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Over 1 million Americans were killed by a Chinese biological weapon. That same biological attack also elected a president whose administration took the lead in covering up the attack.
And that COVID coverup also showed how an unelected and treasonous shadow government had taken control of the Biden administration and of the United States of America.
The pandemic was the most devastating attack on America since Pearl Harbor and 9/11, and determining responsibility for it was the most crucial question of the day. Early efforts to assign responsibility to Communist China had been countered with propaganda and censorship.
But by the time that the Biden administration took office, the ‘lab leak’ theory arguing that Chinese tampering in a laboratory had created the pandemic could no longer be suppressed.
The National Intelligence Council was tasked with conducting a “90-day sprint” to determine the origins of COVID-19 as allegations grew that it had come out of a Chinese Communist biolab. The head of Global Health Security for the National Intelligence Council was a former World Health Organization (WHO) consultant: a group that had been accused of being compromised by China and which had vocally denied any possibility that the virus had come from a lab.
The report was completed and Biden was briefed on the “official conclusion” that the virus was a natural phenomenon. In reality, as the Wall Street Journal report revealed, figures on the Council deliberately withheld and suppressed materials from analysts at the FBI and the Defense Intelligence Agency who believed that a ‘lab leak’ was the most likely explanation.
Biden was not allowed to hear any of that information. And that really meant that he wasn’t allowed to make a meaningful decision about one of the most critical issues facing him.
What was at stake in the debate over the origins of the COVID pandemic was the president’s responsibility to confront and address the worst episode of biological warfare against the United States since WWI. Not only was Biden mentally unable to deal with it, but a shadow government had been put into place to control his actions by denying him the information needed to reach a decision. Rather than Biden being in charge, it was his gatekeepers who were calling the shots.
The treasonous outcome of that shadow government decision was that America never confronted the complicity of China, or the American and international organizations like WHO, in the pandemic. And since it was that pandemic, more than anything else, that brought Biden and his political palace guard to power, the China cover-up may be no coincidence.
If the pandemic had been natural in origin, then so was Biden’s presidency, but if the pandemic had come out of a Chinese bio-lab, then Biden’s presidency had also come out of that same lab.
And figures in the shadow government surrounding Biden appeared determined to cover it up.
As the Biden administration’s final days wind down, more figures from the administrations have described how the man officially serving as president was actually inside a political cocoon, out of contact with his Senate-confirmed cabinet members, with all interactions controlled by a small group of staffers who were the ones who appeared to be making all of the decisions.
A previous Wall Street Journal article described “relatively infrequent and often tightly scripted” interactions with Cabinet members. Cabinet members were discouraged from requesting calls with the president and instead received “decisions” that they were expected to carry out.
The usual protocol was for cabinet members to meet with “a member of the president’s senior staff” who would then, allegedly, “bring the issue to the president and report back”.
Whether or not the issues were ever even brought to Biden is unknown, but the occupant of the Oval Office had declined so badly that he needed note cards and prompts to tell him where to go and what questions to answer, and his ‘decisions’ were being scripted on both ends.
For four years, cabinet members, high-ranking members of Congress and key figures in the government, had little to no contact with the president, but were tasked with implementing decisions that were being delivered to them by staffers and advisers engaged in a palace coup.
It was these staffers and advisers who were the ones actually running the country. Much like President Woodrow Wilson’s wife Edith, during his incapacity, they controlled what the president heard, what he knew and what he said. With Biden relying heavily on note cards and prompts, this treasonous shadow government made him a prisoner of the White House.
And there is every reason to believe that they are still the ones making all the decisions.
This ‘sanctuary insurrection’ seized control of the White House and the executive branch of the United States government by impostors who used the president’s power in his absence.
And none have dared call it what it is… treason.
The usurpation of presidential powers by a palace coup was an attack on constitutional government. Instead of employing the 25th Amendment to report Biden’s mental incapacity, an inner circle of staffers and advisers set up a shadow government whose purpose was to prevent anyone on the outside from learning about his incapacity while allowing them to run the country.
Beyond COVID, we do not know how all of the administration’s specific policies were impacted by this shadow government, but it should be assumed that every presidential policy went through this same funnel process and that America has been run by this treasonous palace coup.
The next step must be to identify the members and participants in the palace coup, to subpoena members of the administration, establish the point at which Biden became incapacitated and the shadow government assumed power, invalidate all decisions made from that point on, and indict the participants in the shadow government who treasonously usurped the powers of the president. And by usurping presidential powers, they also usurped representative government.
The palace coup was carried out not just against one failing man, but against the American people. Biden may leave office, but that alone will not repair the damage that has been done.
Americans do not elect staffers, they elect candidates. In the physical or mental absence of a legislator or president, his or her staffers have no constitutional authority to run the government. Biden’s mental incapacity was one man’s failure, but by covering it up, it became systemic treason. Even though the media lied about Biden’s mental state, most Americans could see that he was incapable. And they lost trust in a government that was no longer representative.
America had no president for four years. The next administration will be tasked with not only fixing the economy and national defense, but with restoring a constitutional government.
Beijing Biden is a clinical psychopath. This has never been properly addressed by anyone. Everything in his life points to that hard fact.
Here are some of the main traits of a psychopath. Judge for yourself:
Common Psychopath Traits:
Antisocial behavior.
Superficial charm.
Callous, unemotional traits.
Lack of guilt.
Lack of empathy.
Lack of fear.
Once you comprehend this, everything makes sense. Biden is a psychopath.
Wait, are you describing Obama ?
Also doesn’t “staffer”really mean Obama and Obama’s team?
Same description would describe Mr. Obama and so many other politicians both sides of the isle. What else is a Politician?? One who wants control the conversation and the purse. And it is a HUGE Purse.
I criticized John Lindsay, a NYC mayor. His supporters, unable to defend him, resorted to, “They [politicians] are all like that.” Since then, I have rejected that excuse.
“The Biden administration came out of a Chinese biolab.”
Love it!
The alliterative “lab leak” term is another coverup. It’s as if “Oh darn, honey, I let the gain of function killer bio weapon slip out of the door with the cat tonight”
Leak? Really?
Who has been the actual president these last four years after the theft of 2020?
That is the question. The greatest crime in our history. Treason on a scale never seen.
Until the people who did this hang publicly, we live under a criminal government and they are not legitimate.
The establishment is currently ruling the entire western world and the head of the establishment is the bureaucracy that is the UN.
When president Trump starts to defund it, then and only then will things change.
The UN owns the World pHarma Organisation which owns the lab.
Next up, NATO.
None of this “shadow government” reveal is really news. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knew this all along. The only question that needs to be answered is who are those behind the scenes.
obuma was setting up a shadow gov when he left office along with soros $$$$$.
AIPAC/JINSA and myriad other Marxist organizations are to blame for the coverups and the poisonous Covid Vaccines.
And yet crickets from congressional Republicans. It’s truly disgusting what has/continues to take place.
Since I followed biological warfare for many decades, the simplest explanation, according to Occam’s Razor, was that it came from a bio-lab.
Yeah it originated in the Wuhan Laboratory of Virology In Wuhan China. It’s not much of a mystery where it originated. All the first infectees came from that lab? Golly, what a coincidence.
I hope President Trump nukes those little rice dicks. Everybody with even a single brain cell knows the CCP deliberately unleashed the Wuhan flu on the world.
Sadly, the fake pandemic which led to the fake deadly vaccine (which is still being given to Americans from 6 weeks old to 90 years) and to the deadly hospital “protocols”, all this started under President Trump and he did nothing to put a stop to it. In fact, he has consistently lied about the vaccine and always praises it for saving 100 million lives. He did this throughout his most recent campaign. It is a bald faced lie. And so, his new administration will do nothing to stop the new wave of MRNA vaccines that are coming or to prosecute those who used fraud and criminal intent to push the poison on as many Americans as possible. Biden certainly did all this too. But Trump initiated with Fauci and has never wavered in his support of the deadly vaccines.
RFK Jr., Jay Battacharia & Marty Makary are 3 reasons why Trump will not be making the same mistake. So, rest easy kind sir.
Same thing here in the UK, the so called conservatives have pumped billions into vaccine factories.
trump was at the very beginning of covid and had to listen to the experts which were liars & communist puppets. he had to listen to Fauci believing he was being truthful. but as we later learned Fauci was a Chinese liar. Fauci should be arrested, convicted and executed. but it’s so much easier to blame trump.
Most important; Biden was incompetent for 4 years so are his mandates and executive orders and all decisions regarding American and its people even legal. What about all the money he is giving away. He never care or put American citizens first. Everthing he did needs to be reversed where possible. He and his people need to be charged with TREASON. Better start saying it out loud in all media outlets.
Well, when your ascension to office requires a fake insurrection to ensure it took place, I’d say the end of constitutionally outlined/representative government predates everything the Big Guy is linked with.
O and H crapeated Covid to use during her term. Release it, use E.O. 13603. Clean out threats. Open the border to our replacements.
When that fell through, it was used to get rid of Trump, and make $ for them.
Just rewrote section 8 policy, and tps to replace us, and give them our houses. Built them quite a few as well.
In Dante’s Inferno the corrupt leaders where basted in boiling oil in Hell but their corrupt advisors where thrust directly into the flames.
Excellent column. One quibble, though. The column says, “The pandemic was the most devastating attack on America since Pearl Harbor and 9/11, and determining responsibility for it was the most crucial question of the day.”. I have been assured by highly placed government and media officials that this describes the three hour protest at the Capital on January 6, 2021, not the release of a human-manipulated from a Chinese institute of virology that killed 1.2 million Americans and many more worldwide was the most devastating attack on America since Pearl Harbor and 9/11, Certainly, they can’t both be true so which is it?
Highly placed government officials and media?
You need alternative, investigative news resources as that statement is truly ludicrous. Do you really think that Daniel Greenfield does not do thorough research before writing his columns?
What about Darren Beatty at Revolver News who has blown the insurrection narrative on J6 to smithereens. Your sources place you squarely in the propaganda pockets of the representatives and media. for this shadow government he has described.
You need to read Kasandra’s post in a different light. She wasn’t saying what she believed was true, she was pointing out, in her own way, the lies and deception of those highly placed people.
Thanks. First, though, I’m a he, not a she. Second, you are indeed correct, I was being sarcastic, or maybe it’s facetious, I’m not sure which is appropriate, when I wrote that “I have been assured….”
It was sarcasm 🙂
Seeing that it all happened under Trump and he unleashed the bioweapon on the people and pimped it for Big Pharma as safe and effective EVEN TO THIS DAY, you really should cover why that is because Trump is no more on Team USA than Biden and it’s high time people recognize that.
In February 2020, President Trump appointed Vice President Mike Pence to be in charge of coordinating the US government’s response to the Covid virus outbreak.
BBC News February 27, 2020
Addressing the press, Mr Trump expressed confidence that the US would be able to handle coronavirus.
“We’re very, very ready for this,” Mr Trump said, adding that Mr Pence has “got a certain talent for this”.
Suck a dead man’s dick and die, you chomo.
I don’t know if you can post links so I’ll try. This Star Trek video reminds me of what’s installed in the White House now with the exception that Biden is aware of what’s happening.
Star Trek – It’s Time To Stop The Bloodshed
Looking at the Biden presidency with a great deal of suspicion, it is clear that one of Biden’s primary puppetmasters or controllers, was none other than Barack Obama. This might explain why Barack and his “man-wife” Michelle, the former Michael LaVaughn Robinson, stayed in Washington instead of relocating to another area of the country as other former Presidents have done at the end of their term. Obama was living out his dream of a third term by being involved in decisions made within the Biden administration that only appeared to come from the President. The Kenyan born Obama was still able to carry out his “Destroy America” agenda from the shadows. He should have to answer for the scam he pulled on America !!
I think most would be astonished how easily gain of function experimentation can be achieved in a lab