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It’s a little bit early for Halloween (no matter what your local big box store aisle might suggest) but the COVID ghouls and goblins are making a comeback.
First, it was Fauci.
Former White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci on Saturday defended masking amid a rise in COVID cases across the country, saying he hopes people would listen to advice from health officials.
In an interview on CNN, Fauci said he is worried Americans won’t listen to recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — even if masking becomes necessary again.
Now scarf lady is back too.
Dr. Deborah Birx, former White House coronavirus response coordinator during the Trump administration, said the U.S. has largely let its guard down and is ignoring the summer wave of infections, despite the fact that the virus is following a predictable pattern the nation has been through ever year of the pandemic.
“We’re living in a bit of a fantasy world where we’re pretending Covid is not relevant,” Birx told ABC in a podcast interview last week. “There is a lot of Covid out there and we’re not testing for it and we’re not telling people to get tested,” she said
What do Birx’s Thanksgiving travel plans look like? We know what they looked like when she was scolding Americans for getting together with their families.
Before Thanksgiving 2020, Birx warned Americans to limit celebrations to “your immediate household.”
“We know people may have made mistakes over the Thanksgiving time period,” the scarf-wearing public health fashionista scolded the country. “If you’re young and you gathered, you need to be tested about five to 10 days later. But you need to assume that you’re infected and not go near your grandparents and aunts and others without a mask.”
After Thanksgiving weekend, Birx flew out to a vacation home in Delaware accompanied by family members from two different households. A few days after the story broke, the longtime Fauci associate announced that she would be retiring from her position because of “what was done in the last week to my family.”
If the media were anything more than a propaganda and opposition research operation, the least its members could do is ask about what Birx is doing herself. Or at least mention the disgraceful departure.
Instead, she’s being quoted as an authority… from the previous administration with no mention of her current gigs.
Birx is currently listed as a board director at Nanolive, a Swiss biotech firm, and ActivePure which claims that it has the only technology to “reduce 99.9% of the Virus That Causes COVID-19 Both On Surfaces and In the Air”.
Conflicts of interest? Not a problem. Be sure to listen to Scarf Debbie and don’t ask what she’ll be doing for Thanksgiving.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Credentialists masquerading as scientists.
Greg says
Dr. “Karen” looks like Dr. Fauci in drag… or vice versa.
NAVY ET1 says
Quercetin, D3, C and zinc taken daily and you can ignore the ghouls even more than you already had been. In actuality, you can have a little fun at their expense.
I’ve told this story before but, just after the height of the Plannedemic, my wife and I had to go to the funeral of our daughter-in-law’s father (who had been very ill for as long as we’d know him) in a liberal college town where the fear porn Kool-aid had been readily consumed by all. The jabbed were all gathered together there, masked and maintaining the arbitrary social distancing to which they were accustomed. My wife and I came in without masks and were looked upon like one would when discovering a new tribe in New Guinea. It got interesting when we tried to shake hands. I’d say it got hilarious, but we were at a funeral after all.
A week and a half later, my daughter-in-law called in a panic. “Are you guys ok? Nearly everyone at the funeral now has COVID.” After chuckling internally, I replied “We’re just fine. Not even a sniffle. Maybe everyone just needs another booster.” Lol
NYgal says
Thanks for reminding me to start taking those supplements again. Covid is back, but I don’t think it’s very dangerous. A lady a decade older than I, and I’m no spring chicken, has it now and she seems to be doing fine.
NAVY ET1 says
I’ve been taking them all daily since Dr Zelenko came up with the formula, though I have cut my D3 dosage in half during the summer months (it’s a very large dose) and it may be purely coincidental, but I haven’t been sick at all since I started taking them a couple of years ago. I’m typically good for a couple of colds and a couple of sinus infections annually, with a case of the flu thrown in there, every other year or so. Nothing. Like I say, maybe it’s just a coincidence, but it doesn’t feel like one.
Algorithmic Analyst says
lol, thanks NAVY ET1, good story.
Everyone I knew whose story I was able to get details of who got the jab got Covid shortly afterwards, then projected the blame on anything but the jab.
NAVY ET1 says
Absolutely, AA. I haven’t any doubt in my mind that the sheeple there blamed my wife and I for their cases but, while I was fortunate enough to retire early (and the year before COVID) and was afforded the luxury of telling everyone to piss off with their jab and testing recommendations, my wife was and still is working and wasn’t so fortunate. Thankfully, their jab recommendations for her were on the honor system and she wasn’t so “honorable”, but anytime anyone working near her got COVID, she had to be tested. Tested 8 times after starting the Zelenko vitamin and supplement formula and was negative in each case. To date, she’s the only person at her bank that hasn’t had COVID.
I’m no doctor or a scientist, but it seems Dr Zelenko’s batting average is much better than big pharma’s.
LJ says
You know what other viruses follow a predictable pattern year after year? The common cold and the common flu, both of which cause about the same number of deaths as the WuFlu, yet nobody seems to be bent out of shape about those.
Onzeur Trante says
Really astounding that these ghouls are trying to make a comeback. The litmus test will be if Americans fall for this again. If we do, it’s game over.
internalexile says
In “A Plague On Our House” Scott Atlas describes his heated exchanges with Birx in the white house task force meetings. She became quite unhinged when someone dared to question her knowledge or authority.
Holy Smokes says
The newest version of this virus is called “GFY-19”
I would like to strand Fauci in the Wilderness with only the clothes on his back and see his be able to survive outside the pampered lifestyle or the mass Murers he has committed
Deserttrek says
Covid is,was,and always will be a fraud.
Another way to destroy freedoms and control the populace, just like climate change.
NYgal says
Covid wasn’t a fraud, it was a bio-weapon and a lot of people had died because of it. I know that the argument is that ‘only’ those who were old or had co-morbidities had died but tell that to my granddaughters 12-year-old friend who had lost her mother , a woman only in her early forties, to Covid.
The real crime was that the lockdowns we’re NOT the solution, vaccinating young people and children and closing schools was not a solution, but the supplements listed in prior post were, so was hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin , the two drugs, which were viable treatments and which were deliberately denied to the population at large.
The CDC which told the pregnant women that it’s safe to get vaccines, now has no moral standing to issue any medical directives or advice.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Also, ordinary quinine works.
Deserttrek says
People died with covid not from covid.
Co morbidities and a flu can be deadly.
Happens regularly
Cat says
Thank you for your comment! When people pretend it was just a cold they are letting the mass murderers off the hook. I’ lost colleagues and friends. Yes, lots of older people too. These were precious lives, human beings. But the convenient lie that it was not a deadly illness fits the rhetoric of some people. .
Families lost loved ones around here and couldn’t even hold funerals or memorials.
IMO it was a bioweapon attack in an election year and was against Trump. To ruin his economy & to justify easier vote fraud methods. Also to bankrupt many small business and enrich a few. It hurt kids, And lockdowns have had continuing negative mental health impact. Politicians like Cuomo & also Levine tried to spread it further. It was a mass murder.
NYgal says
My comment to you awaits moderation since I had mentioned the forbidden drugs.
Mickorn says
Yeah! How dare those frauds recommend that Americans “listen to advice from health officials”? That’s just ridiculous!
de Cosmos says
Dr. Deborah Birx is the best ‘scarf lady’ ever. She is light years ahead of any competitors.