Germany it’s the women and young folk who are hysterical for Adolf
Gotta agree with you there. You do recognize the problem.
This was all the result of the Deep State which hates conservatives and traditional moral and American values
Excellent article. The question is what is America going to do about it?
Vote Republican. Endorse McCarthy. Endorse Trump. What else can reasonably be expected of you?
The only hardcore Communists left in the world… ARE OURS!
For Decades, CPUSA/KGB recruits have been infiltrating the Democratic Party, mostly starting during Vietnam and the Peace Movement funded and led by the KGB’s World Peace Council. (U.S. Peace Council, run by the CPUSA, officially started in ’79 with Council’s in every state and major university) MASSIVE RECRUITMENT when the CPUSA/KGB teamed up again to take over Central America, our hemisphere/backyard!
COMMUNISTS have infiltrated every segment of our society which was the KGB’S ACTIVE MEASURES GOAL and that includes THE WHITE HOUSE with the KGB’s proudest moment when their recruit, starting in ’80s, became PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA who is creating the conditions for the DOWNFALL OF THE UNITED STATES “through force if necessary. BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER!” THAT’S CIVIL WAR COMRADES. Look at the hatred they have promoted between races, colors, genders, political agendas!
OBAMA would become a Hero to the World… loved by BILLIONS AND ONLY HATED BY MILLIONS!
The comments are even worse than the article. Like Junior High girls, wringing their hands with fear and worry, because the school bus has went over the cliff. When was the last time someone actually confronted a destroyer of American virtue?
“Went” over the cliff? Do you mean “gone” over the cliff?
The last time someone actually confronted a destroyer of American virtue? When the Seals put a bullet in Osma Bin Laden’s head.
Ashli Babbit last year. Ashli Babbit’s mom a few days ago and she was arrested for it.
NAFTA JOE BIDEN: A lying gamer lawyer. Biden has been working on open borders since he and Billary perpetrated NAFTA.
The immigration debate has been raging for years. Advocates for open borders can be found on both sides of the political aisle and in a wide variety of special interest groups who have come to see the immigration system that delivers an unlimited supply of cheap and exploitable labor, an unlimited supply of foreign tourists, and unlimited supply of foreign students and, for the lawyers, an unlimited supply of clients. MICHAEL CUTLER
A very scholarly delineation of questions that need to be answered.
I’m more interested in the answers and solutions and it won’t be pretty.
Why has no one discussed the possibility of Biden declaring Martial Law when Democrat power is being flushed down the toilet where it belongs?
“Mexican president candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for mass immigration to the United States, declaring it a “human right”. We will defend all the (Mexican) invaders in the American,” Obrador said, adding that immigrants “must leave their towns and find a life, job, welfare, and free medical in the United States.”
“Fox’s Tucker Carlson noted Thursday that Obrador has previously proposed granting AMNESTY TO MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS. “America is now Mexico’s social safety net, and that’s a very good deal for the Mexican ruling class,” Carlson added.”
“Many Americans forget is that our country is located against a socialist failed state that is promising to descend even further into chaos – not California, the other one. And the Mexicans, having reached the bottom of the hole they have dug for themselves, just chose to keep digging by electing a new leftist presidente who wants to surrender to the cartels and who thinks that Mexicans have some sort of “human right” to sneak into the U.S. and demographically reconquer it.” KURT SCHLICHTER
“Did someone or something seize control of the United States?”
Yeh, the morality of ALTRUISM and its political implementation of COLLECTIVISM did.
What is happening today is a shadow of what happened when FDR took over, an extension of FDR. FDR’s altruism-collectivism-welfare state-socialism growing and expanding. FDR on the march. If FDR had a son he would look like Obama, and Joe Biden, and Hillary, and AOC, and Bernie.
The MSM has created the myth that FDR was hailed as a beloved hero and savior by all Americans. He was despised by as many Americans, or more, as Obama and Biden are. Obama’s first and second term, and Joe Biden’s first term are FDR’s fith, sixth, and seventh terms.
What’s surprising is that Americans don’t connect the dots. They think this march towards dictatorship started with Obama. The march towards American dictatorship goes back to the late 19th century but the first major manifestation towards dictatorship was FDR’s socialist welfare-state.
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ― Abraham Lincoln
“If America perishes, it will perish by intellectual default. There is no diabolical conspiracy to destroy it: no conspiracy could be big enough and strong enough . . . . As to the communist conspirators in the service of Soviet Russia, they are the best illustration of victory by default: their successes are handed to them by the concessions of their victims….
When men share the same basic premise, it is the most consistent ones who win. So long as men accept the altruist morality, they will not be able to stop the advance of communism. The altruist morality is Soviet Russia’s [Socialism’s} best and ONLY weapon.” – Ayn Rand
When? When public morality was destroyed by President Bill and Hillary Clinton…
The ancient Greek Philosopher, Plato, did have a good valid point when he had written “The measure of a man is what he does with power.”
When applying that wise statement to Joe Biden, his “measure” is more than lacking, it’s outright terrible.
Biden with his wrecking as in ruining the safety and security of the US citizens by his destroying the US/Mexican secure and safe borders.
Biden is an abomination and an affront to the Office of the Presidency of the United States and a disgrace to the US Constitution as well as a calamity for America and a disaster for the American people.
As for the specific subject of the US/Mexican borders, the “measure” of Biden is an outright catastrophe.
It all began when the Globalists were able to enact the beginning of their long-planned Agenda 2030.
It was supposed to happen with Hillary being elected (Agenda 2021), but POTUS Trump messed up that plan.
They had to get rid of him, then continue with a pandemic, the first tool.
More tools were used after that. All that you mentioned, Sir.
Soros is now funding the take down of our SCOTUS, of which a couple of them are compromised.
So without a Supreme Court or Congress to question their nefarious deeds, we are Orphans.
“Since when did money not have to be paid back? Who insisted that the more dollars the federal government printed, the more prosperity would follow? When did America embrace zero interest? Why do we believe $30 trillion in debt is no big deal?”
Benton Woods. Nixon took away the gold standard. Woodrow Wilson brought in the Federal Reserve. Lincoln bucked the Federal Reserve fiat money system. He believed in paying back with lawful money, the greenbacks that were printed to fund the so-called Civil War. He paid dearly for that. JFK wanted to end the Fed. He paid dearly for that.
The fiat currency money system that is in place guarantees perpetual debt.
There are other solutions than surrendering both coasts. You sound scared and I am scared too but not cowed. What the leftists “ allow” assumes their dominance. When enough people have the resolve to not be dominated, we can leave them.
And yes, blue states and cities house many patriots . Many will follow into a freer arrangement. The solution then will need to be more creative than yours and forged in strength not fear.
When did VDH lose the ability to write a declarative sentence?
We now have the government our Founding Fathers warned us about and fought against. Fortunately, they were not Socialists and Marxists who believed that lying to get their way was permissible. Righteousness exalts a nation.
Social Justice, Critical Race Theory, and all the other Leftist causes were always wrappers of the collectivist plan to deconstruct the US. The failure of leadership to recognize this and stand up for the country and its civilization is a tremendous historical betrayal. The Left won. We are now in the Second American Republic.
I put the starting date last month when Biden visited McConnell in Kentucky and thanked him for all his help. He stated that he would oppose or support McConnell depending on what he needed most at the time. McConnell pushing the Omnibus bill instead of fighting and delaying it emasculated McCarthy and ended the chances of Republicans to turn back some of the Leftist predations.
There were many turning points, but this December visit was the coup de grace and death certificate for the US (and the Republican Party). The culture and the constitution as we know it is gone. What comes next is emerging briskly.
The only one who could delay it by a decade or so is Trump, but it will take a significant dislocation to break down the solid phalanx of opposition to him. Their accusations against him are easy to discern. They accuse him of what they are doing. It works every time. Conservatives call it out” but do nothing.
In The Art of War, – Sun Tzu wrote that “the greatest of martial principles is to conquer and defeat the enemy without having to fight them”… that is why, all effective and efficient warfare is waged by deception”…. The greatest vulnerability for anyone exposed to a dangerous situation or condition is ignorance… evil is carried out under the guise of being good: The deception….
The corruption is slow, until it is dominant… it has speeded up now because the coup has been in play for decades… it isn’t the stated belief of the radical left should be of concern… rather it is the realization that they “truly believe” what they are promoting that should give one pause. The corruption is speeding up because it has metastasized…. it is dominant!
The root of America’s rise in the natural world as well as its current decline is a spiritual matter. But few people still believe that “spirit is real”. Thus, the discourse and arguments for and against the current state of society arguments are based on the social, political, and economic conditions: the natural flowers that have their roots in the spiritual realm. Hopefully, more people will realize that only by personally contemplating and striving to know the roots, will they ever truly understand the blossoms unfolding in America and the world.